コード例 #1
int main(){

	makeFileCopy("tests.log", "temp.txt");


	header("File Loading");

	ExpHourCalc *expHourCalc = new ExpHourCalc();
	GatheringLog *gatheringLog = new GatheringLog();
	LogFileParser *fileNotExist = new LogFileParser("sdlfkjskldfj");
	doTest("LogFileParser with invalid logfile input", fileNotExist->isOK, false);

	LogFileParser *parser = new LogFileParser("temp.txt");
	doTest("LogFileParser with valid logfile", parser->isOK, true);

	//ExpHourCalc *failtest = new ExpHourCalc("sldfkjslkdfj");
	//doTest("ExpHourCalc init failtest", failtest->isOK, false);

	//ExpHourCalc *expHourCalc = new ExpHourCalc("temp.txt");
	//doTest("ExpHourCalc init expHourCalc", expHourCalc->isOK, true);

	doTest("Level 1 exp", expHourCalc->getExpChartEntry(1), 400);
	doTest("Level 65 exp", expHourCalc->getExpChartEntry(65), 584561235);


	header("XP / AP Gain");

	expHourCalc->start(-1, -1, -1);

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 23:35:36 : Critical Hit!You inflicted 944 damage on Wori by using Righteous Punishment I. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 23:35:36 : You have gained 1,008 Abyss Points. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 23:35:36 : You have gained 8,867 XP from Wori. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 23:35:36 : You have defeated Wori. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 23:35:36 : Invalid target. ");


	cout << endl << "No level, xp, or ap input" << endl;
	doTest("exp: ", expHourCalc->expGained, 8867);
	//doTest("formatted exp display", expHour

	cout << endl << "XP + AP gain" << endl;
	doTest("XP: ", expHourCalc->expGained, 8867);
	doTest("AP: ", expHourCalc->apGained, 1008);
	doTest("last tick XP", expHourCalc->lastExpPacket, 8867);
	doTest("last tick AP", expHourCalc->lastApPacket, 1008);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);
	doTest("numExpPacketsOnLastChange", expHourCalc->numExpPacketsOnLastChange, 1);
	doTest("numApPacketsOnLastChange", expHourCalc->numApPacketsOnLastChange, 1);
	doTest("currentExp", expHourCalc->currentExp, -1);
	doTest("currentAp", expHourCalc->currentExp, -1);
	doTest("getLastExpPacketPercent", expHourCalc->getLastExpPacketPercent(), 0);
	doTest("getLastApPacketPercent", expHourCalc->getLastApPacketPercent(), 0);
	doTest("getExpChartEntry", expHourCalc->getExpChartEntry(expHourCalc->level), -1);
	doTest("getNextRankAp", expHourCalc->getNextRankAp(), -1);

	cout << endl << "Quest EXP with repose" << endl;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 22:17:33 : Roadhouse recovered 183 MP due to the effect of Strong Instant Recovery. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 22:17:34 : You have gained 20,052,999 XP from Vard (Energy of Repose 10,405). ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 22:17:34 : Quest complete: Kata-where? ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 22:17:34 : Quest updated: For the Dead ");

	doTest("exp gained: ", expHourCalc->expGained, 20052999 + 8867);
	doTest("repose consumed: ", expHourCalc->reposeExp, 10405);
	doTest("currentExp", expHourCalc->currentExp, -1);
	doTest("getLastExpPacketPercent", expHourCalc->getLastExpPacketPercent(), 0);

	cout << endl << "Strong repose" << endl;


	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 22:17:34 : You have gained 200,000 XP from Vard (Strong Energy of Repose 100,000). ");

	doTest("Strong exp gained: ", expHourCalc->expGained, 200000);
	doTest("Strong repose consumed: ", expHourCalc->reposeExp, 100000);


	header("Repose + salvation");


	expHourCalc->level = 20;
	expHourCalc->expGained = 5000;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 12000;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.26 22:05:44 : You have gained 15,411 XP from Studio Butler (Energy of Repose 3,626, Energy of Salvation 2,719).");

	doTest("current exp: ", expHourCalc->currentExp, 27411);
	doTest("exp gained: ", expHourCalc->expGained, 20411);
	doTest("repose consumed: ", expHourCalc->reposeExp, 3626);
	doTest("salvation consumed: ", expHourCalc->salvationExp, 2719);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);
	doTest("numExpPacketsOnLastChange", expHourCalc->numExpPacketsOnLastChange, 1);
	doTest("numApPacketsOnLastChange", expHourCalc->numApPacketsOnLastChange, 0);


	cout << endl << "Strong Repose + salvation" << endl;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.26 22:05:44 : You have gained 23,000 XP from Studio Butler (Strong Energy of Repose 10,000, Energy of Salvation 3,000).");


	doTest("exp gained: ", expHourCalc->expGained, 23000);
	doTest("strong repose consumed: ", expHourCalc->reposeExp, 10000);
	doTest("salvation consumed: ", expHourCalc->salvationExp, 3000);


	cout << endl << "Salvation only" << endl;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.26 22:05:44 : You have gained 13.000.000 XP from s u p e r c h a r g e d (Energy of Salvation 3.000.000).");


	doTest("exp gained: ", expHourCalc->expGained, 13000000);
	doTest("salvation consumed: ", expHourCalc->salvationExp, 3000000);

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.26 22:05:44 : You have gained 6666 XP from f*****g piece of shit (Energy of Salvation 666).");


	doTest("Additional salvation consumed: ", expHourCalc->salvationExp, 3000000 + 666);



	header("With level and starting exp, gathering");

	expHourCalc->level = 20;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 12000;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.29 23:55:28 : You have started gathering Ancient Aether.");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.02 01:25:12 : You have acquired [item:152000916;ver4;;;;]. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.02 01:25:12 : You have gained 7,580 XP. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.02 01:25:12 : You have gained experience from gathering. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.02 01:25:12 : You have started gathering Pure Ancient Aether. ");

	doTest("new exp value: ", expHourCalc->currentExp, 19580);
	doTest("new exp gained: ", expHourCalc->expGained, 7580);


	header("Level up exp rollover");
	expHourCalc->level = 5;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 7000;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 22:17:34 : You have gained 2,000 XP from Vard.");


	doTest("char exp", expHourCalc->currentExp, 7000 + 2000 - 8601);
	doTest("total exp gained", expHourCalc->expGained, 2000);
	doTest("char lvl", expHourCalc->level, 6);


	header("Pre ascension exp waste");


	expHourCalc->level = 9;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 10000;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:42:49 : Quest updated: Ascension ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:42:49 : You have learned the Essencetapping skill. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:42:49 : You have learned the Morph Substances skill. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:42:49 : You have learned [recipe_ex:155005001;DeleteAfterAscen-IS]. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:42:49 : You have learned [recipe_ex:155005002;DeleteAfterAscen-IS]. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:42:49 : You have learned [recipe_ex:155005005;DeleteAfterAscen-IS]. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:42:49 : You have learned the Aethertapping skill. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:42:50 : [3.LFG] [charname:Onimushaz-SL;1.0000 0.6941 0.6941]: [cmd:rGSlNwGJGRxRQv03cJhj8zmbH1pS5sI2+Ojm4GyCo/tFUYOZnylZ5HCClET+4/tCS7qtaOGT6oZDfpuNO+D18g==]Adma Rush Need Cleric at Lannok  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:42:57 : [3.LFG] [charname:Draizon-KR;1.0000 0.6941 0.6941]: [cmd:ZuRJ77suA3HGXknXXvlwhpPM8QnGQsOkmk/KeMfcfBdFUYOZnylZ5HCClET+4/tC4UL+Ir0PulB5jOt1gqsgzQ==]NTC need all! ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:43:01 : [3.LFG] [charname:Demolize-TM;1.0000 0.6941 0.6941]: [cmd:P4LwuGgTZY+ycKKEACMJvuAyWLtXF0rdZGbvQ8Z9+DdFUYOZnylZ5HCClET+4/tCg5pior9yCPYe0vyEXekmgw==]?BT?NEED ALL 59+ ?? Hard Mode ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:43:04 : You have gained 73,200 XP from Munin. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.28 09:43:04 : You can advance to level 10 only after you have completed the class change quest. ");

	doTest("char exp", expHourCalc->currentExp, 43087);	
	doTest("char level", expHourCalc->level, 9);
	doTest("exp gained", expHourCalc->expGained, 33087);

	expHourCalc->currentExp = 43087;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 22:17:34 : You have gained 2,000 XP from Vard.");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 09:43:04 : You can advance to level 10 only after you have completed the class change quest. ");


	doTest("char exp", expHourCalc->currentExp, 43087);
	doTest("char level", expHourCalc->level, 9);

	cout << endl << "Ascended" << endl;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 22:17:34 : You have gained 2,000 XP from Vard.");


	doTest("char exp", expHourCalc->currentExp, 2000);
	doTest("char level", expHourCalc->level, 10);


	header("Fast Track Server level cap exp waste");


	expHourCalc->level = 55;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 103225345;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.09.23 22:26:04 : You have used Inggison Illusion Fortress Scroll. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.09.23 22:26:13 : aasfer-IS was affected by its own Aion's Favor I. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.09.23 22:26:15 : Quest updated: [Coin] For the Scholars ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.09.23 22:26:20 : You have acquired 5 [item:186000018;ver4;;;;]s and stored them in your special cube. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.09.23 22:26:20 : You have gained 4,186,683 XP from Eduardo. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.09.23 22:26:20 : You cannot be Level 56 on the Fast-Track Server. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.09.23 22:26:20 : Quest complete: [Coin] For the Scholars ");

	doTest("char exp", expHourCalc->currentExp, 104225345);	
	doTest("char level", expHourCalc->level, 55);
	doTest("exp gained", expHourCalc->expGained, 1000000);


	header("Level cap exp waste");

	expHourCalc->level = 65;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 10000000;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 22:17:34 : You have gained 20,052,999 XP from Vard (Energy of Repose 10,405). ");

	doTest("char exp", expHourCalc->currentExp, 30052999);
	doTest("exp gained", expHourCalc->expGained, 20052999);
	doTest("last exp packet", expHourCalc->lastExpPacket, 20052999);
	doTest("char level", expHourCalc->level, 65);
	doTest("repose consumed", expHourCalc->reposeExp, 10405);

	expHourCalc->level = 65;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 584561235;

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.06.27 22:17:34 : You have gained 20,052,999 XP from Vard (Energy of Repose 10,405). ");

	doTest("char exp", expHourCalc->currentExp, 584561235);
	doTest("exp gained", expHourCalc->expGained, 0);
	doTest("last exp packet", expHourCalc->lastExpPacket, 20052999);
	doTest("char level", expHourCalc->level, 65);
	doTest("repose consumed", expHourCalc->reposeExp, 10405);


	header("Soul Healing / EXP loss on death");

	//lv 13
	//61581 xp
	//551 zeny
	//gain 2171
	//60766 xp


	//lv 43
	//18022 zeny
	//gain 244780

	cout << "lv 13 exp 61851" << endl;

	expHourCalc->level = 13;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 61851;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You are no longer bleeding. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You have died. ");


	doTest("Died to a monster, most likely XP lost, needExpUpdate is true", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, true);
	doTest("needApUpdate is false unless there was no XP loss", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.04 18:15:04 : You spent 551 Kinah.");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.04 18:15:04 : You have gained 2,171 XP. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.04 18:15:04 : You received Soul Healing. ");


	doTest("exp change:", expHourCalc->lastExpPacket, -1085);
	doTest("exp after:", expHourCalc->currentExp, 60766);
	doTest("zeny spent:", expHourCalc->cashSpent, 551);
	doTest("last zeny transaction:", expHourCalc->lastCashTransaction, -551);
	doTest("Soul healing done, needExpUpdate is false", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, false);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);
	doTest("expLostToDeaths", expHourCalc->expLostToDeaths, 1085 + 2171);


	cout << "lv 43 exp 21016061" << endl;

	expHourCalc->level = 43;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 21016061;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You have died. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.04 18:40:23 : You spent 18,022 Kinah. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.04 18:40:23 : You have gained 244,780 XP. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.04 18:40:23 : You received Soul Healing.");


	doTest("exp change:", expHourCalc->lastExpPacket, -122390);
	doTest("exp gained so far:", expHourCalc->expGained, -122390);
	doTest("exp after:", expHourCalc->currentExp, 20893671);
	doTest("zeny spent:", expHourCalc->cashSpent, 18022);
	doTest("last zeny transaction:", expHourCalc->lastCashTransaction, -18022);

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You have died. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.04 18:40:23 : You spent 18,022 Kinah. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.04 18:40:23 : You have gained 244,780 XP. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.07.04 18:40:23 : You received Soul Healing.");


	doTest("expLostToDeaths after 2 deaths", expHourCalc->expLostToDeaths, (244780 + 122390) * 2);
	doTest("exp gained so far:", expHourCalc->expGained, -244780);
	doTest("currentExp:", expHourCalc->currentExp, 20893671 - 122390);


	header("1 zeny soul healing -> PKed");


	expHourCalc->level = 43;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 21016061;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You have died. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 00:54:59 : Saamn recovered 183 MP due to the effect of Strong Instant Recovery. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 00:54:59 : You have resurrected. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 00:55:02 : [3.LFG] [charname:ImSoBucci;1.0000 0.6941 0.6941]: [cmd:0cWaGV/kjHuy7eO6sQkkLIOFT2cFnzucw1Y29SlJmwZFUYOZnylZ5HCClET+4/tCGl2bZjvYqe8X4QPegOqKKQ==]BTHM LF DPS,TANK,HEALS ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 00:55:04 : Demonjon restored 1,940 HP. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 00:55:04 : Demonjon restored 357 MP. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 00:55:09 : You spent 1 Kinah. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 00:55:09 : You received Soul Healing. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 00:55:11 : The weapon has been changed. ");


	doTest("PK soul healing no exp loss check:", expHourCalc->currentExp, 21016061);


	header("Clear needExpUpdate if no XP to recover");

	expHourCalc->level = 44;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 10000000;
	expHourCalc->expGained = 480752;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.15 18:24:31 : You can see again ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.15 18:24:31 : You have died. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.15 16:42:31 : You have resurrected. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.13 17:11:07 : You do not have any XP to recover. ");

	doTest("needExpUpdate", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, false);
	doTest("needApUpdate", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);


	header("Manual exp update - pve death");

	expHourCalc->level = 44;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 10000000;
	expHourCalc->expGained = 480752;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 20:21:33 : You cannot do that while you are in combat.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 20:21:33 : You have died.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 20:21:49 : You have resurrected.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 20:21:49 : You cannot attack the enemy faction in this region.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 20:22:00 : Suder inflicted 4,192 damage on Training Dummy by using Ritual Push I.  ");

	expHourCalc->updateExp(10000000 - 380752);

	doTest("currentExp", expHourCalc->currentExp, 10000000 - 380752);
	doTest("expGained", expHourCalc->expGained, 100000);
	doTest("lastExpPacket", expHourCalc->lastExpPacket, -380752);
	doTest("needExpUpdate", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, false);
	doTest("expLostToDeaths", expHourCalc->expLostToDeaths, 380752);

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 20:22:02 : You spent 28,259 Kinah.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 20:22:02 : You have gained 719,902 XP.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 20:22:02 : You received Soul Healing.  ");


	doTest("soul heal after manual exp update: currentExp", expHourCalc->currentExp, 10000000 - 380752 + 719902);
	doTest("needExpUpdate is false", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, false);
	doTest("needApUpdate is false", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);
	doTest("lastCashTransaction", expHourCalc->lastCashTransaction, -28259);
	doTest("cashSpent", expHourCalc->cashSpent, 28259);
	doTest("expLostToDeaths", expHourCalc->expLostToDeaths, 380752);



	header("Abyss Rank");

	expHourCalc->currentAp = 1000;

	doTest("9 kyu test", expHourCalc->getAbyssRankName(), "9 kyu");

	expHourCalc->currentAp = 120000;

	doTest("2 kyu test", expHourCalc->getAbyssRankName(), "2 kyu");

	expHourCalc->currentAp = 200000;

	doTest("200000 AP test", expHourCalc->getAbyssRankName(), "???");

	expHourCalc->currentAp = 2000000000;

	doTest("2 billion AP test", expHourCalc->getAbyssRankName(), "???");


	header("AP Spending");

	expHourCalc->currentAp = 95000;
	expHourCalc->apGained = 95000;
	expHourCalc->lastApPacket = 95000;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.03 18:15:39 : Your Abyss Rank has changed to Soldier, Rank 7. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.03 18:15:39 : You used 89,775 Abyss Points. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.03 18:15:40 : [3.LFG] [charname:Vladarina;1.0000 0.6941 0.6941]: Asmos, we expect a LOT of elyos to attack [pos:Pradeth;600060000 2676.0 2720.2 0.0 0] tonight. I need everybody (even level 50s) I can get inside of that fort EARLY, before 11 pm est vuln (5 hours). Bind  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.03 18:15:40 : You have purchased [item:140000816;ver4;;;;]. ");


	doTest("AP spent ", expHourCalc->apSpent, 89775);
	doTest("AP after purchase", expHourCalc->currentAp, 5225);
	doTest("AP gained after purchase", expHourCalc->apGained, 5225);		
	doTest("last AP Packet", expHourCalc->lastApPacket, -89775);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);


	header("Got PKed, need to ask for manual AP update");

	expHourCalc->currentAp = 100000;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 16:15:18 : Tip: Elyos and Asmodians cannot fight one another in a neutral zone.");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 16:15:18 : You may be unable to use certain skills or items in this area. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 16:15:18 : A survey has arrived. Click the icon to open the survey window. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 16:15:20 : You have joined Standard Server. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.07 00:56:26 : You are no longer silenced.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.07 00:56:26 : Your movement speed is restored to normal.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.07 00:56:26 : Your attack speed is restored to normal.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.07 00:56:26 : You were killed by Thomasbangalter's attack.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.07 00:56:28 : Noble Energy inflicted 684 damage on Thomasbangalter by using Noble Energy IV.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.07 00:56:28 : Thomasbangalter inflicted 733 damage on Devios by using Illusion Storm VII.  ");


	doTest("I'm on Standard Server", expHourCalc->getCurrentServer(), "Standard");
	doTest("Got PKed in standard server, need ap update yes", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, true);
	doTest("needExpUpdate needs to be false", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, false);

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:26 : You have resurrected. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:52 : You spent 1 Kinah. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:52 : You received Soul Healing. ");


	doTest("already updated AP, don't apupdate again", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.07 00:56:26 : You were killed by Sogyawie's attack.  ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:26 : You have resurrected. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:52 : You spent 1 Kinah. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:52 : You received Soul Healing. ");


	doTest("Got PKed, didn't update AP, soul healed", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, true);

	header("Got killed in structured PvP, no AP loss, don't ask for update");

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:14 : You have item(s) left to settle at the Broker. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:16 : You have joined the group. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:16 : You have joined Instance Server. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:21 : You have joined the Terath Dredgion region channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:21 : You have joined the Terath Dredgion trade channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:21 : You have joined the LFG Channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:23 : Nekoh-IS has joined your group. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:24 : You have joined the Templar Channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 19:04:58 : You were killed by Mrplatino's attack.");


	doTest("I'm on Instance Server", expHourCalc->getCurrentServer(), "Instance");
	doTest("needApUpdate should be false", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);

	header("Got killed in by mobster in structured PvP, manual EXP enter, no EXP or AP loss, don't ask for AP update");

	expHourCalc->level = 60;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 1234567;
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:14 : You have item(s) left to settle at the Broker. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:16 : You have joined the group. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:16 : You have joined Instance Server. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:21 : You have joined the Terath Dredgion region channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:21 : You have joined the Terath Dredgion trade channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:21 : You have joined the LFG Channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:23 : Nekoh-IS has joined your group. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:24 : You have joined the Templar Channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 19:04:58 : You have died. ");

	doTest("needApUpdate should be false", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);
	doTest("expLostToDeaths", expHourCalc->expLostToDeaths, 0);
	doTest("apLostToPk", expHourCalc->apLostToPk, 0);

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.05 16:15:20 : You have joined Standard Server. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You are no longer bleeding. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You have died. ");

	header("Back to Standard Server, attacked by enemy faction player, finished blow from monster"); 
	doTest("Don't know whether XP was lost or not - needExpUpdate is true", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, true);

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You do not have much flight time left. Please land on a secure place. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : Pashid Offense Elite Fighter is in the boost Physical Def,Magical Defense state because Pashid Offense Elite Fighter used Conqueror's Passion. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : Pashid Offense Elite Protector is in the boost Physical Def,Magical Defense state because Pashid Offense Elite Protector used Conqueror's Passion. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:20 : Pashid Offense Elite Archer is in the boost Physical Def,Magical Defense state because Pashid Offense Elite Archer used Conqueror's Passion. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:20 : Pashid Offense Elite Archer is in the boost Physical Def,Magical Defense state because Pashid Offense Elite Archer used Conqueror's Passion. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:20 : Pashid Offense Elite Archer is in the boost Physical Def,Magical Defense state because Pashid Offense Elite Archer used Conqueror's Passion. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:24 : [charname:Gwc;0.6118 0.9059 0.8627]: gub ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:26 : You have resurrected. ");

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:50 : [charname:Mystfang;0.6118 0.9059 0.8627]: omg ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:52 : You spent 1 Kinah. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:52 : You received Soul Healing. ");


	doTest("1 zeny soul healing means u lost AP", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, true);
	doTest("No EXP loss when you lost AP", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, false);
	doTest("Soul healing done, needExpUpdate is false", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, false);

	expHourCalc->currentExp = 100000;
	expHourCalc->currentAp = 1000000;

	header("Manual XP update, EXP unchanged (no exp loss) = possible AP loss");

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You are no longer bleeding. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You have died. ");



	doTest("needApUpdate", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, true);
	doTest("clear needExpUpdate", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, false);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);

	doTest("After manual AP update, needExpUpdate false", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, false);
	doTest("After manual AP update, needApUpdate false", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);
	doTest("current exp", expHourCalc->currentExp, 100000);
	doTest("current ap", expHourCalc->currentAp, 999000);
	doTest("last exp packet", expHourCalc->lastExpPacket, 0);
	doTest("last ap packet", expHourCalc->lastApPacket, -1000);
	doTest("expLostToDeaths", expHourCalc->expLostToDeaths, 0);
	doTest("apLostToPk", expHourCalc->apLostToPk, 1000);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:52 : You spent 1 Kinah. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:52 : You received Soul Healing. ");
	doTest("After manual AP update, soul healed, don't ask for AP update again", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);


	header("Promopt for AP update due to AP loss on death");

	expHourCalc->currentAp = 95000;
	expHourCalc->apGained = 95000;
	expHourCalc->lastApPacket = 1234;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 19:04:58 : You were killed by Mrplatino's attack.");


	cout << endl << "Invalid update" << endl;

	doTest("currentAp after invalid update", expHourCalc->currentAp, 95000);
	doTest("apGained after invalid update", expHourCalc->apGained, 95000);		
	doTest("lastApPacket after invalid update", expHourCalc->lastApPacket, 1234);
	doTest("apLostToPk after invalid update", expHourCalc->apLostToPk, 0);
	doTest("Still need ap update", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, true);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is false", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, false);
	doTest("apLostToPk", expHourCalc->apLostToPk, 0);

	cout << endl << "Valid update" << endl;

	doTest("currentAp after getting PKed", expHourCalc->currentAp, 94500);
	doTest("apGained after getting PKed", expHourCalc->apGained, 94500);		
	doTest("lastApPacket after getting PKed", expHourCalc->lastApPacket, -500);
	doTest("apLostToPk after getting PKed", expHourCalc->apLostToPk, 500);
	doTest("Still need ap update", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);	
	doTest("apLostToPk", expHourCalc->apLostToPk, 500);

	header("Double deaths");

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 17:08:23 : You have gained 3,421,093 XP from Lumiden. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 17:08:23 : You have gained 402 Abyss Points. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 17:08:23 : You can receive the weekly quest again at 9 in the morning on Wednesday. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.09.05 20:35:58 : You were killed by SteveForansi's attack.");

	doTest("currentAp after getting PKed for second time", expHourCalc->currentAp, 93602);
	doTest("apGained after getting PKed for second time", expHourCalc->apGained, 93602);
	doTest("lastApPacket after getting PKed  for second time", expHourCalc->lastApPacket, -1300);
	doTest("apLostToPk", expHourCalc->apLostToPk, 1800);
	doTest("Still need ap update", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);	

	cout << endl << "Reject inputs that exceed currentAP + apLostToPk" << endl;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.09.05 20:35:58 : You were killed by V****a's attack.");


	doTest("currentAp", expHourCalc->currentAp, 93602);
	doTest("apGained ", expHourCalc->apGained, 93602);	
	doTest("lastApPacket", expHourCalc->lastApPacket, -1300);
	doTest("apLostToPk", expHourCalc->apLostToPk, 1800);
	doTest("Still need ap update", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, true);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, false);	


	cout << endl << "Allow manual updates up to currentAP + apLostToPk" << endl;

	doTest("currentAp", expHourCalc->currentAp, 95402);
	doTest("apGained ", expHourCalc->apGained, 95402);
	doTest("lastApPacket", expHourCalc->lastApPacket, 1800);
	doTest("apLostToPk", expHourCalc->apLostToPk, 0);
	doTest("Still need ap update", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is true", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);	


	header("AP not entered during startup");

	expHourCalc->level = 60;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 50000000;
	expHourCalc->currentAp = -1;
	expHourCalc->apGained = 95000;
	expHourCalc->lastApPacket = 1234;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 19:04:58 : You were killed by Mrplatino's attack.");


	doTest("Still need ap update", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is false", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, false);

	cout << endl << "Attacked by player, finishing blow by monster, soul healing" << endl;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You have died. ");

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:52 : You spent 1 Kinah. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:52 : You received Soul Healing. ");


	doTest("Still need ap update", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is false", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, false);

	cout << endl << "Attacked by player, finishing blow by monster, manual exp update" << endl;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.27 23:03:19 : You have died. ");


	doTest("don't need exp update", expHourCalc->needExpUpdate, false);
	doTest("Still need ap update", expHourCalc->needApUpdate, false);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is false", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, true);


	header("Blood Marks and AP Relics");


	expHourCalc->currentAp = 10000;
	expHourCalc->apGained = 1000;
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.23 12:32:19 : You have acquired [item:186000066;ver4;;;;]. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.23 12:32:19 : You have acquired 2 [item:162000120;ver4;;;;](s). ");

	doTest("currentAP after lesser icon", expHourCalc->currentAp, 10000);
	doTest("apGained after lesser icon", expHourCalc->apGained, 1000);
	doTest("relicAp after lesser icon", expHourCalc->relicAp, 315);

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.22 17:19:53 : Quest updated: [Daily] Sweeping Away the Elyos ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.22 17:19:54 : You have acquired 12 [item:186000236;ver4;;;;]s and stored them in your special cube. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.22 17:19:54 : You have gained 3,446,516 XP from Hrund. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.22 17:19:54 : You can receive the weekly quest again at 9 in the morning on Wednesday. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.22 17:19:54 : Quest complete: [Daily] Sweeping Away the Elyos ");


	doTest("relicAp after 12 blood mark", expHourCalc->relicAp, 6413);


	header("NPC Sales");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.11.07 03:15:58 : Sales complete.");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.11.07 03:15:58 : You have earned 288 Kinah.");	

	doTest("cashGained", expHourCalc->cashGained, 288);
	doTest("cashSpent", expHourCalc->cashSpent, 0);
	doTest("lastCashTransaction", expHourCalc->lastCashTransaction, 288);
	doTest("getNetCashFlow()", expHourCalc->getNetCashFlow(), 288);
	doTest("npcSales", expHourCalc->npcSales, 288);

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.09.03 22:39:32 : You sold the item. ");	
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.09.03 22:39:32 : You have gained 376,068 Abyss Points. ");	

	doTest("currentAp", expHourCalc->currentAp, 10000 + 376068);
	doTest("apGained", expHourCalc->apGained, 1000 + 376068);
	doTest("relicAp", expHourCalc->relicAp, 6413 - 376068);

	header("Not NPC Sales");

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.11.05 13:04:54 : You have earned 11,550,000 Kinah.");

	doTest("cashGained", expHourCalc->cashGained, 11550000 + 288);
	doTest("cashSpent", expHourCalc->cashSpent, 0);
	doTest("lastCashTransaction", expHourCalc->lastCashTransaction, 11550000);
	doTest("getNetCashFlow()", expHourCalc->getNetCashFlow(), 11550288);
	doTest("npcSales", expHourCalc->npcSales, 288);

	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.11.05 13:43:19 : Captain Anusa is under attack. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.11.05 13:43:20 : You have gained 5,674 Abyss Points. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt", "2013.11.05 13:43:20 : Quest updated: [Service/Group] Unending Assault ");

	doTest("currentAp", expHourCalc->currentAp, 10000 + 376068 + 5674);
	doTest("apGained", expHourCalc->apGained, 1000 + 376068 + 5674);
	doTest("relicAp", expHourCalc->relicAp, 6413 - 376068);


	header("Join Channel");

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.24 15:28:52 : You have joined the Poeta region channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.24 15:28:52 : You have joined the Poeta trade channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.24 15:28:52 : You have joined the LFG Channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.24 15:28:55 : You have joined the Assassin Channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.24 15:28:55 : You have joined the Ranger Channel. ");
	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.06.25 14:44:16 : You have joined Instance Server.");


	doTest("currentServer", expHourCalc->currentServer, INSTANCE_SERVER);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is false", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, false);


	header("Do not recognize user chat as commands");


	expHourCalc->level = 43;
	expHourCalc->currentExp = 21016061;
	expHourCalc->lastExpPacket = 10000;
	expHourCalc->lastCashTransaction = 62351;

	appendFile("temp.txt","2013.07.24 15:24:51 : [3.LFG] [charname:Eikwel;1.0000 0.6941 0.6941]: blah blah blah : You received Soul Healing.");


	doTest("Soul healing from chat", expHourCalc->currentExp, 21016061);
	doTest("Soul healing from chat", expHourCalc->lastExpPacket, 10000);
	doTest("lastTickHasChanges is false", expHourCalc->lastTickHasChanges, false);


	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: csim_old.c プロジェクト: jianggao0612/CSAPP15213
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	cache_built_param param;
	cache_output_param output;
	output.hits = 0;
	output.misses = 0;
	output.evicts = 0;
	char *trace_file;
	FILE *input_file;

	char trace_op;
	unsigned long long int address; // hold for 64-bytes address
	int size;

	char c;
	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s: E: b: t: hv")) != -1) {

		switch(c) {
			case 's':
				param.s = atoi(optarg); // transfer input string argument to integer
			case 'E':
				param.E = atoi(optarg);	
			case 'b':
				param.b = atoi(optarg);				
			case 't':
				trace_file = optarg;


	 * check whether the input parameters are legal and complete
	if (param.s == 0 || param.E == 0 || param.b == 0 || trace_file == NULL) {
		printf("Miss required command line argument");

	// create a cache according to the given parameters
	cache new_cache = create_cache(param.s, param.E, param.b);

	// open the input file to get operations
	input_file = fopen(trace_file, "r");

	if (input_file != NULL) {

		 * get the trace command from each line
		while(fscanf(input_file, " %c %llx,%d", &trace_op, &address, &size) == 3) {

			switch(trace_op) {

				case 'I':
				case 'S':
					printf("%c %llx %d\n", trace_op, address, size);
					output = simulated_cache(&new_cache, param, output, address);
				case 'L':
					printf("%c %llx %d\n", trace_op, address, size);
					output = simulated_cache(&new_cache, param, output, address);
				case 'M':
					printf("%c %llx %d\n", trace_op, address, size);
					output = simulated_cache(&new_cache, param, output, address);
					output = simulated_cache(&new_cache, param, output, address);



		printSummary(output.hits, output.misses, output.evicts); // print out the result
		free_cache(&new_cache, param.s, param.E, param.b);

		return 0;

コード例 #3
ファイル: p2p_rget.c プロジェクト: carlosrosales/paw
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILE    *fp, *fp2;
    char    testName[32] = "MPI_Rget", file1[64], file2[64];
    int     dblSize, proc, nprocs, npairs, partner;
    unsigned int i, j, k, size, localSize, NLOOP = NLOOP_MAX;
    unsigned int smin = MIN_P2P_SIZE, smed = MED_P2P_SIZE, smax = MAX_P2P_SIZE;
    double  tScale = USEC, bwScale = MB_8;
    double  tStart, timeMin, timeMinGlobal, overhead, threshold_lo, threshold_hi;
    double  msgBytes, sizeBytes, localMax, UsedMem;
    double  tElapsed[NREPS], tElapsedGlobal[NREPS];
    double  *A, *B;
    MPI_Win     win;
    MPI_Status  stat;
    MPI_Request req;

    // Initialize parallel environment
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs );
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &proc );

    // Test input parameters
    if( nprocs%2 != 0 && proc == 0 )
        fatalError( "P2P test requires an even number of processors" );

    // Check for user defined limits
    checkEnvP2P( proc, &NLOOP, &smin, &smed, &smax );

    // Initialize local variables
    localMax = 0.0;
    npairs   = nprocs/2;
    if( proc < npairs  ) partner = proc + npairs;
    if( proc >= npairs ) partner = proc - npairs;
    UsedMem = (double)smax*(double)sizeof(double)*2.0;

    // Allocate and initialize arrays
    srand( SEED );
    A = doubleVector( smax );
    B = doubleVector( smax );

    // Open output file and write header
    if( proc == 0 ){
        // Check timer overhead in seconds
        timerTest( &overhead, &threshold_lo, &threshold_hi );
        // Open output files and write headers
        sprintf( file1, "rget_time-np_%.4d.dat", nprocs );
        sprintf( file2, "rget_bw-np_%.4d.dat",   nprocs );
        fp  = fopen( file1, "a" );
        fp2 = fopen( file2, "a" );
        printHeaders( fp, fp2, testName, UsedMem, overhead, threshold_lo );

    // Get type size
    MPI_Type_size( MPI_DOUBLE, &dblSize );
    // Set up a window for RMA
    MPI_Win_create( A, smax*dblSize, dblSize, MPI_INFO_NULL, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &win );
    MPI_Win_lock_all( 0, win );
    // Single loop with minimum size to verify that inner loop length  
    // is long enough for the timings to be accurate                     
    // Warmup with a medium size message
    if( proc < npairs ){
        MPI_Rget( B, smed, MPI_DOUBLE, partner, 0, smed, MPI_DOUBLE, win, &req );
        MPI_Wait( &req, &stat );
        MPI_Win_flush_all( win );
    // Test if current NLOOP is enough to capture fastest test cases
    MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    tStart = benchTimer();
    if( proc < npairs ){
        for(j = 0; j < NLOOP; j++){
        	MPI_Rget( B, smin, MPI_DOUBLE, partner, 0, smin, MPI_DOUBLE, win, &req );
        	MPI_Wait( &req, &stat );
        	MPI_Win_flush_all( win );
    timeMin = benchTimer() - tStart;
    MPI_Reduce( &timeMin, &timeMinGlobal, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    if( proc == 0 ) resetInnerLoop( timeMinGlobal, threshold_lo, &NLOOP );
    MPI_Bcast( &NLOOP, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

    // Execute test for each requested size                  
    for( size = smin; size <= smax; size = size*2 ){

        // Warmup with a medium size message
        if( proc < npairs ){
            MPI_Rget( B, smed, MPI_DOUBLE, partner, 0, smed, MPI_DOUBLE, win, &req );
            MPI_Wait( &req, &stat );
            MPI_Win_flush_all( win );

        // Repeat NREPS to collect statistics
        for(i = 0; i < NREPS; i++){
            MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
            tStart = benchTimer();
            if( proc < npairs ){
                for(j = 0; j < NLOOP; j++){
        	        MPI_Rget( B, size, MPI_DOUBLE, partner, 0, size, MPI_DOUBLE, win, &req );
        	        MPI_Wait( &req, &stat );
        	        MPI_Win_flush_all( win );
        	tElapsed[i] = benchTimer() - tStart;
        MPI_Reduce( tElapsed, tElapsedGlobal, NREPS, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        // Only task 0 needs to do the analysis of the collected data
        if( proc == 0 ){
            // sizeBytes is size to write to file
            // msgBytes is actual data exchanged on the wire
            msgBytes  = (double)size*(double)npairs*(double)dblSize;
            sizeBytes = (double)size*(double)dblSize;
            post_process( fp, fp2, threshold_hi, tElapsedGlobal, tScale, 
                          bwScale, size*dblSize, sizeBytes, msgBytes, &NLOOP, 
                          &localMax, &localSize );
        MPI_Bcast( &NLOOP, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

    MPI_Win_unlock_all( win );
    MPI_Win_free( &win );
    MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    free( A );
    free( B );

    // Print completion message, free memory and exit                  
    if( proc == 0 ){
        printSummary( fp2, testName, localMax, localSize );
        fclose( fp2 ); 
        fclose( fp );

    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: mutatrix.cpp プロジェクト: ekg/mutatrix
int main (int argc, char** argv) {

    double snp_mutation_rate = 0.001;
    double indel_mutation_rate = 0.0001;
    double het_rate = 0.5;
    double afs_alpha = 1;
    double indel_alpha = 3;
    double microsatellite_afs_alpha = 1;
    double microsatellite_len_alpha = 1.7;
    double microsatellite_mutation_rate = 0.0001;
    double mnp_ratio = 0.01;
    double tstv_ratio = 2.5;
    double deamination_ratio = 1.8;
    int microsatellite_min_length = 1;
    int indel_max = 1000;
    int ploidy = 1;
    int population_size = 1;
    int sample_id_max_digits = 1;
    int seed = time(NULL);
    string fastaFileName;
    string file_prefix = "";
    string sample_prefix = "";
    bool dry_run = false;
    int repeat_size_max = 20;
    bool uniform_indel_distribution = false;

    double p, lambda, shape, mu, sigma;

    string command_line = argv[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
        command_line += " ";
        command_line += argv[i];

    int c;

    while (true) {
        static struct option long_options[] =
                /* These options set a flag. */
                //{"verbose", no_argument,       &verbose_flag, 1},
                //{"brief",   no_argument,       &verbose_flag, 0},
                {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
                {"snp-rate",  required_argument, 0, 's'},
                {"mnp-ratio", required_argument, 0, 'M'},
                {"indel-rate",  required_argument, 0, 'i'},
                {"indel-alpha", required_argument, 0, 'z'},
                {"indel-max", required_argument, 0, 'X'},
                {"repeat-size-max", required_argument, 0, 'q'},
                {"microsat-rate",  required_argument, 0, 'm'},
                {"microsat-afs-alpha", required_argument, 0, 't'},
                {"microsat-len-alpha", required_argument, 0, 'j'},
                {"microsat-min-len", required_argument, 0, 'l'},
                {"afs-alpha",  required_argument, 0, 'a'},
                {"ploidy", required_argument, 0, 'p'},
                {"population-size", required_argument, 0, 'n'},
                {"file-prefix", required_argument, 0, 'P'},
                {"sample-prefix", required_argument, 0, 'S'},
                {"random-seed", required_argument, 0, 'g'},
                {"dry-run", no_argument, 0, 'd'},
                {"uniform-indels", no_argument, 0, 'U'},
                {"ts-tv-ratio", required_argument, 0, 'T'},
                {"deamination-ratio", required_argument, 0, 'D'},
                {0, 0, 0, 0}
        /* getopt_long stores the option index here. */
        int option_index = 0;

        c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hdUa:z:s:i:q:p:n:M:X:t:m:P:S:g:l:j:T:", long_options, &option_index);

        /* Detect the end of the options. */
        if (c == -1)
        switch (c)
        case 0:
            /* If this option set a flag, do nothing else now. */
            if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0)
            printf ("option %s", long_options[option_index].name);
            if (optarg)
                printf (" with arg %s", optarg);
            printf ("\n");

        case 'd':
            dry_run = true;

        case 'U':
            uniform_indel_distribution = true;

        case 'q':
            if (!convert(optarg, repeat_size_max)) {
                cerr << "could not read -q, --repeat-size-max" << endl;

        case 's':
            if (!convert(optarg, snp_mutation_rate)) {
                cerr << "could not read -s, --snp-rate" << endl;

        case 'i':
            if (!convert(optarg, indel_mutation_rate)) {
                cerr << "could not read -i, --indel-rate" << endl;

        case 'a':
            if (!convert(optarg, afs_alpha)) {
                cerr << "could not read -a, --afs-alpha" << endl;
        case 'z':
            if (!convert(optarg, indel_alpha)) {
                cerr << "could not read -z, --indel-alpha" << endl;

        case 'X':
            if (!convert(optarg, indel_max)) {
                cerr << "could not read -M, --indel-max" << endl;
        case 'M':
            if (!convert(optarg, mnp_ratio)) {
                cerr << "could not read -m, --mnp-ratio" << endl;
        case 'm':
            if (!convert(optarg, microsatellite_mutation_rate)) {
                cerr << "could not read -m, --microsat-rate" << endl;

        case 'T':
            if (!convert(optarg, tstv_ratio)) {
                cerr << "could not read -T, --ts-tv-ratio" << endl;
        case 't':
            if (!convert(optarg, microsatellite_afs_alpha)) {
                cerr << "could not read -m, --microsatellite-afs-alpha" << endl;
        case 'j':
            if (!convert(optarg, microsatellite_len_alpha)) {
                cerr << "could not read -m, --microsatellite-len-alpha" << endl;
        case 'l':
            if (!convert(optarg, microsatellite_min_length)) {
                cerr << "could not read -l, --microsat-min-len" << endl;
        case 'p':
            if (!convert(optarg, ploidy)) {
                cerr << "could not read -p, --ploidy" << endl;

        case 'P':
            file_prefix = optarg;

        case 'S':
            sample_prefix = optarg;
        case 'n':
            if (!convert(optarg, population_size)) {
                cerr << "could not read -n, --population-size" << endl;
            sample_id_max_digits = strlen(optarg);

        case 'g':
            if (!convert(optarg, seed)) {
                cerr << "could not read -g, --random-seed" << endl;

        case 'h':
        case '?':
            /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */
            abort ();

    /* Print any remaining command line arguments (not options). */
    if (optind < argc) {
        //cerr << "fasta file: " << argv[optind] << endl;
        fastaFileName = argv[optind];
    } else {
        cerr << "please specify a fasta file" << endl;

    init_genrand(seed); // seed mt with current time

    //mt19937 eng(seed);

    int bpPerHaplotypeMean = 1000;
    double bpPerHaplotypeSigma = 200;
    normal_distribution<double> normal(mu, sigma);
    //lambda = 7.0;
    //poisson_distribution<int> poisson(lambda);

    string seqname;
    string sequence;  // holds sequence so we can process it

    FastaReference fr;

    string bases = "ATGC";

    vcf::VariantCallFile vcfFile;

    // write the VCF header
    stringstream headerss;
        << "##fileformat=VCFv4.1" << endl
        << "##fileDate=" << dateStr() << endl
        << "##source=mutatrix population genome simulator" << endl
        << "##seed=" << seed << endl
        << "##reference=" << fastaFileName << endl
        << "##phasing=true" << endl
        << "##commandline=" << command_line << endl
        << "##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description=\"Alternate allele count\">" << endl
        << "##INFO=<ID=TYPE,Number=A,Type=String,Description=\"Type of each allele (snp, ins, del, mnp, complex)\">" << endl
        << "##INFO=<ID=NS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Number of samples at the site\">" << endl
        << "##INFO=<ID=NA,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Number of alternate alleles\">" << endl
        << "##INFO=<ID=LEN,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description=\"Length of each alternate allele\">" << endl
        << "##INFO=<ID=MICROSAT,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description=\"Generated at a sequence repeat loci\">" << endl
        << "##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Genotype\">" << endl

    vector<string> samples;
    for (int i = 0; i < population_size; ++i) {
        stringstream sampless;
        sampless << sample_prefix << setfill('0') << setw(sample_id_max_digits) << i + 1; // one-based sample names
        headerss << "\t" << sampless.str();

    // and set up our VCF output file
    string header = headerss.str();
    cout << vcfFile.header << endl;

    int copies = ploidy * population_size;

    map<string, vector<SampleFastaFile*> > sequencesByRefseq;

    if (!dry_run) {
        for (FastaIndex::iterator s = fr.index->begin(); s != fr.index->end(); ++s) {

            FastaIndexEntry& indexEntry = s->second;
            seqname = indexEntry.name;

            vector<SampleFastaFile*>& sequences = sequencesByRefseq[seqname];
            for (int i = 0; i < population_size; ++i) {
                stringstream sname;
                sname << sample_prefix << setfill('0') << setw(sample_id_max_digits) << i + 1;
                string samplename = sname.str();
                for (int j = 0; j < ploidy; ++j) {
                    stringstream cname;
                    cname << j;
                    string chromname = cname.str();
                    string fullname = samplename + ":" + seqname + ":" + chromname;
                    string filename = file_prefix + fullname + ".fa";
                    //sequences.push_back(SampleFastaFile(filename, seqname));
                    sequences.push_back(new SampleFastaFile(filename, seqname));

    for (FastaIndex::iterator s = fr.index->begin(); s != fr.index->end(); ++s) {

        FastaIndexEntry& indexEntry = s->second;
        seqname = indexEntry.name;
        sequence = fr.getSequence(s->first);

        vector<SampleFastaFile*>& sequences = sequencesByRefseq[seqname];
        long int pos = 0;
        long int microsatellite_end_pos = 0;
        while (pos < sequence.size()) {

            //cout << pos + 1 << " microsat end pos " << microsatellite_end_pos << endl;

            string ref = sequence.substr(pos, 1); // by default, ref is just the current base

            // skip non-DNA sequence information
            if (!(ref == "A" || ref == "T" || ref == "C" || ref == "G")) {
                pos += ref.size();
                for (vector<SampleFastaFile*>::iterator s = sequences.begin(); s != sequences.end(); ++s) {

            vector<Allele> alleles;

            // establish if we are in a repeat
            // and what motif is being repeated, how many times

            int len = 1;

            // get reference repeats
            // if we have a repeat, adjust the mutation rate
            // using length and direction-dependent
            // formula from "Likelihood-Based Estimation of Microsatellite Mutation Rates"
            // http://www.genetics.org/cgi/content/full/164/2/781#T1

            if (pos > microsatellite_end_pos) {

                map<string, int> repeats = repeatCounts(pos + 1, (const string&) sequence, repeat_size_max);

                string seq;
                int repeat_count = 0;
                // get the "biggest" repeat, the most likely ms allele at this site
                for (map<string, int>::iterator r = repeats.begin(); r != repeats.end(); ++r) {
                    if (repeat_count < r->second) {
                        repeat_count = r->second;
                        seq = r->first;
                //cout << pos + 1 << " " << sequence.substr(pos + 1, seq.size() * repeat_count) << " ?= " << seq * repeat_count << endl;

                // guard ensures that we are in a pure repeat situoation, tandem-tandem repeats are not handled presently
                if (repeats.size() > 0 && sequence.substr(pos + 1, seq.size() * repeat_count) == seq * repeat_count) {

                    int microsatellite_length = repeat_count * seq.size();

                    // record end of microsatellite so we don't generate more mutations until we pass it
                    microsatellite_end_pos = pos + microsatellite_length - 1;

                    if (microsatellite_length > microsatellite_min_length
                        //&& genrand_real1() / copies 
                        //    < microsatellite_mutation_rate * repeat_count) {
                        && genrand_real1() > pow(1 - (microsatellite_mutation_rate * repeat_count), log(copies) * 2)) {

                        // establish the relative rate of ins and del events
                          long double repeatMutationDelProbability = microsatelliteDelProb(repeat_count);
                          long double repeatMutationInsProbability = microsatelliteInsProb(repeat_count);
                          long double indel_balance = 1;
                          if (repeatMutationInsProbability > repeatMutationDelProbability) {
                          indel_balance = repeatMutationInsProbability / repeatMutationDelProbability;
                          } else {
                          indel_balance = 1 - (repeatMutationInsProbability / repeatMutationDelProbability);
                        double indel_balance = 0.5;

                        // how many alleles at the site?

                        //int numalleles = min((int) floor(zetarandom(microsatellite_afs_alpha)), (int) ((double) repeat_count * indel_balance));
                        int numalleles = random_allele_frequency(repeat_count, microsatellite_afs_alpha);
                        //cout << "repeat_count: " << repeat_count << " numalleles: " << numalleles << endl;

                        map<int, bool> allele_lengths;
                        // lengths of the alleles
                        while (allele_lengths.size() < numalleles) {
                            int allele_length;
                            // TODO adjust length so that shorter events are more likely...
                            if (genrand_real1() > indel_balance) {
                                allele_length = -1 * min((int) floor(zetarandom(microsatellite_len_alpha)), repeat_count);
                            } else {
                                allele_length = min((int) floor(zetarandom(microsatellite_len_alpha)), repeat_count);
                            //cout << allele_length << endl;
                            map<int, bool>::iterator f = allele_lengths.find(allele_length);
                            if (f == allele_lengths.end()) {
                                allele_lengths[allele_length] = true;

                        // generate alleles
                        for (map<int, bool>::iterator f = allele_lengths.begin();
                             f != allele_lengths.end(); ++f) {

                            int allele_length = f->first;
                            int c = abs(f->first);
                            string alt = seq;

                            for (int i = 1; i < c; ++i)
                                alt += seq;

                            if (allele_length > 0) {
                                alleles.push_back(Allele(ref, ref + alt, "MICROSAT"));
                            } else {
                                alleles.push_back(Allele(ref + alt, ref, "MICROSAT"));
                            //cout << pos + 1 << " "  << microsatellite_length << " " << alleles.back() << endl;
                        //cout << "alleles.size() == " << alleles.size() << endl;

            // snp case
            if (genrand_real1() > pow(1 - snp_mutation_rate, log(max(copies, 2)) * 2)) {

                // make an alternate allele
                  string alt = ref;
                  while (alt == ref) {
                  alt = string(1, bases.at(genrand_int32() % 4));
                string alt = ref;
                if (genrand_real1() > 1 / (1 + tstv_ratio)) {
                    if (ref == "A") {
                        alt = "G";
                    } else if (ref == "G") {
                        alt = "A";
                    } else if (ref == "C") {
                        alt = "T";
                    } else if (ref == "T") {
                        alt = "C";
                } else {
                    while (alt == ref || isTransition(ref, alt)) {
                        alt = string(1, bases.at(genrand_int32() % 4));

                if (genrand_real1() < mnp_ratio) {
                    int i = 1;
                    do {
                        ref += sequence.substr(pos + i, 1);
                        alt += sequence.substr(pos + i, 1);
                        while (alt.at(alt.size() - 1) == ref.at(ref.size() - 1)) {
                            alt.at(alt.size() - 1) = bases.at(genrand_int32() % 4);
                    } while (genrand_real1() < mnp_ratio);
                    len = alt.size();
                alleles.push_back(Allele(ref, alt));

            // indel case
            if (genrand_real1() > pow(1 - indel_mutation_rate, log(max(copies, 2)) * 2)) {
                // how many bp?
                if (uniform_indel_distribution) {
                    len = (int) floor(genrand_real1() * indel_max);
                } else {
                    len = (int) floor(zetarandom(indel_alpha));
                // guard against out-of-sequence indels
                if (pos + len < sequence.size() && len <= indel_max) {
                    if (genrand_int32() % 2 == 0) {
                        // deletion
                        alleles.push_back(Allele(sequence.substr(pos, 1 + len), sequence.substr(pos, 1)));
                    } else {
                        string alt = ref;
                        // insertion?
                        // insert some random de novo bases
                        while (alt.length() < len + 1) {
                            alt += string(1, bases.at(genrand_int32() % 4));
                        alleles.push_back(Allele(ref, alt));
                } else {
                    // fall through

            // no mutation generated
            if (alleles.empty()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < copies; ++i) {
                    if (!dry_run) {
                pos += ref.size();
            } else {

                // TODO randomly distribute all the alleles throughout the population
                // generate allele frequencies for each
                // fun times...

                string genotype;

                vector<bool> alts;
                random_shuffle(alleles.begin(), alleles.end());

                vector<Allele*> population_alleles;
                list<Allele> present_alleles; // filtered for AFS > 0 in the sample
                // AFS simulation
                int remaining_copies = copies;
                while (remaining_copies > 0 && !alleles.empty()) {
                    Allele allele = alleles.back();
                    int allele_freq = random_allele_frequency(remaining_copies, afs_alpha);
                    if (allele_freq > 0) {
                        Allele* allelePtr = &present_alleles.back();
                        for (int i = 0; i < allele_freq; ++i) {
                        remaining_copies -= allele_freq;

                if (present_alleles.empty()) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < copies; ++i) {
                        if (!dry_run) {
                    pos += ref.size();

                reverse(present_alleles.begin(), present_alleles.end());

                // establish the correct reference sequence and alternate allele set
                for (list<Allele>::iterator a = present_alleles.begin(); a != present_alleles.end(); ++a) {
                    Allele& allele = *a;
                    //cout << allele << endl;
                    if (allele.ref.size() > ref.size()) {
                        ref = allele.ref;

                // reference alleles take up the rest
                Allele reference_allele = Allele(ref, ref);
                for (int i = 0; i < remaining_copies; ++i) {

                vector<string> altstrs;
                // now the reference allele is the largest possible, adjust the alt allele strings to reflect this
                // if we have indels, add the base before, set the position back one
                for (list<Allele>::iterator a = present_alleles.begin(); a != present_alleles.end(); ++a) {
                    Allele& allele = *a;
                    string alleleStr = ref;
                    if (allele.ref.size() == allele.alt.size()) {
                        alleleStr.replace(0, allele.alt.size(), allele.alt);
                    } else {
                        alleleStr.replace(0, allele.ref.size(), allele.alt);
                    allele.ref = ref;
                    allele.alt = alleleStr;

                assert(population_alleles.size() == copies);

                // shuffle the alleles around the population
                random_shuffle(population_alleles.begin(), population_alleles.end());

                vcf::Variant var(vcfFile);
                var.sequenceName = seqname;
                var.position = pos + 1;
                var.quality = 99;
                var.id = ".";
                var.filter = ".";
                var.ref = ref;
                var.alt = altstrs;

                // debugging, uncomment to see sequence context
                //cout << sequence.substr(pos - 10, 10) << "*" << ref << "*" << sequence.substr(pos + 1, 9) << endl;

                map<string, int> alleleIndexes;
                alleleIndexes[convert(reference_allele)] = 0; // XXX should we handle this differently, by adding the reference allele to present_alleles?
                int i = 1;
                for (list<Allele>::iterator a = present_alleles.begin(); a != present_alleles.end(); ++a, ++i) {
                    Allele& allele = *a;
                    //cout << allele << " " << i << endl;
                    alleleIndexes[convert(allele)] = i;
                    //cout << allele << " " << i << endl;

                //for (map<string, int>::iterator a = alleleIndexes.begin(); a != alleleIndexes.end(); ++a) {
                //    cout << a->first << " = " << a->second << endl;

                int j = 0;
                for (vector<string>::iterator s = samples.begin(); s != samples.end(); ++s, ++j) {
                    string& sample = *s;
                    vector<string> genotype;
                    // XXX hack, maybe this should get stored in another map for easier access?
                    for (int i = 0; i < ploidy; ++i) {
                        int l = (j * ploidy) + i;
                        //cout << l << " " << population_alleles.at(l) << " " << alleleIndexes[convert(population_alleles.at(l))] << endl;
                    var.samples[sample]["GT"].push_back(join(genotype, "|"));
                    //cout << var.samples[sample]["GT"].front() << endl;

                // LENGTH WITH DELETIONS.
                // now write out our sequence data (FASTA files)
                for (int j = 0; j < population_size; ++j) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < ploidy; ++i) {
                        int l = (j * ploidy) + i;
                        Allele* allele = population_alleles.at(l);
                        if (!dry_run) {

                // tabulate allele frequency, and write some details to the VCF
                for (list<Allele>::iterator a = present_alleles.begin(); a != present_alleles.end(); ++a) {

                    Allele& allele = *a;
                    Allele* allelePtr = &*a;

                    vector<string> genotypes;

                    int allele_freq = 0;

                    // obtain allele frequencies and output FASTA sequence data
                    // for each simulated sample
                    for (int j = 0; j < population_size; ++j) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < ploidy; ++i) {
                            int l = (j * ploidy) + i;
                            if (population_alleles.at(l) == allelePtr) {

                    // set up the allele-specific INFO fields in the VCF record

                    int delta = allele.alt.size() - allele.ref.size();
                    if (delta == 0) {
                        if (allele.ref.size() == 1) {
                        } else {
                    } else if (delta > 0) {
                    } else {
                    if (!allele.type.empty()) {
                        var.infoFlags[allele.type] = true;


                // write the VCF record to stdout
                cout << var << endl;

                int largest_ref = 1; // enforce one pos
                for (list<Allele>::iterator a = present_alleles.begin(); a != present_alleles.end(); ++a) {
                    if (a->ref.size() > largest_ref) {
                        largest_ref = a->ref.size();

                pos += largest_ref; // step by the size of the last event

    // close, clean up files
    for (map<string, vector<SampleFastaFile*> >::iterator s = sequencesByRefseq.begin(); s != sequencesByRefseq.end(); ++s) {
        vector<SampleFastaFile*>& files = s->second;
        for (vector<SampleFastaFile*>::iterator f = files.begin(); f != files.end(); ++f) {
            delete *f;

    return 0;

コード例 #5
ファイル: FastaHack.cpp プロジェクト: arrogantrobot/fastahack
int main (int argc, char** argv) {

    string command;
    string fastaFileName;
    string seqname;
    string longseqname;
    long long start;
    long long length;

    bool buildIndex = false;  // flag to force index building
    bool printEntropy = false;  // entropy printing
    bool readRegionsFromStdin = false;
    //bool printLength = false;
    string region;

    int c;

    while (true) {
        static struct option long_options[] =
            /* These options set a flag. */
            //{"verbose", no_argument,       &verbose_flag, 1},
            //{"brief",   no_argument,       &verbose_flag, 0},
            {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
            {"index",  no_argument, 0, 'i'},
            //{"length",  no_argument, &printLength, true},
            {"entropy", no_argument, 0, 'e'},
            {"region", required_argument, 0, 'r'},
            {"stdin", no_argument, 0, 'c'},
            {0, 0, 0, 0}
        /* getopt_long stores the option index here. */
        int option_index = 0;

        c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hcier:",
                         long_options, &option_index);

      /* Detect the end of the options. */
          if (c == -1)
          switch (c)
            case 0:
            /* If this option set a flag, do nothing else now. */
            if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0)
            printf ("option %s", long_options[option_index].name);
            if (optarg)
              printf (" with arg %s", optarg);
            printf ("\n");

          case 'e':
            printEntropy = true;

          case 'c':
            readRegionsFromStdin = true;
          case 'i':
            buildIndex = true;
          case 'r':
            region = optarg;

          case 'h':
          case '?':
            /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */
            abort ();

    /* Print any remaining command line arguments (not options). */
    if (optind < argc) {
        //cerr << "fasta file: " << argv[optind] << endl;
        fastaFileName = argv[optind];
    } else {
        cerr << "please specify a fasta file" << endl;

    if (buildIndex) {
        FastaIndex* fai = new FastaIndex();
        //cerr << "generating fasta index file for " << fastaFileName << endl;
        fai->writeIndexFile((string) fastaFileName + fai->indexFileExtension());
    string sequence;  // holds sequence so we can optionally process it

    FastaReference fr;

    if (region != "") {
        FastaRegion target(region);

        if (target.startPos == -1) {
            sequence = fr.getSequence(target.startSeq);
        } else {
            sequence = fr.getSubSequence(target.startSeq, target.startPos - 1, target.length());


    if (readRegionsFromStdin) {
        string regionstr;
        while (getline(cin, regionstr)) {
            FastaRegion target(regionstr);
            if (target.startPos == -1) {
                cout << fr.getSequence(target.startSeq) << endl;
            } else {
                cout << fr.getSubSequence(target.startSeq, target.startPos - 1, target.length()) << endl;
    } else {
        if (sequence != "") {
            if (printEntropy) {
                if (sequence.size() > 0) {
                    cout << shannon_H((char*) sequence.c_str(), sequence.size()) << endl;
                } else {
                    cerr << "please specify a region or sequence for which to calculate the shannon entropy" << endl;
            } else {  // if no statistical processing is requested, just print the sequence
                cout << sequence << endl;

    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: csim.c プロジェクト: anhmiuhv/cachelab
/*Main function to run the cache simulator
 *@return 0 if success, 1 if fail
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  int verbose = 0; // verbose flag
  int s; // Number of set index bits
  int E; // Number of lines per set
  int b; // Number of block bits
  char* trace; //the trace file name
  cache* Cache;
  char c;
  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:E:b:t:vh")) != -1){
    case 's':
      s = atoi(optarg);
    case 'E':
      E = atoi(optarg);
    case 'b':
      b = atoi(optarg);
    case 't':
      trace = optarg;
    case 'v':
      verbose = 1;
    case 'h':
  if (s == 0 || E == 0 || b == 0 || trace == NULL){
    puts("Missing arguments");
    return 1;
  //Create the cache
  Cache = buildCache(s, E, b);
  //Read from the trace
  memAddr address;
  char act;
  int byteSize;
  FILE * traceFile = fopen(trace, "r");
  //initilize cache tracker
  cacheParam param;
  param.s = s;
  param.b= b;
  param.E = E;
  param.S = 1 << s;
  param.B = 1 << b;
  param.hit =0;
  param.miss = 0;
  param.evict = 0;
  int state, state1, state2;
  if (traceFile != NULL) {
    while (fscanf(traceFile, " %c %llx,%d", &act, &address, &byteSize) == 3){
      case 'I':
      case 'L':
	param = rSim(Cache, param, address, &state);
	if (verbose == 1) {
	  printf("%c %llx,%d", act, address, byteSize);
      case 'S':

	param = rSim(Cache, param, address, &state);
	if (verbose == 1) {
	  printf("%c %llx,%d", act, address, byteSize);
      case 'M':
	param = rSim(Cache, param, address, &state1);
	param = rSim(Cache, param, address, &state2);
	if (verbose == 1) {
	  printf("%c %llx,%d", act, address, byteSize);

  printSummary(param.hit, param.miss, param.evict);	  
  return 0;