コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: arpagon/rtpengine
static void options(int *argc, char ***argv) {
	char **if_a = NULL;
	char **iter;
	struct interface_address *ifa;
	char *listenps = NULL;
	char *listenudps = NULL;
	char *listenngs = NULL;
	char *redisps = NULL;
	char *log_facility_s = NULL;
	int version = 0;
	int sip_source = 0;

	GOptionEntry e[] = {
		{ "version",	'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&version,	"Print build time and exit",	NULL		},
		{ "table",	't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&table,		"Kernel table to use",		"INT"		},
		{ "no-fallback",'F', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&no_fallback,	"Only start when kernel module is available", NULL },
		{ "interface",	'i', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY,&if_a,	"Local interface for RTP",	"[NAME/]IP[!IP]"},
		{ "listen-tcp",	'l', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenps,	"TCP port to listen on",	"[IP:]PORT"	},
		{ "listen-udp",	'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenudps,	"UDP port to listen on",	"[IP46:]PORT"	},
		{ "listen-ng",	'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenngs,	"UDP port to listen on, NG protocol", "[IP46:]PORT"	},
		{ "tos",	'T', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&tos,		"Default TOS value to set on streams",	"INT"		},
		{ "timeout",	'o', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&timeout,	"RTP timeout",			"SECS"		},
		{ "silent-timeout",'s',0,G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&silent_timeout,"RTP timeout for muted",	"SECS"		},
		{ "pidfile",	'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME,	&pidfile,	"Write PID to file",		"FILE"		},
		{ "foreground",	'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&foreground,	"Don't fork to background",	NULL		},
		{ "port-min",	'm', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&port_min,	"Lowest port to use for RTP",	"INT"		},
		{ "port-max",	'M', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&port_max,	"Highest port to use for RTP",	"INT"		},
		{ "redis",	'r', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&redisps,	"Connect to Redis database",	"IP:PORT"	},
		{ "redis-db",	'R', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&redis_db,	"Which Redis DB to use",	"INT"	},
		{ "b2b-url",	'b', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&b2b_url,	"XMLRPC URL of B2B UA"	,	"STRING"	},
		{ "log-level",	'L', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	(void *)&log_level,"Mask log priorities above this level","INT"	},
		{ "log-facility",0,  0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &log_facility_s, "Syslog facility to use for logging", "daemon|local0|...|local7"},
		{ "log-stderr",	'E', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&_log_stderr,	"Log on stderr instead of syslog",	NULL		},
		{ "xmlrpc-format",'x', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&xmlrpc_fmt,	"XMLRPC timeout request format to use. 0: SEMS DI, 1: call-id only",	"INT"	},
		{ "num-threads",  0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&num_threads,	"Number of worker threads to create",	"INT"	},
		{ "sip-source",  0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&sip_source,	"Use SIP source address by default",	NULL	},
		{ "dtls-passive", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&dtls_passive_def,"Always prefer DTLS passive role",	NULL	},
		{ NULL, }

	GOptionContext *c;
	GError *er = NULL;

	c = g_option_context_new(" - next-generation media proxy");
	g_option_context_add_main_entries(c, e, NULL);
	if (!g_option_context_parse(c, argc, argv, &er))
		die("Bad command line: %s", er->message);

	if (version)

	if (!if_a)
		die("Missing option --interface");
	if (!listenps && !listenudps && !listenngs)
		die("Missing option --listen-tcp, --listen-udp or --listen-ng");

	for (iter = if_a; *iter; iter++) {
		ifa = if_addr_parse(*iter);
		if (!ifa)
			die("Invalid interface specification: %s", *iter);
		g_queue_push_tail(&interfaces, ifa);

	if (listenps) {
		if (parse_ip_port(&listenp, &listenport, listenps))
			die("Invalid IP or port (--listen-tcp)");
	if (listenudps) {
		if (parse_ip6_port(&udp_listenp, &udp_listenport, listenudps))
			die("Invalid IP or port (--listen-udp)");
	if (listenngs) {
		if (parse_ip6_port(&ng_listenp, &ng_listenport, listenngs))
			die("Invalid IP or port (--listen-ng)");

	if (tos < 0 || tos > 255)
		die("Invalid TOS value");

	if (timeout <= 0)
		timeout = 60;
	if (silent_timeout <= 0)
		silent_timeout = 3600;

	if (redisps) {
		if (parse_ip_port(&redis_ip, &redis_port, redisps) || !redis_ip)
			die("Invalid IP or port (--redis)");
		if (redis_db < 0)
			die("Must specify Redis DB number (--redis-db) when using Redis");
	if (xmlrpc_fmt > 1)
		die("Invalid XMLRPC format");

	if ((log_level < LOG_EMERG) || (log_level > LOG_DEBUG))
	        die("Invalid log level (--log_level)");

	if (log_facility_s) {
		if (!parse_log_facility(log_facility_s, &_log_facility)) {
			die ("Invalid log facility '%s' (--log-facility)\n", log_facility_s);

	if (_log_stderr) {
		write_log = log_to_stderr;
		max_log_line_length = 0;

	if (!sip_source)
		trust_address_def = 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: rockxcn/rtpengine
static void options(int *argc, char ***argv) {
	char *ipv4s = NULL;
	char *adv_ipv4s = NULL;
	char *ipv6s = NULL;
	char *adv_ipv6s = NULL;
	char *listenps = NULL;
	char *listenudps = NULL;
	char *listenngs = NULL;
	char *redisps = NULL;
	char *log_facility_s = NULL;
	int version = 0;

	GOptionEntry e[] = {
		{ "version",	'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&version,	"Print build time and exit",	NULL		},
		{ "table",	't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&table,		"Kernel table to use",		"INT"		},
		{ "no-fallback",'F', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&no_fallback,	"Only start when kernel module is available", NULL },
		{ "ip",		'i', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&ipv4s,		"Local IPv4 address for RTP",	"IP"		},
		{ "advertised-ip", 'a', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&adv_ipv4s,	"IPv4 address to advertise",	"IP"		},
		{ "ip6",	'I', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&ipv6s,		"Local IPv6 address for RTP",	"IP6"		},
		{ "advertised-ip6",'A',0,G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&adv_ipv6s,	"IPv6 address to advertise",	"IP6"		},
		{ "listen-tcp",	'l', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenps,	"TCP port to listen on",	"[IP:]PORT"	},
		{ "listen-udp",	'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenudps,	"UDP port to listen on",	"[IP46:]PORT"	},
		{ "listen-ng",	'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenngs,	"UDP port to listen on, NG protocol", "[IP46:]PORT"	},
		{ "tos",	'T', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&tos,		"Default TOS value to set on streams",	"INT"		},
		{ "timeout",	'o', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&timeout,	"RTP timeout",			"SECS"		},
		{ "silent-timeout",'s',0,G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&silent_timeout,"RTP timeout for muted",	"SECS"		},
		{ "pidfile",	'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&pidfile,	"Write PID to file",		"FILE"		},
		{ "foreground",	'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&foreground,	"Don't fork to background",	NULL		},
		{ "port-min",	'm', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&port_min,	"Lowest port to use for RTP",	"INT"		},
		{ "port-max",	'M', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&port_max,	"Highest port to use for RTP",	"INT"		},
		{ "redis",	'r', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&redisps,	"Connect to Redis database",	"IP:PORT"	},
		{ "redis-db",	'R', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&redis_db,	"Which Redis DB to use",	"INT"	},
		{ "b2b-url",	'b', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&b2b_url,	"XMLRPC URL of B2B UA"	,	"STRING"	},
		{ "log-level",	'L', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	(void *)&log_level,	"Mask log priorities above this level",	"INT"	},
		{ "log-facility",	0,	0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &log_facility_s, "Syslog facility to use for logging", "daemon|local0|...|local7"},
		{ "log-stderr",	'E', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&_log_stderr,	"Log on stderr instead of syslog",	NULL		},
		{ "xmlrpc-format",	'x', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&xmlrpc_fmt,	"XMLRPC timeout request format to use. 0: SEMS DI, 1: call-id only",	"INT"	},
		{ NULL, }

	GOptionContext *c;
	GError *er = NULL;

	c = g_option_context_new(" - next-generation media proxy");
	g_option_context_add_main_entries(c, e, NULL);
	if (!g_option_context_parse(c, argc, argv, &er))
		die("Bad command line: %s\n", er->message);

	if (version)
		die("%s\n", RTPENGINE_VERSION);

	if (!ipv4s)
		die("Missing option --ip\n");
	if (!listenps && !listenudps && !listenngs)
		die("Missing option --listen-tcp, --listen-udp or --listen-ng\n");

	ipv4 = inet_addr(ipv4s);
	if (ipv4 == -1)
		die("Invalid IPv4 address (--ip)\n");

	if (adv_ipv4s) {
		adv_ipv4 = inet_addr(adv_ipv4s);
		if (adv_ipv4 == -1)
			die("Invalid IPv4 address (--advertised-ip)\n");

	if (ipv6s) {
		if (smart_pton(AF_INET6, ipv6s, &ipv6) != 1)
			die("Invalid IPv6 address (--ip6)\n");
	if (adv_ipv6s) {
		if (smart_pton(AF_INET6, adv_ipv6s, &adv_ipv6) != 1)
			die("Invalid IPv6 address (--advertised-ip6)\n");

	if (listenps) {
		if (parse_ip_port(&listenp, &listenport, listenps))
			die("Invalid IP or port (--listen-tcp)\n");
	if (listenudps) {
		if (parse_ip6_port(&udp_listenp, &udp_listenport, listenudps))
			die("Invalid IP or port (--listen-udp)\n");
	if (listenngs) {
		if (parse_ip6_port(&ng_listenp, &ng_listenport, listenngs))
			die("Invalid IP or port (--listen-ng)\n");

	if (tos < 0 || tos > 255)
		die("Invalid TOS value\n");

	if (timeout <= 0)
		timeout = 60;
	if (silent_timeout <= 0)
		silent_timeout = 3600;

	if (redisps) {
		if (parse_ip_port(&redis_ip, &redis_port, redisps) || !redis_ip)
			die("Invalid IP or port (--redis)\n");
		if (redis_db < 0)
			die("Must specify Redis DB number (--redis-db) when using Redis\n");
	if (xmlrpc_fmt < 0 || xmlrpc_fmt > 1) {
		die("Invalid XMLRPC format\n");

	if ((log_level < LOG_EMERG) || (log_level > LOG_DEBUG))
	        die("Invalid log level (--log_level)\n");

	if (log_facility_s) {
		if (!parse_log_facility(log_facility_s, &_log_facility)) {
			die ("Invalid log facility '%s' (--log-facility)\n", log_facility_s);

	if (_log_stderr) {
		write_log = log_to_stderr;
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: linuxmaniac/rtpengine
static void options(int *argc, char ***argv) {
	char **if_a = NULL;
	char **ks_a = NULL;
	unsigned long uint_keyspace_db;
	str str_keyspace_db;
	char **iter;
	char *listenps = NULL;
	char *listenudps = NULL;
	char *listenngs = NULL;
	char *listencli = NULL;
	char *graphitep = NULL;
	char *graphite_prefix_s = NULL;
	char *redisps = NULL;
	char *redisps_write = NULL;
	char *log_facility_cdr_s = NULL;
	char *log_facility_rtcp_s = NULL;
	char *log_facility_dtmf_s = NULL;
	char *log_format = NULL;
	int sip_source = 0;
	char *homerp = NULL;
	char *homerproto = NULL;
	char *endptr;
	int codecs = 0;
	double max_load = 0;
	double max_cpu = 0;

	GOptionEntry e[] = {
		{ "table",	't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.kernel_table,		"Kernel table to use",		"INT"		},
		{ "no-fallback",'F', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&rtpe_config.no_fallback,	"Only start when kernel module is available", NULL },
		{ "interface",	'i', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY,&if_a,	"Local interface for RTP",	"[NAME/]IP[!IP]"},
		{ "subscribe-keyspace", 'k', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY,&ks_a,	"Subscription keyspace list",	"INT INT ..."},
		{ "listen-tcp",	'l', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenps,	"TCP port to listen on",	"[IP:]PORT"	},
		{ "listen-udp",	'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenudps,	"UDP port to listen on",	"[IP46|HOSTNAME:]PORT"	},
		{ "listen-ng",	'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenngs,	"UDP port to listen on, NG protocol", "[IP46|HOSTNAME:]PORT"	},
		{ "listen-cli", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,    &listencli,     "UDP port to listen on, CLI",   "[IP46|HOSTNAME:]PORT"     },
		{ "graphite", 'g', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,    &graphitep,     "Address of the graphite server",   "IP46|HOSTNAME:PORT"     },
		{ "graphite-interval",  'G', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,    &rtpe_config.graphite_interval,  "Graphite send interval in seconds",    "INT"   },
		{ "graphite-prefix",0,  0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &graphite_prefix_s, "Prefix for graphite line", "STRING"},
		{ "tos",	'T', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.default_tos,		"Default TOS value to set on streams",	"INT"		},
		{ "control-tos",0 , 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.control_tos,		"Default TOS value to set on control-ng",	"INT"		},
		{ "timeout",	'o', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.timeout,	"RTP timeout",			"SECS"		},
		{ "silent-timeout",'s',0,G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.silent_timeout,"RTP timeout for muted",	"SECS"		},
		{ "final-timeout",'a',0,G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.final_timeout,	"Call timeout",			"SECS"		},
		{ "offer-timeout",0,0,	G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.offer_timeout,	"Timeout for incomplete one-sided calls",	"SECS"		},
		{ "port-min",	'm', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.port_min,	"Lowest port to use for RTP",	"INT"		},
		{ "port-max",	'M', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.port_max,	"Highest port to use for RTP",	"INT"		},
		{ "redis",	'r', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&redisps,	"Connect to Redis database",	"[PW@]IP:PORT/INT"	},
		{ "redis-write",'w', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,    &redisps_write, "Connect to Redis write database",      "[PW@]IP:PORT/INT"       },
		{ "redis-num-threads", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &rtpe_config.redis_num_threads, "Number of Redis restore threads",      "INT"       },
		{ "redis-expires", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &rtpe_config.redis_expires_secs, "Expire time in seconds for redis keys",      "INT"       },
		{ "no-redis-required", 'q', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &rtpe_config.no_redis_required, "Start no matter of redis connection state", NULL },
		{ "redis-allowed-errors", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &rtpe_config.redis_allowed_errors, "Number of allowed errors before redis is temporarily disabled", "INT" },
		{ "redis-disable-time", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &rtpe_config.redis_disable_time, "Number of seconds redis communication is disabled because of errors", "INT" },
		{ "redis-cmd-timeout", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &rtpe_config.redis_cmd_timeout, "Sets a timeout in milliseconds for redis commands", "INT" },
		{ "redis-connect-timeout", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &rtpe_config.redis_connect_timeout, "Sets a timeout in milliseconds for redis connections", "INT" },
		{ "b2b-url",	'b', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.b2b_url,	"XMLRPC URL of B2B UA"	,	"STRING"	},
		{ "log-facility-cdr",0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &log_facility_cdr_s, "Syslog facility to use for logging CDRs", "daemon|local0|...|local7"},
		{ "log-facility-rtcp",0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &log_facility_rtcp_s, "Syslog facility to use for logging RTCP", "daemon|local0|...|local7"},
		{ "log-facility-dtmf",0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &log_facility_dtmf_s, "Syslog facility to use for logging DTMF", "daemon|local0|...|local7"},
		{ "log-format",	0, 0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&log_format,	"Log prefix format",		"default|parsable"},
		{ "xmlrpc-format",'x', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.fmt,	"XMLRPC timeout request format to use. 0: SEMS DI, 1: call-id only, 2: Kamailio",	"INT"	},
		{ "num-threads",  0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.num_threads,	"Number of worker threads to create",	"INT"	},
		{ "media-num-threads",  0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.media_num_threads,	"Number of worker threads for media playback",	"INT"	},
		{ "delete-delay",  'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,    &rtpe_config.delete_delay,  "Delay for deleting a session from memory.",    "INT"   },
		{ "sip-source",  0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&sip_source,	"Use SIP source address by default",	NULL	},
		{ "dtls-passive", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&dtls_passive_def,"Always prefer DTLS passive role",	NULL	},
		{ "max-sessions", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.max_sessions,	"Limit of maximum number of sessions",	"INT"	},
		{ "max-load",	0, 0,	G_OPTION_ARG_DOUBLE,	&max_load,	"Reject new sessions if load averages exceeds this value",	"FLOAT"	},
		{ "max-cpu",	0, 0,	G_OPTION_ARG_DOUBLE,	&max_cpu,	"Reject new sessions if CPU usage (in percent) exceeds this value",	"FLOAT"	},
		{ "max-bandwidth",0, 0,	G_OPTION_ARG_INT64,	&rtpe_config.bw_limit,	"Reject new sessions if bandwidth usage (in bytes per second) exceeds this value",	"INT"	},
		{ "homer",	0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&homerp,	"Address of Homer server for RTCP stats","IP46|HOSTNAME:PORT"},
		{ "homer-protocol",0,0,G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&homerproto,	"Transport protocol for Homer (default udp)",	"udp|tcp"	},
		{ "homer-id",	0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.homer_id,	"'Capture ID' to use within the HEP protocol", "INT"	},
		{ "recording-dir", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.spooldir,	"Directory for storing pcap and metadata files", "FILE"	},
		{ "recording-method",0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.rec_method,	"Strategy for call recording",		"pcap|proc"	},
		{ "recording-format",0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.rec_format,	"File format for stored pcap files",	"raw|eth"	},
		{ "iptables-chain",0,0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.iptables_chain,"Add explicit firewall rules to this iptables chain","STRING" },
		{ "codecs",	0, 0,	G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&codecs,		"Print a list of supported codecs and exit",	NULL },
		{ "scheduling",	0, 0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.scheduling,"Thread scheduling policy",	"default|none|fifo|rr|other|batch|idle" },
		{ "priority",	0, 0,	G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.priority,	"Thread scheduling priority",	"INT" },
		{ "idle-scheduling",0, 0,G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.idle_scheduling,"Idle thread scheduling policy",	"default|none|fifo|rr|other|batch|idle" },
		{ "idle-priority",0, 0,	G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.idle_priority,"Idle thread scheduling priority",	"INT" },
		{ "log-srtp-keys",'F', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&rtpe_config.log_keys,	"Log SRTP keys to error log", NULL },
		{ "mysql-host",	0,   0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.mysql_host,"MySQL host for stored media files","HOST|IP"	},
		{ "mysql-port",	0,   0,	G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&rtpe_config.mysql_port,"MySQL port"				,"INT"		},
		{ "mysql-user",	0,   0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.mysql_user,"MySQL connection credentials",		"USERNAME"	},
		{ "mysql-pass",	0,   0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.mysql_pass,"MySQL connection credentials",		"PASSWORD"	},
		{ "mysql-query",0,   0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&rtpe_config.mysql_query,"MySQL select query",			"STRING"	},
		{ NULL, }

	config_load(argc, argv, e, " - next-generation media proxy",
			"/etc/rtpengine/rtpengine.conf", "rtpengine", &rtpe_config.common);

	if (codecs) {

	if (!if_a)
		die("Missing option --interface");
	if (!listenps && !listenudps && !listenngs)
		die("Missing option --listen-tcp, --listen-udp or --listen-ng");

	struct ifaddrs *ifas;
	if (getifaddrs(&ifas)) {
		ifas = NULL;
		ilog(LOG_WARN, "Failed to retrieve list of network interfaces: %s", strerror(errno));
	for (iter = if_a; *iter; iter++) {
		int ret = if_addr_parse(&rtpe_config.interfaces, *iter, ifas);
		if (ret)
			die("Invalid interface specification: '%s'", *iter);
	if (ifas)

	if (!rtpe_config.interfaces.length)
		die("Cannot start without any configured interfaces");

	if (ks_a) {
		for (iter = ks_a; *iter; iter++) {
			str_keyspace_db.s = *iter;
			str_keyspace_db.len = strlen(*iter);
			uint_keyspace_db = strtoul(str_keyspace_db.s, &endptr, 10);

			if ((errno == ERANGE && (uint_keyspace_db == ULONG_MAX)) ||
			    (errno != 0 && uint_keyspace_db == 0)) {
				ilog(LOG_ERR, "Fail adding keyspace '%.*s' to redis notifications; errono=%d\n", str_keyspace_db.len, str_keyspace_db.s, errno);
			} else if (endptr == str_keyspace_db.s) {
				ilog(LOG_ERR, "Fail adding keyspace '%.*s' to redis notifications; no digits found\n", str_keyspace_db.len, str_keyspace_db.s);
			} else {
				g_queue_push_tail(&rtpe_config.redis_subscribed_keyspaces, GUINT_TO_POINTER(uint_keyspace_db));

	if (listenps) {
		if (endpoint_parse_any_getaddrinfo(&rtpe_config.tcp_listen_ep, listenps))
			die("Invalid IP or port '%s' (--listen-tcp)", listenps);
	if (listenudps) {
		if (endpoint_parse_any_getaddrinfo(&rtpe_config.udp_listen_ep, listenudps))
			die("Invalid IP or port '%s' (--listen-udp)", listenudps);
	if (listenngs) {
		if (endpoint_parse_any_getaddrinfo(&rtpe_config.ng_listen_ep, listenngs))
			die("Invalid IP or port '%s' (--listen-ng)", listenngs);

	if (listencli) {if (endpoint_parse_any_getaddrinfo(&rtpe_config.cli_listen_ep, listencli))
	    die("Invalid IP or port '%s' (--listen-cli)", listencli);

	if (graphitep) {if (endpoint_parse_any_getaddrinfo_full(&rtpe_config.graphite_ep, graphitep))
	    die("Invalid IP or port '%s' (--graphite)", graphitep);

	if (graphite_prefix_s)

	if (homerp) {
		if (endpoint_parse_any_getaddrinfo_full(&rtpe_config.homer_ep, homerp))
			die("Invalid IP or port '%s' (--homer)", homerp);
	if (homerproto) {
		if (!strcmp(homerproto, "tcp"))
			rtpe_config.homer_protocol = SOCK_STREAM;
		else if (!strcmp(homerproto, "udp"))
			rtpe_config.homer_protocol = SOCK_DGRAM;
			die("Invalid protocol '%s' (--homer-protocol)", homerproto);

	if (rtpe_config.default_tos < 0 || rtpe_config.default_tos > 255)
		die("Invalid TOS value");

	if (rtpe_config.control_tos < 0 || rtpe_config.control_tos > 255)
		die("Invalid control-ng TOS value");

	if (rtpe_config.timeout <= 0)
		rtpe_config.timeout = 60;

	if (rtpe_config.silent_timeout <= 0)
		rtpe_config.silent_timeout = 3600;

	if (rtpe_config.offer_timeout <= 0)
		rtpe_config.offer_timeout = 3600;

	if (rtpe_config.final_timeout <= 0)
		rtpe_config.final_timeout = 0;

	if (redisps)
		if (redis_ep_parse(&rtpe_config.redis_ep, &rtpe_config.redis_db, &rtpe_config.redis_auth, "RTPENGINE_REDIS_AUTH_PW", redisps))
			die("Invalid Redis endpoint [IP:PORT/INT] '%s' (--redis)", redisps);

	if (redisps_write)
		if (redis_ep_parse(&rtpe_config.redis_write_ep, &rtpe_config.redis_write_db, &rtpe_config.redis_write_auth,
					"RTPENGINE_REDIS_WRITE_AUTH_PW", redisps_write))
			die("Invalid Redis endpoint [IP:PORT/INT] '%s' (--redis-write)", redisps_write);

	if (rtpe_config.fmt > 2)
		die("Invalid XMLRPC format");

	// XXX unify the log facility options
	if (log_facility_cdr_s) {
		if (!parse_log_facility(log_facility_cdr_s, &_log_facility_cdr)) {
			die ("Invalid log facility for CDR '%s' (--log-facility-cdr)", log_facility_cdr_s);

	if (log_facility_rtcp_s) {
		if (!parse_log_facility(log_facility_rtcp_s, &_log_facility_rtcp)) {
			die ("Invalid log facility for RTCP '%s' (--log-facility-rtcp)n", log_facility_rtcp_s);

	if (log_facility_dtmf_s) {
		if (!parse_log_facility(log_facility_dtmf_s, &_log_facility_dtmf)) {
			die ("Invalid log facility for DTMF '%s' (--log-facility-dtmf)n", log_facility_dtmf_s);

	if (log_format) {
		if (!strcmp(log_format, "default"))
			rtpe_config.log_format = LF_DEFAULT;
		else if (!strcmp(log_format, "parsable"))
			rtpe_config.log_format = LF_PARSABLE;
			die("Invalid --log-format option");

	if (!sip_source)
		trust_address_def = 1;

	rtpe_config.cpu_limit = max_cpu * 100;
	rtpe_config.load_limit = max_load * 100;

	if (rtpe_config.mysql_query) {
		// require exactly one %llu placeholder and allow no other % placeholders
		if (!strstr(rtpe_config.mysql_query, "%llu"))
			die("No '%%llu' present in --mysql-query='%s'", rtpe_config.mysql_query);
		const char *front = rtpe_config.mysql_query;
		unsigned int count = 0;
		const char *match;
		while ((match = strchr(front, '%'))) {
			front = match + 1;
		if (count != 1)
			die("Too many '%%' placeholders (%u) present in --mysql-query='%s'",
					count, rtpe_config.mysql_query);
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: onsip/rtpengine
static void options(int *argc, char ***argv) {
	char **if_a = NULL;
	char **ks_a = NULL;
	unsigned int uint_keyspace_db;
	str str_keyspace_db;
	char **iter;
	struct intf_config *ifa;
	char *listenps = NULL;
	char *listenudps = NULL;
	char *listenngs = NULL;
	char *listencli = NULL;
	char *graphitep = NULL;
	char *graphite_prefix_s = NULL;
	char *redisps = NULL;
	char *redisps_write = NULL;
	char *log_facility_s = NULL;
	char *log_facility_cdr_s = NULL;
	char *log_facility_rtcp_s = NULL;
	int version = 0;
	int sip_source = 0;
	char *homerp = NULL;
	char *homerproto = NULL;
	char *endptr;

	GOptionEntry e[] = {
		{ "version",	'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&version,	"Print build time and exit",	NULL		},
		{ "table",	't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&table,		"Kernel table to use",		"INT"		},
		{ "no-fallback",'F', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&no_fallback,	"Only start when kernel module is available", NULL },
		{ "interface",	'i', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY,&if_a,	"Local interface for RTP",	"[NAME/]IP[!IP]"},
		{ "subscribe-keyspace", 'k', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY,&ks_a,	"Subscription keyspace list",	"INT INT ..."},
		{ "listen-tcp",	'l', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenps,	"TCP port to listen on",	"[IP:]PORT"	},
		{ "listen-udp",	'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenudps,	"UDP port to listen on",	"[IP46:]PORT"	},
		{ "listen-ng",	'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&listenngs,	"UDP port to listen on, NG protocol", "[IP46:]PORT"	},
		{ "listen-cli", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,    &listencli,     "UDP port to listen on, CLI",   "[IP46:]PORT"     },
		{ "graphite", 'g', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,    &graphitep,     "Address of the graphite server",   "IP46:PORT"     },
		{ "graphite-interval",  'G', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,    &graphite_interval,  "Graphite send interval in seconds",    "INT"   },
		{ "graphite-prefix",0,  0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &graphite_prefix_s, "Prefix for graphite line", "STRING"},
		{ "tos",	'T', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&tos,		"Default TOS value to set on streams",	"INT"		},
		{ "timeout",	'o', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&timeout,	"RTP timeout",			"SECS"		},
		{ "silent-timeout",'s',0,G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&silent_timeout,"RTP timeout for muted",	"SECS"		},
		{ "final-timeout",'a',0,G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&final_timeout,	"Call timeout",			"SECS"		},
		{ "pidfile",	'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME,	&pidfile,	"Write PID to file",		"FILE"		},
		{ "foreground",	'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&foreground,	"Don't fork to background",	NULL		},
		{ "port-min",	'm', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&port_min,	"Lowest port to use for RTP",	"INT"		},
		{ "port-max",	'M', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&port_max,	"Highest port to use for RTP",	"INT"		},
		{ "redis",	'r', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&redisps,	"Connect to Redis database",	"[PW@]IP:PORT/INT"	},
		{ "redis-write",'w', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,    &redisps_write, "Connect to Redis write database",      "[PW@]IP:PORT/INT"       },
		{ "redis-num-threads", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &redis_num_threads, "Number of Redis restore threads",      "INT"       },
		{ "redis-expires", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &redis_expires, "Expire time in seconds for redis keys",      "INT"       },
		{ "no-redis-required", 'q', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &no_redis_required, "Start no matter of redis connection state", NULL },
		{ "b2b-url",	'b', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&b2b_url,	"XMLRPC URL of B2B UA"	,	"STRING"	},
		{ "log-level",	'L', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	(void *)&log_level,"Mask log priorities above this level","INT"	},
		{ "log-facility",0,  0,	G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &log_facility_s, "Syslog facility to use for logging", "daemon|local0|...|local7"},
		{ "log-facility-cdr",0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &log_facility_cdr_s, "Syslog facility to use for logging CDRs", "daemon|local0|...|local7"},
		{ "log-facility-rtcp",0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &log_facility_rtcp_s, "Syslog facility to use for logging RTCP", "daemon|local0|...|local7"},
		{ "log-stderr",	'E', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&_log_stderr,	"Log on stderr instead of syslog",	NULL		},
		{ "xmlrpc-format",'x', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&xmlrpc_fmt,	"XMLRPC timeout request format to use. 0: SEMS DI, 1: call-id only",	"INT"	},
		{ "num-threads",  0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&num_threads,	"Number of worker threads to create",	"INT"	},
		{ "delete-delay",  'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,    &delete_delay,  "Delay for deleting a session from memory.",    "INT"   },
		{ "sip-source",  0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&sip_source,	"Use SIP source address by default",	NULL	},
		{ "dtls-passive", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,	&dtls_passive_def,"Always prefer DTLS passive role",	NULL	},
		{ "max-sessions", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT,	&max_sessions,	"Limit of maximum number of sessions",	"INT"	},
		{ "homer",	0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&homerp,	"Address of Homer server for RTCP stats","IP46:PORT"},
		{ "homer-protocol",0,0,G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&homerproto,	"Transport protocol for Homer (default udp)",	"udp|tcp"	},
		{ "homer-id",	0,  0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&homer_id,	"'Capture ID' to use within the HEP protocol", "INT"	},
		{ "recording-dir", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING,	&spooldir,	"Directory for storing pcap and metadata files", "FILE"	},
		{ NULL, }

	GOptionContext *c;
	GError *er = NULL;

	c = g_option_context_new(" - next-generation media proxy");
	g_option_context_add_main_entries(c, e, NULL);
	if (!g_option_context_parse(c, argc, argv, &er))
		die("Bad command line: %s", er->message);

	if (version)

	if (!if_a)
		die("Missing option --interface");
	if (!listenps && !listenudps && !listenngs)
		die("Missing option --listen-tcp, --listen-udp or --listen-ng");

	for (iter = if_a; *iter; iter++) {
		ifa = if_addr_parse(*iter);
		if (!ifa)
			die("Invalid interface specification: %s", *iter);
		g_queue_push_tail(&interfaces, ifa);

	if (ks_a) {
		for (iter = ks_a; *iter; iter++) {
			str_keyspace_db.s = *iter;
			str_keyspace_db.len = strlen(*iter);
			uint_keyspace_db = strtol(str_keyspace_db.s, &endptr, 10);

			if ((errno == ERANGE && (uint_keyspace_db == LONG_MAX || uint_keyspace_db == LONG_MIN)) ||
			    (errno != 0 && uint_keyspace_db == 0)) {
				ilog(LOG_ERR, "Fail adding keyspace %.*s to redis notifications; errono=%d\n", str_keyspace_db.len, str_keyspace_db.s, errno);
			} else if (endptr == str_keyspace_db.s) {
				ilog(LOG_ERR, "Fail adding keyspace %.*s to redis notifications; no digists found\n", str_keyspace_db.len, str_keyspace_db.s);
			} else {
				g_queue_push_tail(&keyspaces, GUINT_TO_POINTER(uint_keyspace_db));

	if (listenps) {
		if (endpoint_parse_any(&tcp_listen_ep, listenps))
			die("Invalid IP or port (--listen-tcp)");
	if (listenudps) {
		if (endpoint_parse_any(&udp_listen_ep, listenudps))
			die("Invalid IP or port (--listen-udp)");
	if (listenngs) {
		if (endpoint_parse_any(&ng_listen_ep, listenngs))
			die("Invalid IP or port (--listen-ng)");

	if (listencli) {if (endpoint_parse_any(&cli_listen_ep, listencli))
	    die("Invalid IP or port (--listen-cli)");

	if (graphitep) {if (endpoint_parse_any_full(&graphite_ep, graphitep))
	    die("Invalid IP or port (--graphite)");

	if (graphite_prefix_s)

	if (homerp) {
		if (endpoint_parse_any_full(&homer_ep, homerp))
			die("Invalid IP or port (--homer)");
	if (homerproto) {
		if (!strcmp(homerproto, "tcp"))
			homer_protocol = SOCK_STREAM;
		else if (!strcmp(homerproto, "udp"))
			homer_protocol = SOCK_DGRAM;
			die("Invalid protocol (--homer-protocol)");

	if (tos < 0 || tos > 255)
		die("Invalid TOS value");

	if (timeout <= 0)
		timeout = 60;

	if (silent_timeout <= 0)
		silent_timeout = 3600;

	if (final_timeout <= 0)
		final_timeout = 0;

	if (redisps)
		if (redis_ep_parse(&redis_ep, &redis_db, &redis_auth, "RTPENGINE_REDIS_AUTH_PW", redisps))
			die("Invalid Redis endpoint [IP:PORT/INT] (--redis)");

	if (redisps_write)
		if (redis_ep_parse(&redis_write_ep, &redis_write_db, &redis_write_auth,
					"RTPENGINE_REDIS_WRITE_AUTH_PW", redisps_write))
			die("Invalid Redis endpoint [IP:PORT/INT] (--redis-write)");

	if (xmlrpc_fmt > 1)
		die("Invalid XMLRPC format");

	if ((log_level < LOG_EMERG) || (log_level > LOG_DEBUG))
	        die("Invalid log level (--log_level)");

	if (log_facility_s) {
		if (!parse_log_facility(log_facility_s, &_log_facility)) {
			die ("Invalid log facility '%s' (--log-facility)\n", log_facility_s);

	if (log_facility_cdr_s) {
		if (!parse_log_facility(log_facility_cdr_s, &_log_facility_cdr)) {
			die ("Invalid log facility for CDR '%s' (--log-facility-cdr)\n", log_facility_cdr_s);

	if (log_facility_rtcp_s) {
		if (!parse_log_facility(log_facility_rtcp_s, &_log_facility_rtcp)) {
			die ("Invalid log facility for RTCP '%s' (--log-facility-rtcp)\n", log_facility_rtcp_s);

	if (_log_stderr) {
		write_log = log_to_stderr;
		max_log_line_length = 0;

	if (!sip_source)
		trust_address_def = 1;