コード例 #1
ファイル: mysql.c プロジェクト: Arseny-N/bell_415
static void push_timer_from_row(MYSQL_ROW row, int fields) 
	char *rng_duration, *rng_time;
	bool rng_sub;
	if( fields < 3 ) {
		wrn_print("fields(%d) < 3",fields);
	rng_sub = !!atoi(row[4]);
	rng_duration = row[3];
	rng_time = row[2]; 
	struct sigevent se;
	se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL;
	se.sigev_signo = fit_default_durations(rng_duration);

	if(se.sigev_signo == -1 ) {				
		se.sigev_signo = SIG_RING_CUSTOM;				
		se.sigev_value.sival_int = duration(rng_duration);

	if( push_timer_from_string(&se, rng_time, NULL,TIMER_ABSTIME,1) == -1 ) {
		wrn_print("push_timer_from_string %s", rng_time);
	dbg_print("    duration: (%ss) time: (%s)",rng_duration, rng_time);	
	if (rng_sub || sub_bell_conf.global_enable) {
		struct sigevent sub_se;		
		struct timespec exp;
		time_t tm, gap; 

		sub_se.sigev_value.sival_int = sub_bell_conf.ring_for;		
		sub_se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL;
		sub_se.sigev_signo = SIG_RING_CUSTOM;						
		gap = str_to_time(sub_bell_conf.ring_before, 0);
		gap -= timezone;              
                 /* ??? what ???*/
		tm = str_to_time(rng_time, 1);	
		exp.tv_sec = tm - gap;
		exp.tv_nsec = 0;
		dbg_print("Sub duartion: (%ldns) time: (%s/%ld)", 
			(long) sub_bell_conf.ring_for,str_time("%H:%M:%S",&exp.tv_sec),
		if(push_timer(&sub_se, &exp, NULL,TIMER_ABSTIME,1) == -1) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: TimerApi.cpp プロジェクト: benoitschneider/solarus
 * \brief Implementation of sol.timer.start().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::timer_api_start(lua_State *l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    // Parameters: [context] delay callback.
    LuaContext& lua_context = get_lua_context(l);

    if (lua_type(l, 1) != LUA_TNUMBER) {
      // The first parameter is the context.
      if (lua_type(l, 1) != LUA_TTABLE
          && lua_type(l, 1) != LUA_TUSERDATA) {
        LuaTools::type_error(l, 1, "table or userdata");
    else {
      // No context specified: set a default context:
      // - during a game: the current map,
      // - outside a game: sol.main.

      Game* game = lua_context.get_main_loop().get_game();
      if (game != nullptr && game->has_current_map()) {
        push_map(l, game->get_current_map());
      else {

      lua_insert(l, 1);
    // Now the first parameter is the context.

    uint32_t delay = uint32_t(LuaTools::check_int(l, 2));
    const ScopedLuaRef& callback_ref = LuaTools::check_function(l, 3);

    // Create the timer.
    TimerPtr timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(delay);
    lua_context.add_timer(timer, 1, callback_ref);

    if (delay == 0) {
      // The delay is zero: call the function right now.

    push_timer(l, timer);

    return 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: TimerAPI.cpp プロジェクト: lambdaloop/solarus
 * @brief Implementation of sol.timer.start().
 * @param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * @return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::timer_api_start(lua_State *l) {

  // Parameters: [context] delay callback.
  LuaContext& lua_context = get_lua_context(l);

  if (lua_type(l, 1) != LUA_TNUMBER) {
    // The first parameter is the context.
    if (lua_type(l, 1) != LUA_TTABLE
        && lua_type(l, 1) != LUA_TUSERDATA) {
      luaL_typerror(l, 1, "table or userdata");
  else {
    // No context specified: set a default context:
    // - during a game: the current map,
    // - outside a game: sol.main.

    Game* game = lua_context.get_main_loop().get_game();
    if (game != NULL) {
      push_map(l, game->get_current_map());
    else {

    lua_insert(l, 1);
  // Now the first parameter is the context.

  uint32_t delay = uint32_t(luaL_checkint(l, 2));
  luaL_checktype(l, 3, LUA_TFUNCTION);

  if (delay == 0) {
    // The delay is zero: call the function right now.
    lua_settop(l, 3);
    lua_context.call_function(0, 0, "callback");
  else {
    // Create the timer.
    Timer* timer = new Timer(delay);
    lua_context.add_timer(timer, 1, 3);
    push_timer(l, *timer);

  return 1;