コード例 #1
ファイル: lcdd.cpp プロジェクト: srvanloon/tuxbox-cvs-apps
static std::string splitString(const std::string & text, const int maxwidth, LcdFont *font, bool dumb, bool utf8)
	int width, pos;
	std::string tmp = removeLeadingSpaces(text);

	if (font->getRenderWidth(tmp.c_str(), utf8) > maxwidth)
			if (dumb)
					tmp = tmp.substr(0, tmp.length()-1);
					width = font->getRenderWidth(tmp.c_str(), utf8);
				} while (utf8 && font->getRenderWidth(tmp.substr(0, tmp.length()-1).c_str(), true) == width); // cut an UTF-8 character completely
				pos = tmp.find_last_of("[ .-]+");
				if (pos != -1)
					tmp = tmp.substr(0, pos);
					width = font->getRenderWidth(tmp.c_str(), utf8);
				else // does not fit -> fall back to dumb split
						tmp = tmp.substr(0, tmp.length()-1);
						width = font->getRenderWidth(tmp.c_str(), utf8);
					} while (utf8 && font->getRenderWidth(tmp.substr(0, tmp.length()-1).c_str(), true) == width); // cut an UTF-8 character completely
		} while (width > maxwidth);

	return tmp;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ModelicaEditor.cpp プロジェクト: acracan/OMEdit
 * \brief ModelicaEditor::setPlainText
 * Reimplementation of QPlainTextEdit::setPlainText method.
 * Makes sure we dont update if the passed text is same.
 * \param text the string to set.
void ModelicaEditor::setPlainText(const QString &text)
  QMap<int, int> leadingSpacesMap;
  QString contents = text;
  // store and remove leading spaces
  if (mpModelWidget->getLibraryTreeItem()->isInPackageOneFile()) {
    leadingSpacesMap = StringHandler::getLeadingSpaces(contents);
    contents = removeLeadingSpaces(contents);
  // Only set the text when it is really new
  if (contents != mpPlainTextEdit->toPlainText()) {
    mForceSetPlainText = true;
    if (mpModelWidget->getLibraryTreeItem()->isInPackageOneFile()) {
    } else {
    mForceSetPlainText = false;
    mLastValidText = contents;
コード例 #3
ファイル: lcdd.cpp プロジェクト: ChakaZulu/my_tuxbox_apps
static std::string splitString(const std::string & text, const int maxwidth, LcdFont *font, bool dumb, bool utf8)
	int pos;
	std::string tmp = removeLeadingSpaces(text);

	if (font->getRenderWidth(tmp.c_str(), utf8) > maxwidth)
			if (dumb)
				tmp = tmp.substr(0, tmp.length()-1);
				pos = tmp.find_last_of("[ .-]+"); // TODO characters might be UTF-encoded!
				if (pos != -1)
					tmp = tmp.substr(0, pos);
				else // does not fit -> fall back to dumb split
					tmp = tmp.substr(0, tmp.length()-1);
		} while (font->getRenderWidth(tmp.c_str(), utf8) > maxwidth);

	return tmp;
コード例 #4
ファイル: lcdd.cpp プロジェクト: srvanloon/tuxbox-cvs-apps
/* display "big" and "small" text.
   TODO: right now, "big" is hardcoded as utf-8, small is not (for EPG)
void CLCD::showTextScreen(const std::string & big, const std::string & small, const int showmode, const bool perform_wakeup)
	/* the "showmode" variable is a bit map:
		EPG_NAME	show "big" string
		EPG_SHORT	show only one line of "big" string
		EPG_TITLE	show "small" string
		EPG_SEPLINE	show separator line if big and small are present / shown

	/* draw_fill_rect is braindead: it actually fills _inside_ the described rectangle,
	   so that you have to give it one pixel additionally in every direction ;-(
	   this is where the "-1 to 120" intead of "0 to 119" comes from */
	display.draw_fill_rect(-1, 10, LCD_COLS, 51, CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_OFF);

	bool big_utf8 = false;
	bool small_utf8 = false;
	std::string cname[2];
	std::string event[4];
	int namelines = 0, eventlines = 0, maxnamelines = 2;
	if (showmode & EPG_SHORT)
		maxnamelines = 1;

	if ((showmode & EPG_NAME) && !big.empty())
		bool dumb = false;
		big_utf8 = isUTF8(big);
		while (true)
			namelines = 0;
			std::string title = big;
			do { // first try "intelligent" splitting
				cname[namelines] = splitString(title, LCD_COLS, fonts.channelname, dumb, big_utf8);
				title = removeLeadingSpaces(title.substr(cname[namelines].length()));
			} while (!title.empty() && namelines < maxnamelines);
			if (title.empty())
			dumb = !dumb;	// retry with dumb splitting;
			if (!dumb)	// second retry -> get out;

	// one nameline => 2 eventlines, 2 namelines => 1 eventline
	int maxeventlines = 4 - (namelines * 3 + 1) / 2;

	if ((showmode & EPG_TITLE) && !small.empty())
		bool dumb = false;
		small_utf8 = isUTF8(small);
		while (true)
			eventlines = 0;
			std::string title = small;
			do { // first try "intelligent" splitting
				event[eventlines] = splitString(title, LCD_COLS, fonts.menu, dumb, small_utf8);
				title = removeLeadingSpaces(title.substr(event[eventlines].length()));
				/* DrDish TV appends a 0x0a to the EPG title. We could strip it in sectionsd...
				   ...instead, strip all control characters at the end of the text for now */
				if (!event[eventlines].empty() && event[eventlines].at(event[eventlines].length() - 1) < ' ')
					event[eventlines].erase(event[eventlines].length() - 1);
			} while (!title.empty() && eventlines < maxeventlines);
			if (title.empty())
			dumb = !dumb;	// retry with dumb splitting;
			if (!dumb)	// second retry -> get out;

	/* this values were determined empirically */
	int y = 8 + (41 - namelines*14 - eventlines*10)/2;
	int x = 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < namelines; i++) {
		y += 14;
		if (g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_EPGALIGN] == EPGALIGN_CENTER)
			int w = fonts.channelname->getRenderWidth(cname[i].c_str(), big_utf8);
			x = (LCD_COLS - w) / 2;
		fonts.channelname->RenderString(x, y, LCD_COLS + 10, cname[i].c_str(), CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_ON, 0, big_utf8);
	if (eventlines > 0 && namelines > 0 && (showmode & EPG_SEPLINE))
		display.draw_line(0, y, LCD_COLS - 1, y, CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_ON);
	if (eventlines > 0)
		for (int i = 0; i < eventlines; i++) {
			y += 10;
			if (g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_EPGALIGN] == EPGALIGN_CENTER)
				int w = fonts.menu->getRenderWidth(event[i].c_str(), small_utf8);
				x = (LCD_COLS - w) / 2;
			fonts.menu->RenderString(x, y, LCD_COLS + 10, event[i].c_str(), CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_ON, 0, small_utf8);

	if (perform_wakeup)

コード例 #5
String& String::trim ()
  removeTrailingSpaces ();
  removeLeadingSpaces ();
  return *this;
コード例 #6
ファイル: lcdd.cpp プロジェクト: ChakaZulu/my_tuxbox_apps
/* display "big" and "small" text.
   TODO: right now, "big" is hardcoded as utf-8, small is not (for EPG)
void CLCD::showTextScreen(const std::string & big, const std::string & small, const int showmode, const bool perform_wakeup, const bool centered)
	/* the "showmode" variable is a bit map:
		0x01	show "big" string
		0x02	show "small" string
		0x04	show separator line if big and small are present / shown
		0x08	show only one line of "big" string

	/* draw_fill_rect is braindead: it actually fills _inside_ the described rectangle,
	   so that you have to give it one pixel additionally in every direction ;-(
	   this is where the "-1 to 120" intead of "0 to 119" comes from */
	display.draw_fill_rect(-1, 10, 120, 51, CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_OFF);

	std::string cname[2];
	std::string event[4];
	int namelines = 0, eventlines = 0, maxnamelines = 2;
	if (showmode & 8)
		maxnamelines = 1;

	if ((showmode & 1) && !big.empty())
		bool dumb = false;
		while (true)
			namelines = 0;
			std::string title = big;
			do { // first try "intelligent" splitting
				cname[namelines] = splitString(title, 120, fonts.channelname, dumb, true);
				title = removeLeadingSpaces(title.substr(cname[namelines].length()));
			} while (title.length() > 0 && namelines < maxnamelines);
			if (title.length() == 0)
			dumb = !dumb;	// retry with dumb splitting;
			if (!dumb)	// second retry -> get out;

	// one nameline => 2 eventlines, 2 namelines => 1 eventline
	int maxeventlines = 4 - (namelines * 3 + 1) / 2;

	if ((showmode & 2) && !small.empty())
		bool dumb = false;
		while (true)
			eventlines = 0;
			std::string title = small;
			do { // first try "intelligent" splitting
				event[eventlines] = splitString(title, 120, fonts.menu, dumb, false);
				title = removeLeadingSpaces(title.substr(event[eventlines].length()));
			} while (title.length() >0 && eventlines < maxeventlines);
			if (title.length() == 0)
			dumb = !dumb;	// retry with dumb splitting;
			if (!dumb)	// second retry -> get out;

	/* this values were determined empirically */
	int y = 8 + (41 - namelines*14 - eventlines*10)/2;
	int x = 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < namelines; i++) {
		y += 14;
		if (centered)
			int w = fonts.channelname->getRenderWidth(cname[i].c_str(), true);
			x = 60 - (w / 2);
		fonts.channelname->RenderString(x, y, 130, cname[i].c_str(), CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_ON, 0, true); // UTF-8
	if (eventlines > 0 && namelines > 0 && showmode & 4)
		display.draw_line(0, y, 119, y, CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_ON);
	if (eventlines > 0)
		for (int i = 0; i < eventlines; i++) {
			y += 10;
			if (centered)
				int w = fonts.menu->getRenderWidth(event[i].c_str(), false);
				x = 60 - (w / 2);
			fonts.menu->RenderString(x, y, 130, event[i].c_str(), CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_ON, 0,false); // UTF-8

	if (perform_wakeup)
