コード例 #1
ファイル: controller.cpp プロジェクト: mr-oroboto/oroboto
 * Controller::reset()
 * These values should only be reset once. They set the robot position as (0,0) with a heading of 0 radians.
void Controller::reset()
	_fHeadingRef = 0.0;
    _fHeadingError = 0.0;
    _fHeadingErrorPrev = 0.0;
    _fHeadingErrorIntegral = 0.0;

    _fPosXRef = 0.0;
    _fPosYRef = 0.0;

    _currentPose.x = 0.0;
    _currentPose.y = 0.0;
    _currentPose.heading = 0.0;
    _currentPose.timestamp = 0;

コード例 #2
task main()
	autonomousOptimized = true;


	while ( !driveToCenter(false) )
コード例 #3
ファイル: controller.cpp プロジェクト: mr-oroboto/oroboto
 * Controller::goToPosition
 * @param double x					desired waypoint x co-ord
 * @param double y					desired waypoing y co-ord
 * @param double fPosXStated		believed current x co-ord
 * @param double fPosYStated		believed current y co-ord
 * @return void
void Controller::goToPosition(double x, double y, double fPosXStated, double fPosYStated)
	double  		fTargetVectorMagnitude;             	// current distance between where we think we are and the waypoint
	double  		fTargetVectorMagnitudeLast = 0;			// last distance between where we think we were and the waypoint
	double  		fTargetVectorMagnitudeInitial = 0;		// initial distance between where we think we are and the waypoint
	double			fTargetVectorMagnitudeAtStartOfDrift;	// if we begin to get further from the target (rather than closer, perhaps due to a turning circle) what was our distance to the target when this started?
	unsigned int  	nConsecutiveIncreasingDistance = 0;		// number of times the distance has increased rather than decrease (used to stop out of controlness)
	bool			bApproachingTarget = false;				// once we start approaching the target don't forget it

	double       	fVelocityLeft = 0, fVelocityRight = 0;	// current velocity of left and right wheels

	Led    			ledHealth(1), ledProximity(3);


	// Reset the distance counters that are used in the PID loop, they are relative to our last (this) waypoint

	_logger->notice("goToPosition: --- START ---\nGoing to position (%.2f, %.2f) from current position (%.2f, %.2f) and heading [%.2f] ...", x, y, _currentPose.x, _currentPose.y, _currentPose.heading);

	_fPosXRef = x;
	_fPosYRef = y;

	// We need to keep our heading as close to this reference heading as possible to reach the waypoint
	_fHeadingRef = getHeading(_fPosXRef, _fPosYRef, _currentPose.x, _currentPose.y, _currentPose.heading);
//	_fHeadingRef = getHeading(_fPosXRef, _fPosYRef, fPosXStated, fPosYStated, _fHeadingCurrent);

	_logger->notice("goToPosition: new heading required is [%.2f]", _fHeadingRef);

	// Start (and reset) the odometry thread

	int          	iteration = 0;
	bool          	bFirstIteration = true;

   	struct timeval 	tvNow, tvLast;
   	int           	nsec;
   	unsigned long 	delayms, totaldelayms = 0;	// time since last iteration and total time in this waypoint

   	gettimeofday(&tvLast, NULL);

	while (true)
		 * Recalculate our reference heading every now and again as our current position changes.
		if (iteration % 10 == 0)
			_logger->notice("goToPosition: recalculating heading based on current position...");
			_fHeadingRef = getHeading(_fPosXRef, _fPosYRef, _currentPose.x, _currentPose.y, _currentPose.heading);
			_logger->notice("new heading is %.2f", _fHeadingRef);

		gettimeofday(&tvNow, NULL);

	    if (tvNow.tv_usec < tvLast.tv_usec)
	        nsec = (tvLast.tv_usec - tvNow.tv_usec) / 1000000 + 1;
	        tvLast.tv_usec -= 1000000 * nsec;
	        tvLast.tv_sec  += nsec;

	    if (tvNow.tv_usec - tvLast.tv_usec > 1000000)
	        nsec = (tvLast.tv_usec - tvNow.tv_usec) / 1000000;
	        tvLast.tv_usec += 1000000 * nsec;
	        tvLast.tv_sec  -= nsec;

	    // How long did we sleep since the last iteration? Required for derivatives.
	    delayms = ((tvNow.tv_sec - tvLast.tv_sec) * 1000) + ((tvNow.tv_usec - tvLast.tv_usec) / 1000);
	    totaldelayms += delayms;	// total time in this waypoint segment
	    _totalTime   += delayms;	// total time transiting altogether
	    tvLast        = tvNow;

	    _currentPose.timestamp = _totalTime;

	    // How long have we slept? This is required for our integral and derivative PID values.
    	double dt = delayms / 1000.0;


       	_logger->notice("goToPosition: %lu --- ITERATION %d --- \nreference: (%.2f, %.2f, distance: %.2f) at heading %.2f (total runtime: %lu) (dt: %.2f)", delayms, iteration, _fPosXRef, _fPosYRef, fTargetVectorMagnitudeInitial, _fHeadingRef, totaldelayms, dt);

        // How far has each wheel travelled? This is total distance since odo reset (start of waypoint).
        if (_bSimulation)
        	// Don't use the odometer, see what our model predicts. This can be used to determine how accurate the odometer and drive train is.
            _fDistLeft  += dt * fVelocityLeft;
            _fDistRight += dt * fVelocityRight;
	        _odo->getDistance(&_fDistLeft, &_fDistRight);

        _fDistTotal = (_fDistLeft + _fDistRight) / 2.0;

    	_logger->notice("goToPosition: distL[%.2f] distR[%.2f] dist[%.2f] distPrev[%.2f]", _fDistLeft, _fDistRight, _fDistTotal, _fDistTotalPrev);

        // How far have we travelled in this last iteration?
        double fDistDelta      = _fDistTotal - _fDistTotalPrev;
        double fDistLeftDelta  = _fDistLeft  - _fDistLeftPrev;
        double fDistRightDelta = _fDistRight - _fDistRightPrev;

    	// Position has changed based on the distance travelled at the previous heading
        _currentPose.x += fDistDelta * cos(_currentPose.heading);
    	_currentPose.y += fDistDelta * sin(_currentPose.heading);

    	// Update the heading as it has changed based on the distance travelled too
    	_currentPose.heading += ((fDistRightDelta - fDistLeftDelta) / CONTROLLER_WHEELBASE);

        // Ensure our heading remains sane
    	_currentPose.heading = atan2(sin(_currentPose.heading), cos(_currentPose.heading));

    	_fDistTotalPrev  = _fDistTotal;
    	_fDistLeftPrev   = _fDistLeft;
    	_fDistRightPrev  = _fDistRight;

        // What's the error between our required heading and our heading?
		double fHeadingErrorRaw = _fHeadingRef - _currentPose.heading;
		_fHeadingError = atan2(sin(fHeadingErrorRaw), cos(fHeadingErrorRaw));

		// How fast should we proceed forward? (Anything below 5 results in non-movement due to inertia)
		double fForwardVelocity = 9.0;              // 5.0 works as well but undershoots

       	// What is the magnitude of the vector between us and our target?
       	fTargetVectorMagnitude = sqrt(((_fPosXRef - _currentPose.x)*(_fPosXRef - _currentPose.x)) + ((_fPosYRef - _currentPose.y)*(_fPosYRef - _currentPose.y)));

       	if (bFirstIteration)
       	    fTargetVectorMagnitudeInitial = fTargetVectorMagnitude;

    	_logger->notice("goToPosition: heading[%.4f, e: %.6f] posX[%.2f] posY[%.2f] distToTarget[%.2f] distToTargetLast[%.2f]", _currentPose.heading, _fHeadingError, _currentPose.x, _currentPose.y, fTargetVectorMagnitude, fTargetVectorMagnitudeLast);

    	 * @todo: Come up with a better way of determining whether we should consider ourself "close enough" to the waypoint.
    	if ( ! bFirstIteration)
    	    if (fTargetVectorMagnitude >= fTargetVectorMagnitudeLast)
    	    	if (nConsecutiveIncreasingDistance == 0)
    	    		fTargetVectorMagnitudeAtStartOfDrift = fTargetVectorMagnitude;


    	        double fDistanceCoveredSinceStartOfDrift = fTargetVectorMagnitude - fTargetVectorMagnitudeAtStartOfDrift;

    	        if (fDistanceCoveredSinceStartOfDrift >= (0.25 * fTargetVectorMagnitudeInitial))
//    	        if (nConsecutiveIncreasingDistance > MAX_ITERATIONS_OF_INCREASING_TARGET_VECTOR_BEFORE_TERMINATION)
		    	    _logger->notice("goToPosition: Distance to target has increased!\ngoToPosition: --- END ABNORMAL ---\n");
    	        nConsecutiveIncreasingDistance = 0;

    	if (fTargetVectorMagnitude < 10 || bApproachingTarget)
    		bApproachingTarget = true;

    	    _logger->notice("goToPosition: Approaching target, slowing down.");
    	    fForwardVelocity = 3.0;                 // 3.0 works as well, safer

//      _logger->notice("goToPosition: x(%.2f)\ty(%.2f)\ttheta(%.2f)", _fPosXCurrent, _fPosYCurrent, _fHeadingCurrent);

    	if (fTargetVectorMagnitude <= 5)
    	    _logger->notice("goToPosition: You have arrived at your destination!\ngoToPosition: --- END ---\n");
            _dotLogPosition->log((_totalTime / 1000.0), _currentPose.x, _currentPose.y, DotLog::DotLogPositionColour::RED, true);
            _dotLogPosition->log((_totalTime / 1000.0), _currentPose.x, _currentPose.y, bApproachingTarget ? DotLog::DotLogPositionColour::RED : DotLog::DotLogPositionColour::BLACK);

		fTargetVectorMagnitudeLast = fTargetVectorMagnitude;

//    	if (fabs(fPosXCurrent - fPosXRef) < (CONTROLLER_WHEELBASE/2.0) && fabs(fPosYCurrent - fPosYRef) < (CONTROLLER_WHEELBASE/2.0))
//    	{
//    		printf("You have arrived at your destination (non-vector)!\n");
//    		break;
//    	}

    	// Maintain the PID variables
    	double fHeadingErrorDerivative = (_fHeadingError - _fHeadingErrorPrev) / dt;
    	_fHeadingErrorIntegral        += (_fHeadingError * dt);
    	_fHeadingErrorPrev             = _fHeadingError;

    	double pidP = CONTROLLER_PID_PROPORTIONAL * _fHeadingError;
    	double pidI = CONTROLLER_PID_INTEGRAL     * _fHeadingErrorIntegral;
    	double pidD = CONTROLLER_PID_DERIVATIVE   * fHeadingErrorDerivative;

    	// PID, this gives us the control signal, u, this is required angular velocity
    	double u = pidP + pidI + pidD;

    	// Angular velocity gives us new wheel velocities. We assume a constant forward velocity for simplicity.
    	fVelocityRight = ((2.0*fForwardVelocity) + (u*CONTROLLER_WHEELBASE)) / (2.0*CONTROLLER_WHEELRADIUS);   // cm/s
		fVelocityLeft  = ((2.0*fForwardVelocity) - (u*CONTROLLER_WHEELBASE)) / (2.0*CONTROLLER_WHEELRADIUS);   // cm/s

		_logger->notice("goToPosition: P[%.6f] I[%.6f] D[%.6f] u[%.6f] -> required velocities (left,right) are (%.2f,%.2f)", pidP, pidI, pidD, u, fVelocityLeft, fVelocityRight);

		// These velocities are relative, work out the required velocity per wheel.
//		float vLeft  = (fVelocityLeft  / (fabs(fVelocityLeft) + fabs(fVelocityRight))) * 100.0;
//		float vRight = (fVelocityRight / (fabs(fVelocityLeft) + fabs(fVelocityRight))) * 100.0;
//		int   dLeft  = static_cast<int>(fabs(vLeft));
//		int   dRight = static_cast<int>(fabs(vRight));
//		printf("Required relative velocities (left,right) are (%.2f,%.2f) -> (%d,%d)\n", vLeft, vRight, dLeft, dRight);

		int nLeftPWM  = convertVelocityToPWMPercentage(true, fVelocityLeft);
		int nRightPWM = convertVelocityToPWMPercentage(false, fVelocityRight);

		// Apply the new velocities to the motors
		if ( ! _bSimulation)
			if (fVelocityLeft < 0.0)
				motor_reverse(MOTOR_LEFT, pwm_speed(nLeftPWM));
				motor_forward(MOTOR_LEFT, pwm_speed(nLeftPWM));

			if (fVelocityRight < 0.0)
				motor_reverse(MOTOR_RIGHT, pwm_speed(nRightPWM));
				motor_forward(MOTOR_RIGHT, pwm_speed(nRightPWM));

		usleep(50000);      // 50ms
//		usleep(300000);     // 300 ms
//		usleep(1000000);    // 1s

    	 * time passes ... wheels respond to new control signal and begin moving at new velocities
    	 *  These wheel velocities turn the wheels and influence the distance travelled and heading
    	 *  which is recalculated in the next iteration.

    	bFirstIteration = false;


コード例 #4
ファイル: snake.cpp プロジェクト: EvulMastah/Snake
Snake::Snake(const Position &position, sf::Color color, bool rainbow)
	addPiece(position, color, rainbow);