コード例 #1
void ResolutionCandidate::resolveTypeConstructor(CallInfo& info) {

  // Ignore tuple constructors; they were generated
  // with their type constructors.
  if (fn->hasFlag(FLAG_PARTIAL_TUPLE) == false) {
    CallExpr* typeConstructorCall = new CallExpr(astr("_type", fn->name));

    for_formals(formal, fn) {
      if (formal->hasFlag(FLAG_IS_MEME) == false) {
        if (fn->_this->type->symbol->hasFlag(FLAG_TUPLE)) {
          if (formal->instantiatedFrom != NULL) {

          } else if (formal->hasFlag(FLAG_INSTANTIATED_PARAM)) {

        } else {
          if (strcmp(formal->name, "outer") == 0 ||
              formal->type                  == dtMethodToken) {

          } else if (formal->instantiatedFrom != NULL) {
            SymExpr*   se = new SymExpr(formal->type->symbol);
            NamedExpr* ne = new NamedExpr(formal->name, se);


          } else if (formal->hasFlag(FLAG_INSTANTIATED_PARAM)) {
            SymExpr*   se = new SymExpr(paramMap.get(formal));
            NamedExpr* ne = new NamedExpr(formal->name, se);



    // If instead we call resolveCallAndCallee(typeConstructorCall)
    // then the line number reported in an error would change
    // e.g.: domains/deitz/test_generic_class_of_sparse_domain
    // or:   classes/diten/multipledestructor



    fn->_this->type = typeConstructorCall->resolvedFunction()->retType;

コード例 #2
ファイル: WTemplate.C プロジェクト: ScienziatoBestia/wt
void WTemplate::renderTemplateText(std::ostream& result, const WString& templateText)
  std::string text;

  WApplication *app = WApplication::instance();

  if (app && (encodeInternalPaths_ || app->session()->hasSessionIdInUrl())) {
    WFlags<RefEncoderOption> options;
    if (encodeInternalPaths_)
      options |= EncodeInternalPaths;
    if (app->session()->hasSessionIdInUrl())
      options |= EncodeRedirectTrampoline;
    WString t = templateText;
    EncodeRefs(t, options);
    text = t.toUTF8();
  } else
    text = templateText.toUTF8();

  std::size_t lastPos = 0;
  std::vector<WString> args;
  std::vector<std::string> conditions;
  int suppressing = 0;

  for (std::size_t pos = text.find('$'); pos != std::string::npos;
       pos = text.find('$', pos)) {

    if (!suppressing)
      result << text.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos);

    lastPos = pos;

    if (pos + 1 < text.length()) {
      if (text[pos + 1] == '$') { // $$ -> $
	if (!suppressing)
	  result << '$';

	lastPos += 2;
      } else if (text[pos + 1] == '{') {
	std::size_t startName = pos + 2;
	std::size_t endName = text.find_first_of(" \r\n\t}", startName);

	std::size_t endVar = parseArgs(text, endName, args);

	if (endVar == std::string::npos) {
	  LOG_ERROR("variable syntax error near \"" << text.substr(pos)
		    << "\"");

	std::string name = text.substr(startName, endName - startName);
	std::size_t nl = name.length();

	if (nl > 2 && name[0] == '<' && name[nl - 1] == '>') {
	  if (name[1] != '/') {
	    std::string cond = name.substr(1, nl - 2);
	    if (suppressing || !conditionValue(cond))
	  } else {
	    std::string cond = name.substr(2, nl - 3);
	    if (conditions.back() != cond) {
	      LOG_ERROR("mismatching condition block end: " << cond);

	    if (suppressing)
	} else {
	  if (!suppressing) {
	    std::size_t colonPos = name.find(':');

	    bool handled = false;
	    if (colonPos != std::string::npos) {
	      std::string fname = name.substr(0, colonPos);
	      std::string arg0 = name.substr(colonPos + 1);
	      args.insert(args.begin(), WString::fromUTF8(arg0));
	      if (resolveFunction(fname, args, result))
		handled = true;

	    if (!handled)
	      resolveString(name, args, result);

	lastPos = endVar + 1;
      } else {
	if (!suppressing)
	  result << '$'; // $. -> $.
	lastPos += 1;
    } else {
      if (!suppressing)
	result << '$'; // $ at end of template -> $
      lastPos += 1;

    pos = lastPos;

  result << text.substr(lastPos);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Helper.cpp プロジェクト: disenone/CrossStudy
void printTrace()
	SymInitialize(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, TRUE);

	UINT32 maxframes = 62;
	UINT_PTR myFrames[62];

	ZeroMemory(myFrames, sizeof(UINT_PTR) * maxframes);
	ULONG BackTraceHash;
	maxframes = CaptureStackBackTrace(0, maxframes, reinterpret_cast<PVOID*>(myFrames), &BackTraceHash);

	const UINT_PTR* pFrame = myFrames;
	const size_t frameSize = maxframes;

	UINT32  startIndex = 0;

	int unresolvedFunctionsCount = 0;
	IMAGEHLP_LINE  sourceInfo = { 0 };
	sourceInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE);

	// Use static here to increase performance, and avoid heap allocs.
	// It's thread safe because of g_heapMapLock lock.
	static char stack_line[1024] = "";
	bool isPrevFrameInternal = false;
	DWORD NumChars = 0;

	const size_t max_line_length = 512;
	const int resolvedCapacity = 62 * max_line_length;
	const size_t allocedBytes = resolvedCapacity * sizeof(char);
	char resolved[resolvedCapacity];
	if (resolved) {
		ZeroMemory(resolved, allocedBytes);
	HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
	int resolvedLength = 0;
	// Iterate through each frame in the call stack.
	for (UINT32 frame = 0; frame < frameSize; frame++)
		if (pFrame[frame] == 0)
		// Try to get the source file and line number associated with
		// this program counter address.
		SIZE_T programCounter = pFrame[frame];

		DWORD64 displacement64;
		BYTE symbolBuffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + 256 * sizeof(char)];
		LPCSTR functionName = getFunctionName(programCounter, displacement64, (SYMBOL_INFO*)&symbolBuffer);

		// It turns out that calls to SymGetLineFromAddrW64 may free the very memory we are scrutinizing here
		// in this method. If this is the case, m_Resolved will be null after SymGetLineFromAddrW64 returns.
		// When that happens there is nothing we can do except crash.
		DWORD            displacement = 0;

		BOOL foundline = SymGetLineFromAddr(hProcess, programCounter, &displacement, &sourceInfo);

		bool isFrameInternal = false;

		// show one allocation function for context
		if (NumChars > 0 && !isFrameInternal && isPrevFrameInternal) {
			resolvedLength += NumChars;
			if (resolved) {
				strncat_s(resolved, resolvedCapacity, stack_line, NumChars);
		isPrevFrameInternal = isFrameInternal;

		if (!foundline)
			displacement = (DWORD)displacement64;
		NumChars = resolveFunction(programCounter, foundline ? &sourceInfo : NULL,
			displacement, functionName, stack_line, _countof(stack_line));

		if (NumChars > 0 && !isFrameInternal) {
			resolvedLength += NumChars;
			if (resolved) {
				strncat_s(resolved, resolvedCapacity, stack_line, NumChars);
	} // end for loop

コード例 #4
ファイル: WTemplate.C プロジェクト: dreamsxin/WebWidgets
bool WTemplate::renderTemplateText(std::ostream& result, const WString& templateText)
  errorText_ = "";

  std::string text;
  if (encodeTemplateText_)
    text = encode(templateText.toUTF8());
    text = templateText.toUTF8();

  std::size_t lastPos = 0;
  std::vector<WString> args;
  std::vector<std::string> conditions;
  int suppressing = 0;

  for (std::size_t pos = text.find('$'); pos != std::string::npos;
       pos = text.find('$', pos)) {

    if (!suppressing)
      result << text.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos);

    lastPos = pos;

    if (pos + 1 < text.length()) {
      if (text[pos + 1] == '$') { // $$ -> $
	if (!suppressing)
	  result << '$';

	lastPos += 2;
      } else if (text[pos + 1] == '{') {
	std::size_t startName = pos + 2;
	std::size_t endName = text.find_first_of(" \r\n\t}", startName);

        std::size_t endVar = parseArgs(text, endName, args);

        if (endVar == std::string::npos) {
          std::stringstream errorStream;
          errorStream << "variable syntax error near \"" << text.substr(pos)
                      << "\"";
          errorText_ = errorStream.str();
          return false;

        std::string name = text.substr(startName, endName - startName);
	std::size_t nl = name.length();

	if (nl > 2 && name[0] == '<' && name[nl - 1] == '>') {
	  if (name[1] != '/') {
	    std::string cond = name.substr(1, nl - 2);
	    if (suppressing || !conditionValue(cond))
	  } else {
	    std::string cond = name.substr(2, nl - 3);
	    if (conditions.empty() || conditions.back() != cond) {
              std::stringstream errorStream;
              errorStream << "mismatching condition block end: " << cond;
              errorText_ = errorStream.str();
              return false;

	    if (suppressing)
	} else {
	  if (!suppressing) {
	    std::size_t colonPos = name.find(':');

	    bool handled = false;
	    if (colonPos != std::string::npos) {
	      std::string fname = name.substr(0, colonPos);
	      std::string arg0 = name.substr(colonPos + 1);
	      args.insert(args.begin(), WString::fromUTF8(arg0));
	      if (resolveFunction(fname, args, result))
		handled = true;

	    if (!handled)
	      resolveString(name, args, result);

	lastPos = endVar + 1;
      } else {
	if (!suppressing)
	  result << '$'; // $. -> $.
	lastPos += 1;
    } else {
      if (!suppressing)
	result << '$'; // $ at end of template -> $
      lastPos += 1;

    pos = lastPos;

  result << text.substr(lastPos);
  return true;
コード例 #5
   * Reduce this module with respect to the given interface.
   * - The interface suggests some of the uses of the functions,
   *   so here we can generate special versions of those functions.
   * Generate a ComponentInterfaceTransform for clients to rewrite their
   * code to use the new API
  SpecializeComponent(Module& M, ComponentInterfaceTransform& T,
      SpecializationPolicy &policy, std::list<Function*>& to_add)
    int rewrite_count = 0;
    const ComponentInterface& I = T.getInterface();
    // TODO: What needs to be done?
    // - Should try to handle strings & arrays
    for (ComponentInterface::FunctionIterator ff = I.begin(), fe = I.end(); ff
        != fe; ++ff) {
      StringRef name = ff->first();
      Function* func = resolveFunction(M, name);
      if (func == NULL || func->isDeclaration()) {
        // We don't specialize declarations because we don't own them

      for (ComponentInterface::CallIterator cc = I.call_begin(name), ce =
          I.call_end(name); cc != ce; ++cc) {
        const CallInfo* const call = *cc;

        const unsigned arg_count = call->args.size();

        if (func->isVarArg()) {
          // TODO: I don't know how to specialize variable argument functions yet
        if (arg_count != func->getArgumentList().size()) {
          // Not referring to this function?
          // NOTE: I can't assert this equality because of the way that approximations occur

        SmallBitVector slice(arg_count);
        bool shouldSpecialize = policy.specializeOn(func, call->args.begin(),
            call->args.end(), slice);

        if (!shouldSpecialize)

        std::vector<Value*> args;
        std::vector<unsigned> argPerm;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
          if (slice.test(i)) {
	      Type * paramType = func->getFunctionType()->getParamType(i);
	      Value *concreteArg = call->args[i].concretize(M, paramType);
	      assert(concreteArg->getType() == paramType
		     && "Specializing function with concrete argument of wrong type!");
          } else {

        Function* nfunc = specializeFunction(func, args);

        FunctionHandle rewriteTo = nfunc->getName();

        T.rewrite(name, call, rewriteTo, argPerm);

    if (rewrite_count > 0) {
      errs() << rewrite_count << " pending rewrites\n";
    return rewrite_count > 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: callstack.cpp プロジェクト: viknash/vld
// Resolve - Creates a nicely formatted rendition of the CallStack, including
//   symbolic information (function names and line numbers) if available. and
//   saves it for later retrieval. This is almost identical to Callstack::dump above.
//   Note: The symbol handler must be initialized prior to calling this
//     function.
//  - showInternalFrames (IN): If true, then all frames in the CallStack will be
//      dumped. Otherwise, frames internal to the heap will not be dumped.
//  Return Value:
//    None.
int CallStack::resolve(BOOL showInternalFrames)
    if (m_resolved)
        // already resolved, no need to do it again
        // resolving twice may report an incorrect module for the stack frames
        // if the memory was leaked in a dynamic library that was already unloaded.
        return 0;

        // there is no need to resolve a leak that will not be reported
        return 0;

        // This call stack appears to be incomplete. Using StackWalk64 may be
        // more reliable.
        Report(L"    HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting \"StackWalkMethod\"\n"
            L"      in the vld.ini file to \"safe\" instead of \"fast\" may result in a more\n"
            L"      complete stack trace.\n");

    int unresolvedFunctionsCount = 0;
    IMAGEHLP_LINE64  sourceInfo = { 0 };
    sourceInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64);

    bool skipStartupLeaks = !!(g_vld.GetOptions() & VLD_OPT_SKIP_CRTSTARTUP_LEAKS);

    // Use static here to increase performance, and avoid heap allocs.
    // It's thread safe because of g_heapMapLock lock.
    static WCHAR stack_line[MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1] = L"";
    bool isPrevFrameInternal = false;
    bool isDynamicInitializer = false;
    DWORD NumChars = 0;
    CriticalSectionLocker<DbgHelp> locker(g_DbgHelp);

    const size_t max_line_length = MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1;
    m_resolvedCapacity = m_size * max_line_length;
    const size_t allocedBytes = m_resolvedCapacity * sizeof(WCHAR);
    m_resolved = new WCHAR[m_resolvedCapacity];
    if (m_resolved) {
        ZeroMemory(m_resolved, allocedBytes);

    // Iterate through each frame in the call stack.
    for (UINT32 frame = 0; frame < m_size; frame++)
        // Try to get the source file and line number associated with
        // this program counter address.
        SIZE_T programCounter = (*this)[frame];
        DWORD            displacement = 0;

        // It turns out that calls to SymGetLineFromAddrW64 may free the very memory we are scrutinizing here
        // in this method. If this is the case, m_Resolved will be null after SymGetLineFromAddrW64 returns.
        // When that happens there is nothing we can do except crash.
        DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymGetLineFromAddrW64\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
        BOOL foundline = g_DbgHelp.SymGetLineFromAddrW64(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement, &sourceInfo, locker);

        if (skipStartupLeaks && foundline && !isDynamicInitializer &&
            !(m_status & CALLSTACK_STATUS_NOTSTARTUPCRT) && isCrtStartupModule(sourceInfo.FileName)) {
            m_status |= CALLSTACK_STATUS_STARTUPCRT;
            delete[] m_resolved;
            m_resolved = NULL;
            m_resolvedCapacity = 0;
            m_resolvedLength = 0;
            return 0;

        bool isFrameInternal = false;
        if (foundline && !showInternalFrames) {
            if (isInternalModule(sourceInfo.FileName)) {
                // Don't show frames in files internal to the heap.
                isFrameInternal = true;

        // show one allocation function for context
        if (NumChars > 0 && !isFrameInternal && isPrevFrameInternal) {
            m_resolvedLength += NumChars;
            if (m_resolved) {
                wcsncat_s(m_resolved, m_resolvedCapacity, stack_line, NumChars);
        isPrevFrameInternal = isFrameInternal;

        DWORD64 displacement64;
        BYTE symbolBuffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE];
        LPCWSTR functionName = getFunctionName(programCounter, displacement64, (SYMBOL_INFO*)&symbolBuffer, locker);

        if (skipStartupLeaks && foundline && beginWith(functionName, wcslen(functionName), L"`dynamic initializer for '")) {
            isDynamicInitializer = true;

        if (!foundline)
            displacement = (DWORD)displacement64;
        NumChars = resolveFunction( programCounter, foundline ? &sourceInfo : NULL,
            displacement, functionName, stack_line, _countof( stack_line ));

        if (NumChars > 0 && !isFrameInternal) {
            m_resolvedLength += NumChars;
            if (m_resolved) {
                wcsncat_s(m_resolved, m_resolvedCapacity, stack_line, NumChars);
    } // end for loop

    return unresolvedFunctionsCount;
コード例 #7
ファイル: callstack.cpp プロジェクト: viknash/vld
// dump - Dumps a nicely formatted rendition of the CallStack, including
//   symbolic information (function names and line numbers) if available.
//   Note: The symbol handler must be initialized prior to calling this
//     function.
//  - showinternalframes (IN): If true, then all frames in the CallStack will be
//      dumped. Otherwise, frames internal to the heap will not be dumped.
//  Return Value:
//    None.
void CallStack::dump(BOOL showInternalFrames, UINT start_frame) const
    // The stack was dumped already
    if (m_resolved)

        // This call stack appears to be incomplete. Using StackWalk64 may be
        // more reliable.
        Report(L"    HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting \"StackWalkMethod\"\n"
            L"      in the vld.ini file to \"safe\" instead of \"fast\" may result in a more\n"
            L"      complete stack trace.\n");

    IMAGEHLP_LINE64  sourceInfo = { 0 };
    sourceInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64);

    // Use static here to increase performance, and avoid heap allocs.
    // It's thread safe because of g_heapMapLock lock.
    static WCHAR stack_line[MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1] = L"";
    bool isPrevFrameInternal = false;
    CriticalSectionLocker<DbgHelp> locker(g_DbgHelp);

    // Iterate through each frame in the call stack.
    for (UINT32 frame = start_frame; frame < m_size; frame++)
        // Try to get the source file and line number associated with
        // this program counter address.
        SIZE_T programCounter = (*this)[frame];
        BOOL             foundline = FALSE;
        DWORD            displacement = 0;
        DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymGetLineFromAddrW64\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
        foundline = g_DbgHelp.SymGetLineFromAddrW64(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement, &sourceInfo, locker);

        bool isFrameInternal = false;
        if (foundline && !showInternalFrames) {
            if (isInternalModule(sourceInfo.FileName))
                // Don't show frames in files internal to the heap.
                isFrameInternal = true;

        // show one allocation function for context
        if (!isFrameInternal && isPrevFrameInternal)
        isPrevFrameInternal = isFrameInternal;

        DWORD64 displacement64;
        BYTE symbolBuffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE];
        LPCWSTR functionName = getFunctionName(programCounter, displacement64, (SYMBOL_INFO*)&symbolBuffer, locker);

        if (!foundline)
            displacement = (DWORD)displacement64;
        DWORD NumChars = resolveFunction(programCounter, foundline ? &sourceInfo : NULL,
            displacement, functionName, stack_line, _countof(stack_line));

        if (!isFrameInternal)
コード例 #8
ファイル: SpecializeComponent.cpp プロジェクト: SRI-CSL/OCCAM
   * Reduce this module with respect to the given interface.
   * - The interface suggests some of the uses of the functions,
   *   so here we can generate special versions of those functions.
   * Generate a ComponentInterfaceTransform for clients to rewrite their
   * code to use the new API
  SpecializeComponent(Module& M, ComponentInterfaceTransform& T,
      SpecializationPolicy &policy, std::list<Function*>& to_add)

    errs() << "SpecializeComponent()\n";

    int rewrite_count = 0;
    const ComponentInterface& I = T.getInterface();
    // TODO: What needs to be done?
    // - Should try to handle strings & arrays
    // Iterate through all functions in the interface of T 
    for (ComponentInterface::FunctionIterator ff = I.begin(), fe = I.end(); ff
        != fe; ++ff) {
      StringRef name = ff->first();
      Function* func = resolveFunction(M, name);

      if (func == NULL || func->isDeclaration()) {
        // We don't specialize declarations because we don't own them
      // Now iterate through all calls to func in the interface of T
      for (ComponentInterface::CallIterator cc = I.call_begin(name), ce =
          I.call_end(name); cc != ce; ++cc) {
        const CallInfo* const call = *cc;

        const unsigned arg_count = call->args.size();

        if (func->isVarArg()) {
          // TODO: I don't know how to specialize variable argument functions yet

        if (arg_count != func->getArgumentList().size()) {
          // Not referring to this function?
          // NOTE: I can't assert this equality because of the way that approximations occur

	  should we specialize? if yes then each bit in slice will indicate whether the argument is 
	  a specializable constant
        SmallBitVector slice(arg_count);
        bool shouldSpecialize = policy.specializeOn(func, call->args.begin(), call->args.end(), slice);

        if (!shouldSpecialize)

        std::vector<Value*> args;
        std::vector<unsigned> argPerm;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
          if (slice.test(i)) {
	      Type * paramType = func->getFunctionType()->getParamType(i);
	      Value *concreteArg = call->args[i].concretize(M, paramType);
	      assert(concreteArg->getType() == paramType
		     && "Specializing function with concrete argument of wrong type!");
          } else {
	  args is a list of pointers to values
	   --  if the pointer is NULL then that argument is not specialized
	   -- if the pointer is not NULL then the argument will be/has been specialized to that value
	  argsPerm is a list on integers; the indices of the non-special arguments

	  args[i] = NULL iff i is in argsPerm for i < arg_count.


        Function* nfunc = specializeFunction(func, args);

        FunctionHandle rewriteTo = nfunc->getName();

        T.rewrite(name, call, rewriteTo, argPerm);

	errs() << "Specialized  " << name << " to " << rewriteTo << "\n";

#if 0
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
	  errs() << "i = " << i << ": slice[i] = " << slice[i] 
		 << " args[i] = " << args.at(i) << "\n";
	errs() << " argPerm = [";
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < argPerm.size(); i++) {
	  errs() << argPerm.at(i) << " ";
	errs() << "]\n";

    if (rewrite_count > 0) {
      errs() << rewrite_count << " pending rewrites\n";
    return rewrite_count > 0;