コード例 #1
ファイル: ibattle.cpp プロジェクト: cleanrock/springlobby
bool IBattle::LoadOptionsPreset( const std::string& name )
	const std::string preset = FixPresetName(name);
	if (preset.empty()) return false; //preset not found
	m_preset = preset;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < LSL::OptionsWrapper::LastOption; i++) {
		std::map<wxString,wxString> options = sett().GetHostingPreset( TowxString(m_preset), i );
		if ( (LSL::OptionsWrapper::GameOption)i != LSL::OptionsWrapper::PrivateOptions ) {
			for ( std::map<wxString,wxString>::const_iterator itor = options.begin(); itor != options.end(); ++itor ) {
				wxLogWarning( itor->first + _T(" ::: ") + itor->second );
				CustomBattleOptions().setSingleOption( STD_STRING(itor->first),
								       (LSL::OptionsWrapper::GameOption)i );
		} else {
			if ( !options[_T("mapname")].IsEmpty() ) {
				if (LSL::usync().MapExists(STD_STRING(options[_T("mapname")]))) {
					SetLocalMap( STD_STRING(options[_T("mapname")]) );
					SendHostInfo( HI_Map );
				} else if ( !ui().OnPresetRequiringMap( options[_T("mapname")] ) ) {
					//user didn't want to download the missing map, so set to empty to not have it tried to be loaded again
					options[_T("mapname")] = wxEmptyString;
					sett().SetHostingPreset( TowxString(m_preset), i, options );

			for( unsigned int j = 0; j <= GetLastRectIdx(); ++j ) {
				if ( GetStartRect( j ).IsOk() )
					RemoveStartRect(j); // remove all rects that might come from map presets
			SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_StartRects );

			unsigned int rectcount = s2l( options[_T("numrects")] );
			for ( unsigned int loadrect = 0; loadrect < rectcount; loadrect++) {
				int ally = s2l(options[_T("rect_") + TowxString(loadrect) + _T("_ally")]);
				if ( ally == 0 ) continue;
				AddStartRect( ally - 1, s2l(options[_T("rect_") + TowxString(loadrect) + _T("_left")]), s2l(options[_T("rect_") + TowxString(loadrect) + _T("_top")]), s2l(options[_T("rect_") + TowxString(loadrect) + _T("_right")]), s2l(options[_T("rect_") + TowxString(loadrect) + _T("_bottom")]) );
			SendHostInfo( HI_StartRects );

			wxStringTokenizer tkr( options[_T("restrictions")], _T('\t') );
			while( tkr.HasMoreTokens() ) {
				wxString unitinfo = tkr.GetNextToken();
				RestrictUnit( STD_STRING(unitinfo.BeforeLast(_T('='))), s2l( unitinfo.AfterLast(_T('=')) ) );
			SendHostInfo( HI_Restrictions );
			Update( wxFormat( _T("%d_restrictions") ) % LSL::OptionsWrapper::PrivateOptions );

	SendHostInfo( HI_Send_All_opts );
	return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: platform.cpp プロジェクト: tizbac/springlobby
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Read out Host's CPU Speed
/// \return Sum of each CPU's Speed of this Computer
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
wxString GetHostCPUSpeed()

    int cpu_count = 0;
    int max_cpu_speed=0;

#ifdef __WXMSW__

    //afaik there is no way to determine the number of sub keys for a given key
    //so i'll hardcode some value here and hope bd doesn't hit me with a stick :P
    for (int i = 0; i< 16; ++i)
		wxRegKey programreg( _T("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\")+	wxFormat(_T("%d") ) % i);
        long tmp;
        if ( programreg.QueryValue( _T("~MHz"), &tmp ) )
            if ( max_cpu_speed < tmp ) max_cpu_speed = tmp;



    wxTextFile file( _T("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq") );
    if ( file.Exists() )
      wxString line = file.GetFirstLine();
      int tmp = s2l( line );
      tmp /= 1000;
      if ( max_cpu_speed < tmp ) max_cpu_speed = tmp;
    else {
      wxTextFile file( _T("/proc/cpuinfo") );
      if ( file.Exists() )
        for ( wxString line = file.GetFirstLine(); !file.Eof(); line = file.GetNextLine() )
          if ( line.Left(7) == _T("cpu MHz") )
            line = line.AfterLast( _T(' ') ).BeforeLast( _T('.') );
            int tmp = s2l( line );
            if ( max_cpu_speed < tmp ) max_cpu_speed = tmp;
    return TowxString( LSL::Util::Clamp( max_cpu_speed,0,max_cpu_speed ) );
コード例 #3
ファイル: battleroomtab.cpp プロジェクト: SpliFF/springlobby
void BattleRoomTab::UpdateBattleInfo( const wxString& Tag )
  if ( !m_battle ) return;

	long index = m_opt_list_map[ Tag ];
	OptionsWrapper::GameOption type = ( OptionsWrapper::GameOption )s2l( Tag.BeforeFirst( '_' ) );
	wxString key = Tag.AfterFirst( '_' );
	wxString value;
	if ( ( type == OptionsWrapper::MapOption ) || ( type == OptionsWrapper::ModOption ) || ( type == OptionsWrapper::EngineOption ) )
		OptionType DataType = m_battle->CustomBattleOptions().GetSingleOptionType( key );
		value = m_battle->CustomBattleOptions().getSingleValue( key, ( OptionsWrapper::GameOption )type );
		if ( m_battle->CustomBattleOptions().getDefaultValue( key, type ) == value ) m_opts_list->SetItemFont( index, wxFont( 8, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_LIGHT ) );
		else m_opts_list->SetItemFont( index, wxFont( 8, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD ) );
		if ( DataType == opt_bool )
			value =  bool2yn( s2l( value ) ); // convert from 0/1 to literal Yes/No
		else if ( DataType == opt_list )
			value = m_battle->CustomBattleOptions().GetNameListOptValue( key, type ); // get the key full name not short key
		m_opts_list->SetItem( index, 1, value );
	else// if ( type == OptionsWrapper::PrivateOptions )
		if ( key == _T( "mapname" ) ) // the map has been changed

			wxString mapname =m_battle->GetHostMapName();
			int index_ = m_map_combo->FindString( mapname );
			if ( index_ != wxNOT_FOUND )
                m_map_combo->SetSelection( index_ );
                m_map_combo->SetValue( mapname );

			//delete any eventual map option from the list and add options of the new map
			for ( int i = m_map_opts_index; i < m_opts_list->GetItemCount(); )
                m_opts_list->DeleteItem( i );
			AddMMOptionsToList( m_map_opts_index, OptionsWrapper::MapOption );


		else if ( key == _T( "restrictions" ) )
			m_opts_list->SetItem( index, 1, bool2yn( m_battle->RestrictedUnits().size() > 0 ) );
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_bitvector.c プロジェクト: Bira/ferret
static BitVector *set_bits(BitVector *bv, char *bits)
    static int bit_array[SET_BITS_MAX_CNT];
    const int bit_cnt = s2l(bits, bit_array);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < bit_cnt; i++) {
        bv_set(bv, bit_array[i]);
    return bv;
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_sort.c プロジェクト: Bira/ferret
static void do_test_top_docs(TestCase *tc, Searcher *searcher, Query *query,
                      char *expected_hits, Sort *sort)
    static int num_array[ARRAY_SIZE];
    int i;
    int total_hits = s2l(expected_hits, num_array);
    TopDocs *top_docs = searcher_search(searcher, query, 0,
                                        total_hits, NULL, sort, NULL);
    Aiequal(total_hits, top_docs->total_hits);
    Aiequal(total_hits, top_docs->size);

    for (i = 0; i < top_docs->size; i++) {
        Hit *hit = top_docs->hits[i];
        if (false && sort && searcher->doc_freq != isea_doc_freq) {
            FieldDoc *fd = (FieldDoc *)hit;
            int j;
            printf("%d == %d:%f ", num_array[i], hit->doc, hit->score);
            for (j = 0; j < fd->size; j++) {
                switch (fd->comparables[j].type) {
                    case SORT_TYPE_SCORE:
                        printf("sc:%f ", fd->comparables[j].val.f); break;
                    case SORT_TYPE_FLOAT:
                        printf("f:%f ", fd->comparables[j].val.f); break;
                    case SORT_TYPE_DOC:
                        printf("d:%ld ", fd->comparables[j].val.l); break;
                    case SORT_TYPE_INTEGER:
                        printf("i:%ld ", fd->comparables[j].val.l); break;
                    case SORT_TYPE_STRING:
                        printf("s:%s ", fd->comparables[j].val.s); break;
                        printf("NA "); break;
        Aiequal(num_array[i], hit->doc);

    if (total_hits >= R_END) {
        top_docs = searcher_search(searcher, query, R_START, R_END - R_START,
                                   NULL, sort, NULL);
        for (i = R_START; i < R_END; i++) {
            Hit *hit = top_docs->hits[i - R_START];
            Aiequal(num_array[i], hit->doc);
            printf("%d == %d\n", num_array[i], hit->doc);
コード例 #6
ファイル: addbotdialog.cpp プロジェクト: slogic/springlobby
void AddBotDialog::UpdateOption( const wxString& Tag )
    long index = m_opt_list_map[ Tag ];
    OptionsWrapper::GameOption type = ( OptionsWrapper::GameOption )s2l( Tag.BeforeFirst( '_' ) );
    wxString key = Tag.AfterFirst( '_' );
    wxString value;

    OptionType DataType = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().GetSingleOptionType( key );
    value = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().getSingleValue( key, ( OptionsWrapper::GameOption )type );
    if ( m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().getDefaultValue( key, type ) == value ) m_opts_list->SetItemFont( index, wxFont( 8, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_LIGHT ) );
    else m_opts_list->SetItemFont( index, wxFont( 8, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD ) );
    if ( DataType == opt_bool )
        value =  bool2yn( s2l( value ) ); // convert from 0/1 to literal Yes/No
    else if ( DataType == opt_list )
        value = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().GetNameListOptValue( key, type ); // get the key full name not short key
    m_opts_list->SetItem( index, 1, value );
    m_opts_list->SetColumnWidth( 1, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE );
コード例 #7
	tmap load_map(const std::string &path) {
		std::ifstream in(path);

		tmap ret;
		std::string line;
		while (std::getline(in, line)) {
			size_t pos = line.find(' ');
			if (pos != std::string::npos) {
				ribosome::letter f = s2l(line.c_str(), pos);
				ret[f] = ribosome::lconvert::from_utf8(line.substr(pos + 1));

		return ret;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ibattle.cpp プロジェクト: johnjianfang/springlobby
void IBattle::SaveOptionsPreset( const wxString& name )
  m_preset = FixPresetName(name);
  if (m_preset == _T("")) m_preset = name; //new preset

  for ( int i = 0; i < (int)OptionsWrapper::LastOption; i++)
    if ( (OptionsWrapper::GameOption)i != OptionsWrapper::PrivateOptions )
      sett().SetHostingPreset( m_preset, (OptionsWrapper::GameOption)i, CustomBattleOptions().getOptionsMap( (OptionsWrapper::GameOption)i ) );
      std::map<wxString,wxString> opts;
      opts[_T("mapname")] = GetHostMapName();
      unsigned int validrectcount = 0;
      if ( s2l (CustomBattleOptions().getSingleValue( _T("startpostype"), OptionsWrapper::EngineOption ) ) == ST_Choose )
        unsigned int boxcount = GetLastRectIdx();
        for ( unsigned int boxnum = 0; boxnum <= boxcount; boxnum++ )
          BattleStartRect rect = GetStartRect( boxnum );
          if ( rect.IsOk() )
            opts[_T("rect_") + TowxString(validrectcount) + _T("_ally")] = TowxString( rect.ally + 1 );
            opts[_T("rect_") + TowxString(validrectcount) + _T("_left")] = TowxString( rect.left );
            opts[_T("rect_") + TowxString(validrectcount) + _T("_top")] = TowxString( rect.top );
            opts[_T("rect_") + TowxString(validrectcount) + _T("_bottom")] = TowxString( rect.bottom );
            opts[_T("rect_") + TowxString(validrectcount) + _T("_right")] = TowxString( rect.right );
      opts[_T("numrects")] = TowxString( validrectcount );

      wxString restrictionsstring;
	  for ( std::map<wxString, int>::const_iterator itor = m_restricted_units.begin(); itor != m_restricted_units.end(); ++itor )
        restrictionsstring << itor->first << _T('=') << TowxString(itor->second) << _T('\t');
      opts[_T("restrictions")] = restrictionsstring;

      sett().SetHostingPreset( m_preset, (OptionsWrapper::GameOption)i, opts );
コード例 #9
ファイル: mmoptionwindows.cpp プロジェクト: tvo/springlobby
void SingleOptionDialog::OnOk( wxCommandEvent& /*unused*/ )
	OptionsWrapper::GameOption optFlag = ( OptionsWrapper::GameOption )s2l( m_tag.BeforeFirst( '_' ) );
	wxString key = m_tag.AfterFirst( '_' );
	wxString value;
	if ( m_textctrl ) value = m_textctrl->GetValue();
	else if ( m_combobox ) value = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().GetNameListOptItemKey( key, m_combobox->GetValue(), optFlag );
	else if ( m_spinctrl )
	    double d = m_spinctrl->GetValue() ;
	    value = wxString::Format( _T("%f"),d );
	    wxLogMessage( wxString::Format( _T("Got VALUE: %s -- %f") , value.c_str(), d ) );
	else if ( m_checkbox ) value = TowxString( m_checkbox->GetValue() );
	m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().setSingleOption( key, value, optFlag );
	m_battle.SendHostInfo( m_tag );
	EndModal( wxID_OK );
コード例 #10
ファイル: addbotdialog.cpp プロジェクト: slogic/springlobby
void AddBotDialog::OnOptionActivate( wxListEvent& event )
    long index = event.GetIndex();
    wxString tag;
    for ( OptionListMap::const_iterator itor = m_opt_list_map.begin(); itor != m_opt_list_map.end(); ++itor )
        if ( itor->second == index )
            tag = itor->first;
    OptionsWrapper& optWrap = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions();
    OptionsWrapper::GameOption optFlag = ( OptionsWrapper::GameOption )s2l( tag.BeforeFirst( '_' ) );
    wxString key = tag.AfterFirst( '_' );
    OptionType type = optWrap.GetSingleOptionType( key );
    if ( !optWrap.keyExists( key, optFlag, false, type ) ) return;
    SingleOptionDialog dlg( m_battle, tag );
    UpdateOption( tag );
コード例 #11
ファイル: addbotdialog.cpp プロジェクト: N0U/springlobby
void AddBotDialog::UpdateOption( const wxString& Tag )
    const long index = m_opt_list_map[ Tag ];
    const LSL::OptionsWrapper::GameOption type = ( LSL::OptionsWrapper::GameOption )s2l( Tag.BeforeFirst( '_' ) );
    const std::string key = STD_STRING(Tag.AfterFirst( '_' ));
    std::string value;

    const auto DataType = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().GetSingleOptionType( key );
	value = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().getSingleValue( key, ( LSL::OptionsWrapper::GameOption )type );
	if ( m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().getDefaultValue( key, type ) == value ) m_opts_list->SetItemFont( index, wxFont( 8, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_LIGHT ) );
	else m_opts_list->SetItemFont( index, wxFont( 8, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD ) );
    if ( DataType == LSL::Enum::opt_bool )
        value =  STD_STRING(bool2yn(LSL::Util::FromString<long>(value))); // convert from 0/1 to literal Yes/No
    else if ( DataType == LSL::Enum::opt_list )
		value = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().GetNameListOptValue( key, type ); // get the key full name not short key
    m_opts_list->SetItem( index, 1, TowxString(value));
	m_opts_list->SetColumnWidth( 1, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE );
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_filter.c プロジェクト: Bira/ferret
static void check_filtered_hits(TestCase *tc, Searcher *searcher, Query *query,
                                Filter *f, PostFilter *post_filter,
                                char *expected_hits, char top)
    static int num_array[ARRAY_SIZE];
    int i;
    int total_hits = s2l(expected_hits, num_array);
    TopDocs *top_docs = searcher_search(searcher, query, 0, total_hits + 1,
                                        f, NULL, post_filter);
    Aiequal(total_hits, top_docs->total_hits);
    Aiequal(total_hits, top_docs->size);

    if ((top >= 0) && top_docs->size) {
        Aiequal(top, top_docs->hits[0]->doc);

    /* printf("top_docs->size = %d\n", top_docs->size); */
    for (i = 0; i < top_docs->size; i++) {
        Hit *hit = top_docs->hits[i];
        char buf[1000];
        sprintf(buf, "doc %d was found unexpectedly", hit->doc);
        Assert(ary_includes(num_array, total_hits, hit->doc), buf);
        /* only check the explanation if we got the correct docs. Obviously we
         * might want to remove this to visually check the explanations */
        if (total_hits == top_docs->total_hits) {
            Explanation *e = searcher->explain(searcher, query, hit->doc);
            float escore = e->value;
            /* char *t; printf("%s\n", t = expl_to_s(e, 0)); free(t); */
            if (post_filter) {
                escore *= post_filter->filter_func(hit->doc, escore, searcher,
            Afequal(hit->score, escore);
コード例 #13
ファイル: battleroomtab.cpp プロジェクト: N0U/springlobby
void BattleRoomTab::OnOptionActivate( wxListEvent& event )
	if ( !m_battle ) return;
	if ( !m_battle->IsFounderMe() ) return;
	long index = event.GetIndex();
	if ( index == 0 ) return;
	wxString tag;
	for ( OptionListMap::const_iterator itor = m_opt_list_map.begin(); itor != m_opt_list_map.end(); ++itor )
		if ( itor->second == index )
			tag = itor->first;
	LSL::OptionsWrapper& optWrap = m_battle->CustomBattleOptions();
	LSL::OptionsWrapper::GameOption optFlag = ( LSL::OptionsWrapper::GameOption )s2l( tag.BeforeFirst( '_' ) );
	const std::string key = STD_STRING(tag.AfterFirst( '_' ));
	LSL::Enum::OptionType type = optWrap.GetSingleOptionType( key );
	if ( !optWrap.keyExists( key, optFlag, false, type ) ) return;
	SingleOptionDialog dlg( *m_battle, tag );
コード例 #14
void PlaybackListFilter<PlaybackTabType>::SetDurationValue()

    wxString dur = m_filter_duration_edit->GetValue();
    const wxChar* mysep = _T(":");
    int sep_count = dur.Replace(mysep,mysep); //i know, i know
    switch ( sep_count ) {

        case 0: m_duration_value = s2l( dur );
        case 1: m_duration_value = s2l( dur.AfterFirst(*mysep) ) + ( s2l( dur.BeforeFirst(*mysep) ) * 60 );
        case 2: m_duration_value = s2l( dur.AfterLast(*mysep) ) + ( s2l( dur.AfterFirst(*mysep).BeforeFirst(*mysep) ) * 60 )
                                    + ( s2l( dur.BeforeFirst(*mysep) ) * 3600 );

コード例 #15
void SimpleServerEvents::OnSetBattleInfo( int battleid, const wxString& param, const wxString& value )
    wxLogDebugFunc( param + _T(", ") + value );
        Battle& battle = m_serv.GetBattle( battleid );
		battle.m_script_tags[param] = value;
        wxString key = param;
        if ( key.Left( 5 ) == _T("game/") )
            key = key.AfterFirst( '/' );
            if ( key.Left( 11 ) == _T( "mapoptions/" ) )
                key = key.AfterFirst( '/' );
                battle.CustomBattleOptions().setSingleOption( key,  value, OptionsWrapper::MapOption );
								battle.Update( wxString::Format(_T("%d_%s"), OptionsWrapper::MapOption, key.c_str() ) );
            else if ( key.Left( 11 ) == _T( "modoptions/" ) )
                key = key.AfterFirst( '/' );
								battle.CustomBattleOptions().setSingleOption( key, value, OptionsWrapper::ModOption );
                battle.Update(  wxString::Format(_T("%d_%s"), OptionsWrapper::ModOption,  key.c_str() ) );
            else if ( key.Left( 8 ) == _T( "restrict" ) )
            	OnBattleDisableUnit( battleid, key.AfterFirst(_T('/')), s2l(value) );
            else if ( key.Left( 4 ) == _T( "team" ) && key.Find( _T("startpos") ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
            	 int team = s2l( key.BeforeFirst(_T('/')).Mid( 4 ) );
				 if ( key.Find( _T("startposx") ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
					 int numusers = battle.GetNumUsers();
					 for ( int i = 0; i < numusers; i++ )
						 User& usr = battle.GetUser( i );
						 UserBattleStatus& status = usr.BattleStatus();
						 if ( status.team == team )
							 status.pos.x = s2l( value );
							 battle.OnUserBattleStatusUpdated( usr, status );
				 else if ( key.Find( _T("startposy") ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
					 int numusers = battle.GetNumUsers();
					 for ( int i = 0; i < numusers; i++ )
						 User& usr = battle.GetUser( i );
						 UserBattleStatus& status = usr.BattleStatus();
						 if ( status.team == team )
							 status.pos.y = s2l( value );
							 battle.OnUserBattleStatusUpdated( usr, status );
				battle.CustomBattleOptions().setSingleOption( key,  value, OptionsWrapper::EngineOption );
				battle.Update( wxString::Format(_T("%d_%s"), OptionsWrapper::EngineOption, key.c_str() ) );
    catch (assert_exception) {}
コード例 #16
ファイル: springunitsync.cpp プロジェクト: SpliFF/springlobby
MapInfo SpringUnitSync::_GetMapInfoEx( const wxString& mapname )
  MapInfo info;

  if ( m_mapinfo_cache.TryGet( mapname, info ) ) return info;

  wxArrayString cache;
  try {
        cache = GetCacheFile( GetFileCachePath( mapname, m_maps_unchained_hash[mapname], false ) + _T(".infoex") );

		ASSERT_EXCEPTION( cache.GetCount() >= 11, _T("not enough lines found in cache info ex") );
        info.author = cache[0];
        info.tidalStrength =  s2l( cache[1] );
        info.gravity = s2l( cache[2] );
        info.maxMetal = s2d( cache[3] );
        info.extractorRadius = s2d( cache[4] );
        info.minWind = s2l( cache[5] );
        info.maxWind = s2l( cache[6] );
        info.width = s2l( cache[7] );
        info.height = s2l( cache[8] );
		wxArrayString posinfo = wxStringTokenize( cache[9], _T(' '), wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY );
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < posinfo.GetCount(); i++)
           StartPos position;
           position.x = s2l( posinfo[i].BeforeFirst( _T('-') ) );
           position.y = s2l( posinfo[i].AfterFirst( _T('-') ) );
           info.positions.push_back( position );

        unsigned int LineCount = cache.GetCount();
		for ( unsigned int i = 10; i < LineCount; i++ ) info.description << cache[i] << _T('\n');

      catch (...)
		info = susynclib().GetMapInfoEx( m_unsorted_map_array.Index(mapname), 1 );

        cache.Add ( info.author );
        cache.Add( TowxString( info.tidalStrength ) );
        cache.Add( TowxString( info.gravity ) );
        cache.Add( TowxString( info.maxMetal ) );
        cache.Add( TowxString( info.extractorRadius ) );
        cache.Add( TowxString( info.minWind ) );
        cache.Add( TowxString( info.maxWind )  );
        cache.Add( TowxString( info.width ) );
        cache.Add( TowxString( info.height ) );

        wxString postring;
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < info.positions.size(); i++)
           postring << TowxString( info.positions[i].x ) << _T('-') << TowxString( info.positions[i].y ) << _T(' ');
        cache.Add( postring );

        wxArrayString descrtoken = wxStringTokenize( info.description, _T('\n') );
        unsigned int desclinecount = descrtoken.GetCount();
        for ( unsigned int count = 0; count < desclinecount; count++ ) cache.Add( descrtoken[count] );

        SetCacheFile( GetFileCachePath( mapname, m_maps_unchained_hash[mapname], false ) + _T(".infoex"), cache );
  catch ( ... ) {
      info.width = 1;
      info.height = 1;

  m_mapinfo_cache.Add( mapname, info );

  return info;
コード例 #17
bool WidgetDownloadPanel::PopulateList()
    bool success = true;
	wxHTTP http;

        // PHP file sending XML content
	wxInputStream *httpStream = http.GetInputStream(_T("/luaManager/lua_manager.php?m=0"));

	if (http.GetError() == wxPROTO_NOERR)
		wxXmlDocument xml(*httpStream);

		wxXmlNode *node = xml.GetRoot()->GetChildren();
		while (node)
		    int id = FromwxString<long>( node->GetPropVal( _T("ID"), TowxString( invalid_id ) ) );
            if ( id != invalid_id ) {
                Widget w;
                w.w_id = id;

                wxXmlNode* item = node->GetChildren();
                while( item ) {
                    wxString name = item->GetName();
                    if ( name == _T("ImageCount") ) {
                        w.num_images = s2l( item->GetNodeContent() );
                    else if ( name == _T("DownloadCount") ) {
                        w.num_downloads = s2l( item->GetNodeContent() );
                    else if ( name == _T("Version") ) {
                        wxString rev = item->GetNodeContent();
                        w.rev_major = s2l( rev.BeforeFirst( '.' ) );
                        w.rev_minor = s2l( rev.AfterFirst( '.' ) );
                        w.rev = rev;
                    else if ( name == _T("NameId") ) {
                        w.n_id = s2l( item->GetNodeContent() );
                    else if ( name == _T("Changelog") ) {
                        w.changelog = item->GetNodeContent();
                    else if ( name == _T("Mods") ) {
                        w.mods = item->GetNodeContent();
                    else if ( name == _T("Description") ) {
                        wxString desc = item->GetNodeContent();
                        w.description = desc;
                        desc.Replace( _T("\r\n"), _T(" "), true );
                        desc.Replace( _T("\n"), _T(" "), true );
                        desc.Replace( _T("\r"), _T(" "), true );
                        if ( desc.Len() > max_short_desc_length ) {
                            desc = desc.Left(  max_short_desc_length -1 ) + _T("...");
                        w.short_description = desc;
                    else if ( name == _T("Author") ) {
                        w.author = item->GetNodeContent();
                    else if ( name == _T("Entry") ) {
                        w.date = item->GetNodeContent();
                    else if ( name == _T("Name") ) {
                        w.name = item->GetNodeContent();

                    item = item->GetNext();

                m_list->AddWidget( w );

			node = node->GetNext();
		success = false;


	return success;
コード例 #18
ファイル: battleroomtab.cpp プロジェクト: slogic/springlobby
void BattleRoomTab::UpdateBattleInfo( const wxString& Tag )
  if ( !m_battle ) return;

	long index = m_opt_list_map[ Tag ];
	OptionsWrapper::GameOption type = ( OptionsWrapper::GameOption )s2l( Tag.BeforeFirst( '_' ) );
	wxString key = Tag.AfterFirst( '_' );
	wxString value;
	if ( ( type == OptionsWrapper::MapOption ) || ( type == OptionsWrapper::ModOption ) || ( type == OptionsWrapper::EngineOption ) )
		OptionType DataType = m_battle->CustomBattleOptions().GetSingleOptionType( key );
		value = m_battle->CustomBattleOptions().getSingleValue( key, ( OptionsWrapper::GameOption )type );
		if ( m_battle->CustomBattleOptions().getDefaultValue( key, type ) == value ) m_opts_list->SetItemFont( index, wxFont( 8, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_LIGHT ) );
		else m_opts_list->SetItemFont( index, wxFont( 8, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD ) );
		if ( DataType == opt_bool )
			value =  bool2yn( s2l( value ) ); // convert from 0/1 to literal Yes/No
		else if ( DataType == opt_list )
			value = m_battle->CustomBattleOptions().GetNameListOptValue( key, type ); // get the key full name not short key
		m_opts_list->SetItem( index, 1, value );
	else if ( type == OptionsWrapper::PrivateOptions )
		if ( key == _T( "mapname" ) ) // the map has been changed
			try   // updates map info summary
				ASSERT_EXCEPTION( m_battle->MapExists(), _( "Map does not exist." ) );
				UnitSyncMap map = m_battle->LoadMap();
				m_opts_list->SetItem( m_opt_list_map[ _( "Size" ) ] , 1, wxString::Format( _T( "%.0fx%.0f" ), map.info.width / 512.0, map.info.height / 512.0 ) );
				m_opts_list->SetItem( m_opt_list_map[ _( "Windspeed" ) ], 1, wxString::Format( _T( "%d-%d" ), map.info.minWind, map.info.maxWind ) );
				m_opts_list->SetItem( m_opt_list_map[ _( "Tidal strength" ) ], 1, wxString::Format( _T( "%d" ), map.info.tidalStrength ) );
				//    m_opts_list->SetItem( 0, 1,  );
			catch ( ... )
				m_opts_list->SetItem( m_opt_list_map[ _( "Size" ) ], 1, _T( "?x?" ) );
				m_opts_list->SetItem( m_opt_list_map[ _( "Windspeed" ) ], 1, _T( "?-?" ) );
				m_opts_list->SetItem( m_opt_list_map[ _( "Tidal strength" ) ], 1, _T( "?" ) );
			wxString mapname =m_battle->GetHostMapName();
			int index_ = m_map_combo->FindString( mapname );
			if ( index_ != wxNOT_FOUND )
                m_map_combo->SetSelection( index_ );
                m_map_combo->SetValue( mapname );

			//delete any eventual map option from the list and add options of the new map
			for ( int i = m_map_opts_index; i < m_opts_list->GetItemCount(); )
                m_opts_list->DeleteItem( i );
			AddMMOptionsToList( m_map_opts_index, OptionsWrapper::MapOption );


		else if ( key == _T( "restrictions" ) )
			m_opts_list->SetItem( index, 1, bool2yn( m_battle->RestrictedUnits().size() > 0 ) );
コード例 #19
ファイル: battle.cpp プロジェクト: tvo/springlobby
void Battle::FixTeamIDs( BalanceType balance_type, bool support_clans, bool strong_clans, int numcontrolteams )
    wxLogMessage(_T("Autobalancing teams, type=%d, clans=%d, strong_clans=%d, numcontrolteams=%d"),balance_type, support_clans, strong_clans, numcontrolteams);
    //size_t i;
    //int num_alliances;
    std::vector<ControlTeam> control_teams;

	if ( numcontrolteams == 0 || numcontrolteams == -1 ) numcontrolteams = GetNumUsers() - GetSpectators(); // 0 or -1 -> use num players, will use comshare only if no available team slots
    IBattle::StartType position_type = (IBattle::StartType)s2l( CustomBattleOptions().getSingleValue( _T("startpostype"), OptionsWrapper::EngineOption ) );
    if ( ( position_type == ST_Fixed ) || ( position_type == ST_Random ) ) // if fixed start pos type or random, use max teams = start pos count
      	int mapposcount = LoadMap().info.positions.size();
        numcontrolteams = std::min( numcontrolteams, mapposcount );
      catch( assert_exception ) {}

    if ( numcontrolteams >= (int)( GetNumUsers() - GetSpectators() ) ) // autobalance behaves weird when trying to put one player per team and i CBA to fix it, so i'll reuse the old code :P
      // apparently tasserver doesnt like when i fix/force ids of everyone.
      std::set<int> allteams;
      size_t numusers = GetNumUsers();
      for( size_t i = 0; i < numusers; ++i )
        User &user = GetUser(i);
        if( !user.BattleStatus().spectator ) allteams.insert( user.BattleStatus().team );
      std::set<int> teams;
      int t = 0;
      for( size_t i = 0; i < GetNumUsers(); ++i )
        User &user = GetUser(i);
        if( !user.BattleStatus().spectator )
          if( teams.count( user.BattleStatus().team ) )
            while( allteams.count(t) || teams.count( t ) ) t++;
            ForceTeam( GetUser(i), t );
            teams.insert( t );
            teams.insert( user.BattleStatus().team );
    for ( int i = 0; i < numcontrolteams; i++ ) control_teams.push_back( ControlTeam( i ) );

    wxLogMessage(_T("number of teams: %u"), control_teams.size() );

    std::vector<User*> players_sorted;
    players_sorted.reserve( GetNumUsers() );

    int player_team_counter = 0;

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < GetNumUsers(); ++i ) // don't count spectators
        if ( !GetUser(i).BattleStatus().spectator )
            players_sorted.push_back( &GetUser(i) );
            // -- server fail? it doesnt work right.

    shuffle( players_sorted );

    std::map<wxString, ControlTeam> clan_teams;
    if ( support_clans )
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < players_sorted.size(); ++i )
            wxString clan = players_sorted[i]->GetClan();
            if ( !clan.empty() )
                clan_teams[clan].AddPlayer( players_sorted[i] );

    if ( balance_type != balance_random ) std::sort( players_sorted.begin(), players_sorted.end(), PlayerRankCompareFunction );

    if ( support_clans )
        std::map<wxString, ControlTeam>::iterator clan_it = clan_teams.begin();
        while ( clan_it != clan_teams.end() )
            ControlTeam &clan = (*clan_it).second;
            // if clan is too small (only 1 clan member in battle) or too big, dont count it as clan
            if ( ( clan.players.size() < 2 ) || ( !strong_clans && ( clan.players.size() >  ( ( players_sorted.size() + control_teams.size() -1 ) / control_teams.size() ) ) ) )
                wxLogMessage(_T("removing clan %s"),(*clan_it).first.c_str());
                std::map<wxString, ControlTeam>::iterator next = clan_it;
                clan_teams.erase( clan_it );
                clan_it = next;
            wxLogMessage( _T("Inserting clan %s"), (*clan_it).first.c_str() );
            std::sort( control_teams.begin(), control_teams.end() );
            float lowestrank = control_teams[0].ranksum;
            int rnd_k = 1; // number of alliances with rank equal to lowestrank
            while ( size_t( rnd_k ) < control_teams.size() )
                if ( fabs( control_teams[rnd_k].ranksum - lowestrank ) > 0.01 ) break;
            wxLogMessage(_T("number of lowestrank teams with same rank=%d"), rnd_k );
            control_teams[my_random( rnd_k )].AddTeam( clan );

    for (size_t i = 0; i < players_sorted.size(); ++i )
        // skip clanners, those have been added already.
        if ( clan_teams.count( players_sorted[i]->GetClan() ) > 0 )
            wxLogMessage( _T("clanner already added, nick=%s"),players_sorted[i]->GetNick().c_str() );

        // find teams with lowest ranksum
        // insert current user into random one out of them
        // since performance doesnt matter here, i simply sort teams,
        // then find how many teams in beginning have lowest ranksum
        // note that balance player ranks range from 1 to 1.1 now
        // i.e. them are quasi equal
        // so we're essentially adding to teams with smallest number of players,
        // the one with smallest ranksum.

        std::sort( control_teams.begin(), control_teams.end() );
        float lowestrank = control_teams[0].ranksum;
        int rnd_k = 1; // number of alliances with rank equal to lowestrank
        while ( size_t( rnd_k ) < control_teams.size() )
            if ( fabs ( control_teams[rnd_k].ranksum - lowestrank ) > 0.01 ) break;
        wxLogMessage( _T("number of lowestrank teams with same rank=%d"), rnd_k );
        control_teams[my_random( rnd_k )].AddPlayer( players_sorted[i] );

    for ( size_t i=0; i < control_teams.size(); ++i )
        for ( size_t j = 0; j < control_teams[i].players.size(); ++j )
            ASSERT_LOGIC( control_teams[i].players[j], _T("fail in Autobalance teams, NULL player") );
            wxString msg = wxString::Format( _T("setting player %s to team and ally %d"), control_teams[i].players[j]->GetNick().c_str(), i );
            wxLogMessage( _T("%s"), msg.c_str() );
            ForceTeam( *control_teams[i].players[j], control_teams[i].teamnum );
            ForceAlly( *control_teams[i].players[j], control_teams[i].teamnum );
コード例 #20
bool PlaybackListFilter<PlaybackTabType>::FilterPlayback( const typename PlaybackListFilter<PlaybackTabType>::PlaybackType& playback )

    if (!m_activ) return true;

    const OfflineBattle& battle = playback.battle;
    //Player Check
    if ( (m_filter_player_choice_value != -1) && !_IntCompare( battle.GetNumUsers() - battle.GetSpectators() , m_filter_player_choice_value , m_filter_player_mode ) ) return false;

    //Only Maps i have Check
    if (m_filter_map_show->GetValue() && !battle.MapExists()) return false;

    //Only Mods i have Check
    if (m_filter_mod_show->GetValue() && !battle.ModExists()) return false;

    //Strings Plain Text & RegEx Check (Case insensitiv)

    if ( !battle.GetHostMapName().Upper().Contains( m_filter_map_edit->GetValue().Upper() ) && !m_filter_map_expression->Matches(battle.GetHostMapName()) ) return false;

    if ( !battle.GetHostModName().Upper().Contains( m_filter_mod_edit->GetValue().Upper() ) &&  !battle.GetHostModName().Upper().Contains( m_filter_mod_edit->GetValue().Upper() ) && !m_filter_mod_expression->Matches(battle.GetHostModName()) ) return false;

    if ( (!m_filter_filesize_edit->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) && !_IntCompare( playback.size , 1024 * s2l( m_filter_filesize_edit->GetValue()) , m_filter_filesize_mode) ) return false;

    if ( (!m_filter_duration_edit->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) && !_IntCompare( playback.duration , m_duration_value , m_filter_duration_mode) ) return false;

    return true;
コード例 #21
long GetIntParam( wxString& params )
   return s2l( GetParamByChar( params, _T(' ') ) );
コード例 #22
ファイル: mmoptionwindows.cpp プロジェクト: tvo/springlobby
SingleOptionDialog::SingleOptionDialog( IBattle& battle, const wxString& optiontag )
    : m_battle( battle ),
    m_tag( optiontag ),
    m_checkbox( 0 ),
    m_combobox( 0 ),
    m_spinctrl( 0 ),
    m_textctrl( 0 )
	OptionsWrapper& optWrap = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions();
	OptionsWrapper::GameOption optFlag = ( OptionsWrapper::GameOption )s2l( optiontag.BeforeFirst( '_' ) );
	wxString key = optiontag.AfterFirst( '_' );
	OptionType type = optWrap.GetSingleOptionType( key );
	Create( (wxWindow*)&ui().mw(), wxID_ANY, _( "Change option" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, _T( "OptionDialog" ) );
	if ( !optWrap.keyExists( key, optFlag, false, type ) )
		EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );

	wxBoxSizer* m_main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );

	// wxStaticText* m_labelctrl = wxStaticText();

	switch ( type )
		case opt_bool:
				mmOptionBool opt = optWrap.m_opts[optFlag].bool_map[key];
				m_checkbox = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_ANY, opt.name );
				m_checkbox->SetToolTip( TE( opt.description ) );
				m_checkbox->SetValue( opt.value );
				m_main_sizer->Add( m_checkbox, 0, wxEXPAND );
		case opt_float:
				mmOptionFloat opt = optWrap.m_opts[optFlag].float_map[key];
				m_spinctrl = new SlSpinCtrlDouble<SingleOptionDialog>();
				m_spinctrl->Create( this, wxID_ANY, _T( "" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, double( opt.min ), double( opt.max ), double( opt.value ), double( opt.stepping ), opt.key );
				m_spinctrl->SetToolTip( TE( opt.description ) );
				m_main_sizer->Add( m_spinctrl, 0, wxEXPAND );
		case opt_string:
				mmOptionString opt = optWrap.m_opts[optFlag].string_map[key];
				m_textctrl = new wxTextCtrl( this, wxID_ANY, opt.value, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator, opt.key );
				m_textctrl->SetToolTip( TE( opt.description ) );
				m_main_sizer->Add( m_textctrl, 0, wxEXPAND );
		case opt_list:
				mmOptionList opt = optWrap.m_opts[optFlag].list_map[key];
				int temp = int( opt.cbx_choices.GetCount() - 1 );
				int index = clamp( opt.cur_choice_index, 0, temp );
				m_combobox = new wxComboBox( this, wxID_ANY, opt.cbx_choices[index], wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, opt.cbx_choices, wxCB_READONLY, wxDefaultValidator );
				wxString tooltip = opt.description + _T( "\n" );
				for ( ListItemVec::iterator itor = opt.listitems.begin(); itor != opt.listitems.end(); itor++ )
					tooltip += _T( "\n" ) + itor->name + _T( ": " ) + itor->desc;
				m_combobox->SetToolTip( TE( tooltip ) );
				m_main_sizer->Add( m_combobox, 0, wxEXPAND );
				EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );

	wxSize __SpacerSize_1 = wxDLG_UNIT( this, wxSize( 0, 0 ) );
	m_main_sizer->Add( __SpacerSize_1.GetWidth(), __SpacerSize_1.GetHeight(), 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
	wxStaticLine* m_separator1 = new wxStaticLine( this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 10, -1 ), wxLI_HORIZONTAL, _T( "ID_STATICLINE1" ) );
	m_main_sizer->Add( m_separator1, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
	wxBoxSizer* m_buttons_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
	m_cancel_button = new wxButton( this, ID_CANCEL, _( "Cancel" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator, _T( "ID_CANCEL" ) );
	m_buttons_sizer->Add( m_cancel_button, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
	m_buttons_sizer->Add( 0, 0, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND | wxSHAPED | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0 );
	m_ok_button = new wxButton( this, ID_OK, _( "Ok" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator, _T( "ID_OK" ) );
	m_buttons_sizer->Add( m_ok_button, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
	m_main_sizer->Add( m_buttons_sizer, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0 );

	m_main_sizer->Fit( this );
	m_main_sizer->SetSizeHints( this );

	SetSizer( m_main_sizer );

	Connect( ID_CANCEL, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, ( wxObjectEventFunction )&SingleOptionDialog::OnCancel );
	Connect( ID_OK, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, ( wxObjectEventFunction )&SingleOptionDialog::OnOk );
コード例 #23
ファイル: autohost.cpp プロジェクト: SpliFF/springlobby
void AutoHost::OnSaidBattle( const wxString& /*unused*/, const wxString& msg )
	// do nothing if autohost functionality is disabled

	if ( !m_enabled )

	// protect against command spam

	time_t currentTime = time( NULL );

	if ( ( currentTime - m_lastActionTime ) < 5 )

	// check for autohost commands
	wxString command = msg.BeforeFirst( _T( ' ' ) );
	wxString params = msg.AfterFirst( _T( ' ' ) );
	if ( command == _T( "!start" ) ) {
	else if ( command == _T( "!balance" ) ) {
		unsigned int num = s2l( params );
		m_battle.Autobalance( IBattle::balance_random, false, false, num );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is auto-balancing alliances ..." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!cbalance" ) ) {
		unsigned int num = s2l( params );
		m_battle.Autobalance( IBattle::balance_random, true, false, num );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is auto-balancing alliances ..." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!help" ) ) {
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "The following commands are available ( <> = mandatory value, {} = optional value ):" ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!addbox <topx> <topy> <bottomx> <bottomy> {allynumber}: adds a <allynumber> start restriction to the given coordinates, coordinates range from 0 to 200." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!balance {number}: tries to put players into allyteams by how many start boxes there are, uses {number} allyteams if present." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!cbalance {number}: see !balance but tries to put clanmates together first." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!fixcolors: changes players duplicate colours so they are unique." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!fixids {number}: tries to put players into control teams by number, if number is omitted it assignes as different controlteam per player." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!cfixids {number}: see !fixids but tries to put clanmates together first." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!help: this guide." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!listprofiles: lists the available battle profiles." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!loadprofile profilename: loads an available battle profile." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!lock: prevents more people to join." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!map <name>: switches to <name>." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!removebox <allynumber>: deletes <allynumber> start restriction's box." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!ring {name}: rings players that are not ready or {name} if specified." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!set <optionname> <value>: sets battle option <optionname> to <value>" ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!spectunsynced: sets all players with unsynced status to be spectators." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!start: starts the battle." ) );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "!unlock: opens the battle again." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!ring" ) ) {
		if ( !params.IsEmpty() )
			wxString user = GetBestMatch( m_userlist, params );
				User& u = m_battle.GetUser( user );
				m_battle.RingPlayer( u );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is ringing " ) + user );
			catch ( ... )
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot ring " ) + user );
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is ringing players not ready ..." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!listprofiles" ) ) {
		wxArrayString profilelist = m_battle.GetPresetList();
		unsigned int count = profilelist.GetCount();
		if ( count == 0 ) {
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "There are no presets available." ) );
		else {
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "The following presets are available:" ) );
			for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
				m_battle.DoAction( profilelist[i] );
	else if ( command == _T( "!loadprofile" ) ) {
		wxString profilename = GetBestMatch( m_battle.GetPresetList(), params );
		if ( !m_battle.LoadOptionsPreset( profilename ) )
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "Profile not found, use !listprofiles for a list of available profiles." ) );
		else m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has loaded profile: " ) + profilename );
	else if ( command == _T( "!fixcolors" ) ) {
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is fixing colors." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!lock" ) ) {
		m_battle.SetIsLocked( true );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has locked the battle." ) );
		m_battle.SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_Locked );
	else if ( command == _T( "!unlock" ) ) {
		m_battle.SetIsLocked( false );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has unlocked the battle." ) );
		m_battle.SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_Locked );
	else if ( command == _T( "!fixids" ) ) {
		unsigned int num = s2l( params );
		m_battle.FixTeamIDs( IBattle::balance_divide, false, false, num );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is auto-balancing control teams ..." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!cfixids" ) ) {
		unsigned int num = s2l( params );
		m_battle.FixTeamIDs( IBattle::balance_divide, true, true, num );
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is auto-balancing control teams ..." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!spectunsynced" ) ) {
		m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is forcing unsynced players to be spectators." ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!map" ) ) {
		if ( params.IsEmpty() ) m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot switch to void mapname" ) );
			wxString mapname = GetBestMatch( usync().GetMapList(), params );
				UnitSyncMap map = usync().GetMap( mapname );
				m_battle.SetLocalMap( map );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "is switching to map " ) + mapname );
				m_battle.SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_Map );
			} catch ( ... )
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot switch to map " ) + mapname );
	else if ( command == _T( "!set" ) ) {
		wxString key = params.BeforeFirst( _T( ' ' ) );
		wxString value = params.AfterFirst( _T( ' ' ) );
		bool exists = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().keyExists( key );
		if ( exists )
			bool result = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().setSingleOption( key, value );
			if ( result )
				OptionsWrapper::GameOption section = m_battle.CustomBattleOptions().GetSection( key );
				m_battle.SendHostInfo( wxString::Format( _T( "%d_%s" ), section, key.c_str() ) );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has set option " ) + key + _T( " to value " ) + value );
			else m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot set option " ) + key + _T( " to value " ) + value + _T( ", reason: invalid value." ) );
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot find option entry " ) + key );
	else if ( command == _T( "!addbox" ) ) {
		long allynumber;
		long topleftx;
		long toplefty;
		long bottomrightx;
		long bottomrighty;
		wxArrayString values = wxStringTokenize( params, _T( " " ) );
		int numvalues = values.GetCount();
		if ( numvalues > 4 || numvalues < 3 ) m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has recieved an invalid number of params for !addbox" ) );
			bool valueok = values[0].ToLong( &topleftx );
			valueok = valueok && values[1].ToLong( &toplefty );
			valueok = valueok && values[2].ToLong( &bottomrightx );
			valueok = valueok && values[3].ToLong( &bottomrighty );
			if ( numvalues == 5 )
				valueok = valueok && values[4].ToLong( &allynumber );
				valueok = valueok && ( allynumber > 0 );
				allynumber = m_battle.GetNextFreeRectIdx();
			valueok = valueok && ( topleftx >= 0 ) && ( topleftx <= 200 );
			valueok = valueok && ( toplefty >= 0 ) && ( toplefty <= 200 );
			valueok = valueok && ( bottomrightx >= 0 ) && ( bottomrightx <= 200 );
			valueok = valueok && ( bottomrighty >= 0 ) && ( bottomrighty <= 200 );
			if ( valueok )
				allynumber = allynumber - 1;
				BattleStartRect rect = m_battle.GetStartRect( allynumber );
				if ( rect.IsOk() )
					m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot add a startbox for allyteam " ) + TowxString( allynumber ) + _T( " because one is already present." ) );
					m_battle.AddStartRect( allynumber, topleftx, toplefty, bottomrightx, bottomrighty );
					m_battle.SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_StartRects );
					m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has added start box for allyteam " ) + TowxString( allynumber ) );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has recieved an invalid param for !addbox" ) );
	else if ( command == _T( "!removebox" ) ) {
		long boxnumber;
		bool numberok = params.ToLong( &boxnumber );
		if ( numberok )
			boxnumber = boxnumber - 1;
			BattleStartRect rect = m_battle.GetStartRect( boxnumber );
			if ( rect.IsOk() )
				m_battle.RemoveStartRect( boxnumber );
				m_battle.SendHostInfo( IBattle::HI_StartRects );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has removed the start box for allyteam " ) + TowxString( boxnumber ) );
				m_battle.DoAction( _T( "cannot find start box " ) + params );
			m_battle.DoAction( _T( "has recieved an invalid param to !removebox command" ) );
	else return;
	m_lastActionTime = currentTime;