コード例 #1
ファイル: jobshop.c プロジェクト: Salimlou/Class-Work
void report(void)  /* Report generator function. */
    int   i;
    float overall_avg_job_tot_delay, avg_job_tot_delay, sum_probs;

    /* Compute the average total delay in queue for each job type and the
       overall average job total delay. */

    fprintf(outfile, "\n\n\n\nJob type     Average total delay in queue");
    overall_avg_job_tot_delay = 0.0;
    sum_probs                 = 0.0;
    for (i = 1; i <= num_job_types; ++i) {
        avg_job_tot_delay = sampst(0.0, -(num_stations + i)) * num_tasks[i];
        fprintf(outfile, "\n\n%4d%27.3f", i, avg_job_tot_delay);
        overall_avg_job_tot_delay += (prob_distrib_job_type[i] - sum_probs)
                                     * avg_job_tot_delay;
        sum_probs = prob_distrib_job_type[i];
    fprintf(outfile, "\n\nOverall average job total delay =%10.3f\n",

    /* Compute the average number in queue, the average utilization, and the
       average delay in queue for each station. */

           "\n\n\n Work      Average number      Average       Average delay");
             "\nstation       in queue       utilization        in queue");
    for (j = 1; j <= num_stations; ++j)
        fprintf(outfile, "\n\n%4d%17.3f%17.3f%17.3f", j, filest(j),
                timest(0.0, -j) / num_machines[j], sampst(0.0, -j));
コード例 #2
ファイル: jobshop.c プロジェクト: gunnarrb/isal
depart (void)			/* Event function for departure of a job from a particular
				   station. */
    int station, job_type_queue, task_queue;

    /* Determine the station from which the job is departing. */

    job_type = transfer[3];
    task = transfer[4];
    station = route[job_type][task];

    /* Check to see whether the queue for this station is empty. */

    if (list_size[station] == 0)

        /* The queue for this station is empty, so make a machine in this
           station idle. */

        timest ((double) num_machines_busy[station], station);


        /* The queue is nonempty, so start service on first job in queue. */

        list_remove (FIRST, station);

        /* Tally this delay for this station. */

        sampst (sim_time - transfer[1], station);

        /* Tally this same delay for this job type. */

        job_type_queue = transfer[2];
        task_queue = transfer[3];
        sampst (sim_time - transfer[1], num_stations + job_type_queue);

        /* Schedule end of service for this job at this station.  Note defining
           attributes beyond the first two for the event record before invoking
           event_schedule. */

        transfer[3] = job_type_queue;
        transfer[4] = task_queue;
        event_schedule (sim_time + erlang (2, mean_service[job_type_queue][task_queue], STREAM_SERVICE), EVENT_DEPARTURE);

    /* If the current departing job has one or more tasks yet to be done, send
       the job to the next station on its route. */

    if (task < num_tasks[job_type])
        arrive (2);
コード例 #3
void report(void)  /* Report generator function. */
    /* Get and write out estimates of desired measures of performance. */

    fprintf(outfile, "\n\n%5d%16.3f%16.3f%16.3f         CPU-1", num_terms,
            sampst(0.0, -SAMPST_RESPONSE_TIMES_1), filest(LIST_QUEUE_1),
    fprintf(outfile, "\n     %16.3f%16.3f%16.3f         CPU-2", 
            sampst(0.0, -SAMPST_RESPONSE_TIMES_2), filest(LIST_QUEUE_2),
    fprintf(outfile, "\n     %16.3f%16.3f%16.3f         CPU-3\n", 
            sampst(0.0, -SAMPST_RESPONSE_TIMES_3), filest(LIST_QUEUE_3),
コード例 #4
ファイル: simlib.c プロジェクト: gunnarrb/isal
out_sampst (FILE * unit, int lowvar, int highvar)

/* Write sampst statistics for variables lowvar through highvar on file
   "unit". */

  int ivar, iatrr;

  if (lowvar > highvar || lowvar > MAX_SVAR || highvar > MAX_SVAR)

  fprintf (unit, "\n sampst                         Number");
  fprintf (unit, "\nvariable                          of");
  fprintf (unit, "\n number       Average           values          Maximum");
  fprintf (unit, "          Minimum");
  fprintf (unit, "\n___________________________________");
  fprintf (unit, "_____________________________________");
  for (ivar = lowvar; ivar <= highvar; ++ivar)
      fprintf (unit, "\n\n%5d", ivar);
      sampst (0.00, -ivar);
      for (iatrr = 1; iatrr <= 4; ++iatrr)
	pprint_out (unit, iatrr);
  fprintf (unit, "\n___________________________________");
  fprintf (unit, "_____________________________________\n\n\n");
コード例 #5
ファイル: isal.c プロジェクト: gunnarrb/isal
void skaut_departure()
    int current_unit = (int) transfer[3];
    int i = 0;
    for (i = NUM_MACHINES; i>=current_unit; i--) {  //add delay if machine is broken or there is a broken machine before current one

	if (machine_broken[i] > 0.0) {
	    if ((i == current_unit)  || (list_size[1+number_of_machines + current_unit] < queue_size[1+current_unit])) {  // if current machine is broken then delay it.
		event_schedule(PREP_TIME+sim_time + machine_broken[i], EVENT_SKAUT_DEPARTURE); //also if next queue is full then delay it.
//	    printf("Size of next queue %d, limit of next queue %d\n",list_size[1+number_of_machines + current_unit], queue_size[1+current_unit]);
    if (current_unit == MACHINES_ON_THE_LEFT_SIDE) {
	skaut_throughput += 2;
	sampst(sim_time - transfer[4], throughput_time);
    } else {
	event_schedule(PREP_TIME + sim_time + transfer_time[(int)(transfer[3])-1], EVENT_SKAUT_ARRIVAL);
    if (list_size[number_of_machines + current_unit] != 0) {
	list_file(FIRST,current_unit); // first equals last because size should only be 1
	list_remove(FIRST, number_of_machines + current_unit);
	sampst(sim_time - transfer[5], sampst_delays);
	sampst(sim_time - transfer[5], current_unit);
	event_schedule(PREP_TIME + sim_time + work_time[current_unit], EVENT_SKAUT_DEPARTURE);
コード例 #6
ファイル: isal.c プロジェクト: gunnarrb/isal
void skaut_arrival() 
    int current_unit = (int)transfer[3];
    int i;
    for (i = NUM_MACHINES; i>=current_unit; i--) {  //add delay if there is a broken machine before current one

	if (machine_broken[i] > 0.0) {
	    if ((list_size[1+number_of_machines + current_unit] < queue_size[1+current_unit])||queue_size[1+current_unit] == 0) {  // if current machine is broken then delay it.x
		event_schedule(PREP_TIME+sim_time +  machine_broken[i] + work_time[current_unit], EVENT_SKAUT_ARRIVAL); //also if next queue is full then delay it.
    // check if machine is not busy
    if (list_size[current_unit] == 0 && machine_broken[current_unit] == 0.0) {
	sampst(0.0, sampst_delays);
	sampst(0.0, current_unit);
	list_file(FIRST, current_unit); // last := first here because there are only to be 0 or 1 items in machine
	// schedule departure after machine processing time
	event_schedule(PREP_TIME + sim_time + work_time[current_unit], EVENT_SKAUT_DEPARTURE);
    } else {
	if (list_size[number_of_machines + current_unit] == queue_size[current_unit]) {
	    event_schedule(PREP_TIME + sim_time + work_time[current_unit], EVENT_SKAUT_ARRIVAL); //also if queue is full then delay it.
	} else {
	    transfer[5] = sim_time;
	    list_file(LAST, number_of_machines + current_unit);
	    if(list_size[current_unit] > queue_max_lengths[number_of_machines + current_unit]) {
		queue_max_lengths[current_unit] = list_size[number_of_machines + current_unit];
コード例 #7
ファイル: simlib.c プロジェクト: gunnarrb/isal
init_simlib ()

/* Initialize simlib.c.  List LIST_EVENT is reserved for event list, ordered by
   event time.  init_simlib must be called from main by user. */

  int list, listsize;

  if (maxlist < 1)
    maxlist = MAX_LIST;
  listsize = maxlist + 1;

  /* Initialize system attributes. */

  sim_time = 0.0;
  if (maxatr < 4)
    maxatr = MAX_ATTR;

  /* Allocate space for the lists. */

  list_rank = (int *) calloc (listsize, sizeof (int));
  list_size = (int *) calloc (listsize, sizeof (int));
  head = (struct master **) calloc (listsize, sizeof (struct master *));
  tail = (struct master **) calloc (listsize, sizeof (struct master *));
  transfer = (double *) calloc (maxatr + 1, sizeof (double));

  /* Initialize list attributes. */

  for (list = 1; list <= maxlist; ++list)
      head[list] = NULL;
      tail[list] = NULL;
      list_size[list] = 0;
      list_rank[list] = 0;

  /* Set event list to be ordered by event time. */

  list_rank[LIST_EVENT] = EVENT_TIME;

  /* Initialize statistical routines. */

  sampst (0.0, 0);
  timest (0.0, 0);
コード例 #8
ファイル: jobshop.c プロジェクト: gunnarrb/isal
arrive (int new_job)		/* Function to serve as both an arrival event of a job
				   to the system, as well as the non-event of a job's
				   arriving to a subsequent station along its
				   route. */
    int station;

    /* If this is a new arrival to the system, generate the time of the next
       arrival and determine the job type and task number of the arriving
       job. */

    if (new_job == 1)

        event_schedule (sim_time + expon (mean_interarrival, STREAM_INTERARRIVAL), EVENT_ARRIVAL);
        job_type = intrand (prob_distrib_job_type, STREAM_JOB_TYPE);
        task = 1;

    /* Determine the station from the route matrix. */

    station = route[job_type][task];

    /* Check to see whether all machines in this station are busy. */

    if (num_machines_busy[station] == num_machines[station])

        /* All machines in this station are busy, so place the arriving job at
           the end of the appropriate queue. Note that the following data are
           stored in the record for each job:
           1. Time of arrival to this station.
           2. Job type.
           3. Current task number. */

        transfer[1] = sim_time;
        transfer[2] = job_type;
        transfer[3] = task;
        list_file (LAST, station);


        /* A machine in this station is idle, so start service on the arriving
           job (which has a delay of zero). */

        sampst (0.0, station);	/* For station. */
        sampst (0.0, num_stations + job_type);	/* For job type. */
        timest ((double) num_machines_busy[station], station);

        /* Schedule a service completion.  Note defining attributes beyond the
           first two for the event record before invoking event_schedule. */

        transfer[3] = job_type;
        transfer[4] = task;
        event_schedule (sim_time + erlang (2, mean_service[job_type][task], STREAM_SERVICE), EVENT_DEPARTURE);
コード例 #9
void end_CPU_run(int list_cpu_num)  /* Event function to end a CPU run of a job. */
    /* Remove the job from the CPU. */

    list_remove(FIRST, list_cpu_num);

    int jenis_job_queue;
    switch (list_cpu_num){
    case LIST_CPU_1:
    case LIST_CPU_2:
    case LIST_CPU_3:

    /* Check to see whether this job requires more CPU time. */

    if (transfer[2] > 0.0) {

        /* This job requires more CPU time, so place it at the end of the queue
           and start the first job in the queue. */

        list_file(LAST, jenis_job_queue);

    else {

        /* This job is finished, so collect response-time statistics and send it
           back to its terminal, i.e., schedule another arrival from the same
           terminal. */

        sampst(sim_time - transfer[1], SAMPST_RESPONSE_TIMES);//TODO nanti hapus
        case (LIST_QUEUE_1):
            sampst(sim_time - transfer[1], SAMPST_RESPONSE_TIMES_1);
        case (LIST_QUEUE_2):
            sampst(sim_time - transfer[1], SAMPST_RESPONSE_TIMES_2);
        case (LIST_QUEUE_3):
            sampst(sim_time - transfer[1], SAMPST_RESPONSE_TIMES_3);

        event_schedule(sim_time + expon(mean_think, STREAM_THINK),
                       EVENT_ARRIVAL); //TODO nanti ganti sama distribusi yang disebut di spek (belum jelas)

        /* Increment the number of completed jobs. */


        /* Check to see whether enough jobs are done. */

        if (num_responses >= num_responses_required)

            /* Enough jobs are done, so schedule the end of the simulation
               immediately (forcing it to the head of the event list). */

            event_schedule(sim_time, EVENT_END_SIMULATION);


            /* Not enough jobs are done; if the queue is not empty, start
               another job. */

            if (list_size[jenis_job_queue] > 0)
コード例 #10
ファイル: isal.c プロジェクト: gunnarrb/isal
void report()
    int i;
    float total_downtime = 0.0;
    printf("Report for %d failures per day\n",failure_nr);
    for (i=0; i <NUM_MACHINES; i++) {
	printf("--Breakdown in machine nr %d--\n", i+1);
	printf("Number of fails\t Downtime \t\n");
	printf("\t %d\t", fail_list[i].machine_nr);
	printf("%.3f sec / %.3f min\t", fail_list[i].downtime,fail_list[i].downtime/60.0);
    printf("Total downtime was %.3lf seconds or %.3lf minutes\n",total_downtime, total_downtime/60.0);
    printf("--------------\nMachine load\n--------------\n");
    for (i=1; i <= number_of_machines; i++) {
	printf("Machine %d\t", i);
    for (i=1; i <= number_of_machines; i++) {
	printf("%f\t", filest(i) );
    printf("-----------------------\nAverage delay in queues\n-----------------------\n");
    for (i=1; i <= number_of_machines; i++) {
	printf("Queue %d \t", i);
    for (i=1; i <= number_of_machines; i++) {
	printf("%f\t", sampst(0.0, -i));
    printf("Average queue delay: %f\n", sampst(0.0, -sampst_delays));

    printf("Worst case queue delay: %f\n", transfer[3]);
    printf("Best case queue delay: %f\n", transfer[4]);

    printf("System throughput: %d\n", skaut_throughput );	
    printf("Average throughput time: %f\n", sampst(0.0, -throughput_time));
    printf("Min throughput time: %f\n", transfer[4]);
    printf("Random seed: %d\n\n", stream);
    int l;
    int sum_q_lenths =0;
    int number_of_queues =0;
    for (l = 1; l <= number_of_machines; l++) {
	if (queue_size[l] < 1) continue;
	printf("Maximum length of queue %d: %d\n", l, queue_max_lengths[l]);
	sum_q_lenths += queue_max_lengths[l];
    printf("Average maximum length of queues: %f\n\n", (float) sum_q_lenths / (float) number_of_queues);
コード例 #11
ファイル: isal.c プロジェクト: gunnarrb/isal
void end_warmup()
    sampst(0.0, 0); 
    timest(0.0, 0);
    skaut_throughput = 0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: simulation.c プロジェクト: DWTSI/CargoSimulator2015
void verify_actors(FILE *storm_list, FILE *plane_list, FILE *verification_log) {
    int time, time_diff, time_prev = 0;

    while (fscanf(plane_list, "%*d %d %*d\n", &time) != EOF) {
        time_diff = time - time_prev;
        sampst((float)time_diff, SAMPST_PLANE_LAND);
        time_prev = time;


    time_prev = 0;

    while (fscanf(storm_list, "%*d %d %*d\n", &time) != EOF) {
        time_diff = time - time_prev;
        sampst((float)time_diff, SAMPST_STORM_BETWEEN);
        time_prev = time;

        fscanf(storm_list, "%*d %d %*d\n", &time);
        time_diff = time - time_prev;
        sampst((float)time_diff, SAMPST_STORM_LENGTH);
        time_prev = time;

    sampst(0.0, -SAMPST_PLANE_LAND);
    float plane_avg = transfer[1],
          plane_max = transfer[3],
          plane_min = transfer[4];

    /* Check if average landing frequency generated agrees with the specified value */
    if (plane_avg-TIME_HOUR > G.time_land_freq ||
        plane_avg+TIME_HOUR < G.time_land_freq)
        fprintf(verification_log, "actors = -1\n");
        printf("The generated average plane landing time does not agree with the specified value.\n");

    /* Check if any plane landing frequencies go outside the specified range. */
    if (plane_max > G.time_land_freq+G.time_land_var ||
        plane_min < G.time_land_freq-G.time_land_var)
        fprintf(verification_log, "actors = -1\n");
        printf("The generated plane landing frequencies go out of the specified range.\n");

    sampst(0.0, -SAMPST_STORM_LENGTH);
    float storm_len_avg = transfer[1],
          storm_len_max = transfer[3],
          storm_len_min = transfer[4];

    /* Check if average storm length generated agrees with the specified value */
    if (storm_len_avg-TIME_HOUR > G.time_storm_dur ||
        storm_len_avg+TIME_HOUR < G.time_storm_dur)
        printf("Average: %f    Specified: %d\n", storm_len_avg/60, G.time_between_storms/60);
        fprintf(verification_log, "actors = -2\n");
        printf("The generated average storm length does not agree with the specified value.\n");

    /* Check if any storm lengths go outside the specified range. */
    if (storm_len_max > G.time_storm_dur+G.time_storm_var ||
        storm_len_min < G.time_storm_dur-G.time_storm_var)
        fprintf(verification_log, "actors = -3\n");
        printf("The generated storm lengths go out of the specified range.\n");

    sampst(0.0, -SAMPST_STORM_BETWEEN);
    float storm_btw_avg = transfer[1],
          storm_btw_max = transfer[3],
          storm_btw_min = transfer[4];

    /* Check if average storm frequency generated agrees with the specified value */
    if (storm_btw_avg-TIME_HOUR*8 > G.time_between_storms ||
        storm_btw_avg+TIME_HOUR*8 < G.time_between_storms)
        printf("Average: %f    Specified: %d\n", storm_btw_avg/60, G.time_between_storms/60);
        fprintf(verification_log, "actors = -1\n");
        printf("The generated average storm frequency does not agree with the specified value.\n");

    fprintf(verification_log, "actors = 0\n");
