コード例 #1
ファイル: scilab_main.c プロジェクト: rossdrummond/scilab
void sci_clear_and_exit(int n) /* used with handlers */ 
#ifdef _DEBUG
	char Message[256];
	switch (n)
	case SIGINT:
		wsprintf(Message,"SIGINT Signal detected");
	case SIGILL:
		wsprintf(Message,"SIGILL Signal detected");
	case SIGFPE:
		wsprintf(Message,"SIGFPE Signal detected");
	case SIGSEGV:
		wsprintf(Message,"SIGSEGV Signal detected");
	case SIGTERM:
		wsprintf(Message,"SIGTERM Signal detected");
		wsprintf(Message,"SIGBREAK Signal detected");
	case SIGABRT:
		wsprintf(Message,"SIGABRT Signal detected");
		wsprintf(Message,"Unknown Signal detected");
	MessageBox(NULL,"Scilab has performed a illegal operation\nand will be shutdown.\n Please save your work ...",
コード例 #2
ファイル: run.c プロジェクト: quanpan302/scilab
int C2F(run)(void)
    /* Initialized data */
    /* Fortran common data equivalence */
    static int    *Ids  = C2F(recu).ids - nsiz - 1;
    static int    *Rstk = C2F(recu).rstk - 1;
    static int    *Pstk = C2F(recu).pstk - 1;
    static int    *Lstk = C2F(vstk).lstk - 1;
    static int    *Lin  = C2F(iop).lin - 1;
    static int    *Lpt  = C2F(iop).lpt - 1;
    static int  *Infstk = C2F(vstk).infstk - 1;
    static int    *Lct = C2F(iop).lct - 1;

    static double equiv_4[1];
#define x (equiv_4)
#define ix ((int *)equiv_4)

    /* Local variables */
    static int ifin, iesc, ibpt, tref, ifun;
    static int ierr, ndel;
    static int j, k, m, n, p, r, t;
    static int lname, imode;
    static int l0;
    static int id[6], lc, kc, nc, lb, li, il, io, ip;
    static int ok;
    static int ir, lr, op;
    static int mm1;
    static int nn1;
    static int nentry, lastindpos;
    static int lcc, kid, nlr;
    int i2;
    static char tmp[80]; /*string for sending debug messages*/
    tref = 0;

    /* set debug trace mode on  */
    if (C2F(iop).ddt == 4)
        sprintf(tmp, " run pt:%d rstk(pt):%d", Pt, Rstk[Pt]);
        C2F(basout)(&io, &C2F(iop).wte, tmp, (long)strlen(tmp));

    l0 = 0;
    nc = 0;

    if (Ptover(0))
        return 0;

    r = Rstk[Pt];
    ir = r / 100;
    if (ir != 6)
        goto L1;
    switch ((int)(r - 600))
        case 1:
            goto L33;
        case 2:
            goto L66;
        case 3:
            goto L82;
        case 4:
            goto L92;
        case 5:
            goto L58;
        case 6:
            goto L116;
        case 7:
            goto L250;
        case 8:  /*Rstk[Pt]=1101;*/
            goto L254;
        case 9:  /*Rstk[Pt]=1101;*/
            goto L240;


L1: /*  Start execution of a "compiled" function  */
    tref = clock();
    C2F(errgst).toperr = Top;
    k = Lpt[1] - (13 + nsiz);
    lc = Lin[k + 7];

L10: /* Current opcode finished handle error, interruptions,...*/
    if (Err > 0)
        return 0;

    if (C2F(basbrk).iflag)
        C2F(basbrk).iflag = FALSE;
        goto L91;
    if (C2F(errgst).err1 != 0 )
        if ((C2F(errgst).errpt > 0) && (Pt >= C2F(errgst).errpt) && (Rstk[C2F(errgst).errpt] == 618))
            /* error under try catch */
            for (p = Pt; p >= C2F(errgst).errpt; p--)
                if (Rstk[p] <= 502 && Rstk[p] >= 501)
                    k = Lpt[1] - (13 + nsiz);
                    Lpt[1] = Lin[k + 1];
                    Lpt[2] = Lin[k + 2];
                    Lpt[3] = Lin[k + 3];
                    Lpt[4] = Lin[k + 4];
                    Lpt[6] = k;
                    if (Rstk[p - 1] == 909)
                        Top--;    /* execed function*/
                /* may it will be necessary to take care of for loop variables */
            Pt = C2F(errgst).errpt;
            goto L271;
        /* errcatch in exec(function,'errcatch')
          * or catched error in an external
          * or errcatch in execstr('foo()','errcatch') */
        if (C2F(errgst).errcatch == 0)
            goto L999;
        /* error under errcatch(....,'continue') */

        /* @TODO : replace 903 909 1001 1002 by a #define ... */
        if (Rstk[Pt - 1] == 903 || Rstk[Pt - 1] == 909 || Rstk[Pt] == 1001 || Rstk[Pt] == 1002)
            return 0;
    if (lc - l0 == nc)   /* is current opcodes block (if, for, .. structure) finished ?*/
        /* yes */
        r = Rstk[Pt] - 610;
        switch (r)
            case 1:
                goto L46;
            case 2:
                goto L47;
            case 3:
                goto L52;
            case 4:
                goto L56;
            case 5:
                goto L57;
            case 6:
                goto L61;
            case 8:
                goto L271;
            case 9:
                goto L272;

L11:   /*  next opcode */
    op = *istk(lc);
    /*  label 49 retains to be able issue a compatibility error message */
    switch ((int)op)   /* step to corresponding part*/
        case 1:
            goto L20;
        case 2:
            goto L25;
        case 3:
            goto L40;
        case 4:
            goto L42;
        case 5:
            goto L30;
        case 6:
            goto L41;
        case 7:
            goto L45;
        case 8:
            goto L49;
        case 9:
            goto L49;
        case 10:
            goto L55;
        case 11:
            goto L270;/* try */
        case 12:
            goto L90;
        case 13:
            goto L95;
        case 14:
            goto L100;
        case 15:
            goto L105;
        case 16:
            goto L110;
        case 17:
            goto L120;
        case 18:
            goto L130;
        case 19:
            goto L140;
        case 20:
            goto L150;
        case 21:
            goto L160;
        case 22:
            goto L170;
        case 23:
            goto L180;
        case 24:
            goto L190;
        case 25:
            goto L200;
        case 26:
            goto L210;
        case 27:
            goto L220;
        case 28:
            goto L97;
        case 29:
            goto L230;
        case 30:
            goto L260;
        case 31:
            goto L261;

    if (op >= 100)
        /* ------------- primitive call (matfn's) -------------- */
        goto L80;

    if (op == 99)
        /* ------------- return -------------------------------- */
        /* check if "return" occurred in a for loop */
        p = Pt + 1;
        if (Rstk[p] == 612)
            /* yes, remove the for loop variable */
            goto L12;
        else if (Rstk[p] != 501)
            goto L12;
        Fin = 2;
        goto L998;

    if (op <= 0)
        /* ------------- nop ---------------------------------- */
        lc += *istk(1 + lc);
        goto L11;

    return 0;

L20: /* stackp, retplaced by assign */
    /*     retained for 2.7 and earlier versions compatibility */
    C2F(stackp)(istk(1 + lc), &c__0);
    /*     store info if printing is required see code 22 */
    C2F(putid)(id, istk(1 + lc));
    kid = Fin;
    lc += 7;
    goto L10;

L25: /* stackg */
    Fin = *istk(7 + lc);
    ifin = Fin;
    Rhs = *istk(8 + lc);
    lname = lc + 1;
    if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
        lc += 9;
        goto L10;
    if (Fin != 0)  /* variable exists */
        goto L28;
    C2F(funs)(istk(1 + lc)); /* check if it is a function */
    if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
        lc += 9;
        goto L10;
    if (C2F(com).fun != -2)
        C2F(putid)(&Ids[1 + (Pt + 1) * nsiz ], istk(1 + lc));
        if (C2F(com).fun == 0)
            /* the search variable is neither a regular variable nor a function in a librar */
            /* it may be a simple variable in a lib */

            if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
                lc += 9;
                goto L10;
            if (Fin == 0)
                if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
                    lc += 9;
                    goto L10;

            /* referenced name was function at compile time it is now a
             * primitive. Modify the code for further use */
            if (ifin != -4 && ifin != 0)
                /* function call */
                /* change current  opcode to nop */
                *istk(lc) = 0;
                *istk(1 + lc) = 9;
                lc += 9;
                /* change the following opcode to matfn opcode */
                op = C2F(com).fun * 100;
                *istk(lc) = op;
                *istk(1 + lc) = *istk(2 + lc) - 1;
                *istk(2 + lc) = *istk(3 + lc);
                *istk(3 + lc) = Fin;
                goto L80;
                /* only reference to a function */
                /* stackg opcode replaced by varfun opcode */
                *istk(lc) = 27;
                *istk(1 + lc) = C2F(com).fun;
                *istk(2 + lc) = Fin;
                C2F(putid)(istk(3 + lc), &Ids[1 + (Pt + 1) * nsiz]);
                goto L10;
        lc += 9;
        goto L10;
    Fin = *istk(7 + lc);
    goto L26;
    if (Rhs == 0 && ((*istk(7 + lc) == -2) || (*istk(7 + lc) == -1)) && Fin == -1)
        lc += 9;

        if (*istk(7 + lc - 9) == -2)

            /* instruction reduced to <name> with name not a function, replace */
            /* next two op code by a single store */
            /* skip extract op-code <5 3 1 1> */
            if (*istk(lc) != 5 || *istk(1 + lc) != 3)
                strcpy(C2F(cha1).buf, _("Unexpected opcode, please report into the Scilab bug tracker."));
                return 0;
            lc += 4;
        /* skip assignment op_code <29 43 ans 0> */
        if (*istk(lc) != 29)
            strcpy(C2F(cha1).buf, _("Unexpected opcode, please report into the Scilab bug tracker."));
            return 0;
        lc += 10;
        /* store */
        Rhs = 1;
        C2F(stackp)(istk(lname), &c__0);
        if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
            goto L10;
        goto L10;
    lc += 9;
    if (Fin > 0)
        goto L65;
    goto L10;

    /*     allops */
    Fin = *istk(1 + lc);
    Rhs = *istk(2 + lc);
    Lhs = *istk(3 + lc);
    lc += 4;
    if (Fin == extrac)
        C2F(isafunptr)(&Top, id, &ifun, &ifin);
        if (ifun != 0)
            C2F(com).fun = ifun;
            Fin = ifin;
            goto L81;
    if (Fin == extrac || Fin == insert)
    Rstk[Pt] = 601;
    Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = tref;
    Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
    C2F(recu).icall = 4;
    /*     pstk(pt) is used by allops to get the name of output variable (insertion) */
    Pstk[Pt] = lc;
    /*     *call* allops */
    return 0;
    tref = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
    l0 = Ids[3 + Pt *  nsiz];
    nc = Ids[4 + Pt *  nsiz];
    lc = Pstk[Pt];
    goto L70;

    /*     string */
    n = *istk(1 + lc);
    if (C2F(errgst).err1 <= 0)
        if (C2F(cresmat)("run", &Top, &c__1, &c__1, &n, 3L))
            C2F(getsimat)("run", &Top, &Top, &mm1, &nn1, &c__1, &
                          c__1, &lr, &nlr, 3L);
            C2F(icopy)(&n, istk(2 + lc), &c__1, istk(lr), &c__1);
    lc = lc + n + 2;
    goto L10;

    /*     num */
    if (C2F(errgst).err1 <= 0)
        if (C2F(getendian)() == 1)
            ix[0] = *istk(1 + lc);
            ix[1] = *istk(2 + lc);
            ix[1] = *istk(1 + lc);
            ix[0] = *istk(2 + lc);
        if (C2F(cremat)("run", &Top, &c__0, &c__1, &c__1, &lr, &lcc, 3L))
            *stk(lr) = *x;
    lc += 3;
    goto L10;

    goto L10;

    /*     for */
    nc = *istk(1 + lc);
    lc += 2;
    l0 = lc;
    if (Ptover(1))
        lc += nc;
        lc = lc + nsiz + *istk(lc);
        goto L10;
    Rstk[Pt] = 611;
    Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
    goto L10;

    nc = *istk(lc);
    l0 = lc + 7;
    if  (C2F(errgst).errcatch >= 1 && C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
        /*an error occurred in the loop variable expression evaluation, in 'continue' mode
          skip all the for codes*/
        lc = l0;
        goto L48;
    Rstk[Pt] = 612;
    Pstk[Pt] = 0;
    Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = Lct[8];
    Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = Top;
    Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz] = C2F(errgst).toperr;
    C2F(errgst).toperr = Top;
    lc = l0;
    if (Top != Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz])
        goto L48;
    C2F(nextj)(istk(1 + l0 - 7), &Pstk[Pt]);
    if (Pstk[Pt] != 0)
        Lct[8] = Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
        if (ismenu() == 1 && C2F(basbrk).interruptible)
            goto L115;
        goto L10;
    /*     fin for */
    lc += nc;
    C2F(errgst).toperr = Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz];
    goto L70;

    /*     Very old if - while (removed) */
    if (*istk(1 + lc) < 0)
        goto L55;
    strcpy(C2F(cha1).buf, _("Functions compiled with very old versions are no more handled."));
    return 0;

    /*     "select- case"  or  "if elseif else end" */
    if (Ptover(1))
        lc += (i2 = *istk(1 + lc), abs(i2));
        goto L10;
    Pstk[Pt] = lc;
    Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = C2F(errgst).toperr;

    if (*istk(1 + lc) > 0)
        /*    first expression */
        nc = *istk(3 + lc);
        Rstk[Pt] = 614;
        lc += 4;
        l0 = lc;
        Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
        Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
        goto L10;
        lc += 4;

    /*     expri */
    if  (C2F(errgst).errcatch >= 1 && C2F(errgst).err1 > 0 )
        /*an error occurred in the first expression evaluation, in 'continue' mode
          skip all the control structure codes*/
        goto L62;

    if (*istk(Pstk[Pt]) == 10)
        /*     copy first expression */
        i2 = Top + 1;
        if (! C2F(vcopyobj)("run", &Top, &i2, 3L))
            return 0;

    nc = *istk(lc);
    Rstk[Pt] = 615;
    l0 = lc;
    Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
    goto L10;

    /*     instructions i */
    if  (C2F(errgst).errcatch >= 1 && C2F(errgst).err1 > 0 )
        /*an error occurred in the first expression evaluation, in 'continue' mode
          skip all the control structure codes*/
        goto L62;
    if (nc == 0)
        /* if nc=0 the instruction correspond to the else */
        ok = TRUE;
        if (*istk(Pstk[Pt]) == 10)
        goto L59;
    else if (*istk(Pstk[Pt]) != 10)
        ok = Istrue(1);
        if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
            goto L10;
        goto L59;
    Fin = equal;
    Rhs = 2;
    Lhs = 1;
    Rstk[Pt] = 605;
    C2F(recu).icall = 4;
    Pstk[Pt] = lc;
    Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = tref;
    /*     *call* allops(equal) */
    return 0;

    if  (C2F(errgst).errcatch >= 1 && C2F(errgst).err1 > 0 )
        /*an error occurred in the first expression evaluation, in 'continue' mode
          skip all the control structure codes*/
        goto L62;

    lc = Pstk[Pt];
    tref = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
    ok = Istrue(1);
    if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
        goto L10;
    nc = *istk(lc);
    C2F(errgst).toperr = Top;
    if (ok)
        if (*istk(Pstk[Pt]) == 10)
        l0 = lc;
        Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
        Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
        Rstk[Pt] = 616;
        if (ismenu() == 1 && C2F(basbrk).interruptible)
            goto L115;
        goto L10;
        if (*istk(Pstk[Pt]) == 9)
            goto L62;
        lc = lc + nc + 1;
        goto L56;

    /*     fin if while select/case */
    l0 = Pstk[Pt];
    if (*istk(Pstk[Pt]) == 9)
        lc = l0 + 4;
        goto L56;
    l0 = Pstk[Pt];
    lc = l0 + (i2 = *istk(1 + l0), abs(i2));
    C2F(errgst).toperr = Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz];
    goto L70;

    /*     macro */
    i2 = *istk(2 + lc) - 1;
    Rhs = Max(i2, 0);
    Lhs = *istk(3 + lc);

    lc += 4;

    if (Ptover(1))
        goto L10;
    Rstk[Pt] = 602;
    Pstk[Pt] = lc;
    /*  Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = C2F(dbg).wmac; *//*moved into macro.f*/
    Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = tref;
    Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
    C2F(recu).icall = 5;
    C2F(com).fun = 0;
    /*     *call* macro */
    return 0;
    lc = Pstk[Pt];
    /*C2F(dbg).wmac = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];*//*moved into macro.f*/
    tref = Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
    l0 = Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz];
    nc = Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz];
    goto L70;

    /* re entering run to continue macro evaluation */
    if (ismenu() == 1 && C2F(basbrk).interruptible)
        goto L115;

    /* reset proper values for l0 and nc if a control structure had been escaped*/
    r = Rstk[Pt] - 610;
    switch ((int)r)
        case 1:
            l0 = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
            nc = Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
            goto L10;
        case 2: /* back to a for */
            j = Pstk[Pt];
            l0 = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
            nc = *istk(l0 - 7);
            goto L10;
        case 3: /* back to an if or a while */
            li = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
            kc = Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
            nc = *istk(2 + li);
            l0 = li + 5;
            if (kc == 0)
                goto L10;
            l0 += nc;
            nc = *istk(3 + li);
            if (kc == 1)
                goto L10;
            l0 += nc;
            nc = *istk(4 + li);
            goto L10;
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
            /*    back to a select case   */
            l0 = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
            nc = Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
            goto L10;
        case 8: /*back to a try*/
            l0 = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
            nc = *istk(l0 - 2);
            goto L10;
        case 9:  /*back to a catch*/
            l0 = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
            nc = *istk(l0 - 1);
            l0 = l0 + *istk(l0 - 2);
            goto L10;
        default :
            goto L10;

    C2F(com).fun = op / 100;
    Rhs = *istk(1 + lc);
    Lhs = *istk(2 + lc);
    Fin = *istk(3 + lc);
    lc += 4;

    Rstk[Pt] = 603;
    Pstk[Pt] = lc;
    C2F(recu).icall = 9;
    Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = 0;
    Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = tref;
    Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
    /*     *call* matfns */
    return 0;
    /*     warning if builtin is "resume" control is passed to macro and not here */
    lc = Pstk[Pt];
    tref = Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz];
    l0 =   Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz];
    nc =   Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz];
    goto L70;

    /*     pause */
    if (Ptover(1))
        goto L10;
    Pstk[Pt] = C2F(iop).rio;
    C2F(iop).rio = C2F(iop).rte;
    Fin = 2;
    if (Lct[4] <= -10)
        Fin = -1;
        Lct[4] = -Lct[4] - 11;
    Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = lc;
    Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = Top;
    Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = tref;
    Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
    Rstk[Pt] = 604;
    C2F(recu).icall = 5;
    /*     *call* macro */
    return 0;
    lc =   Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
    Top =  Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
    tref = Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz];
    l0 =   Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz];
    nc =   Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz];
    C2F(iop).rio = Pstk[Pt];
    goto L70;

    /*     break */
    p = Pt + 1;
    if (p == 0)
        goto L10;
    if (Rstk[p] == 612)
        /*     break in a for */
        l0 = Ids[1 + p * nsiz];
        lc = l0 + *istk(1 + l0 - 8);
        Pt = p - 1;
        goto L70;
    else if (Rstk[p] == 616 && *istk(1 + Pstk[p] - 1) == 9)
        /*     break in a while */
        l0 = Pstk[p];
        lc = l0 + (i2 = *istk(1 + l0), abs(i2));
        Pt = p - 1;
        goto L70;
    else if (Rstk[p] == 501 || Rstk[p] == 502 ||
             Rstk[p] == 503)
        /*     going outside a function an exec (break ignored) */
        goto L10;
        goto L96;
    /*     continue */
    p = Pt + 1;
    if (p == 0)
        goto L10;
    if (Rstk[p] == 612)
        /*     continue in a  for */
        l0 = Ids[1 + p * nsiz];
        /* nc is required for the end of loop */
        lc = l0 - 7;
        nc = *istk(lc);
        Pt = p;
        goto L47;
    else if (Rstk[p] == 616 && *istk(1 + Pstk[p] - 1) == 9)
        /*     continue in a while */
        l0 = Pstk[p];
        lc = l0;
        nc = *istk(lc);
        Pt = p;
        goto L551;
        goto L98;
    /*     abort */
    if (Pt == 0)
        goto L102;
    if (Rstk[Pt] / 100 == 5)
        k = Lpt[1] - (13 + nsiz);
        Lpt[1] = Lin[1 + k];
        Lpt[2] = Lin[2 + k];
        Lpt[3] = Lin[3 + k];
        Lpt[4] = Lin[4 + k];
        Lct[4] = Lin[6 + k ];
        Lpt[6] = k;
        if (Rstk[Pt] <= 502)
            if (Pt > 1)
                if (Rstk[Pt - 1] != 903 && Rstk[Pt - 1] != 909 && Rstk[Pt - 1] != 706)
                    Bot = Lin[5 + k];
                Bot = Lin[5 + k];
        else if (Rstk[Pt] == 503)
            if (C2F(iop).rio == C2F(iop).rte)
                /* abort in a pause mode */
                C2F(iop).rio = Pstk[Pt - 1];
                Bot = Lin[5 + k];
                int mode[3];
                int lunit = -C2F(iop).rio;
                /*  abort in an exec*/
                mode[0] = 0;
                C2F(clunit)(&lunit, C2F(cha1).buf, mode);
                C2F(iop).rio = Pstk[Pt - 1];
    goto L101;
    C2F(recu).icall = 10;
    Top = 0;
    C2F(com).comp[0] = 0;
    if (C2F(recu).niv > 1)
        Err = 9999999;
    return 0;

    /*     eol */
    /*     la gestion de la recuperation des erreurs devrait plutot se trouver */
    /*     a la fin de l'instruction (mais il n'y a pas actuellement d'indicateur */
    /*     de fin d'instruction dans les macros */
    if (C2F(errgst).err1 != 0)
        if (C2F(errgst).err2 == 0)
            C2F(errgst).err2 = C2F(errgst).err1;
        if (C2F(errgst).errcatch > 0)
            /* running under errcatch(num,....) */
            if (Rstk[Pt] != 614 && Rstk[Pt] != 615 && Rstk[Pt] != 605)
                C2F(errgst).err1 = 0;
            if (Pt < C2F(errgst).errpt)
                C2F(errgst).errcatch = 0;
        imode = (i2 = C2F(errgst).errct / 100000, abs(i2));
        if (imode - (imode / 8 << 3) == 2)
            C2F(basbrk).iflag = TRUE;

    /*     gestion des points d'arrets dynamiques */
    if (C2F(dbg).nmacs != 0)   /* there are breakpoints set */
        int kfin = C2F(dbg).wmac - 1; /*the stack index of the current function*/
        /*  first test if the function has breakpoints   */
        int kmac;
        for (kmac = 0; kmac < C2F(dbg).nmacs; kmac++) /* loop on table of functions containing breakpoints */
            /* does the name of the current function fit the registered name*/
            if (C2F(eqid)(&(C2F(vstk).idstk[kfin * nsiz]), &(C2F(dbg).macnms[kmac * nsiz])))  /* yes */
                /* test if there is a registered breakpoint at the current line*/
                i2 = C2F(dbg).lgptrs[kmac + 1] - 1;
                for (ibpt = C2F(dbg).lgptrs[kmac]; ibpt <= i2; ++ibpt)
                    if (Lct[8] == C2F(dbg).bptlg[ibpt - 1])   /* yes */
                        /* display a message */
                        C2F(cvname)(&C2F(dbg).macnms[kmac * nsiz], tmp, &c__1, 24L);
                        sprintf(C2F(cha1).buf, "%s %5d", tmp, Lct[8]);
                        Msgs(32, 0);
                        /* raise the interruption flag */
                        C2F(basbrk).iflag = TRUE;
                        goto L107;

    if (Lct[4] / 2 % 2 == 1)
        i2 = Lct[4] / 4;
        C2F(prompt)(&i2, &iesc);
    if (ismenu() == 1 && C2F(basbrk).interruptible)
        goto L115;

    goto L10;

    /* set line number.
     *   Au debut de chaque expression liee a un then et a la fin de
     *   chaque clause, le compilateur (compcl) inscrit la valeur de la
     *   ligne. ceci permet de mettre rapidement a jour le compteur de
     *   ligne sans avoir a analyser la suite des codes operatoires */

    Lct[8] = *istk(1 + lc);
    lc += 2;
    goto L10;

    /* gestion des evements asynchrones "interpretes" */
    C2F(basbrk).interruptible = C2F(getmen)(C2F(cha1).buf, &lb, &nentry) == 0;
    C2F(bexec)(C2F(cha1).buf, &lb, &ierr);
    if (ierr != 0)
        goto L10;
    Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = lc;
    Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
    Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz] = tref;
    Rstk[Pt] = 606;
    C2F(recu).icall = 5;
    /*     *call* macro */
    return 0;
    C2F(basbrk).interruptible = TRUE;
    lc = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
    l0 = Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
    nc = Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz];
    tref = Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz];
    goto L71;
    /*  r = Rstk[Pt] - 610;
    switch ((int)r) {
    case 1:  goto L74;
    case 2:  goto L71;
    case 3:  goto L72;
    case 4:  goto L73;
    case 5:  goto L73;
    case 6:  goto L73;
    goto L10;*/

    /*     quit */

    if (C2F(recu).paus != 0)
        /*   quit in a pause: decrease recursion level up to the pause one (Rstk[Pt] == 503) */
        Pt = Pt + 1;
        Pt = Pt - 1;
        /*  suppress loop variables if any */
        if (Rstk[Pt] == 802 || Rstk[Pt] == 612 ||
                (Rstk[Pt] == 805 && Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] == iselect) ||
                (Rstk[Pt] == 616 && Pstk[Pt] == 10))
        if (Rstk[Pt] != 503)
            goto L121;
        /* recall macro to terminate the pause level */
        C2F(com).fun = 0;
        return 0;
        C2F(com).fun = 99;
    return 0;

    /*     named variable */

    Infstk[Top] = 1;
    C2F(putid)(&C2F(vstk).idstk[Top * nsiz - nsiz], istk(1 + lc));
    lc += 7;
    goto L10;

    /*     form recursive extraction list */

    m = *istk(2 + lc);
    if (Rstk[Pt] == 617)
        /* runtime arg count (list extraction) */
        m += Pstk[Pt];
        Pstk[Pt] = 0;
    C2F(mkindx)(istk(1 + lc), &m);
    lc += 3;
    goto L10;

    /*     exit */

    if (C2F(recu).niv > 0)
        exit(0); /* stop */
    C2F(com).fun = 99;
    goto L10;

    /*     begrhs - for run time rhs value computation */
    /*              syntax like: l=list(...); a(l(:)) */

    Rstk[Pt] = 617;
    Pstk[Pt] = 0;
    goto L10;

    /*     printmode */

    /*     print stored variable */
    if (Lct[4] >= 0 && *istk(1 + lc) != semi && kid != 0)
        C2F(print)(id, &kid, &C2F(iop).wte);
    lc += 2;
    goto L10;
    /*     name2var */
    C2F(name2var)(istk(1 + lc));
    lc += 7;
    goto L10;

    /*     deffnull */
    C2F(objvide)(" ", &Top, 1L);
    goto L10;

    /*     profile */
    ++*istk(1 + lc);
    t = clock();
    *istk(2 + lc) = *istk(2 + lc) + t - tref;
    tref = t;
    lc += 3;
    goto L10;

    /*     character string vector */
    if (C2F(errgst).err1 <= 0)
        n = *istk(1 + lc) **istk(2 + lc);
        nc = *istk(lc + 4 + n) - 1;
        il = Lstk[Top] + Lstk[Top] - 1;
        i2 = il + 5 + n + nc;
        Err = i2 / 2 + 1 - Lstk[Bot];
        if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
            lc = lc + 5 + n + nc;
            goto L10;
        i2 = n + 5 + nc;
        C2F(icopy)(&i2, istk(lc), &c__1, istk(il), &c__1);
        *istk(il) = 10;
        i2 = il + 5 + n + nc;
        Lstk[1 + Top] = i2 / 2 + 1;
    lc = lc + 5 + n + nc;
    goto L10;
    /*     varfun */
    C2F(varfunptr)(istk(3 + lc), istk(1 + lc), istk(2 + lc));
    lc += 9;
    goto L10;
    /*     affectation */
    Lhs = *istk(1 + lc);
    ip = *istk(2 + lc);
    li = lc + 3;
    lc = li + Lhs * 7;
    /*     following code is an adaptation of corresponding code in parse.f */
    ndel = 0;
    Rhs = *istk(6 + li);
    lastindpos = Top - Lhs - ndel;
    if (C2F(errgst).err1 != 0)
        goto L253;
    if (Rhs == 0)
        /* goto simple affectation */
        C2F(stackp)(istk(li), &c__0);
        if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
            goto L10;
        if (C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
            goto L253;
        /* fin points on the newly saved variable */
        if (!(Lct[4] >= 0 && ip != semi && Fin != 0))
            goto L253;
        ifin = Fin;
        C2F(print)(istk(li), &ifin, &C2F(iop).wte);
        if (Rstk[Pt] != 1101)
            goto L253;
        Pstk[Pt] = li;
        Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = ndel;
        Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = lastindpos;
        Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = tref;
        Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
        Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz] = Lhs;
        Ids[6 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
        Rstk[Pt] = 609;
        return 0;
        li = Pstk[Pt];
        ip = *istk(li - 1);
        ndel =       Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
        lastindpos = Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
        tref =       Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz];
        l0 =         Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz];
        Lhs =        Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz];
        nc =         Ids[6 + Pt * nsiz];
        /*goto L253;*/
        goto L232;


    /*     take rhs (number of indices) computed at runtime into account */
    /*     partial variable affectation (insertion) */
    if (lastindpos + 1 != Top)
        /* create reference variables to get index1,...,indexn, value at */
        /* the top of the stack in this order */
        /* create reference variables pointing to the  indices */
        for (ir = 1; ir <= Rhs; ++ir)
            i2 = lastindpos - Rhs + ir;
        /* create reference variable pointing to the value */
        i2 = Top - Rhs;
        /* remind to remove the original indices */
        ndel += Rhs;
    lastindpos -= Rhs;
    /*     put a reference to the lhs variable */
    Fin = -3;
    if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
        goto L10;
    /*     perform insertion operation */
    /*     index1,...,indexn, value ==> updated lhs value (or pointer to) */
    if (Eptover(1))
        return 0;
    /*     pstk(pt) is used by allops to get the name of output variable */
    Pstk[Pt] = li;
    Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = ndel;
    Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = lastindpos;
    Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = tref;
    Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz] = Lhs;
    Ids[6 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
    Rstk[Pt] = 607;
    Rhs += 2;
    Lhs = 1;
    C2F(recu).icall = 4;
    Fin = insert;
    /*     *call* allops(insert) */
    return 0;
    li = Pstk[Pt];
    ip = *istk(li - 1);
    ndel =       Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
    lastindpos = Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
    tref =       Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz];
    l0 =         Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz];
    Lhs =        Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz];
    nc =         Ids[6 + Pt * nsiz];
    /*     store the updated value */
    C2F(stackp)(istk(li), &c__0);

    if (Err > 0 || C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
        goto L10;
    if (C2F(errgst).err1 > 0)
        goto L253;
    /*     fin points on the newly saved variable */
    if (!(Lct[4] >= 0 && ip != semi && Fin != 0))
        goto L252;
    ifin = Fin;
    C2F(print)(istk(li), &ifin, &C2F(iop).wte);
    if (Rstk[Pt] != 1101)
        goto L252;
    Pstk[Pt] = li;
    Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = ndel;
    Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = lastindpos;
    Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = tref;
    Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz] = Lhs;
    Ids[6 + Pt * nsiz] = nc;
    Rstk[Pt] = 608;
    return 0;
    li = Pstk[Pt];
    ip = *istk(li - 1);
    ndel =       Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
    lastindpos = Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
    tref =       Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz];
    l0 =         Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz];
    Lhs =        Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz];
    nc =         Ids[6 + Pt * nsiz];
    goto L251;

    /*     remove variable containing the value if required */
    if (lastindpos != Top)

    li += 7;
    if (Lhs > 0)
        goto L231;
    Top -= ndel;
    lc = li;
    goto L10;

    /*     logical expression shortcircuit */
    if (*istk(1 + lc) == 1)
        /* | case */
        if (C2F(gettype)(&Top) != sci_ints && Istrue(0))
            lc += *istk(2 + lc);
        /* & case */
        if (C2F(gettype)(&Top) != sci_ints && ! Istrue(0))
            lc += *istk(2 + lc);
    lc += 3;
    goto L10;
    /*     comment */

    lc += 2 + *istk(1 + lc);
    goto L10;

    /*     try catch */
    nc = *istk(1 + lc);
    lc += 3;
    l0 = lc;
    if (Ptover(1))
        lc += nc;
        lc += nsiz + *istk(lc);
        goto L10;
    Rstk[Pt] = 618;
    Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz] = l0;
    /* preserve current error modes */
    Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz] = C2F(errgst).errct;
    Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz] = C2F(errgst).err2;
    Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz] = C2F(errgst).err1;
    Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz] = C2F(errgst).errpt;
    Ids[6 + Pt * nsiz] = (Lct[4] + 100) + 10000 * C2F(com).sym;
    /* set error recovery mode without message*/
    C2F(errgst).errct = -(900000 + 1);
    C2F(errgst).errpt = Pt;
    Pstk[Pt] = Top;
    goto L10;
    /* try op-codes finished*/
    l0 = Ids[1 + Pt * nsiz];
    /*check if an error occurred*/
    ok = Max(C2F(errgst).err2, C2F(errgst).err1) <= 0;
    /* restore preserved error modes */
    C2F(errgst).errct = Ids[2 + Pt * nsiz];
    C2F(errgst).err2  = Ids[3 + Pt * nsiz];
    C2F(errgst).err1  = Ids[4 + Pt * nsiz];
    C2F(errgst).errpt = Ids[5 + Pt * nsiz];
    C2F(com).sym      = Ids[6 + Pt * nsiz] / 10000;
    Lct[4]            = Ids[6 + Pt * nsiz] - 10000 * C2F(com).sym - 100;
    if (ok)
        /* no error occurred in the try part*/
        nc = *istk(l0 - 1);
        lc += nc; /*skip catch  instructions*/
        /* finish try catch context and continue*/
        goto L70;
    /*an error occurred in the try part*/
    lc = l0 + *istk(l0 - 2); /*skip remaining try instruction*/
    nc = *istk(l0 - 1);
    /*execute catch instructions (next op-codes)*/
    l0 = lc;
    Rstk[Pt] = 619;
    goto L10;
    /* catch op-codes finished*/
    /* close "try catch" context and continue*/
    goto L70;

    Lhs = 0;
    /*remove context down to current running macro */
    if (Rstk[Pt] != 501)
        goto L999;
    C2F(com).fun = 0;
    return 0;
#undef ix
#undef x