コード例 #1
ファイル: py2scm.c プロジェクト: bert/geda-gaf
static SCM call_callable(SCM scm_args)
	SCM stack = scm_make_stack(SCM_BOOL_T, SCM_EOL);
	SCM frame = scm_stack_ref(stack, scm_from_int(0));
	SCM proc = scm_frame_procedure(frame);
	PyObject *callable = scm_to_pointer(scm_assq_ref(gsubr_alist, proc));


	PyObject *py_args = scm2py(scm_args);
	if (py_args == NULL)
		py2scm_exception(); /* does not return */

	struct call_callable_data data = { callable, py_args };
	PyObject *py_result = (PyObject *)scm_without_guile(
		(void *(*)(void *))call_callable1, &data);
	if (py_result == NULL)
		py2scm_exception(); /* does not return */

	SCM scm_result = py2scm(py_result);
	return scm_result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: g_basic.c プロジェクト: pardo-bsso/geda-gaf
/*! \brief Process a Scheme error into the log and/or a GError
 * \par Function Description
 * Process a captured Guile exception with the given \a s_key and \a
 * s_args, and optionally the stack trace \a s_stack.  The stack trace
 * and source location are logged, and if a GError return location \a
 * err is provided, it is populated with an informative error message.
static void
process_error_stack (SCM s_stack, SCM s_key, SCM s_args, GError **err) {
  char *long_message;
  char *short_message;
  SCM s_port, s_subr, s_message, s_message_args, s_rest, s_location;

  /* Split s_args up */
  s_rest = s_args;
  s_subr = scm_car (s_rest);         s_rest = scm_cdr (s_rest);
  s_message = scm_car (s_rest);      s_rest = scm_cdr (s_rest);
  s_message_args = scm_car (s_rest); s_rest = scm_cdr (s_rest);

  /* Capture short error message */
  s_port = scm_open_output_string ();
  scm_display_error_message (s_message, s_message_args, s_port);
  short_message = scm_to_utf8_string (scm_get_output_string (s_port));
  scm_close_output_port (s_port);

  /* Capture long error message (including possible backtrace) */
  s_port = scm_open_output_string ();
  if (scm_is_true (scm_stack_p (s_stack))) {
    scm_puts (_("\nBacktrace:\n"), s_port);
    scm_display_backtrace (s_stack, s_port, SCM_BOOL_F, SCM_BOOL_F);
    scm_puts ("\n", s_port);

  s_location = SCM_BOOL_F;
  s_location = s_stack;
  s_location =
    scm_is_true (s_stack) ? scm_stack_ref (s_stack, SCM_INUM0) : SCM_BOOL_F;

  scm_display_error (s_location, s_port, s_subr,
                     s_message, s_message_args, s_rest);

  long_message = scm_to_utf8_string (scm_get_output_string (s_port));
  scm_close_output_port (s_port);

  /* Send long message to log */
  s_log_message ("%s", long_message);

  /* Populate any GError */
  g_set_error (err, EDA_ERROR, EDA_ERROR_SCHEME, "%s", short_message);
コード例 #3
ファイル: g_rc.c プロジェクト: igutekunst/geda-gaf
 * \brief Get the name of the RC filename being evaluated.
 * \par Function Description
 * Creates a Guile stack object, extracts the topmost frame from that
 * stack and gets the sourcefile name.
 * \returns If the interpreter can resolve the filename, returns a
 * Scheme object with the full path to the RC file, otherwise #f
  SCM stack, frame, source;

  stack = scm_make_stack (SCM_BOOL_T, SCM_EOL);
  if (scm_is_false (stack)) {
    return SCM_BOOL_F;

  frame = scm_stack_ref (stack, scm_from_int(0));
  if (scm_is_false (frame)) {
    return SCM_BOOL_F;

  source = scm_frame_source (frame);
  if (scm_is_false (source)) {
    return SCM_BOOL_F;

  return scm_source_property (source, scm_sym_filename);