コード例 #1
RBEIMConstruction::RBEIMConstruction (EquationSystems& es,
		                      const std::string& name_in,
		                      const unsigned int number_in)
  : Parent(es, name_in, number_in),
  // We cannot do rb_solve with an empty
  // "rb space" with EIM
  use_empty_rb_solve_in_greedy = false;

  // Indicate that we need to compute the RB
  // inner product matrix in this case
  compute_RB_inner_product = true;

  // Indicate that we need the training set
  // for the Greedy to be the same on all
  // processors
  serial_training_set = true;

  // attach empty RBAssemblyExpansion object
コード例 #2
RBEIMConstruction::RBEIMConstruction (EquationSystems& es,
                                      const std::string& name_in,
                                      const unsigned int number_in)
  : Parent(es, name_in, number_in),
  // We cannot do rb_solve with an empty
  // "rb space" with EIM
  use_empty_rb_solve_in_greedy = false;

  // Indicate that we need to compute the RB
  // inner product matrix in this case
  compute_RB_inner_product = true;

  // Indicate that we need the training set
  // for the Greedy to be the same on all
  // processors
  serial_training_set = true;

  // attach empty RBAssemblyExpansion object

  // We only do "L2 projection" solves in this class, hence
  // we should set implicit_neighbor_dofs = false. This is
  // important when we use DISCONTINUOUS basis functions, since
  // otherwise the L2 projection matrix uses much more memory
  // than necessary.