コード例 #1
// Updates the currently selected list entry
void AltShipClassDlg::alt_class_update_entry(alt_class &list_item)
	int index; 
	// Add a string variable to the list
	if (num_string_variables && m_set_from_variables.GetCurSel() > 0) {
		index = string_variable_indices[m_set_from_variables.GetCurSel() -1]; 

		Assert (index >= 0); 
		list_item.variable_index = index; 
		list_item.ship_class = ship_info_lookup(Sexp_variables[index].text); 
	// Add a ship class to the list
	else {
		index = m_set_from_ship_class.GetCurSel(); 

		// Correct the index if the first entry isn't actually a ship class
		if (num_string_variables) {
			Assert (index > 0);
		list_item.variable_index = -1;
		list_item.ship_class = ship_class_indices[index];		
	// check the default tickbox
	list_item.default_to_this_class = m_default_to_class.GetCheck() ? true:false;
コード例 #2
// ship list changed
void player_start_editor::OnSelchangeShipList() 
	int selected;
	int si_index;
	char ship_name[255] = "";
	char ship_usage_buff[10];

	// If the ship list is selected the variable ship list should be deselected

	// determine if we've selected something
	selected = m_ship_list.GetCurSel();	
	if (selected != -1) {
		// lookup the ship
		m_ship_list.GetText(selected, ship_name);
		si_index = ship_info_lookup(ship_name);

		// if we have a valid ship type
		if(si_index >= 0){
			// if this item is checked
			if(m_ship_list.GetCheck(selected)) {								
				if (static_ship_variable_pool[selected_team][si_index] == -1) {
					if (static_ship_pool[selected_team][si_index] <= 0){
						static_ship_pool[selected_team][si_index] = 5;
					m_ship_pool = static_ship_pool[selected_team][si_index];
					// Set the ship variable ComboBox to reflect that we are not using variables for this ship
				// If the number of ships was set by a variable
				else {
					Assert (Sexp_variables[static_ship_variable_pool[selected_team][si_index]].type & SEXP_VARIABLE_NUMBER);

					m_ship_pool = atoi(Sexp_variables[static_ship_variable_pool[selected_team][si_index]].text);
					int selected_variable = sexp_variable_typed_count(static_ship_variable_pool[selected_team][si_index], SEXP_VARIABLE_NUMBER);
					m_ship_quantity_variable.SetCurSel(selected_variable + 1);
			// otherwise zero the count
			else {
				static_ship_pool[selected_team][si_index] = 0;
				static_ship_variable_pool[selected_team][si_index] = -1;
				m_ship_pool = 0;
			// set the number used in wings
			sprintf(ship_usage_buff, "%d", ship_usage[selected_team][si_index]); 
		} else {
	// update stuff
コード例 #3
// Returns the ship_info index of the selected and checked ship_list item or -1 if nothing is checked or 
// the ship is invalid
int player_start_editor::GetSelectedShipListIndex()
	char name[255] = "";
	int selected = m_ship_list.GetCurSel();	
	if((selected != -1) && m_ship_list.GetCheck(selected))
		// lookup the ship
		m_ship_list.GetText(m_ship_list.GetCurSel(), name);
		int ship_index = ship_info_lookup(name);
		return ship_index;
	return -1; 
コード例 #4
// ship list changed
void player_start_editor::OnSelchangeShipList() 
	int selected;
	int si_index;
	char ship_name[255] = "";

	// determine if we've selected something
	selected = m_ship_list.GetCurSel();	
	if (selected != -1) {
		// lookup the ship
		m_ship_list.GetText(m_ship_list.GetCurSel(), ship_name);
		si_index = ship_info_lookup(ship_name);

		// if we have a valid ship type
		if(si_index >= 0){
			// if this item is checked
			if(m_ship_list.GetCheck(selected)) {
				if(ship_pool[selected_team][si_index] <= 0){
					ship_pool[selected_team][si_index] = 5;
					m_ship_pool = 5;
				} else {
					m_ship_pool = ship_pool[selected_team][si_index];
			// otherwise zero the count
			else {
				ship_pool[selected_team][si_index] = 0;
				m_ship_pool = 0;
		} else {
	// update shtuff
コード例 #5
// ship pool count change
void player_start_editor::OnUpdateShipPool() 
	int selected, si_index;
	char ship_name[255] = "";

	if (!dlg_inited){

	// if we have a ship selected and checked, update the pool	
	selected = m_ship_list.GetCurSel();	
	if((selected != -1) && m_ship_list.GetCheck(selected)){
		// lookup the ship
		m_ship_list.GetText(m_ship_list.GetCurSel(), ship_name);
		si_index = ship_info_lookup(ship_name);

		// if we have a valid ship type
		if(si_index >= 0){
			ship_pool[selected_team][si_index] = m_ship_pool;
コード例 #6
ファイル: mainfrm.cpp プロジェクト: lubomyr/freespace2
int color_combo_box::GetCurSelNEW()
	int cur_sel;
	int ship_info;
	char ship_name[256];
	char *hmmm = ship_name;

	// see if we have a special item (>= Num_ship_types)
	cur_sel = GetCurSel();
	if(cur_sel >= Num_ship_types){
		return cur_sel;

	// otherwise lookup the ship by name
	memset(ship_name, 0, 256);
	if(GetLBText(cur_sel, hmmm) == CB_ERR){
		return CB_ERR;
	ship_info = ship_info_lookup(ship_name);
	if((ship_info < 0) || (ship_info >= Num_ship_types)){
		return CB_ERR;
	return ship_info;
コード例 #7
// evaluate a kill on a ship
int scoring_eval_kill(object *ship_objp)
	float max_damage_pct;		// the pct% of total damage the max damage object did
	int max_damage_index;		// the index into the dying ship's damage_ship[] array corresponding the greatest amount of damage
	int killer_sig;				// signature of the guy getting credit for the kill (or -1 if none)
	int idx,net_player_num;
	player *plr;					// pointer to a player struct if it was a player who got the kill
	net_player *net_plr = NULL;
	ship *dead_ship;				// the ship which was killed
	net_player *dead_plr = NULL;
	float scoring_scale_by_damage = 1;	// percentage to scale the killer's score by if we score based on the amount of damage caused
	int kill_score, assist_score; 
	bool is_enemy_player = false;		// true if the player just killed an enemy player ship

	// multiplayer clients bail here
		return -1;

	// we don't evaluate kills on anything except ships
	if(ship_objp->type != OBJ_SHIP){
		return -1;	
	if((ship_objp->instance < 0) || (ship_objp->instance >= MAX_SHIPS)){
		return -1;

	// assign the dead ship
	dead_ship = &Ships[ship_objp->instance];

	// evaluate player deaths
	if(Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER){
		net_player_num = multi_find_player_by_object(ship_objp);
		if(net_player_num != -1){
			nprintf(("Network","Setting player %s deaths to %d\n",Net_players[net_player_num].m_player->callsign,Net_players[net_player_num].m_player->stats.m_player_deaths));
			dead_plr = &Net_players[net_player_num];
			is_enemy_player = true;
	} else {
		if(ship_objp == Player_obj){

	net_player_num = -1;

	// clear out invalid damager ships
	for(idx=0; idx<MAX_DAMAGE_SLOTS; idx++){
		if((dead_ship->damage_ship_id[idx] >= 0) && (ship_get_by_signature(dead_ship->damage_ship_id[idx]) < 0)){
			dead_ship->damage_ship[idx] = 0.0f;
			dead_ship->damage_ship_id[idx] = -1;
	// determine which object did the most damage to the dying object, and how much damage that was
	max_damage_index = -1;
		// bogus ship
		if(dead_ship->damage_ship_id[idx] < 0){

		// if this slot did more damage then the next highest slot
		if((max_damage_index == -1) || (dead_ship->damage_ship[idx] > dead_ship->damage_ship[max_damage_index])){
			max_damage_index = idx;
	// doh
	if((max_damage_index < 0) || (max_damage_index >= MAX_DAMAGE_SLOTS)){
		return -1;

	// the pct of total damage applied to this ship
	max_damage_pct = dead_ship->damage_ship[max_damage_index] / dead_ship->total_damage_received;
    CLAMP(max_damage_pct, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	// only evaluate if the max damage % is high enough to record a kill and it was done by a valid object
	if((max_damage_pct >= Kill_percentage) && (dead_ship->damage_ship_id[max_damage_index] >= 0)){
		// set killer_sig for this ship to the signature of the guy who gets credit for the kill
		killer_sig = dead_ship->damage_ship_id[max_damage_index];

		// set the scale value if we only award 100% score for 100% damage
		if (The_mission.ai_profile->flags & AIPF_KILL_SCORING_SCALES_WITH_DAMAGE) {
			scoring_scale_by_damage = max_damage_pct;

		// null this out for now
		plr = NULL;
		net_plr = NULL;

		// get the player (whether single or multiplayer)
		net_player_num = -1;

		if(Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER){
			net_player_num = multi_find_player_by_signature(killer_sig);
			if(net_player_num != -1){
				plr = Net_players[net_player_num].m_player;
				net_plr = &Net_players[net_player_num];
		} else {
			if(Objects[Player->objnum].signature == killer_sig){
				plr = Player;

		// if we found a valid player, evaluate some kill details
		if(plr != NULL){
			int si_index;

			// bogus
			if((plr->objnum < 0) || (plr->objnum >= MAX_OBJECTS)){
				return -1;

			// get the ship info index of the ship type of this kill.  we need to take ship
			// copies into account here.
			si_index = dead_ship->ship_info_index;
			if (Ship_info[si_index].flags & SIF_SHIP_COPY)
				char temp[NAME_LENGTH];
				strcpy_s(temp, Ship_info[si_index].name);

				// Goober5000 - previous error checking guarantees that this will be >= 0
				si_index = ship_info_lookup(temp);	

			// if he killed a guy on his own team increment his bonehead kills
			if((Ships[Objects[plr->objnum].instance].team == dead_ship->team) && !MULTI_DOGFIGHT ){
				if (!(The_mission.flags & MISSION_FLAG_NO_TRAITOR)) {
					kill_score = -(int)(dead_ship->score * scoring_get_scale_factor());
					plr->stats.m_score += kill_score;

					if(net_plr != NULL ) {
						multi_team_maybe_add_score(-(dead_ship->score), net_plr->p_info.team);
			// otherwise increment his valid kill count and score
			else {
				// dogfight mode
				if(MULTI_DOGFIGHT && (multi_find_player_by_object(ship_objp) < 0)){
					// don't add a kill for dogfight kills on non-players
				} else {

					// only computer controlled enemies should scale with difficulty
					if (is_enemy_player) {
						kill_score = (int)(dead_ship->score * scoring_scale_by_damage);
					else {
						kill_score = (int)(dead_ship->score * scoring_get_scale_factor() * scoring_scale_by_damage);

					plr->stats.m_score += kill_score;  					

					char kill_score_text[1024] = "";
					sprintf(kill_score_text, "SCORING : %s killed a ship worth %d points and gets %d pts for the kill\n", plr->callsign, dead_ship->score, kill_score);	
						send_game_chat_packet(Net_player, kill_score_text, MULTI_MSG_ALL);

					// multiplayer
					if(net_plr != NULL){
						multi_team_maybe_add_score(dead_ship->score , net_plr->p_info.team);

						// award teammates % of score value for big ship kills
						// not in dogfight tho
						// and not if there is no assist threshold (as otherwise assists could get higher scores than kills)
						if (!(Netgame.type_flags & NG_TYPE_DOGFIGHT) && (Ship_info[dead_ship->ship_info_index].flags & (SIF_BIG_SHIP | SIF_HUGE_SHIP))) {
							for (idx=0; idx<MAX_PLAYERS; idx++) {
								if (MULTI_CONNECTED(Net_players[idx]) && (Net_players[idx].p_info.team == net_plr->p_info.team) && (&Net_players[idx] != net_plr)) {
									assist_score = (int)(dead_ship->score * The_mission.ai_profile->assist_award_percentage_scale[Game_skill_level]);
									Net_players[idx].m_player->stats.m_score += assist_score;

									char score_text[1024] = "";
									sprintf(score_text, "SCORING : All team mates get %d pts for helping kill the capship\n", assist_score);
									send_game_chat_packet(Net_player, score_text, MULTI_MSG_ALL);

						// death message
						if((Net_player != NULL) && (Net_player->flags & NETINFO_FLAG_AM_MASTER) && (net_plr != NULL) && (dead_plr != NULL) && (net_plr->m_player != NULL) && (dead_plr->m_player != NULL)){
							char dead_text[1024] = "";

							sprintf(dead_text, "%s gets the kill for %s", net_plr->m_player->callsign, dead_plr->m_player->callsign);							
							send_game_chat_packet(Net_player, dead_text, MULTI_MSG_ALL, NULL, NULL, 2);
			// increment his all-encompassing kills
			// update everyone on this guy's kills if this is multiplayer
			if(MULTIPLAYER_MASTER && (net_player_num != -1)){
				// send appropriate stats
				if(Netgame.type_flags & NG_TYPE_DOGFIGHT){
					// evaluate dogfight kills
					multi_df_eval_kill(&Net_players[net_player_num], ship_objp);

					// update stats
					send_player_stats_block_packet(&Net_players[net_player_num], STATS_DOGFIGHT_KILLS);
				} else {
					send_player_stats_block_packet(&Net_players[net_player_num], STATS_MISSION_KILLS);
	} else {
		// set killer_sig for this ship to -1, indicating no one got the kill for it
		killer_sig = -1;
	// pass in the guy who got the credit for the kill (if any), so that he doesn't also
	// get credit for an assist
	scoring_eval_assists(dead_ship,killer_sig, is_enemy_player);	


	if (Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER) {
		char buf[256];
		sprintf(Scoring_debug_text, "SCORING : %s killed.\nDamage by ship:\n\n", Ship_info[dead_ship->ship_info_index].name);

		// show damage done by player
		for (int i=0; i<MAX_DAMAGE_SLOTS; i++) {
			int net_player_num = multi_find_player_by_signature(dead_ship->damage_ship_id[i]);
			if (net_player_num != -1) {
				plr = Net_players[net_player_num].m_player;
				sprintf(buf, "%s: %f", plr->callsign, dead_ship->damage_ship[i]);

				if (dead_ship->damage_ship_id[i] == killer_sig ) {
					strcat_s(buf, "  KILLER\n");
				} else {
					strcat_s(buf, "\n");

				strcat_s(Scoring_debug_text, buf);	
		mprintf ((Scoring_debug_text)); 

	return max_damage_index; 
コード例 #8
ファイル: plr.cpp プロジェクト: sobczyk/fs2open
void pilotfile::plr_read_stats_multi()
    int idx, j, list_size = 0;
    index_list_t ilist;
    char t_string[NAME_LENGTH+1];

    // global, all-time stats (used only until campaign stats are loaded)
    multi_stats.score = cfread_int(cfp);
    multi_stats.rank = cfread_int(cfp);
    multi_stats.assists = cfread_int(cfp);
    multi_stats.kill_count = cfread_int(cfp);
    multi_stats.kill_count_ok = cfread_int(cfp);
    multi_stats.bonehead_kills = cfread_int(cfp);

    multi_stats.p_shots_fired = cfread_uint(cfp);
    multi_stats.p_shots_hit = cfread_uint(cfp);
    multi_stats.p_bonehead_hits = cfread_uint(cfp);

    multi_stats.s_shots_fired = cfread_uint(cfp);
    multi_stats.s_shots_hit = cfread_uint(cfp);
    multi_stats.s_bonehead_hits = cfread_uint(cfp);

    multi_stats.flight_time = cfread_uint(cfp);
    multi_stats.missions_flown = cfread_uint(cfp);
    multi_stats.last_flown = (_fs_time_t)cfread_int(cfp);
    multi_stats.last_backup = (_fs_time_t)cfread_int(cfp);

    // ship kills (contains ships across all mods, not just current)
    list_size = cfread_int(cfp);

    for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
        cfread_string_len(t_string, NAME_LENGTH, cfp);

        ilist.name = t_string;
        ilist.index = ship_info_lookup(t_string);
        ilist.val = cfread_int(cfp);


    // medals earned (contains medals across all mods, not just current)
    list_size = cfread_int(cfp);

    for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
        cfread_string_len(t_string, NAME_LENGTH,cfp);

        ilist.name = t_string;
        ilist.index = medals_info_lookup(t_string);
        ilist.val = cfread_int(cfp);


    // if in multiplayer mode then set these stats as the player stats
    if (Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER) {
        p->stats.score = multi_stats.score;
        p->stats.rank = multi_stats.rank;
        p->stats.assists = multi_stats.assists;
        p->stats.kill_count = multi_stats.kill_count;
        p->stats.kill_count_ok = multi_stats.kill_count_ok;
        p->stats.bonehead_kills = multi_stats.bonehead_kills;

        p->stats.p_shots_fired = multi_stats.p_shots_fired;
        p->stats.p_shots_hit = multi_stats.p_shots_hit;
        p->stats.p_bonehead_hits = multi_stats.p_bonehead_hits;

        p->stats.s_shots_fired = multi_stats.s_shots_fired;
        p->stats.s_shots_hit = multi_stats.s_shots_hit;
        p->stats.s_bonehead_hits = multi_stats.s_bonehead_hits;

        p->stats.flight_time = multi_stats.flight_time;
        p->stats.missions_flown = multi_stats.missions_flown;
        p->stats.last_flown = multi_stats.last_flown;
        p->stats.last_backup = multi_stats.last_backup;

        // ship kills (have to find ones that match content)
        list_size = (int)multi_stats.ship_kills.size();
        for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
            j = multi_stats.ship_kills[idx].index;

            if (j >= 0) {
                p->stats.kills[j] = multi_stats.ship_kills[idx].val;

        // medals earned (have to fine ones that match content)
        list_size = (int)multi_stats.medals_earned.size();
        for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
            j = multi_stats.medals_earned[idx].index;

            if (j >= 0) {
                p->stats.medals[j] = multi_stats.medals_earned[idx].val;
コード例 #9
ファイル: csg.cpp プロジェクト: Kobrar/fs2open.github.com
void pilotfile::csg_read_info()
	char t_string[NAME_LENGTH+1] = { '\0' };
	index_list_t ilist;
	int idx, list_size = 0;
	ubyte allowed = 0;

	if ( !m_have_flags ) {
		throw "Info before Flags!";

	// NOTE: lists may contain missing/invalid entries for current data
	//       this is not necessarily fatal

	// ship list (NOTE: may contain more than MAX_SHIP_CLASSES)
	list_size = cfread_int(cfp);

	for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
		cfread_string_len(t_string, NAME_LENGTH, cfp);

		ilist.name = t_string;
		ilist.index = ship_info_lookup(t_string);


	// weapon list (NOTE: may contain more than MAX_WEAPON_TYPES)
	list_size = cfread_int(cfp);

	for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
		cfread_string_len(t_string, NAME_LENGTH, cfp);

		ilist.name = t_string;
		ilist.index = weapon_info_lookup(t_string);


	// intel list (NOTE: may contain more than MAX_INTEL_ENTRIES)
	list_size = cfread_int(cfp);

	for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
		cfread_string_len(t_string, NAME_LENGTH, cfp);

		ilist.name = t_string;
		ilist.index = intel_info_lookup(t_string);


	// medals list (NOTE: may contain more than Num_medals)
	list_size = cfread_int(cfp);

	for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
		cfread_string_len(t_string, NAME_LENGTH, cfp);

		ilist.name = t_string;
		ilist.index = medals_info_lookup(t_string);


	// last ship flown (index into ship_list)
	idx = cfread_int(cfp);

	// check the idx is within bounds
	Assertion ((idx < (int)ship_list.size()), "Campaign file contains an incorrect value for the last flown ship class. No data in ship_list for ship number %d.", idx); 
	if (idx >= (int)ship_list.size())
		idx = -1;
	else if (idx != -1)
		p->last_ship_flown_si_index = ship_list[idx].index;
		p->last_ship_flown_si_index = -1;

	// progression state
	Campaign.prev_mission = cfread_int(cfp);
	Campaign.next_mission = cfread_int(cfp);

	// loop state
	Campaign.loop_reentry = cfread_int(cfp);
	Campaign.loop_enabled = cfread_int(cfp);

	// missions completed
	Campaign.num_missions_completed = cfread_int(cfp);

	// allowed ships
	list_size = (int)ship_list.size();
	for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
		allowed = cfread_ubyte(cfp);

		if (allowed) {
			if (ship_list[idx].index >= 0) {
				Campaign.ships_allowed[ship_list[idx].index] = 1;
			} else {
				m_data_invalid = true;

	// allowed weapons
	list_size = (int)weapon_list.size();
	for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
		allowed = cfread_ubyte(cfp);

		if (allowed) {
			if (weapon_list[idx].index >= 0) {
				Campaign.weapons_allowed[weapon_list[idx].index] = 1;
			} else {
				m_data_invalid = true;

	if (csg_ver >= 2) {
		// single/campaign squad name & image
		cfread_string_len(p->s_squad_name, NAME_LENGTH, cfp);
		cfread_string_len(p->s_squad_filename, MAX_FILENAME_LEN, cfp);

	// if anything we need/use was missing then it should be considered fatal
	if (m_data_invalid) {
		throw "Invalid data for CSG!";
コード例 #10
int FS2NetD_GetPlayerData(const char *player_name, player *pl, bool can_create, bool do_send)
	int buffer_size, buffer_offset;
	bool my_packet = false;
	char buffer[16384];

	if (do_send) {
		ubyte create = (ubyte)can_create;


		PXO_ADD_INT( (can_create) ? Multi_tracker_id : -2 );
		PXO_ADD_STRING( player_name );
		PXO_ADD_DATA( create );


		if ( FS2NetD_SendData(buffer, buffer_size) == -1 ) {
			return -1;
	} else if ( FS2NetD_DataReady() ) {
		const fix end_time = timer_get_fixed_seconds() + (15 * F1_0);
		int rc;
		uint rc_total = 0;
		ubyte reply_type = 0;
		int si_index = 0;
		ushort bogus, num_type_kills = 0, num_medals = 0;
		char ship_name[NAME_LENGTH];
		int idx;

		do {
			rc = FS2NetD_GetData(buffer+rc_total, sizeof(buffer)-rc_total);

			if (rc <= 0) {

			rc_total += rc;

		} while ( FS2NetD_DataReady() && (rc_total < (int)sizeof(buffer)) );

		if (rc < BASE_PACKET_SIZE) {
			return -1;


		if ( !my_packet ) {
			return -1;

		if ( buffer_size > (int)sizeof(buffer) ) {
			ml_printf("FS2NetD WARNING: Pilot update data is larger than receive buffer!  Some data will be lost!");

		// make sure that we get the entire packet
		while ( (rc_total < (uint)buffer_size) && (rc_total < sizeof(buffer)) && (timer_get_fixed_seconds() <= end_time) ) {
			if ( FS2NetD_DataReady() ) {
				rc = FS2NetD_GetData(buffer+rc_total, sizeof(buffer) - rc_total);

				if (rc <= 0) {

				rc_total += rc;


		PXO_GET_DATA( reply_type );

		// if we weren't retrieved then bail out now
		if (reply_type != 0) {
			return (int)reply_type;

		PXO_GET_INT( pl->stats.score );				// points
		PXO_GET_UINT( pl->stats.missions_flown );	// missions
		PXO_GET_UINT( pl->stats.flight_time );		// flighttime
		PXO_GET_INT( pl->stats.last_flown );		// LastFlight
		PXO_GET_INT( pl->stats.kill_count );		// Kills
		PXO_GET_INT( pl->stats.kill_count_ok  );	// NonFriendlyKills
		PXO_GET_INT( pl->stats.assists );			// Assists
		PXO_GET_UINT( pl->stats.p_shots_fired );	// PriShots
		PXO_GET_UINT( pl->stats.p_shots_hit );		// PriHits
		PXO_GET_UINT( pl->stats.p_bonehead_hits );	// PriFHits
		PXO_GET_UINT( pl->stats.s_shots_fired );	// SecShots
		PXO_GET_UINT( pl->stats.s_shots_hit );		// SecHits
		PXO_GET_UINT( pl->stats.s_bonehead_hits );	// SecFHits
		PXO_GET_INT( pl->stats.rank );				// rank

		PXO_GET_USHORT( num_type_kills );

		for (idx = 0; idx < (int)num_type_kills; idx++) {
			memset( ship_name, 0, sizeof(ship_name) );

			PXO_GET_STRING( ship_name );

			si_index = ship_info_lookup( ship_name );

			if (si_index == -1) {
				PXO_GET_USHORT( bogus );
			} else {
				PXO_GET_USHORT( pl->stats.kills[si_index] );

		PXO_GET_USHORT( num_medals );

		for (idx = 0; (idx < Num_medals) && (idx < num_medals); idx++) {
			PXO_GET_INT( pl->stats.medal_counts[idx] );

		return (int)reply_type;

	return -1;
コード例 #11
// ok
void player_start_editor::OnOK()
	int i, idx;
	int num_choices; 
	int num_sexp_variables = sexp_variable_count();	

	// store player entry time delay
	Entry_delay_time = i2f(m_delay);	

	// store ship pools	
	for(i=0; i<MAX_TVT_TEAMS; i++) {
		num_choices = 0; 
		// First look through the variables list and write out anything there
		for (idx=0; idx < num_sexp_variables; idx++) 		{
			// As soon as we come across a sexp_variable we are using
			if (dynamic_ship_pool[i][idx] != -1) 			{
				Assert (Sexp_variables[idx].type & SEXP_VARIABLE_STRING); 
				int ship_class = ship_info_lookup(Sexp_variables[idx].text);
				// If the variable doesn't actually contain a valid ship class name. Warn the user and skip to the next one
				if (ship_class < 0)  {
					char buffer[256];
							"Sexp Variable %s holds the value %s. This is not a valid ship class. Skipping this entry",
				/* Can we can prevent the user from having to enter all his variables again just cause he can't spull gud?
				// If the variable doesn't actually contain a valid ship class name. Warn the user
				if (ship_class < 0)
					char buffer[256];
							"Sexp Variable %s holds the value %s. This is not a valid ship class. You should change this!",
					ship_class = ship_info_lookup(default_player_ship);
					if (ship_class < 0 ) {
						sprintf(buffer, "No default ship is set either. Skipping variable %s!", Sexp_variables[idx].variable_name); 

				// Copy the variable to Team_data
				Team_data[i].ship_list_variables[num_choices] = idx;
				Team_data[i].ship_list[num_choices] = -1;

				// Now we need to set the number of this type available
				if (dynamic_ship_variable_pool[i][idx] == -1) {
					Team_data[i].ship_count[num_choices] = dynamic_ship_pool[i][idx];
					Team_data[i].ship_count_variables[num_choices] = -1; 
				else {
					Assert (Sexp_variables[dynamic_ship_variable_pool[i][idx]].type & SEXP_VARIABLE_NUMBER);

					Team_data[i].ship_count_variables[num_choices] = dynamic_ship_variable_pool[i][idx];
					Team_data[i].ship_count[num_choices] = atoi(Sexp_variables[dynamic_ship_variable_pool[i][idx]].text);


		// Now we deal with the loadout ships that are statically assigned by class

		for(idx=0; idx<Num_ship_classes; idx++) {
			// if we have ships here
			if(static_ship_pool[i][idx] > 0 || static_ship_variable_pool[i][idx] > -1) {
				Team_data[i].ship_list[num_choices] = idx;
				Team_data[i].ship_list_variables[num_choices] = -1;

				// Now set the number of this class available
				if (static_ship_variable_pool[i][idx] == -1) {
					Team_data[i].ship_count[num_choices] = static_ship_pool[i][idx];
					Team_data[i].ship_count_variables[num_choices] = -1;
				else {
					Assert (Sexp_variables[static_ship_variable_pool[i][idx]].type & SEXP_VARIABLE_NUMBER);
					Team_data[i].ship_count_variables[num_choices] = static_ship_variable_pool[i][idx];
					Team_data[i].ship_count[num_choices] = atoi(Sexp_variables[static_ship_variable_pool[i][idx]].text);

		Team_data[i].num_ship_choices = num_choices; 

	// store weapon pools
	for(i=0; i<MAX_TVT_TEAMS; i++){		
		num_choices = 0; 

		// First look through the variables list and write out anything there
		for (idx=0; idx < num_sexp_variables; idx++) {
			// As soon as we come across a sexp_variable we are using
			if (dynamic_weapon_pool[i][idx] != -1) {
				Assert (Sexp_variables[idx].type & SEXP_VARIABLE_STRING); 
				int weapon_class = weapon_info_lookup(Sexp_variables[idx].text);
				// If the variable doesn't actually contain a valid ship class name. Warn the user and skip to the next one
				if (weapon_class < 0)
					char buffer[256];
							"Sexp Variable %s holds the value %s. This is not a valid weapon class. Skipping this entry",
				// Copy the variable to Team_data
				Team_data[i].weaponry_pool_variable[num_choices] = idx;
				Team_data[i].weaponry_pool[num_choices] = -1;

				// Now we need to set the number of this class available
				if (dynamic_weapon_variable_pool[i][idx] == -1)
					Team_data[i].weaponry_count[num_choices] = dynamic_weapon_pool[i][idx];
					Team_data[i].weaponry_amount_variable[num_choices] = -1; 
					Assert (Sexp_variables[dynamic_weapon_variable_pool[i][idx]].type & SEXP_VARIABLE_NUMBER);

					Team_data[i].weaponry_amount_variable[num_choices] = dynamic_weapon_variable_pool[i][idx];
					Team_data[i].weaponry_count[num_choices] = atoi(Sexp_variables[dynamic_weapon_variable_pool[i][idx]].text);


		// Now we deal with the loadout weapons that are statically assigned by class

		for(idx=0; idx<Num_weapon_types; idx++)
			// if we have weapons here
			if(static_weapon_pool[i][idx] > 0 || static_weapon_variable_pool[i][idx] > -1)
				Team_data[i].weaponry_pool[num_choices] = idx;
				Team_data[i].weaponry_pool_variable[num_choices] = -1;

				// Now set the number of this class available
				if (static_weapon_variable_pool[i][idx] == -1)
					Team_data[i].weaponry_count[num_choices] = static_weapon_pool[i][idx];
					Team_data[i].weaponry_amount_variable[num_choices] = -1;
					Assert (Sexp_variables[static_weapon_variable_pool[i][idx]].type & SEXP_VARIABLE_NUMBER);
					Team_data[i].weaponry_amount_variable[num_choices] = static_weapon_variable_pool[i][idx];
					Team_data[i].weaponry_count[num_choices] = atoi(Sexp_variables[static_weapon_variable_pool[i][idx]].text);

		Team_data[i].num_weapon_choices = num_choices; 

	theApp.record_window_data(&Player_wnd_data, this);
コード例 #12
void pilotfile_convert::csg_import_ships_weapons()
	index_list_t ilist;
	char name[35];
	int idx;
	int list_size = 0;

	int ship_count = cfread_int(cfp);
	int weap_count = cfread_int(cfp);

	for (idx = 0; idx < ship_count; idx++) {
		ubyte allowed = cfread_ubyte(cfp);
		csg->ships_allowed.push_back( (allowed != 0) );

		cfread_string_len(name, sizeof(name), cfp);

		ilist.name = name;
		ilist.index = ship_info_lookup(name);

		if (ilist.index < 0) {
			std::ostringstream error_msg;
			error_msg << "Data mismatch (ship lookup: " << ilist.name << ")!";
			throw std::runtime_error(error_msg.str().c_str());

		csg->ship_list.push_back( ilist );

	for (idx = 0; idx < weap_count; idx++) {
		ubyte allowed = cfread_ubyte(cfp);
		csg->weapons_allowed.push_back( allowed != 0 );

		cfread_string_len(name, sizeof(name), cfp);

		ilist.name = name;
		ilist.index = weapon_info_lookup(name);

		if (ilist.index < 0) {
			std::ostringstream error_msg;
			error_msg << "Data mismatch (weapon lookup: " << ilist.name << ")!";
			throw std::runtime_error(error_msg.str().c_str());

		csg->weapon_list.push_back( ilist );

	// get last ship flown index
	for (idx = 0; idx < ship_count; idx++) {
		if ( csg->ship_list[idx].name == plr->last_ship_flown ) {
			csg->last_ship_flown_index = idx;

	if (csg->last_ship_flown_index < 0) {
		std::ostringstream error_msg;
		error_msg << "Data mismatch (player ship: " << csg->last_ship_flown_index << ")!";
		throw std::runtime_error(error_msg.str().c_str());

	// create list of medals (since it's missing from the old files)
	list_size = Num_medals;

	for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
		ilist.name = Medals[idx].name;
		ilist.index = idx;

		csg->medals_list.push_back( ilist );

	// stuff intel list as well (present but burried in old files)
	list_size = Intel_info_size;

	for (idx = 0; idx < list_size; idx++) {
		ilist.name = Intel_info[idx].name;
		ilist.index = idx;

		csg->intel_list.push_back( ilist );
コード例 #13
ファイル: mainfrm.cpp プロジェクト: lubomyr/freespace2
void color_combo_box::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
	int m_cyText = 24, z;
	CString strText;
	char ship_name[256];

	// You must override DrawItem and MeasureItem for LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE

	CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC);

	// I think we need to do a lookup by ship name here	
	if(lpDrawItemStruct->itemID >= (uint)Num_ship_types){
		z = lpDrawItemStruct->itemID;
	} else {		
		memset(ship_name, 0, 256);
		GetLBText(lpDrawItemStruct->itemID, ship_name);
		z = ship_info_lookup(ship_name);

	if ((z >= 0) && (lpDrawItemStruct->itemAction & (ODA_DRAWENTIRE | ODA_SELECT)))
		int cyItem = GetItemHeight(z);
		BOOL fDisabled = !IsWindowEnabled();

		COLORREF newTextColor = RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80);  // light gray
		if (!fDisabled) {
			if (z >= Num_ship_types)
				newTextColor = RGB(0, 0, 0);
				switch (Ship_info[z].species)	{
					case SPECIES_TERRAN:		newTextColor = RGB(0, 0, 192);	break;
					case SPECIES_VASUDAN:	newTextColor = RGB(0, 128, 0);	break;
					case SPECIES_SHIVAN:		newTextColor = RGB(192, 0, 0);	break;
					case SPECIES_NONE:		newTextColor = RGB(224, 128, 0);	break;

		COLORREF oldTextColor = pDC->SetTextColor(newTextColor);
		COLORREF newBkColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
		COLORREF oldBkColor = pDC->SetBkColor(newBkColor);

		if (newTextColor == newBkColor)
			newTextColor = RGB(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0);   // dark gray

		if (!fDisabled && ((lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) != 0))

		if (m_cyText == 0)
			VERIFY(cyItem >= CalcMinimumItemHeight());

		if (z == Id_select_type_jump_node)
			strText = _T("Jump Node");
		else if (z == Id_select_type_start)
			strText = _T("Player Start");
		else if (z == Id_select_type_waypoint)
			strText = _T("Waypoint");
			strText = _T(Ship_info[z].name);
//		GetLBText(lpDrawItemStruct->itemID, strText);

			lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem.top + max(0, (cyItem - m_cyText) / 2),
			ETO_OPAQUE, &(lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem), strText, strText.GetLength(), NULL);


	if ((lpDrawItemStruct->itemAction & ODA_FOCUS) != 0)