int test_sky_table_open() { struct tagbstring lock_file_path = bsStatic("tmp/.skylock"); struct tagbstring data_file_path = bsStatic("tmp/0/data"); struct tagbstring header_file_path = bsStatic("tmp/0/header"); cleantmp(); int rc; sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); table->path = bfromcstr("tmp"); // Open table. rc = sky_table_open(table); mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0); mu_assert(sky_file_exists(&lock_file_path), ""); mu_assert(sky_file_exists(&data_file_path), ""); mu_assert(sky_file_exists(&header_file_path), ""); // Close table. rc = sky_table_close(table); mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0); mu_assert(!sky_file_exists(&lock_file_path), ""); mu_assert(sky_file_exists(&data_file_path), ""); mu_assert(sky_file_exists(&header_file_path), ""); sky_table_free(table); return 0; }
int test() { pthread_t thread; importtmp_n("tests/functional/fixtures/add_event/0/data.json", 4); start_server(1, &thread); send_msg("tests/functional/fixtures/add_event/0/input"); pthread_join(thread, NULL); mu_assert_msg("tests/functional/fixtures/add_event/0/output"); void *data; size_t data_length; sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); table->path = bfromcstr("tmp"); sky_table_open(table); sky_tablet_get_path(table->tablets[2], 10, &data, &data_length); mu_assert_mem(data, "\x03\xe8\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x1f\x00\x00\x00\xff" "\xa6\x7a\x7a\x7a\x7a\x7a\x7a\xfe\x0a\x01\xa3\x78\x79\x7a\x02\xd1" "\x00\xc8\x03\xcb\x40\x59\x0c\xcc\xcc\xcc\xcc\xcd\x04\xc3\x01\x00" "\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00" "\x00\x00\x02\x00\x01\x00\x00\x30\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00", data_length ); sky_table_free(table); free(data); return 0; }
int sky_importer_process_event(sky_importer *importer, bstring source, jsmntok_t *tokens, uint32_t *index) { int rc; check(importer != NULL, "Importer required"); check(source != NULL, "Source required"); check(tokens != NULL, "Tokens required"); check(index != NULL, "Token index required"); jsmntok_t *event_token = &tokens[*index]; (*index)++; // Open table if it hasn't been already. if(!importer->table->opened) { check(sky_table_open(importer->table) == 0, "Unable to open table"); } // Create the event object. sky_event *event = sky_event_create(0, 0, 0); check_mem(event); // Process over child tokens. int32_t i; for(i=0; i<(event_token->size/2); i++) { jsmntok_t *token = &tokens[*index]; (*index)++; if(sky_importer_tokstr_equal(source, token, "timestamp")) { bstring timestamp = sky_importer_token_parse_bstring(source, &tokens[(*index)++]); rc = sky_timestamp_parse(timestamp, &event->timestamp); check(rc == 0, "Unable to parse timestamp"); bdestroy(timestamp); } else if(sky_importer_tokstr_equal(source, token, "objectId")) { event->object_id = (sky_object_id_t)sky_importer_token_parse_int(source, &tokens[(*index)++]); } else if(sky_importer_tokstr_equal(source, token, "action")) { sky_action *action = NULL; bstring action_name = sky_importer_token_parse_bstring(source, &tokens[(*index)++]); rc = sky_action_file_find_action_by_name(importer->table->action_file, action_name, &action); check(rc == 0, "Unable to find action: %s", bdata(action_name)); event->action_id = action->id; } else if(sky_importer_tokstr_equal(source, token, "data")) { rc = sky_importer_process_event_data(importer, event, source, tokens, index); check(rc == 0, "Unable to import event data"); } else { sentinel("Invalid token at char %d", tokens[*index].start); } } // Add event. rc = sky_table_add_event(importer->table, event); check(rc == 0, "Unable to add event"); return 0; error: return -1; }
int test_sky_lua_generate_header() { importtmp("tests/fixtures/sky_lua/0/data.json"); sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); table->path = bfromcstr("tmp"); sky_table_open(table); struct tagbstring source = bsStatic( "function aggregate(event)\n" " label = event:first_name() .. ' ' .. event:last_name()\n" " return event.x + event.y\n" "end\n" ); bstring event_decl = NULL; bstring event_metatype = NULL; bstring init_descriptor_func = NULL; int rc = sky_lua_generate_event_info(&source, table->property_file, &event_decl, &event_metatype, &init_descriptor_func); mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0); mu_assert_bstring(event_decl, "typedef struct {\n" " int64_t ts;\n" " uint32_t timestamp;\n" " uint16_t action_id;\n" " sky_string_t _first_name;\n" " sky_string_t _last_name;\n" " int32_t x;\n" " int32_t y;\n" "} sky_lua_event_t;" ); mu_assert_bstring(event_metatype, "ffi.metatype('sky_lua_event_t', {\n" " __index = {\n" " first_name = function(event) return ffi.string(, event._first_name.length) end,\n" " last_name = function(event) return ffi.string(, event._last_name.length) end,\n" " x = function(event) return event.x end,\n" " y = function(event) return event.y end,\n" " }\n" "})\n" ); mu_assert_bstring(init_descriptor_func, "function sky_init_descriptor(_descriptor)\n" " descriptor = ffi.cast('sky_data_descriptor_t*', _descriptor)\n" " descriptor:set_data_sz(ffi.sizeof('sky_lua_event_t'));\n" " descriptor:set_ts_offset(ffi.offsetof('sky_lua_event_t', 'ts'));\n" " descriptor:set_timestamp_offset(ffi.offsetof('sky_lua_event_t', 'timestamp'));\n" " descriptor:set_action_id_offset(ffi.offsetof('sky_lua_event_t', 'action_id'));\n" " descriptor:set_property(4, ffi.offsetof('sky_lua_event_t', '_first_name'), 1);\n" " descriptor:set_property(5, ffi.offsetof('sky_lua_event_t', '_last_name'), 1);\n" " descriptor:set_property(2, ffi.offsetof('sky_lua_event_t', 'x'), 2);\n" " descriptor:set_property(3, ffi.offsetof('sky_lua_event_t', 'y'), 2);\n" "end\n" ); bdestroy(event_decl); bdestroy(event_metatype); bdestroy(init_descriptor_func); sky_table_free(table); return 0; }
int test_sky_aggregate() { importtmp("tests/fixtures/sky_lua/1/data.json"); sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); table->path = bfromcstr("tmp"); sky_table_open(table); sky_data_descriptor *descriptor = sky_data_descriptor_create(); // Initialize the path iterator. sky_path_iterator iterator; sky_path_iterator_init(&iterator); iterator.cursor.data_descriptor = descriptor; sky_path_iterator_set_tablet(&iterator, table->tablets[0]); struct tagbstring source = bsStatic( "function aggregate(cursor, data)\n" " data.path_count = (data.path_count or 0) + 1\n" " while cursor:next() do\n" " data.event_count = (data.event_count or 0) + 1\n" " data.z = (data.z or 0) + cursor.event.x + cursor.event.y\n" " end\n" "end\n" ); lua_State *L = NULL; int rc = sky_lua_initscript_with_table(&source, table, descriptor, &L); mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0); // Allocate data. mu_assert_int_equals(descriptor->data_sz, 24); = calloc(1, descriptor->data_sz); // Start benchmark. struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); int64_t t0 = (tv.tv_sec*1000) + (tv.tv_usec/1000); // Call sky_aggregate() function. uint32_t i; for(i=0; i<1; i++) { //sky_path_iterator_set_tablet(&iterator, table->tablets[0]); lua_getglobal(L, "sky_aggregate"); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &iterator); lua_call(L, 1, 0); } // End benchmark. gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); int64_t t1 = (tv.tv_sec*1000) + (tv.tv_usec/1000); printf("[lua] t=%.3fs\n", ((float)(t1-t0))/1000); sky_path_iterator_uninit(&iterator); sky_table_free(table); free(; return 0; }
int sky_importer_process_property(sky_importer *importer, bstring source, jsmntok_t *tokens, uint32_t *index) { int rc; assert(importer != NULL); assert(source != NULL); assert(tokens != NULL); assert(index != NULL); jsmntok_t *property_token = &tokens[*index]; (*index)++; // Create the property object. sky_property *property = sky_property_create(); check_mem(property); // Process over child tokens. int32_t i; for(i=0; i<(property_token->size/2); i++) { jsmntok_t *token = &tokens[*index]; (*index)++; if(sky_importer_tokstr_equal(source, token, "type")) { bstring type = sky_importer_token_parse_bstring(source, &tokens[*index]); property->type = biseqcstr(type, "action") == 1 ? SKY_PROPERTY_TYPE_ACTION : SKY_PROPERTY_TYPE_OBJECT; bdestroy(type); } else if(sky_importer_tokstr_equal(source, token, "dataType")) { bstring data_type_str = sky_importer_token_parse_bstring(source, &tokens[*index]); property->data_type = sky_data_type_to_enum(data_type_str); bdestroy(data_type_str); } else if(sky_importer_tokstr_equal(source, token, "name")) { property->name = sky_importer_token_parse_bstring(source, &tokens[*index]); } else { sentinel("Invalid token at char %d", tokens[*index].start); } (*index)++; } // Add property. if(!importer->table->opened) { check(sky_table_open(importer->table) == 0, "Unable to open table"); } rc = sky_property_file_add_property(importer->table->property_file, property); check(rc == 0, "Unable to add property: %s", bdata(property->name)); return 0; error: return -1; }
// Opens a table and attaches it to the server. // // server - The server. // name - The table name. // path - The table path. // ret - A pointer to where the table reference should be returned. // // Returns 0 if successful, otherwise returns -1. int sky_server_open_table(sky_server *server, bstring name, bstring path, sky_table **ret) { int rc; sky_table *table = NULL; assert(server != NULL); assert(ret != NULL); check(blength(path) > 0, "Table path required"); // Initialize return values. *ret = NULL; // Only open the table if it exists already. if(sky_file_exists(path)) { // Create the table. table = sky_table_create(); check_mem(table); table->name = bstrcpy(name); check_mem(table->name); rc = sky_table_set_path(table, path); check(rc == 0, "Unable to set table path"); // Open the table. rc = sky_table_open(table); check(rc == 0, "Unable to open table"); // Append the table to the list of open tables. server->table_count++; server->tables = realloc(server->tables, server->table_count * sizeof(*server->tables)); check_mem(server->tables); server->tables[server->table_count-1] = table; // Open servlets for the table's tablets. rc = sky_server_create_servlets(server, table); check(rc == 0, "Unable to create servlets for table"); // Return table. *ret = table; } return 0; error: sky_table_free(table); if(ret) *ret = NULL; return -1; }
int test_sky_get_property_message_process() { loadtmp("tests/fixtures/get_property_message/1/table"); sky_server *server = sky_server_create(NULL); sky_message_header *header = sky_message_header_create(); sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); table->path = bfromcstr("tmp"); sky_table_open(table); FILE *input = fopen("tests/fixtures/get_property_message/1/input", "r"); FILE *output = fopen("tmp/output", "w"); int rc = sky_get_property_message_process(server, header, table, input, output); mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0); mu_assert_file("tmp/output", "tests/fixtures/get_property_message/1/output"); sky_table_free(table); sky_message_header_free(header); sky_server_free(server); return 0; }
int sky_importer_process_action(sky_importer *importer, bstring source, jsmntok_t *tokens, uint32_t *index) { int rc; assert(importer != NULL); assert(source != NULL); assert(tokens != NULL); assert(index != NULL); jsmntok_t *action_token = &tokens[*index]; (*index)++; // Create the action object. sky_action *action = sky_action_create(); check_mem(action); // Process over child tokens. int32_t i; for(i=0; i<(action_token->size/2); i++) { jsmntok_t *token = &tokens[*index]; (*index)++; if(sky_importer_tokstr_equal(source, token, "name")) { action->name = sky_importer_token_parse_bstring(source, &tokens[*index]); } else { sentinel("Invalid token at char %d", tokens[*index].start); } (*index)++; } // Add action. if(!importer->table->opened) { check(sky_table_open(importer->table) == 0, "Unable to open table"); } rc = sky_action_file_add_action(importer->table->action_file, action); check(rc == 0, "Unable to add action: %s", bdata(action->name)); return 0; error: return -1; }
int test_sky_add_event_message_worker_map() { importtmp("tests/fixtures/add_event_message/1/import.json"); sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); table->path = bfromcstr("tmp"); table->default_tablet_count = 1; sky_table_open(table); struct tagbstring XYZ_STR = bsStatic("xyz"); sky_add_event_message *message = sky_add_event_message_create(); message->event = sky_event_create(10, 1000L, 20); message->event->data_count = 4; message->event->data = calloc(message->event->data_count, sizeof(*message->event->data)); message->event->data[0] = sky_event_data_create_string(1, &XYZ_STR); message->event->data[1] = sky_event_data_create_int(2, 200); message->event->data[2] = sky_event_data_create_double(3, 100.2); message->event->data[3] = sky_event_data_create_boolean(4, true); sky_worker *worker = sky_worker_create(); worker->data = (void*)message; void *null = NULL; int rc = sky_add_event_message_worker_map(worker, table->tablets[0], &null); mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0); void *data; size_t data_length; sky_tablet_get_path(table->tablets[0], 10, &data, &data_length); mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0); mu_assert_mem( data, "\x03\xE8\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x15\x00\x00\x00\x01" "\xA3\x78\x79\x7A\x02\xD1\x00\xC8\x03\xCB\x40\x59\x0C\xCC\xCC\xCC" "\xCC\xCD\x04\xC3", data_length ); free(data); sky_add_event_message_free(message); sky_worker_free(worker); sky_table_free(table); return 0; }
int test_sky_lua_initscript_with_table() { int rc; importtmp("tests/fixtures/sky_lua/0/data.json"); sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); table->path = bfromcstr("tmp"); sky_table_open(table); sky_data_descriptor *descriptor = sky_data_descriptor_create(); sky_lua_event_0_t lua_event = {0, 0, 1, 20, 30}; struct tagbstring source = bsStatic( "function aggregate(_event)\n" " event = ffi.cast('sky_lua_event_t*', _event)\n" " return event.x + event.y\n" "end\n" ); lua_State *L = NULL; rc = sky_lua_initscript_with_table(&source, table, descriptor, &L); mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0); mu_assert_int_equals(descriptor->timestamp_descriptor.ts_offset, 0); mu_assert_int_equals(descriptor->timestamp_descriptor.timestamp_offset, 8); mu_assert_int_equals(descriptor->action_descriptor.offset, 12); mu_assert_int_equals(descriptor->property_zero_descriptor[1].offset, 0); mu_assert_int_equals(descriptor->property_zero_descriptor[2].offset, (int)offsetof(sky_lua_event_0_t, x)); mu_assert_int_equals(descriptor->property_zero_descriptor[3].offset, (int)offsetof(sky_lua_event_0_t, y)); mu_assert_int_equals(descriptor->property_zero_descriptor[4].offset, 0); // Call aggregate() function with the event pointer. lua_getglobal(L, "aggregate"); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &lua_event); lua_call(L, 1, 1); mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0); mu_assert_long_equals(lua_tointeger(L, -1), 50L); sky_table_free(table); return 0; }
int test_sky_peach_message_process() { importtmp("tests/fixtures/peach_message/1/import.json"); sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); table->path = bfromcstr("tmp"); sky_table_open(table); // NOTE: The table contains two properties: foo (String) and this_is_a_really...(Int) sky_peach_message *message = sky_peach_message_create(); message->query = bfromcstr( "[Hashable(\"id\")]\n" "[Serializable]\n" "class Result {\n" " public Int id;\n" " public Int count;\n" " public Int objectTotal;\n" " public Int actionTotal;\n" "}\n" "Cursor cursor =;\n" "for each (Event event in cursor) {\n" " String dynamic_prop2 = event.this_is_a_really_long_property_name_woohoo;\n" " Result item = data.get(event.actionId);\n" " item.count = item.count + 1;\n" " item.objectTotal = item.objectTotal + event.object_prop;\n" " item.actionTotal = item.actionTotal + event.action_prop;\n" "}\n" "return;" ); FILE *output = fopen("tmp/output", "w"); mu_assert(sky_peach_message_process(message, table, output) == 0, ""); fclose(output); mu_assert_file("tmp/output", "tests/fixtures/peach_message/1/output"); sky_peach_message_free(message); sky_table_free(table); return 0; }
// Executes the benchmark to count the number of times an action occurred // using the QIP language. // // options - A list of options to use. void benchmark_count_with_qip(Options *options) { int rc; uint32_t path_count = 0; // Initialize the query. qip_ast_node *type_ref, *var_decl; uint32_t arg_count = 2; qip_ast_node *args[arg_count]; // Path arg. struct tagbstring path_str = bsStatic("path"); type_ref = qip_ast_type_ref_create_cstr("Path"); var_decl = qip_ast_var_decl_create(type_ref, &path_str, NULL); args[0] = qip_ast_farg_create(var_decl); // Map arg. struct tagbstring data_str = bsStatic("data"); type_ref = qip_ast_type_ref_create_cstr("Map"); qip_ast_type_ref_add_subtype(type_ref, qip_ast_type_ref_create_cstr("Int")); qip_ast_type_ref_add_subtype(type_ref, qip_ast_type_ref_create_cstr("Result")); var_decl = qip_ast_var_decl_create(type_ref, &data_str, NULL); args[1] = qip_ast_farg_create(var_decl); // Initialize query. struct tagbstring query = bsStatic( "[Hashable(\"id\")]\n" "class Result {\n" " public Int id;\n" " public Int count;\n" "}\n" "Cursor cursor =;\n" "for each (Event event in cursor) {\n" " Result item = data.get(event.actionId);\n" " item.count = item.count + 1;\n" "}\n" "return;" ); struct tagbstring module_name = bsStatic("qip"); struct tagbstring core_class_path = bsStatic("lib/core"); struct tagbstring sky_class_path = bsStatic("lib/sky"); qip_compiler *compiler = qip_compiler_create(); qip_compiler_add_class_path(compiler, &core_class_path); qip_compiler_add_class_path(compiler, &sky_class_path); qip_module *module = qip_module_create(&module_name, compiler); rc = qip_compiler_compile(compiler, module, &query, args, arg_count); check(rc == 0, "Unable to compile"); if(module->error_count > 0) fprintf(stderr, "Parse error [line %d] %s\n", module->errors[0]->line_no, bdata(module->errors[0]->message)); check(module->error_count == 0, "Compile error"); qip_compiler_free(compiler); // Retrieve pointer to function. sky_qip_path_map_func process_path = NULL; rc = qip_module_get_main_function(module, (void*)(&process_path)); check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve main function"); // Initialize table. sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); check_mem(table); rc = sky_table_set_path(table, options->path); check(rc == 0, "Unable to set path on table"); // Open table rc = sky_table_open(table); check(rc == 0, "Unable to open table"); // Loop for desired number of iterations. int i; for(i=0; i<options->iterations; i++) { sky_path_iterator iterator; sky_path_iterator_init(&iterator); // Attach data file. rc = sky_path_iterator_set_data_file(&iterator, table->data_file); check(rc == 0, "Unable to initialze path iterator"); // Initialize QIP args. sky_qip_path *path = sky_qip_path_create(); qip_map *map = qip_map_create(); // Iterate over each path. while(!iterator.eof) { // Retrieve the path pointer. rc = sky_path_iterator_get_ptr(&iterator, &path->path_ptr); check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve the path iterator pointer"); // Execute query. process_path(path, map); // Move to next path. rc = sky_path_iterator_next(&iterator); check(rc == 0, "Unable to find next path"); path_count++; } // Clean up iteration. qip_map_free(map); } // Clean up rc = sky_table_close(table); check(rc == 0, "Unable to close table"); sky_table_free(table); // Show stats. printf("Total paths processed: %d\n", path_count); return; error: sky_table_free(table); }
// Executes the benchmark over the database to compute step counts in order to // generate a directed acyclic graph (DAG). // // options - A list of options to use. void benchmark_dag(Options *options) { int rc; sky_event *event = NULL; uint32_t event_count = 0; int32_t action_count = 100; // TODO: Retrieve action count from actions file. // Initialize table. sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); check_mem(table); rc = sky_table_set_path(table, options->path); check(rc == 0, "Unable to set path on table"); // Open table rc = sky_table_open(table); check(rc == 0, "Unable to open table"); // Loop for desired number of iterations. int i; for(i=0; i<options->iterations; i++) { sky_path_iterator iterator; sky_path_iterator_init(&iterator); // Attach data file. rc = sky_path_iterator_set_data_file(&iterator, table->data_file); check(rc == 0, "Unable to initialze path iterator"); // Create a square matrix of structs. Step *steps = calloc(action_count*action_count, sizeof(Step)); // Iterate over each path. while(!iterator.eof) { sky_action_id_t action_id, prev_action_id; // Retrieve the path pointer. void *path_ptr; rc = sky_path_iterator_get_ptr(&iterator, &path_ptr); check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve the path iterator pointer"); // Initialize the cursor. sky_cursor cursor; sky_cursor_init(&cursor); rc = sky_cursor_set_path(&cursor, path_ptr); check(rc == 0, "Unable to set cursor path"); // Increment total event count. event_count++; // Initialize the previous action. rc = sky_cursor_get_action_id(&cursor, &prev_action_id); check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve first action"); // Find next event. rc = sky_cursor_next(&cursor); check(rc == 0, "Unable to find next event"); // Loop over each event in the path. while(!cursor.eof) { // Increment total event count. event_count++; // Retrieve action. rc = sky_cursor_get_action_id(&cursor, &action_id); check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve first action"); // Aggregate step information. int32_t index = ((prev_action_id-1)*action_count) + (action_id-1); steps[index].count++; // Assign current action as previous action. prev_action_id = action_id; // Find next event. rc = sky_cursor_next(&cursor); check(rc == 0, "Unable to find next event"); } rc = sky_path_iterator_next(&iterator); check(rc == 0, "Unable to find next path"); } // Show DAG data. //int x; //int total=0; //for(x=0; x<action_count*action_count; x++) { // printf("%06d %d\n", x, steps[x].count); // total += steps[x].count; //} //printf("total: %d\n", total); } // Clean up rc = sky_table_close(table); check(rc == 0, "Unable to close table"); sky_table_free(table); // Show stats. printf("Total events processed: %d\n", event_count); return; error: sky_event_free(event); sky_table_free(table); }