コード例 #1
ファイル: numrec.c プロジェクト: nasa/QuIP
static void float_sort_svd_eigenvectors(Data_Obj *u_dp, Data_Obj *w_dp, Data_Obj *v_dp)
	dimension_t i,n;
	u_long *index_data;

	n = OBJ_COLS(w_dp);

	index_dp = mkvec("svd_tmp_indices",n,1,PREC_UDI);
	if( index_dp == NULL ){
		NWARN("Unable to create index object for sorting SVD eigenvalues");

	/* sorting is done from smallest to largest */

	index_data = OBJ_DATA_PTR(index_dp);

	/* We should only have to have 1 column of storage to permute things,
	 * but life is simplified if we copy the data...

		k= *(index_data+i);
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_util.c プロジェクト: Pessanha24/bingham
void test_mink()
  double x[10] = {0, 90, 70, 40, 20, 10, 30, 80, 50, 60};
  int idx[5];

  mink(x, idx, 10, 5);

  printf("idx = [ ");
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    printf("%d ", idx[i]);

  // get timing info
  int n = 100000;
  double y[n];
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    y[i] = normrand(0,1);
  int yi[n];

  double t = get_time_ms();
  sort_indices(y, yi, n);
  printf("sorted %d numbers in %f ms\n", n, get_time_ms() - t);
  t = get_time_ms();
  mink(y, yi, n, 100);
  printf("got the min %d numbers in %f ms\n", 100, get_time_ms() - t);
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_util.c プロジェクト: Pessanha24/bingham
void test_sort_indices()
  double x[10] = {0, 90, 70, 40, 20, 10, 30, 80, 50, 60};
  int idx[10];

  sort_indices(x, idx, 10);

  printf("x[idx] = [ ");
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    printf("%f ", x[idx[i]]);
コード例 #4
ファイル: dynamic_pipeline.hpp プロジェクト: Ambrosys/gpcxx
    void reproduce( population_type& pop , fitness_type& fitness )
        GPCXX_ASSERT( pop.size() == fitness.size() );
        GPCXX_ASSERT( m_rates.size() == m_operators.size() );
        GPCXX_ASSERT( m_operators.size() > 0 );

        std::vector< size_t > indices;
        sort_indices( fitness , indices );
        population_type new_pop;
        new_pop.reserve( pop.size() );
        // elite
        for( size_t i=0 ; i<m_number_elite ; ++i )
            index_vector elite_in_indices;
            index_vector elite_out_indices;
            size_t index = indices[i] ;
            elite_in_indices.push_back( index );
            elite_out_indices.push_back( new_pop.size() );
            new_pop.push_back( pop[ index ] );
            m_observer( -1 , elite_in_indices , elite_out_indices );

        size_t n = pop.size();
        std::discrete_distribution< int > dist( m_rates.begin() , m_rates.end() );
        while( new_pop.size() < n )
            int choice = dist( m_rng );
            auto& op = m_operators[ choice ];
            auto selection = op.selection( pop , fitness );
            index_vector in;
            for( auto s : selection ) in.push_back( s - pop.begin() );
            auto trees = op.operation( selection );
            index_vector out;
            for( auto iter = trees.begin() ; ( iter != trees.end() ) && ( new_pop.size() < n ) ; ++iter )
                out.push_back( new_pop.size() );
                m_final_transform( *iter );
                new_pop.push_back( std::move( *iter ) );
            m_observer( choice , in , out );
        pop = std::move( new_pop );
コード例 #5
ファイル: terms.hpp プロジェクト: beckgom/smallk
void TopTerms(const int maxterms,
              const T* buf_w,
              const unsigned int ldim,
              const unsigned int height, 
              const unsigned int width,
              std::vector<int>& term_indices)
    if (height < width)
        throw std::logic_error("TopTerms: height of W buffer must be >= width");

    unsigned int max_terms = maxterms;
    if (max_terms > height)
        max_terms = height;

    std::vector<unsigned int> sort_indices(height);

    // The term indices for each column will be packed into the term_indices
    // array.  Indices for column 0 will occupy elements 0..maxterms-1.
    // Indices for the next column will occupy the next maxterm elements, etc.

    if (term_indices.size() < maxterms*width)

    for (unsigned int c=0; c<width; ++c)
        unsigned int term_offset = c*maxterms;

        // initialize indices for this column's sort
        for (unsigned int q=0; q<height; ++q)
            sort_indices[q] = q;

        // offset to column c in buf_w
        unsigned int col_offset = c*height;
        const T* data = &(buf_w[col_offset]);

        std::sort(&sort_indices[0], &sort_indices[0] + height,
                  [&data](unsigned int i1, unsigned int i2) {return data[i1] > data[i2];});

        for (unsigned int q=0; q<max_terms; ++q)
            unsigned int index = sort_indices[q];
            assert(index >= 0u);
            assert(index < height);
            term_indices[term_offset + q] = index;
コード例 #6
ファイル: matrix.hpp プロジェクト: lczech/genesis
Matrix<T> matrix_sort_by_col_sum_symmetric( Matrix<T> const& data )
    if( data.rows() != data.cols() ) {
        throw std::runtime_error( "Symmetric sort only works on square matrices." );

    auto result = Matrix<T>( data.rows(), data.cols() );
    auto col_sums = matrix_col_sums( data );
    auto si = sort_indices( col_sums.begin(), col_sums.end() );

    for( size_t i = 0; i < data.rows(); ++i ) {
        for( size_t j = 0; j < data.cols(); ++j ) {
            result( i, j ) = data( si[i], si[j] );

    return result;
コード例 #7
ファイル: forecast_machine.cpp プロジェクト: thk686/rEDM
std::vector<size_t> ForecastMachine::find_nearest_neighbors(const dmivr_type& dist)
    if(nn < 1)
        return sort_indices(dist, which_lib);
    // else
    std::vector<size_t> neighbors;
    std::vector<size_t> nearest_neighbors;
    double curr_distance;

    if(nn > log(double(which_lib.size())))
        neighbors = sort_indices(dist, which_lib);
        std::vector<size_t>::iterator curr_lib;
        // find nearest neighbors
        for(curr_lib = neighbors.begin(); curr_lib != neighbors.end(); ++curr_lib)
            if(nearest_neighbors.size() >= nn)
        if(curr_lib == neighbors.end())
            return nearest_neighbors;
        double tie_distance = dist.col(nearest_neighbors.back()).coeff(0, 0);
        // check for ties
        for(++curr_lib; curr_lib != neighbors.end(); ++curr_lib)
            if(dist.col(*curr_lib).coeff(0, 0) > tie_distance) // distance is bigger
            nearest_neighbors.push_back(*curr_lib); // add to nearest neighbors
        size_t i;
        for(auto curr_lib: which_lib)
            curr_distance = dist.col(curr_lib).coeff(0, 0);
            if(curr_distance <= dist.col(nearest_neighbors.back()).coeff(0, 0))
                i = nearest_neighbors.size();
                while((i > 0) && (curr_distance < dist.col(nearest_neighbors[i-1]).coeff(0, 0)))
                nearest_neighbors.insert(nearest_neighbors.begin()+i, curr_lib);
                if((nearest_neighbors.size() > nn) && 
                   (dist.col(nearest_neighbors[nn-1]).coeff(0, 0) < dist.col(nearest_neighbors.back()).coeff(0, 0)))
    // filter for max_distance
    if(epsilon >= 0)
        for(auto neighbor_iter = nearest_neighbors.begin(); neighbor_iter != nearest_neighbors.end(); ++neighbor_iter)
            if(dist.col(*neighbor_iter).coeff(0, 0) > epsilon)
                nearest_neighbors.erase(neighbor_iter, nearest_neighbors.end());
    return nearest_neighbors;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Amesos_Dscpack.cpp プロジェクト: 00liujj/trilinos
int Amesos_Dscpack::PerformNumericFactorization()

  Epetra_RowMatrix* RowMatrixA = Problem_->GetMatrix();
  if (RowMatrixA == 0)

  const Epetra_Map& OriginalMap = RowMatrixA->RowMatrixRowMap() ; 

  int numrows = RowMatrixA->NumGlobalRows();
  assert( numrows == RowMatrixA->NumGlobalCols() );
  //  Call Dscpack to perform Numeric Factorization
  std::vector<double> MyANonZ;
#if 0
    if ( IsNumericFactorizationOK_ ) { 

  DscRowMap_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Map(numrows, NumLocalCols, 
                                           LocalStructOldNum, 0, Comm()));

  if (DscRowMap_.get() == 0)
  Importer_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import(DscRowMap(), OriginalMap));
  //  Import from the CrsMatrix
  Epetra_CrsMatrix DscMat(Copy, DscRowMap(), 0);
  AMESOS_CHK_ERR(DscMat.Import(*RowMatrixA, Importer(), Insert));

  DscColMap_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Map(DscMat.RowMatrixColMap()));

  assert( MyDscRank >= 0 || NumLocalNonz == 0 ) ;
  assert( MyDscRank >= 0 || NumLocalCols == 0 ) ;
  assert( MyDscRank >= 0 || NumGlobalCols == 0  ) ; 
  MyANonZ.resize( NumLocalNonz ) ; 
  int NonZIndex = 0 ;

  int max_num_entries = DscMat.MaxNumEntries() ; 
  std::vector<int> col_indices( max_num_entries ) ; 
  std::vector<double> mat_values( max_num_entries ) ; 
  assert( NumLocalCols == DscRowMap().NumMyElements() ) ;
  std::vector<int> my_global_elements( NumLocalCols ) ; 
  AMESOS_CHK_ERR(DscRowMap().MyGlobalElements( &my_global_elements[0] ) ) ;
  std::vector<int> GlobalStructOldColNum( NumGlobalCols ) ; 
  typedef std::pair<int, double> Data; 
  std::vector<Data> sort_array(max_num_entries); 
  std::vector<int>  sort_indices(max_num_entries);
  for ( int i = 0; i < NumLocalCols ; i++ ) { 
    assert( my_global_elements[i] == LocalStructOldNum[i] ) ; 
    int num_entries_this_row; 
#ifdef USE_LOCAL
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DscMat.ExtractMyRowCopy( i, max_num_entries, num_entries_this_row, 
					     &mat_values[0], &col_indices[0] ) ) ; 
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DscMat.ExtractGlobalRowCopy( DscMat.GRID(i), max_num_entries, num_entries_this_row, 
						 &mat_values[0], &col_indices[0] ) ) ; 
    int OldRowNumber =  LocalStructOldNum[i] ;
    if (GlobalStructOwner[ OldRowNumber ] == -1)
    int NewRowNumber = GlobalStructNewColNum[ my_global_elements[ i ] ] ; 
    //  Sort the column elements 
    for ( int j = 0; j < num_entries_this_row; j++ ) { 
#ifdef USE_LOCAL
      sort_array[j].first = GlobalStructNewColNum[ DscMat.GCID( col_indices[j])] ; 
      sort_indices[j] =  GlobalStructNewColNum[ DscMat.GCID( col_indices[j])] ; 
      sort_array[j].first = GlobalStructNewColNum[ col_indices[j] ]; 
      sort_array[j].second = mat_values[j] ; 
    sort(&sort_array[0], &sort_array[num_entries_this_row]);
    for ( int j = 0; j < num_entries_this_row; j++ ) { 
      int NewColNumber = sort_array[j].first ; 
      if ( NewRowNumber <= NewColNumber ) MyANonZ[ NonZIndex++ ] = sort_array[j].second ; 

#ifndef USE_LOCAL
      assert( NonZIndex <= NumLocalNonz );  // This assert can fail on non-symmetric matrices
  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);

  if ( MyDscRank >= 0 ) { 
    const int SchemeCode = 1; 
#ifndef USE_LOCAL
    assert( NonZIndex == NumLocalNonz );
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DSC_NFactor ( PrivateDscpackData_->MyDSCObject_, SchemeCode, &MyANonZ[0], 
				  DSC_LLT,  DSC_LBLAS3, DSC_DBLAS2 ) ) ;
  }        //     if ( MyDscRank >= 0 ) 
  IsNumericFactorizationOK_ = true ; 

  NumFactTime_ = AddTime("Total numeric factorization time", NumFactTime_, 0);