コード例 #1
void null_tests ( const char *p ) {
//  All zero-length string-refs should be equal
    string_ref sr1; // NULL, 0
    string_ref sr2 ( NULL, 0 );
    string_ref sr3 ( p, 0 );
    string_ref sr4 ( p );
    sr4.clear ();
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr1 == sr2 );
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr1 == sr3 );
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr2 == sr3 );
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr1 == sr4 );    
コード例 #2
void find ( const char *arg ) {
    string_ref sr1;
    string_ref sr2;
    const char *p;

//  Look for each character in the string(searching from the start)
    p = arg;
    sr1 = arg;
    while ( *p ) {
      string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.find(*p);
      BOOST_CHECK ( pos != string_ref::npos && ( pos <= ptr_diff ( p, arg )));

//  Look for each character in the string (searching from the end)
    p = arg;
    sr1 = arg;
    while ( *p ) {
      string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.rfind(*p);
      BOOST_CHECK ( pos != string_ref::npos && pos < sr1.size () && ( pos >= ptr_diff ( p, arg )));

//	Look for pairs on characters (searching from the start)
    sr1 = arg;
    p = arg;
    while ( *p && *(p+1)) {
        string_ref sr3 ( p, 2 );
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.find ( sr3 );
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos != string_ref::npos && pos <= static_cast<string_ref::size_type>( p - arg ));

    sr1 = arg;
    p = arg;
//  for all possible chars, see if we find them in the right place.
//  Note that strchr will/might do the _wrong_ thing if we search for NULL
    for ( int ch = 1; ch < 256; ++ch ) {
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.find(ch);
        const char *strp = std::strchr ( arg, ch );
        BOOST_CHECK (( strp == NULL ) == ( pos == string_ref::npos ));
        if ( strp != NULL )
            BOOST_CHECK ( ptr_diff ( strp, arg ) == pos );

    sr1 = arg;
    p = arg;
//  for all possible chars, see if we find them in the right place.
//  Note that strchr will/might do the _wrong_ thing if we search for NULL
    for ( int ch = 1; ch < 256; ++ch ) {
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.rfind(ch);
        const char *strp = std::strrchr ( arg, ch );
        BOOST_CHECK (( strp == NULL ) == ( pos == string_ref::npos ));
        if ( strp != NULL )
            BOOST_CHECK ( ptr_diff ( strp, arg ) == pos );

//  Find everything at the start
    p = arg;
    sr1 = arg;
    while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.find(*p);
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos == 0 );
        sr1.remove_prefix (1);

//  Find everything at the end
    sr1  = arg;
    p    = arg + strlen ( arg ) - 1;
    while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.rfind(*p);
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos == sr1.size () - 1 );
        sr1.remove_suffix (1);

//  Find everything at the start
    sr1  = arg;
    p    = arg;
    while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.find_first_of(*p);
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos == 0 );
        sr1.remove_prefix (1);

//  Find everything at the end
    sr1  = arg;
    p    = arg + strlen ( arg ) - 1;
    while ( !sr1.empty ()) {
        string_ref::size_type pos = sr1.find_last_of(*p);
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos == sr1.size () - 1 );
        sr1.remove_suffix (1);

//  Basic sanity checking for "find_first_of / find_first_not_of"
    sr1 = arg;
    sr2 = arg;
    while ( !sr1.empty() ) {
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr1.find_first_of ( sr2 )     == 0 );
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr1.find_first_not_of ( sr2 ) == string_ref::npos );
        sr1.remove_prefix ( 1 );

    p = arg;
    sr1 = arg;
    while ( *p ) {
        string_ref::size_type pos1 = sr1.find_first_of(*p);
        string_ref::size_type pos2 = sr1.find_first_not_of(*p);
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos1 != string_ref::npos && pos1 < sr1.size () && pos1 <= ptr_diff ( p, arg ));
        if ( pos2 != string_ref::npos ) {
            for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < pos2; ++i )
                BOOST_CHECK ( sr1[i] == *p );
            BOOST_CHECK ( sr1 [ pos2 ] != *p );

        BOOST_CHECK ( pos2 != pos1 );

//  Basic sanity checking for "find_last_of / find_last_not_of"
    sr1 = arg;
    sr2 = arg;
    while ( !sr1.empty() ) {
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr1.find_last_of ( sr2 )     == ( sr1.size () - 1 ));
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr1.find_last_not_of ( sr2 ) == string_ref::npos );
        sr1.remove_suffix ( 1 );

    p = arg;
    sr1 = arg;
    while ( *p ) {
        string_ref::size_type pos1 = sr1.find_last_of(*p);
        string_ref::size_type pos2 = sr1.find_last_not_of(*p);
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos1 != string_ref::npos && pos1 < sr1.size () && pos1 >= ptr_diff ( p, arg ));
        BOOST_CHECK ( pos2 == string_ref::npos || pos1 < sr1.size ());
        if ( pos2 != string_ref::npos ) {
            for ( size_t i = sr1.size () -1 ; i > pos2; --i )
                BOOST_CHECK ( sr1[i] == *p );
            BOOST_CHECK ( sr1 [ pos2 ] != *p );

        BOOST_CHECK ( pos2 != pos1 );
