コード例 #1
ファイル: qgssymbollayerv2.cpp プロジェクト: chasqui/QGIS
void QgsFillSymbolLayerV2::drawPreviewIcon( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, QSize size )
  QPolygonF poly = QRectF( QPointF( 0, 0 ), QPointF( size.width(), size.height() ) );
  startRender( context );
  renderPolygon( poly, NULL, context );
  stopRender( context );
コード例 #2
ファイル: llvertexbuffer.cpp プロジェクト: xinyaojiejie/Dale
void LLVertexBuffer::cleanupClass()
	clientCopy(); // deletes GL buffers
コード例 #3
ファイル: qgssymbollayerv2.cpp プロジェクト: chasqui/QGIS
void QgsLineSymbolLayerV2::drawPreviewIcon( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, QSize size )
  QPolygonF points;
  // we're adding 0.5 to get rid of blurred preview:
  // drawing antialiased lines of width 1 at (x,0)-(x,100) creates 2px line
  points << QPointF( 0, size.height() / 2 + 0.5 ) << QPointF( size.width(), size.height() / 2 + 0.5 );

  startRender( context );
  renderPolyline( points, context );
  stopRender( context );
コード例 #4
ファイル: wyDirector.cpp プロジェクト: ascetic85/WiEngine
bool wyDirector::pause() {
	if(m_paused || m_glView == NULL)
		return false;

	// set flag
	m_paused = true;

	// stop render

	// notify

	return true;
コード例 #5
void QgsMarkerSymbolLayer::drawPreviewIcon( QgsSymbolRenderContext &context, QSize size )
  startRender( context );
  QgsPaintEffect *effect = paintEffect();
  if ( effect && effect->enabled() )
    QgsEffectPainter p( context.renderContext(), effect );
    renderPoint( QPointF( size.width() / 2, size.height() / 2 ), context );
    renderPoint( QPointF( size.width() / 2, size.height() / 2 ), context );
  stopRender( context );
コード例 #6
void QgsFillSymbolLayer::drawPreviewIcon( QgsSymbolRenderContext &context, QSize size )
  QPolygonF poly = QRectF( QPointF( 0, 0 ), QPointF( size.width(), size.height() ) );
  startRender( context );
  QgsPaintEffect *effect = paintEffect();
  if ( effect && effect->enabled() )
    QgsEffectPainter p( context.renderContext(), effect );
    renderPolygon( poly, nullptr, context );
    renderPolygon( poly, nullptr, context );
  stopRender( context );
コード例 #7
void QgsLineSymbolLayer::drawPreviewIcon( QgsSymbolRenderContext &context, QSize size )
  QPolygonF points;
  // we're adding 0.5 to get rid of blurred preview:
  // drawing antialiased lines of width 1 at (x,0)-(x,100) creates 2px line
  points << QPointF( 0, int( size.height() / 2 ) + 0.5 ) << QPointF( size.width(), int( size.height() / 2 ) + 0.5 );

  startRender( context );
  QgsPaintEffect *effect = paintEffect();
  if ( effect && effect->enabled() )
    QgsEffectPainter p( context.renderContext(), effect );
    renderPolyline( points, context );
    renderPolyline( points, context );
  stopRender( context );
コード例 #8
QImage QgsSymbolV2::bigSymbolPreviewImage()
  QImage preview( QSize( 100, 100 ), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );
  preview.fill( 0 );

  QPainter p( &preview );
  p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
  p.translate( 0.5, 0.5 ); // shift by half a pixel to avoid blurring due antialising

  if ( mType == QgsSymbolV2::Marker )
    p.setPen( QPen( Qt::gray ) );
    p.drawLine( 0, 50, 100, 50 );
    p.drawLine( 50, 0, 50, 100 );

  QgsRenderContext context = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::createRenderContext( &p );
  startRender( context );

  if ( mType == QgsSymbolV2::Line )
    QPolygonF poly;
    poly << QPointF( 0, 50 ) << QPointF( 99, 50 );
    static_cast<QgsLineSymbolV2*>( this )->renderPolyline( poly, 0, context );
  else if ( mType == QgsSymbolV2::Fill )
    QPolygonF polygon;
    polygon << QPointF( 20, 20 ) << QPointF( 80, 20 ) << QPointF( 80, 80 ) << QPointF( 20, 80 ) << QPointF( 20, 20 );
    static_cast<QgsFillSymbolV2*>( this )->renderPolygon( polygon, NULL, 0, context );
  else // marker
    static_cast<QgsMarkerSymbolV2*>( this )->renderPoint( QPointF( 50, 50 ), 0, context );

  stopRender( context );
  return preview;
コード例 #9
ファイル: qgssymbollayerv2.cpp プロジェクト: chasqui/QGIS
void QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2::drawPreviewIcon( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, QSize size )
  startRender( context );
  renderPoint( QPointF( size.width() / 2, size.height() / 2 ), context );
  stopRender( context );