コード例 #1
static char*
getOldTorrentFilename( const tr_session * session, const tr_info * inf )
    int i;
    char * path;
    struct stat sb;
    const int tagCount = 5;
    const char * tags[] = { "beos", "cli", "daemon", "macosx", "wx" };

    /* test the beos, cli, daemon, macosx, wx tags */
    for( i=0; i<tagCount; ++i ) {
        path = tr_strdup_printf( "%s%c%s-%s", tr_getTorrentDir( session ), '/', inf->hashString, tags[i] );
        if( !stat( path, &sb ) && ( ( sb.st_mode & S_IFMT ) == S_IFREG ) )
            return path;
        tr_free( path );

    /* test a non-tagged file */
    path = tr_buildPath( tr_getTorrentDir( session ), inf->hashString, NULL );
    if( !stat( path, &sb ) && ( ( sb.st_mode & S_IFMT ) == S_IFREG ) )
        return path;
    tr_free( path );

    /* return the -gtk form by default, since that's the most common case.
       don't bother testing stat() on it since this is the last candidate
       and we don't want to return NULL anyway */
    return tr_strdup_printf( "%s%c%s-%s", tr_getTorrentDir( session ), '/', inf->hashString, "gtk" );
コード例 #2
ファイル: metainfo.c プロジェクト: Mikayex/transmission
static char* getTorrentFilename(tr_session const* session, tr_info const* inf, enum tr_metainfo_basename_format format)
    char* base = tr_metainfoGetBasename(inf, format);
    char* filename = tr_strdup_printf("%s" TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "%s.torrent", tr_getTorrentDir(session), base);
    return filename;
コード例 #3
ファイル: session.c プロジェクト: liesen/transmission-horn
static void
metainfoLookupRescan( tr_session * session )
    int          i;
    int          n;
    struct stat  sb;
    const char * dirname = tr_getTorrentDir( session );
    DIR *        odir = NULL;
    tr_ctor *    ctor = NULL;
    tr_list *    list = NULL;

    assert( tr_isSession( session ) );

    /* walk through the directory and find the mappings */
    ctor = tr_ctorNew( session );
    tr_ctorSetSave( ctor, FALSE ); /* since we already have them */
    if( !stat( dirname, &sb ) && S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) && ( ( odir = opendir( dirname ) ) ) )
        struct dirent *d;
        for( d = readdir( odir ); d != NULL; d = readdir( odir ) )
            if( d->d_name && d->d_name[0] != '.' ) /* skip dotfiles, ., and ..
                tr_info inf;
                char * path = tr_buildPath( dirname, d->d_name, NULL );
                tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile( ctor, path );
                if( !tr_torrentParse( session, ctor, &inf ) )
                    tr_list_append( &list, tr_strdup( inf.hashString ) );
                    tr_list_append( &list, tr_strdup( path ) );
                    tr_metainfoFree( &inf );
                tr_free( path );
        closedir( odir );
    tr_ctorFree( ctor );

    n = tr_list_size( list ) / 2;
    session->metainfoLookup = tr_new0( struct tr_metainfo_lookup, n );
    session->metainfoLookupCount = n;
    for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
        char * hashString = tr_list_pop_front( &list );
        char * filename = tr_list_pop_front( &list );

        memcpy( session->metainfoLookup[i].hashString, hashString,
                2 * SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1 );
        tr_free( hashString );
        session->metainfoLookup[i].filename = filename;

    metainfoLookupResort( session );
    tr_dbg( "Found %d torrents in \"%s\"", n, dirname );
コード例 #4
ファイル: metainfo.c プロジェクト: Moscarda/transmission
static char*
getTorrentFilename (const tr_session * session, const tr_info * inf)
  char * base = tr_metainfoGetBasename (inf);
  char * filename = tr_strdup_printf ("%s" TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "%s.torrent",
                                      tr_getTorrentDir (session), base);
  tr_free (base);
  return filename;
コード例 #5
ファイル: metainfo.c プロジェクト: liesen/transmission-horn
static char*
getTorrentFilename( const tr_session * session,
                    const tr_info *   inf )
    return tr_strdup_printf( "%s%c%s.%16.16s.torrent",
                             tr_getTorrentDir( session ),
                             inf->hashString );
コード例 #6
ファイル: metainfo.c プロジェクト: liesen/transmission-horn
static char*
getOldTorrentFilename( const tr_session * session,
                       const tr_info *   inf )
    char *            ret;
    struct evbuffer * buf = tr_getBuffer( );

    evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "%s%c%s", tr_getTorrentDir( session ),
                         inf->hashString );
    if( session->tag )
        evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "-%s", session->tag );

    ret = tr_strndup( EVBUFFER_DATA( buf ), EVBUFFER_LENGTH( buf ) );
    tr_releaseBuffer( buf );
    return ret;
コード例 #7
ファイル: metainfo.c プロジェクト: fangang190/canary
static char*
getOldTorrentFilename( const tr_handle * handle,
                       const tr_info *   inf )
    char *            ret;
    struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( );

    evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "%s%c%s", tr_getTorrentDir( handle ),
                         inf->hashString );
    if( handle->tag )
        evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "-%s", handle->tag );

    ret = tr_strndup( EVBUFFER_DATA( buf ), EVBUFFER_LENGTH( buf ) );
    evbuffer_free( buf );
    return ret;
コード例 #8
/* this is for really old versions of T and will probably be removed someday */
tr_metainfoMigrate( tr_session * session,
                    tr_info *   inf )
    struct stat new_sb;
    char *      name = getTorrentFilename( session, inf );

    if( stat( name, &new_sb ) || ( ( new_sb.st_mode & S_IFMT ) != S_IFREG ) )
        char *    old_name = getOldTorrentFilename( session, inf );
        size_t    contentLen;
        uint8_t * content;

        tr_mkdirp( tr_getTorrentDir( session ), 0777 );
        if( ( content = tr_loadFile( old_name, &contentLen ) ) )
            FILE * out;
            errno = 0;
            out = fopen( name, "wb+" );
            if( !out )
                tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Couldn't create \"%1$s\": %2$s" ),
                        name, tr_strerror( errno ) );
                if( fwrite( content, sizeof( uint8_t ), contentLen, out )
                    == contentLen )
                    tr_free( inf->torrent );
                    inf->torrent = tr_strdup( name );
                    tr_sessionSetTorrentFile( session, inf->hashString, name );
                    unlink( old_name );
                fclose( out );

        tr_free( content );
        tr_free( old_name );

    tr_free( name );
コード例 #9
ファイル: platform.c プロジェクト: fangang190/canary
static void
migrateFiles( const tr_handle * handle )
    static int migrated = FALSE;

    if( !migrated )
        const char * oldDir;
        const char * newDir;
        migrated = TRUE;

        oldDir = getOldTorrentsDir( );
        newDir = tr_getTorrentDir( handle );
        moveFiles( oldDir, newDir );

        oldDir = getOldCacheDir( );
        newDir = tr_getResumeDir( handle );
        moveFiles( oldDir, newDir );
コード例 #10
ファイル: platform.c プロジェクト: dreamcat4/transmission
 * This function is for transmission-gtk users to migrate the config files
 * from $HOME/.transmission/ (where they were kept before Transmission 1.30)
 * to $HOME/.config/$appname as per the XDG directory spec.
static void
migrateFiles( const tr_session * session )
    static int migrated = FALSE;
    const tr_bool should_migrate = strstr( getOldConfigDir(), ".transmission" ) != NULL;

    if( !migrated && should_migrate )
        const char * oldDir;
        const char * newDir;
        migrated = TRUE;

        oldDir = getOldTorrentsDir( );
        newDir = tr_getTorrentDir( session );
        moveFiles( oldDir, newDir );

        oldDir = getOldCacheDir( );
        newDir = tr_getResumeDir( session );
        moveFiles( oldDir, newDir );