コード例 #1
ファイル: strategy.c プロジェクト: vickytu/cs223
/* clean up all space used by a strategy */
void strategyDestroy(Strategy *s){
	int i;
	Card tempCard;
	for (i = 0; i < s->numpiles; i++){
		tempCard = treeDeleteMin(&s->pile[i]); 
		while (tempCard != -1) { //delete until the binary tree is no more
			tempCard = treeDeleteMin(&(s->pile[i]));
コード例 #2
ファイル: orderedSet.c プロジェクト: vadvani/Hw8
/*This function takes in a pointer to a pointer to the root of a tree
and a target string and deletes the target string from the tree
if it exists there*/
static void treeDelete (struct node **root, const char* target) {
	struct node *toFree; /*pointer to the node we're deleting/freeing*/
	int equality; /*integer to store results of strcmp*/
	if (*root) { /*if root exists*/
		if((equality = strcmp((*root)->key, target)) == 0) { /*if the root and target are same*/
			if ((*root)->child[RIGHT]) {
				free((*root)->key); /*free key currently there, so we can set key to min of right child*/
				(*root)->key = treeDeleteMin(&(*root)->child[RIGHT]);
			} else { /*if no right child --> just make left child the new root*/
				toFree = *root; /*set pointer to free node*/
				*root = toFree->child[LEFT]; /*set new root to left child*/
				free(toFree->key); /*free string in node we're deleting*/
				free(toFree); /*free old root node*/
		} else if (equality > 0) { /*root key > target --> look left*/
			treeDelete(&(*root)->child[LEFT], target);
		} else { /*root key < target --> look right*/
			treeDelete(&(*root)->child[RIGHT], target);

		/*fix height and size data in tree, then rebalance it after the deletion*/
コード例 #3
ファイル: testMain.c プロジェクト: vickytu/cs223
main(int argc, char **argv)
    Strategy *s;
    Card temp;
    int i;
    int j;
    const int n = 16;
    struct tree handBuiltroot;
    struct tree handBuiltLeft;

    struct tree *root = EMPTY_TREE;

    handBuiltroot.key = 3;
    handBuiltroot.child[LEFT] = &handBuiltLeft;
    handBuiltroot.child[RIGHT] = 0;

    handBuiltLeft.key = 1;
    handBuiltLeft.child[LEFT] = handBuiltLeft.child[RIGHT] = 0;


    /* new improved tree using treeInsert */
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        treeInsert(&root, 5*i % n);

    /* get rid of root */
    for(i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
    s = strategyCreate(4);
    for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
        strategyDeal(s, j);
        if (j % 2 == 0) {
            temp = strategyPlay(s, 3);
    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: orderedSet.c プロジェクト: vadvani/Hw8
/*this function deletes the minimum string in a tree and returns its value.
Don't call on empty tree*/
static char* treeDeleteMin(struct node **root) {
	struct node* toFree; /*pointer to node we need to delete/free*/
	char* retString; /*string to return*/
	assert(*root); /*make sure tree isn't empty*/
	if ((*root)->child[LEFT]) { /*if there's a left child --> recurse again, not at minimum yet*/
		retString = treeDeleteMin(&(*root)->child[LEFT]);
	} else {/*if no left child --> reached minimum --> time to delete it*/
		retString = (*root)->key; /*store return string value*/
		toFree = *root; /*set toFree pointer to root node (node we want to delete)*/
		*root = (*root)->child[RIGHT]; /*since removing this root, if it has a right child --> have root point to right child, otherwise, if no right child --> this node will just be set to 0*/
		free(toFree); /*free memory for the node we're deleting*/
	/*now that we've removed something --> need to fix data
	and rebalance*/

	return retString;

コード例 #5
ファイル: strategy.c プロジェクト: vickytu/cs223
/* play a card from pile k */
Card strategyPlay(Strategy *s, int k){
	Card move;
	move = treeDeleteMin(&(s->pile[k]));
	treeInsert(&(s->pile[k-1]), move);
	return move;