コード例 #1
ファイル: gopass.c プロジェクト: blueskit/goahead
static int writeAuthFile(char *path)
    FILE        *fp;
    WebsKey     *kp, *ap;
    WebsRole    *role;
    WebsUser    *user;
    WebsHash    roles, users;
    char        *tempFile;

    assert(path && *path);

    tempFile = websTempFile(NULL, "gp");
    if ((fp = fopen(tempFile, "w" FILE_TEXT)) == 0) {
        error("Can't open %s", tempFile);
        return -1;
    fprintf(fp, "#\n#   %s - Authorization data\n#\n\n", basename(path));

    roles = websGetRoles();
    if (roles >= 0) {
        for (kp = hashFirst(roles); kp; kp = hashNext(roles, kp)) {
            role = kp->content.value.symbol;
            fprintf(fp, "role name=%s abilities=", kp->name.value.string);
            for (ap = hashFirst(role->abilities); ap; ap = hashNext(role->abilities, ap)) {
                fprintf(fp, "%s,", ap->name.value.string);
            fputc('\n', fp);
        fputc('\n', fp);
    users = websGetUsers();
    if (users >= 0) {
        for (kp = hashFirst(users); kp; kp = hashNext(users, kp)) {
            user = kp->content.value.symbol;
            fprintf(fp, "user name=%s password=%s roles=%s", user->name, user->password, user->roles);
            fputc('\n', fp);
    if (rename(tempFile, path) < 0) {
        error("Can't create new %s", path);
        return -1;
    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: upload.c プロジェクト: Truhigh/goahead
static int processUploadHeader(Webs *wp, char *line)
    WebsUpload  *file;
    char            *key, *headerTok, *rest, *nextPair, *value;

    if (line[0] == '\0') {
        wp->uploadState = UPLOAD_CONTENT_DATA;
        return 0;
    trace(7, "Header line: %s", line);

    headerTok = line;
    stok(line, ": ", &rest);

    if (scaselesscmp(headerTok, "Content-Disposition") == 0) {
            The content disposition header describes either a form variable or an uploaded file.
            Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field1"
            >>blank line
            Field Data
            Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field1" filename="user.file"
            >>blank line
            File data
        key = rest;
        wp->uploadVar = wp->clientFilename = 0;
        while (key && stok(key, ";\r\n", &nextPair)) {

            key = strim(key, " ", WEBS_TRIM_BOTH);
            stok(key, "= ", &value);
            value = strim(value, "\"", WEBS_TRIM_BOTH);

            if (scaselesscmp(key, "form-data") == 0) {
                /* Nothing to do */

            } else if (scaselesscmp(key, "name") == 0) {
                wp->uploadVar = sclone(value);

            } else if (scaselesscmp(key, "filename") == 0) {
                if (wp->uploadVar == 0) {
                    websError(wp, HTTP_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad upload state. Missing name field");
                    return -1;
                wp->clientFilename = sclone(value);
                    Create the file to hold the uploaded data
                if ((wp->uploadTmp = websTempFile(uploadDir, "tmp")) == 0) {
                    websError(wp, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 
                        "Can't create upload temp file %s. Check upload temp dir %s", wp->uploadTmp, uploadDir);
                    return -1;
                trace(5, "File upload of: %s stored as %s", wp->clientFilename, wp->uploadTmp);

                if ((wp->upfd = open(wp->uploadTmp, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0600)) < 0) {
                    websError(wp, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't open upload temp file %s", wp->uploadTmp);
                    return -1;
                    Create the files[id]
                file = wp->currentFile = walloc(sizeof(WebsUpload));
                memset(file, 0, sizeof(WebsUpload));
                file->clientFilename = sclone(wp->clientFilename);
                file->filename = sclone(wp->uploadTmp);
            key = nextPair;

    } else if (scaselesscmp(headerTok, "Content-Type") == 0) {
        if (wp->clientFilename) {
            trace(5, "Set files[%s][CONTENT_TYPE] = %s", wp->uploadVar, rest);
            wp->currentFile->contentType = sclone(rest);
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cgi.c プロジェクト: Truhigh/goahead
    Returns a pointer to an allocated qualified unique temporary file name. This filename must eventually be deleted with wfree().  
PUBLIC char *websGetCgiCommName()
    return sclone(websTempFile(NULL, "cgi"));