コード例 #1
// ######################################################################
void TaskRelevanceMapSocial::inputFrame(const InputFrame& f)
  const Dims mapdims = f.getDims();
  const int sml = itsLevelSpec.getVal().mapLevel();
  const float EyeVal = 128.0F, MouthVal = 64.0F, FaceVal = 32.0F, BodyVal = 16.0F, PersonVal = 4.0F, BkgdVal = 1.0F;

  Image<float> BigMap;
  BigMap.resize(mapdims, true); 
  Scene sceneData =

  // loop through all the regions on a given frame and assign z-stack order
  std::vector<float> weights(itsNumObjects, 1.0F);
  for (std::vector<Object>::iterator itrObject = sceneData.objects.begin(); itrObject != sceneData.objects.end(); itrObject++) {

    uint idx = (*itrObject).id;
    std::string ObjName = toLowerCase(itsObjectsNames[idx]);
    if (ObjName.find("eye") != std::string::npos) {weights[idx] = EyeVal;}
    else if (ObjName.find("mouth") != std::string::npos) {weights[idx] = MouthVal;}
    else if (ObjName.find("head") != std::string::npos || 
             ObjName.find("face") != std::string::npos) {weights[idx] = FaceVal;}
    else if (ObjName.find("body") != std::string::npos) {weights[idx] = BodyVal;}
    else if (ObjName.find("person") != std::string::npos ||
             ObjName.find("people") != std::string::npos ||
             ObjName.find("man") != std::string::npos ||
             ObjName.find("woman") != std::string::npos) {weights[idx] = PersonVal;}
    else {weights[idx] = BkgdVal;}
  uint i,j,tmp;
  // sort z-stack weights

  const uint numInScene = sceneData.objects.size();
  std::vector<uint> zorder(numInScene);
  for (i = 0; i < numInScene; i++) zorder[i] = i;
  for (i = 0; i < numInScene; i++)  
    for (j = 0; j < numInScene-i-1; j++) 
      if(weights[sceneData.objects[zorder[j]].id] > 
         weights[sceneData.objects[zorder[j+1]].id]) {
        tmp = zorder[j];
        zorder[j] = zorder[j+1];
        zorder[j+1] = tmp;
  // fill BigMap from bottom of z-stack to top
  // todo: enforce C0/C1 continuity by some poisson problem?
  for (i = 0; i < numInScene; i++) {
    Object iObj = sceneData.objects[zorder[i]]; 
    drawFilledPolygon(BigMap, iObj.polygon, weights[iObj.id]);
  itsMap = rescale(BigMap, mapdims.w() >> sml, mapdims.h() >> sml);
コード例 #2
ファイル: v4l2lut8.c プロジェクト: MarkusVolk/martii-tdt
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
  int videofd1 = open("/dev/video0",O_RDWR);
  int videofd2 = open("/dev/video0",O_RDWR);
  IDirectFBSurface     *SurfaceHandle;
  IDirectFBSurface     *SurfaceHandle2;
  void *ptr,*ptr2;
  int pitch,pitch2;
  int colour_palette[256];
  int colour_palette2_real[256]; /* random... */
  int *colour_palette2 = colour_palette2_real;
  int is_lut8;

  is_lut8 = (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "both"));


  colour_palette[0] = 0xff000000; // black
  colour_palette[1] = 0xffff0000; // red
  colour_palette[2] = 0xff00ff00; // green
  colour_palette[3] = 0xff0000ff; // blue
  colour_palette[4] = 0xffffffff; // white
  colour_palette[5] = 0x80808000; // half-transp yellow
  colour_palette[6] = 0x00000000; // transp black

  if (videofd1 < 0)
    perror("Couldn't open video device 1\n");

  if (videofd2 < 0)
    perror("Couldn't open video device 2\n");
  v4l2_list_outputs (videofd1);



  v4l2_set_output_by_name (videofd1, "RGB1");
  v4l2_set_output_by_name (videofd2, "RGB2");


//  memcpy (colour_palette, colour_palette2, sizeof (colour_palette));
  colour_palette2 = colour_palette;

    int coords = 60;
    int size   = 100;

    // clear
    if (!is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->Clear (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
    else {
      SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x6);
      SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, 0, 0, 600, 600);
    // White
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x4);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;
    // Red
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x1);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;
    // Green
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x2);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;
    // Blue
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x3);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;
    // half transp yellow
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x5);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;
    // transp
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x6);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;

    int xcoords = 60 + (100 * 6), ycoords = 60;
    int size   = 100;

    // clear
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x6);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, 220, 220, 440, 440);
    // transp
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x6);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
    // half transp yellow
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x5);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
    // Blue
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x3);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
    // Green
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x2);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
    // Red
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x1);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
    // White
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x4);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
  DFBCHECK (SurfaceHandle->Lock (SurfaceHandle, DSLF_READ, &ptr, &pitch));
  DFBCHECK (SurfaceHandle2->Lock (SurfaceHandle2, DSLF_READ, &ptr2, &pitch2));



  queue_buffer( videofd1, ptr, (is_lut8 ? colour_palette : 0), 0ULL);

  stream_on( videofd1 );

  queue_buffer( videofd2, ptr2, colour_palette2, 0ULL); 


  stream_on( videofd2 );




  fprintf(stderr,"Press Return/Enter to quit\n");

  // This seems to dequeue all buffers too, but that's what the spec says
  // so this is ok.
  stream_off( videofd1 );
  stream_off( videofd2 );


  return 0;