コード例 #1
void Batch::Sector::forAllInstancesInAABB(Geometry* geometryLod0, Matrix* instances, AABB* aabb, engine::IBatchCallback callback, void* data)
    if( ::intersectionAABBAABB( &boundingBox, aabb ) )
        if( !left && !right )
            AABB instanceAABB;
            Matrix4f instanceMatrix;
            unsigned int index;
            for( unsigned int i=0; i<numIndices; i++ )
                index = indices[i];
                instanceAABB.calculate( geometryLod0->getBoundingBox(), instances + index );
                if( ::intersectionAABBAABB( &instanceAABB, aabb ) )
                    instanceMatrix = wrap( instances[index] );
                    callback( index, &instanceMatrix, data );
            if( left ) static_cast<Sector*>(left)->forAllInstancesInAABB( geometryLod0, instances, aabb, callback, data );
            if( right ) static_cast<Sector*>(right)->forAllInstancesInAABB( geometryLod0, instances, aabb, callback, data );
コード例 #2
Batch::Sector* Batch::Sector::createTree(unsigned int leafSize, Geometry* geometryLod0, Matrix* instances, unsigned int numInstances)
    DynamicIndices batchIndices;
    for( unsigned int i=0; i<numInstances; i++ ) batchIndices.insert( i );

    AABB batchAABB;
    AABB instanceAABB;
    batchAABB.calculate( geometryLod0->getBoundingBox(), instances );
    for( unsigned int i=1; i<numInstances; i++ )
        instanceAABB.calculate( geometryLod0->getBoundingBox(), instances+i );
        batchAABB.addAABB( &instanceAABB );

    return new Sector( leafSize, geometryLod0, instances, &batchAABB, batchIndices );
コード例 #3
Batch::Sector::Sector(unsigned int leafSize, Geometry* geometryLod0, Matrix* instances, AABB* aabb, DynamicIndices& parentIndices, float treeProgress, float sectorProgress)
    boundingBox = *aabb;
    left = right = NULL;

    // local indices
    DynamicIndices dynamicIndices;

    // show progress
    if( Engine::instance->progressCallback )

    // calculate bounding sphere
    Vector corner[8];
    unsigned int i;
    for( i=0; i<8; i++ ) corner[i] = boundingBox.getCorner( i );    
    boundingSphere.calculate( 8, corner );

    // build list of indices inside AABB of this 
    unsigned int instanceId;
    AABB instanceAABB;
	DynamicIndex index;
    for( index = parentIndices.begin(); 
                      index != parentIndices.end(); 
                      index++ )
        instanceId = (*index);
        instanceAABB.calculate( geometryLod0->getBoundingBox(), instances+instanceId );
        if( ::intersectionAABBAABB( &boundingBox, &instanceAABB ) )
            dynamicIndices.insert( instanceId );

    // remove this indices from parent indices
    DynamicIndex parentIndex;
    for( index = dynamicIndices.begin(); index != dynamicIndices.end(); index++ )
        parentIndex = parentIndices.find( (*index) );
        assert( parentIndex != parentIndices.end() );
        parentIndices.erase( parentIndex );

    // build subsets
    if( dynamicIndices.size() > leafSize )
        AABB leftAABB;
        AABB rightAABB;
        boundingBox.divide( leftAABB, rightAABB, AABB::maxPlane );
        left = new Sector( leafSize, geometryLod0, instances, &leftAABB, dynamicIndices, treeProgress, sectorProgress * 0.5f );
        if( static_cast<Sector*>(left)->getNumInstancesInHierarchy() == 0 )
            delete left;
            left = NULL;
        right = new Sector( leafSize, geometryLod0, instances, &rightAABB, dynamicIndices, treeProgress + sectorProgress * 0.5f, sectorProgress * 0.5f );
        if( static_cast<Sector*>(right)->getNumInstancesInHierarchy() == 0 )
            delete right;
            right = NULL;

    if( !left && !right )
        // build static indices
        numIndices = dynamicIndices.size();
        indices = new unsigned int[numIndices];        
        for( index = dynamicIndices.begin(), i = 0; 
             index != dynamicIndices.end(); 
             index++, i++ )
            indices[i] = *index;
        numIndices = 0;
        indices = NULL;

    // show progress
    if( Engine::instance->progressCallback )
            treeProgress + sectorProgress,