コード例 #1
ファイル: axCompCreate.cpp プロジェクト: UIKit0/aaf
void AxCreateCompositionExample( AxFile& axFile,
							     AxCmdLineArgs& args )
	// FIXME - This function is too long.
	// As usual, the header and dictionary are required.
	AxHeader axHeader( axFile.getHeader() );
	AxDictionary axDictionary( axHeader.GetDictionary() );
	AxContentStorage axContentStorage( axHeader.GetContentStorage() );
	aafSearchCrit_t	criteria;
	criteria.searchTag = kAAFByMobKind;
	criteria.tags.mobKind = kAAFMasterMob;
	AxMobIter axMobIter( axContentStorage.GetMobs( &criteria ) );
	IAAFSmartPointer2<IAAFMob> nextMob;
	bool notAtEnd;
	typedef std::map< AxString, IAAFMasterMobSP > MobMap;
	MobMap mobMap;

	for( notAtEnd = axMobIter.NextOne( nextMob );
	     notAtEnd = axMobIter.NextOne( nextMob ) ) { 
 	         AxMasterMob axMasterMob( AxQueryInterface<IAAFMob,IAAFMasterMob>( nextMob ) );

			 mobMap[ axMasterMob.GetName() ] = axMasterMob;

	AxString audioA( L"Audio Mob A" );
	AxString audioB( L"Audio Mob B" );
	AxString videoA( L"Video Mob A" );
	AxString videoB( L"Video Mob B" );

	// Verify our mobs exist...
	if ( mobMap.find( audioA ) == mobMap.end() || mobMap.find( audioB ) == mobMap.end() ||
		 mobMap.find( videoA ) == mobMap.end() || mobMap.find( videoB ) == mobMap.end() ) {
		throw AxEx( L"mob not found" );
	// Create the composition mob off which we with hang our
	// audio source clips, video source clips and transitions.
	AxCompositionMob axCompMob(
		AxCreateInstance<IAAFCompositionMob>( axDictionary ) );
	axCompMob.SetName( L"Example Composition" );

	axHeader.AddMob( axCompMob );

	aafRational_t editRate = {25, 1};
	int videoSlotID = 1;
	AxString videoSlotName( L"Video Timeline" );

	int audioSlotID = 2;
	AxString audioSlotName( L"Audio Timeline" );
	// Create one sequence for each time line (i.e. track).

	AxDataDef axAudioDataDef( axDictionary.LookupDataDef( kAAFDataDef_Sound ) );
	AxSequence axAudioSequence(	AxCreateInstance<IAAFSequence>( axDictionary ) );
	axAudioSequence.Initialize( axAudioDataDef );

	AxDataDef axVideoDataDef( axDictionary.LookupDataDef( kAAFDataDef_Picture ) );
	AxSequence axVideoSequence(	AxCreateInstance<IAAFSequence>( axDictionary ) );
	axVideoSequence.Initialize( axVideoDataDef );

	// Append one timeline slot per sequence to the composition mob.

	axCompMob.AppendNewTimelineSlot( editRate,
					 0		// origin (aafPosition_t)

	axCompMob.AppendNewTimelineSlot( editRate,
					 0		// origin (aafPosition_t)
	// Create source clips and transitions.

	// First audio....

	AxMasterMob axAudioMobA( mobMap[ audioA ] );
	AxMasterMob axAudioMobB( mobMap[ audioB ] );
	AxSourceClip axAudioClipA ( 
		CreateSourceClipToAppendToSequence( axDictionary, axAudioMobA, axAudioSequence ) );
	AxSourceClip axAudioClipB ( 
		CreateSourceClipToAppendToSequence( axDictionary, axAudioMobB, axAudioSequence ) );
	// If the operation definition is not in the dictionary already, then it is
	// the programmers job to create the operation definition, initialize it,
	// and register it.
	if ( !axDictionary.isKnownOperationDef( kAAFEffectMonoAudioDissolve ) )
		AxOperationDef axOpDef( AxCreateInstance<IAAFOperationDef> ( axDictionary ) );

		axOpDef.Initialize( kAAFEffectMonoAudioDissolve,
				    L"Example Mono Audio Dissolve",
				    L"No timewarp, bypass track 0, 2 mono audio inputs" );

	    axOpDef.SetIsTimeWarp( false );
		axOpDef.SetCategory( kAAFEffectMonoAudioDissolve );
	    axOpDef.SetBypass( 0 );
	    axOpDef.SetNumberInputs( 2 );
	    axOpDef.SetDataDef( axAudioDataDef );

	    axDictionary.RegisterOperationDef( axOpDef );

	AxOperationDef axMonoAudioDslvOpDef( axDictionary.LookupOperationDef( kAAFEffectMonoAudioDissolve ) );

	AxOperationGroup axMonoAudioDslvOpGroup( AxCreateInstance<IAAFOperationGroup>( axDictionary ) );

	// FIXME - Duration... that's in samples - right?
	// We will overlap the segment by 1 pal frame (at 44100 samples/sec).
	// FIXME - Assumed rate and duration of source material.
	axMonoAudioDslvOpGroup.Initialize( axAudioDataDef, 44100/25, axMonoAudioDslvOpDef );

	AxTransition axMonoAudioDslvTransition( AxCreateInstance<IAAFTransition>( axDictionary ) );

	axMonoAudioDslvTransition.Initialize( axAudioDataDef, 44100/25, 0,
					      axMonoAudioDslvOpGroup );

	// Next video...

	AxMasterMob axVideoMobA( mobMap[ videoA ] );
	AxMasterMob axVideoMobB( mobMap[ videoB ] );
	AxSourceClip axVideoClipA (
		CreateSourceClipToAppendToSequence( axDictionary, axVideoMobA, axVideoSequence ) );
	AxSourceClip axVideoClipB (
		CreateSourceClipToAppendToSequence( axDictionary, axVideoMobB, axVideoSequence ) );

	// Setup a video dissolve

	// If the operation definition is not in the dictionary already, then it is
	// the programmers job to create the operation definition, initialize it,
	// and register it.
	if ( !axDictionary.isKnownOperationDef( kAAFEffectVideoDissolve ) )
		AxOperationDef axOpDef( AxCreateInstance<IAAFOperationDef> ( axDictionary ) );

		axOpDef.Initialize( kAAFEffectVideoDissolve,
				    L"Example Video Dissolve",
				    L"No timewarp, bypass track 0, 2 video inputs" );

		axOpDef.SetIsTimeWarp( false );
		axOpDef.SetCategory( kAAFEffectVideoDissolve );
		axOpDef.SetBypass( 0 );
		axOpDef.SetNumberInputs( 2 );
		axOpDef.SetDataDef( axAudioDataDef );

		axDictionary.RegisterOperationDef( axOpDef );

	AxOperationDef axVideoDslvOpDef( axDictionary.LookupOperationDef( kAAFEffectVideoDissolve ) );

	AxOperationGroup axVideoDslvOpGroup( AxCreateInstance<IAAFOperationGroup>( axDictionary ) );
	// Overlap by one frame.
	// FIXME - Hardcoded.
	axVideoDslvOpGroup.Initialize( axVideoDataDef, 1, axVideoDslvOpDef );
    AxTransition axVideoDslvTransition( AxCreateInstance<IAAFTransition>( axDictionary ) );

	axVideoDslvTransition.Initialize( axVideoDataDef, 1, 0,
					  axVideoDslvOpGroup );

	// Append the series of components to the sequences to form each
	// track.  The components order is:
	// [first segment of essence] [transition] [second segment of essence]

	axAudioSequence.AppendComponent( axAudioClipA );
	axAudioSequence.AppendComponent( axMonoAudioDslvTransition );
	axAudioSequence.AppendComponent( axAudioClipB );

	axVideoSequence.AppendComponent( axVideoClipA );
	axVideoSequence.AppendComponent( axVideoDslvTransition );
	axVideoSequence.AppendComponent( axVideoClipB );
コード例 #2
ファイル: axDump.cpp プロジェクト: mcanthony/aaf
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
	using namespace std;
	try {

		// Second command line argument is the filename
		AxCmdLineArgs args( argc, argv );

		// pair<bool, const char*> fileArg = args.get(1);

		pair<bool, int> fileOpArg = args.get( "-file" );
		if ( !fileOpArg.first ) {

		pair<bool, const char*> fileNameArg = args.get( fileOpArg.second + 1 );
		if ( !fileNameArg.first ) {

		AxString fileName( AxStringUtil::mbtowc( fileNameArg.second ) );

		// One time init stuff.  Including loading the com api library.
		AxInit initObj;
		// Open the file.
		AxFile axFile;
		axFile.OpenExistingRead( fileName );

		// Get the header to use as a root object from which to begin iteration.
		// Any object, property, or property value can be used as a root object.
		// Generally, you probably not start with the header - you would start
		// with the ContentStorage object, or the Mobs or EssenceData properties
		// of the ContentStorage object.
		AxHeader axHeader( axFile.getHeader() );
		wcout << axHeader << endl;

		AxDictionary axDictionary( axHeader.GetDictionary() );

		// The header must be wrapped up by a AxBaseSolitaryObjIter instance
		// in order to be used a root for the recursive iterator.
		// If you follow the code, you will see that the header object is, ultimately,
		// cast to AxObject so that the IAAFObject interface of the header can be used
		// to access its properties.
			auto_ptr< AxBaseObjIterPrtcl > axHeaderIter(
				new AxBaseSolitaryObjIter<AxHeader>(axHeader) );

			// Create a recursive iterator...
			AxBaseObjRecIter recIter( axHeaderIter );

			// ... and run through all values registering
			// a renamed type for each opaque type.
			wcout << L"Rename Pesky Opaques:" << endl;
			int count = renamePeskyOpaques( axDictionary, recIter );
			wcout << L"\tOpaques reported by dictionary: " << axDictionary.CountOpaqueTypeDefs() << endl;
			wcout << L"\tOpaques found and renamed: " << count << endl;
			auto_ptr< AxBaseObjIterPrtcl > axHeaderIter(
			new AxBaseSolitaryObjIter<AxHeader>(axHeader) );

		    // Create a recursive iterator...
			AxBaseObjRecIter recIter( axHeaderIter );

			// ... and dump all objects.
			wcout << endl << L"Recursive Dump:" << endl;
			wcout << endl << L"  Item  Level   Desc.       Detail" << endl;
			dumpBaseObjects( axDictionary, recIter, args );

		// That's all folks.
		wcout << L"That's all folks." << endl;

	catch ( const AxEx& ex ) {
		wcout << ex.what() << endl;

	return 0;