コード例 #1
ファイル: BeAIM.cpp プロジェクト: HaikuArchives/BeAIM
bool BeAIMApplication::SetDeskbarVisibility( bool vis )
	app_info appInfo;
	BFile file;
	BAppFileInfo appFileInfo;
	uint32 appFlags;

	// get the BAppFileInfo object for this application
	file.SetTo(&appInfo.ref, B_READ_WRITE);

	// get the app flags

	// make the app visible (or not) in the deskbar
	if( vis )
		appFlags &= ~B_BACKGROUND_APP;
		appFlags |= B_BACKGROUND_APP;

	// now set them!
コード例 #2
ファイル: Application.cpp プロジェクト: yunxiaoxiao110/haiku
BApplication::_InitData(const char* signature, bool initGUI, status_t* _error)
	DBG(OUT("BApplication::InitData(`%s', %p)\n", signature, _error));
	// check whether there exists already an application
	if (be_app)
		debugger("2 BApplication objects were created. Only one is allowed.");

	fServerLink = new BPrivate::PortLink(-1, -1);
	fServerAllocator = NULL;
	fInitialWorkspace = 0;
	//fDraggedMessage = NULL;
	fReadyToRunCalled = false;

	// initially, there is no pulse
	fPulseRunner = NULL;
	fPulseRate = 0;

	// check signature
	fInitError = check_app_signature(signature);
	fAppName = signature;

	bool isRegistrar = signature
		&& strcasecmp(signature, kRegistrarSignature) == 0;
	// get team and thread
	team_id team = Team();
	thread_id thread = BPrivate::main_thread_for(team);

	// get app executable ref
	entry_ref ref;
	if (fInitError == B_OK) {
		fInitError = BPrivate::get_app_ref(&ref);
		if (fInitError != B_OK) {
			DBG(OUT("BApplication::InitData(): Failed to get app ref: %s\n",

	// get the BAppFileInfo and extract the information we need
	uint32 appFlags = B_REG_DEFAULT_APP_FLAGS;
	if (fInitError == B_OK) {
		BAppFileInfo fileInfo;
		BFile file(&ref, B_READ_ONLY);
		fInitError = fileInfo.SetTo(&file);
		if (fInitError == B_OK) {
			char appFileSignature[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
			// compare the file signature and the supplied signature
			if (fileInfo.GetSignature(appFileSignature) == B_OK
				&& strcasecmp(appFileSignature, signature) != 0) {
				printf("Signature in rsrc doesn't match constructor arg. (%s, %s)\n",
					signature, appFileSignature);
		} else {
			DBG(OUT("BApplication::InitData(): Failed to get info from: "
				"BAppFileInfo: %s\n", strerror(fInitError)));

	// check whether be_roster is valid
	if (fInitError == B_OK && !isRegistrar
		&& !BRoster::Private().IsMessengerValid(false)) {
		printf("FATAL: be_roster is not valid. Is the registrar running?\n");
		fInitError = B_NO_INIT;

	// check whether or not we are pre-registered
	bool preRegistered = false;
	app_info appInfo;
	if (fInitError == B_OK && !isRegistrar) {
		if (BRoster::Private().IsAppRegistered(&ref, team, 0, &preRegistered,
				&appInfo) != B_OK) {
			preRegistered = false;
	if (preRegistered) {
		// we are pre-registered => the app info has been filled in
		// Check whether we need to replace the looper port with a port
		// created by the roster.
		if (appInfo.port >= 0 && appInfo.port != fMsgPort) {
			fMsgPort = appInfo.port;
		} else
			appInfo.port = fMsgPort;
		// check the signature and correct it, if necessary, also the case
		if (strcmp(appInfo.signature, fAppName))
			BRoster::Private().SetSignature(team, fAppName);
		// complete the registration
		fInitError = BRoster::Private().CompleteRegistration(team, thread,
	} else if (fInitError == B_OK) {
		// not pre-registered -- try to register the application
		team_id otherTeam = -1;
		// the registrar must not register
		if (!isRegistrar) {
			fInitError = BRoster::Private().AddApplication(signature, &ref,
				appFlags, team, thread, fMsgPort, true, NULL, &otherTeam);
			if (fInitError != B_OK) {
				DBG(OUT("BApplication::InitData(): Failed to add app: %s\n",
		if (fInitError == B_ALREADY_RUNNING) {
			// An instance is already running and we asked for
			// single/exclusive launch. Send our argv to the running app.
			// Do that only, if the app is NOT B_ARGV_ONLY.
			if (otherTeam >= 0) {
				BMessenger otherApp(NULL, otherTeam);
				app_info otherAppInfo;
				bool argvOnly = be_roster->GetRunningAppInfo(otherTeam,
						&otherAppInfo) == B_OK
					&& (otherAppInfo.flags & B_ARGV_ONLY) != 0;

				if (__libc_argc > 1 && !argvOnly) {
					// create an B_ARGV_RECEIVED message
					BMessage argvMessage(B_ARGV_RECEIVED);

					// replace the first argv string with the path of the
					// other application
					BPath path;
					if (path.SetTo(&otherAppInfo.ref) == B_OK)
						argvMessage.ReplaceString("argv", 0, path.Path());

					// send the message
				} else if (!argvOnly)
		} else if (fInitError == B_OK) {
			// the registrations was successful
			// Create a B_ARGV_RECEIVED message and send it to ourselves.
			// Do that even, if we are B_ARGV_ONLY.
			// TODO: When BLooper::AddMessage() is done, use that instead of
			// PostMessage().

			DBG(OUT("info: BApplication successfully registered.\n"));

			if (__libc_argc > 1) {
				BMessage argvMessage(B_ARGV_RECEIVED);
				PostMessage(&argvMessage, this);
			// send a B_READY_TO_RUN message as well
			PostMessage(B_READY_TO_RUN, this);
		} else if (fInitError > B_ERRORS_END) {
			// Registrar internal errors shouldn't fall into the user's hands.
			fInitError = B_ERROR;
	// We need to have ReadyToRun called even when we're not using the registrar
	PostMessage(B_READY_TO_RUN, this);
#endif	// ifndef RUN_WITHOUT_REGISTRAR

	if (fInitError == B_OK) {
		// TODO: Not completely sure about the order, but this should be close.

		// init be_app and be_app_messenger
		be_app = this;
		be_app_messenger = BMessenger(NULL, this);

		// set the BHandler's name

		// create meta MIME
		BPath path;
		if (path.SetTo(&ref) == B_OK)
			create_app_meta_mime(path.Path(), false, true, false);

		// app server connection and IK initialization
		if (initGUI)
			fInitError = _InitGUIContext();

	// Return the error or exit, if there was an error and no error variable
	// has been supplied.
	if (_error) {
		*_error = fInitError;
	} else if (fInitError != B_OK) {
		DBG(OUT("BApplication::InitData() failed: %s\n", strerror(fInitError)));
DBG(OUT("BApplication::InitData() done\n"));