コード例 #1
bool IfcGeom::Kernel::convert(const IfcSchema::IfcTrimmedCurve* l, TopoDS_Wire& wire) {
	IfcSchema::IfcCurve* basis_curve = l->BasisCurve();
	bool isConic = basis_curve->is(IfcSchema::Type::IfcConic);
	double parameterFactor = isConic ? getValue(GV_PLANEANGLE_UNIT) : getValue(GV_LENGTH_UNIT);
	Handle(Geom_Curve) curve;
	if ( !convert_curve(basis_curve,curve) ) return false;
	bool trim_cartesian = l->MasterRepresentation() == IfcSchema::IfcTrimmingPreference::IfcTrimmingPreference_CARTESIAN;
	IfcEntityList::ptr trims1 = l->Trim1();
	IfcEntityList::ptr trims2 = l->Trim2();
	bool trimmed1 = false;
	bool trimmed2 = false;
	unsigned sense_agreement = l->SenseAgreement() ? 0 : 1;
	double flts[2];
	gp_Pnt pnts[2];
	bool has_flts[2] = {false,false};
	bool has_pnts[2] = {false,false};
	BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire w;
	for ( IfcEntityList::it it = trims1->begin(); it != trims1->end(); it ++ ) {
		IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass* i = *it;
		if ( i->is(IfcSchema::Type::IfcCartesianPoint) ) {
			IfcGeom::Kernel::convert((IfcSchema::IfcCartesianPoint*)i, pnts[sense_agreement] );
			has_pnts[sense_agreement] = true;
		} else if ( i->is(IfcSchema::Type::IfcParameterValue) ) {
			const double value = *((IfcSchema::IfcParameterValue*)i);
			flts[sense_agreement] = value * parameterFactor;
			has_flts[sense_agreement] = true;
	for ( IfcEntityList::it it = trims2->begin(); it != trims2->end(); it ++ ) {
		IfcUtil::IfcBaseClass* i = *it;
		if ( i->is(IfcSchema::Type::IfcCartesianPoint) ) {
			IfcGeom::Kernel::convert((IfcSchema::IfcCartesianPoint*)i, pnts[1-sense_agreement] );
			has_pnts[1-sense_agreement] = true;
		} else if ( i->is(IfcSchema::Type::IfcParameterValue) ) {
			const double value = *((IfcSchema::IfcParameterValue*)i);
			flts[1-sense_agreement] = value * parameterFactor;
			has_flts[1-sense_agreement] = true;
	trim_cartesian &= has_pnts[0] && has_pnts[1];
	bool trim_cartesian_failed = !trim_cartesian;
	if ( trim_cartesian ) {
		if ( pnts[0].Distance(pnts[1]) < getValue(GV_WIRE_CREATION_TOLERANCE) ) {
			Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING,"Skipping segment with length below tolerance level:",l->entity);
			return false;
		ShapeFix_ShapeTolerance FTol;
		TopoDS_Vertex v1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pnts[0]);
		TopoDS_Vertex v2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pnts[1]);
		FTol.SetTolerance(v1, getValue(GV_WIRE_CREATION_TOLERANCE), TopAbs_VERTEX);
		FTol.SetTolerance(v2, getValue(GV_WIRE_CREATION_TOLERANCE), TopAbs_VERTEX);
		BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge e (curve,v1,v2);
		if ( ! e.IsDone() ) {
			BRepBuilderAPI_EdgeError err = e.Error();
			if ( err == BRepBuilderAPI_PointProjectionFailed ) {
				Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING,"Point projection failed for:",l->entity);
				trim_cartesian_failed = true;
		} else {
	if ( (!trim_cartesian || trim_cartesian_failed) && (has_flts[0] && has_flts[1]) ) {
		// The Geom_Line is constructed from a gp_Pnt and gp_Dir, whereas the IfcLine
		// is defined by an IfcCartesianPoint and an IfcVector with Magnitude. Because
		// the vector is normalised when passed to Geom_Line constructor the magnitude
		// needs to be factored in with the IfcParameterValue here.
		if ( basis_curve->is(IfcSchema::Type::IfcLine) ) {
			IfcSchema::IfcLine* line = static_cast<IfcSchema::IfcLine*>(basis_curve);
			const double magnitude = line->Dir()->Magnitude();
			flts[0] *= magnitude; flts[1] *= magnitude;
		if ( basis_curve->is(IfcSchema::Type::IfcEllipse) ) {
			IfcSchema::IfcEllipse* ellipse = static_cast<IfcSchema::IfcEllipse*>(basis_curve);
			double x = ellipse->SemiAxis1() * getValue(GV_LENGTH_UNIT);
			double y = ellipse->SemiAxis2() * getValue(GV_LENGTH_UNIT);
			const bool rotated = y > x;
			if (rotated) {
				flts[0] -= M_PI / 2.;
				flts[1] -= M_PI / 2.;
		if ( isConic && ALMOST_THE_SAME(fmod(flts[1]-flts[0],(double)(M_PI*2.0)),0.0f) ) {
		} else {
			BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge e (curve,flts[0],flts[1]);
	} else if ( trim_cartesian_failed && (has_pnts[0] && has_pnts[1]) ) {
	if ( w.IsDone() ) {
		wire = w.Wire();
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;
コード例 #2
bool IfcGeom::convert(const Ifc2x3::IfcTrimmedCurve::ptr l, TopoDS_Wire& wire) {
	Ifc2x3::IfcCurve::ptr basis_curve = l->BasisCurve();
	bool isConic = basis_curve->is(Ifc2x3::Type::IfcConic);
	double parameterFactor = isConic ? IfcGeom::GetValue(GV_PLANEANGLE_UNIT) : IfcGeom::GetValue(GV_LENGTH_UNIT);
	Handle(Geom_Curve) curve;
	if ( ! IfcGeom::convert_curve(basis_curve,curve) ) return false;
	bool trim_cartesian = l->MasterRepresentation() == Ifc2x3::IfcTrimmingPreference::IfcTrimmingPreference_CARTESIAN;
	IfcUtil::IfcAbstractSelect::list trims1 = l->Trim1();
	IfcUtil::IfcAbstractSelect::list trims2 = l->Trim2();
	bool trimmed1 = false;
	bool trimmed2 = false;
	unsigned sense_agreement = l->SenseAgreement() ? 0 : 1;
	double flts[2];
	gp_Pnt pnts[2];
	bool has_flts[2] = {false,false};
	bool has_pnts[2] = {false,false};
	BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire w;
	for ( IfcUtil::IfcAbstractSelect::it it = trims1->begin(); it != trims1->end(); it ++ ) {
		const IfcUtil::IfcAbstractSelect::ptr i = *it;
		if ( i->is(Ifc2x3::Type::IfcCartesianPoint) ) {
			IfcGeom::convert(reinterpret_pointer_cast<IfcUtil::IfcAbstractSelect,Ifc2x3::IfcCartesianPoint>(i), pnts[sense_agreement] );
			has_pnts[sense_agreement] = true;
		} else if ( i->is(Ifc2x3::Type::IfcParameterValue) ) {
			const double value = *reinterpret_pointer_cast<IfcUtil::IfcAbstractSelect,IfcUtil::IfcArgumentSelect>(i)->wrappedValue();
			flts[sense_agreement] = value * parameterFactor;
			has_flts[sense_agreement] = true;
	for ( IfcUtil::IfcAbstractSelect::it it = trims2->begin(); it != trims2->end(); it ++ ) {
		const IfcUtil::IfcAbstractSelect::ptr i = *it;
		if ( i->is(Ifc2x3::Type::IfcCartesianPoint) ) {
			IfcGeom::convert(reinterpret_pointer_cast<IfcUtil::IfcAbstractSelect,Ifc2x3::IfcCartesianPoint>(i), pnts[1-sense_agreement] );
			has_pnts[1-sense_agreement] = true;
		} else if ( i->is(Ifc2x3::Type::IfcParameterValue) ) {
			const double value = *reinterpret_pointer_cast<IfcUtil::IfcAbstractSelect,IfcUtil::IfcArgumentSelect>(i)->wrappedValue();
			flts[1-sense_agreement] = value * parameterFactor;
			has_flts[1-sense_agreement] = true;
	trim_cartesian &= has_pnts[0] && has_pnts[1];
	bool trim_cartesian_failed = !trim_cartesian;
	if ( trim_cartesian ) {
		if ( pnts[0].Distance(pnts[1]) < GetValue(GV_WIRE_CREATION_TOLERANCE) ) {
			Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING,"Skipping segment with length below tolerance level:",l->entity);
			return false;
		ShapeFix_ShapeTolerance FTol;
		TopoDS_Vertex v1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pnts[0]);
		TopoDS_Vertex v2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pnts[1]);
		FTol.SetTolerance(v1, GetValue(GV_WIRE_CREATION_TOLERANCE), TopAbs_VERTEX);
		FTol.SetTolerance(v2, GetValue(GV_WIRE_CREATION_TOLERANCE), TopAbs_VERTEX);
		BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge e (curve,v1,v2);
		if ( ! e.IsDone() ) {
			BRepBuilderAPI_EdgeError err = e.Error();
			if ( err == BRepBuilderAPI_PointProjectionFailed ) {
				Logger::Message(Logger::LOG_WARNING,"Point projection failed for:",l->entity);
				trim_cartesian_failed = true;
		} else {
	if ( (!trim_cartesian || trim_cartesian_failed) && (has_flts[0] && has_flts[1]) ) {
		if ( isConic && ALMOST_THE_SAME(fmod(flts[1]-flts[0],(double)(M_PI*2.0)),0.0f) ) {
		} else {
			BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge e (curve,flts[0],flts[1]);
	} else if ( trim_cartesian_failed && (has_pnts[0] && has_pnts[1]) ) {
	if ( w.IsDone() ) {
		wire = w.Wire();
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;