ImageFType::ImageFType(const unsigned id, const CMString& file) : ImageBase(id) { m_bmp = NULL; FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fif = fei->FI_GetFileTypeT(file.c_str(), 0); if (fif == FIF_UNKNOWN) fif = fei->FI_GetFIFFromFilenameT(file.c_str()); if (fif == FIF_UNKNOWN) return; FIBITMAP *dib = fei->FI_LoadT(fif, file.c_str(), 0); if (dib == NULL) return; bool transp = fei->FI_IsTransparent(dib) != 0; FREE_IMAGE_TYPE imt = fei->FI_GetImageType(dib); unsigned bpp = fei->FI_GetBPP(dib); if (transp && bpp != 32 || imt == FIT_RGBA16) { FIBITMAP *tdib = fei->FI_ConvertTo32Bits(dib); fei->FI_Unload(dib); dib = tdib; } else if (!transp && bpp > 24) { FIBITMAP *tdib = fei->FI_ConvertTo24Bits(dib); fei->FI_Unload(dib); dib = tdib; } m_bmp = fei->FI_CreateHBITMAPFromDIB(dib); fei->FI_Unload(dib); if (transp) fei->FI_Premultiply(m_bmp); }
void SmileyLookup::Find(const CMString& str, SmileyLocVecType& smlcur, bool firstOnly) const { if (!m_valid) return; if (m_text.IsEmpty()) { _TMatcher* matcher = m_pattern->createTMatcher(str); while (matcher->findNextMatch()) { int st = matcher->getStartingIndex(); int sz = matcher->getEndingIndex() - st; if (sz != 0) { smlcur.insert(new SmileyLocType(st, sz)); if (firstOnly && m_ind != -1) return; } } delete matcher; } else { const TCHAR* pos = str.c_str(); while ((pos = _tcsstr(pos, m_text.c_str())) != NULL) { smlcur.insert(new SmileyLocType(pos - str.c_str(), m_text.GetLength())); pos += m_text.GetLength(); if (firstOnly && m_ind != -1) return; } } }
void CMVArray::Set(int row,int col,const CMString& str) { if (row>=0 && row<_nrows && col>=0 && col<_ncols) { size_t index = row*_ncols + col; if (isnumber(str.c_str())) { double d = _wtof(str.c_str()); array[index].e = NULL; array[index].dVal = d; } else { CMExpression* e = new CMExpression(str.c_str()); if (e->IsPolynomial()) arraystate |= containsPolynomials; if (e->Fail()) { SetState(vsFailed, 1); ReportError(XBadVardef, e->GetString()); } array[index].e = e; } /* CMExpression* e = new CMExpression(str.c_str()); if (e->IsPolynomial()) arraystate |= containsPolynomials; if (e->Fail()) { SetState(vsFailed,1); ReportError(XBadVardef,e->GetString()); } array.AddAt((long)row*ncols+col,e); */ } }
SmileyLookup::SmileyLookup(const CMString& str, const bool regexs, const int ind, const CMString& smpt) { TCHAR msgtxt[1024]; m_ind = ind; if (regexs) { static const CMString testString(_T("Test String")); m_pattern = _TPattern::compile(str); m_valid = m_pattern != NULL; if (m_valid) { _TMatcher* matcher = m_pattern->createTMatcher(testString); m_valid &= (!matcher->findFirstMatch() || matcher->getStartingIndex() != matcher->getEndingIndex()); if (!m_valid) { static const TCHAR errmsg[] = LPGENT("Regular expression \"%s\" in smiley pack \"%s\" could produce \"empty matches\"."); mir_sntprintf(msgtxt, TranslateTS(errmsg), str.c_str(), smpt.c_str()); } delete matcher; } else { static const TCHAR errmsg[] = LPGENT("Regular expression \"%s\" in smiley pack \"%s\" malformed."); mir_sntprintf(msgtxt, TranslateTS(errmsg), str.c_str(), smpt.c_str()); } if (!m_valid) CallService(MS_NETLIB_LOG, (WPARAM)hNetlibUser, _T2A(msgtxt)); } else { m_text = str; m_pattern = NULL; m_valid = !str.IsEmpty(); } }
BOOL CIrcProto::CList_AddDCCChat(const CMString& name, const CMString& hostmask, unsigned long adr, int port) { MCONTACT hContact; TCHAR szNick[256]; char szService[256]; bool bFlag = false; CONTACT usertemp = { (TCHAR*)name.c_str(), NULL, NULL, false, false, true }; MCONTACT hc = CList_FindContact(&usertemp); if (hc && db_get_b(hc, "CList", "NotOnList", 0) == 0 && db_get_b(hc, "CList", "Hidden", 0) == 0) bFlag = true; CMString contactname = name; contactname += DCCSTRING; CONTACT user = { (TCHAR*)contactname.c_str(), NULL, NULL, false, false, true }; hContact = CList_AddContact(&user, false, false); setByte(hContact, "DCC", 1); DCCINFO* pdci = new DCCINFO; pdci->sHostmask = hostmask; pdci->hContact = hContact; pdci->dwAdr = (DWORD)adr; pdci->iPort = port; pdci->iType = DCC_CHAT; pdci->bSender = false; pdci->sContactName = name; if (m_DCCChatAccept == 3 || m_DCCChatAccept == 2 && bFlag) { CDccSession* dcc = new CDccSession(this, pdci); CDccSession* olddcc = FindDCCSession(hContact); if (olddcc) olddcc->Disconnect(); AddDCCSession(hContact, dcc); dcc->Connect(); if (getByte("MirVerAutoRequest", 1)) PostIrcMessage(_T("/PRIVMSG %s \001VERSION\001"), name.c_str()); } else { CLISTEVENT cle = { sizeof(cle) }; cle.hContact = hContact; cle.hDbEvent = (HANDLE)"dccchat"; cle.flags = CLEF_TCHAR; cle.hIcon = LoadIconEx(IDI_DCC); mir_snprintf(szService, sizeof(szService), "%s/DblClickEvent", m_szModuleName); cle.pszService = szService; mir_sntprintf(szNick, SIZEOF(szNick), TranslateT("CTCP chat request from %s"), name.c_str()); cle.ptszTooltip = szNick; cle.lParam = (LPARAM)pdci; if (CallService(MS_CLIST_GETEVENT, hContact, 0)) CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVEEVENT, hContact, (LPARAM)"dccchat"); CallService(MS_CLIST_ADDEVENT, hContact, (LPARAM)&cle); } return TRUE; }
bool CIrcProto::Connect(const CIrcSessionInfo& info) { codepage = m_codepage; NETLIBOPENCONNECTION ncon = { 0 }; ncon.cbSize = sizeof(ncon); ncon.szHost = info.sServer.c_str(); ncon.wPort = info.iPort; con = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION, (WPARAM)m_hNetlibUser, (LPARAM)&ncon); if (con == NULL) { TCHAR szTemp[300]; mir_sntprintf(szTemp, _T("\0035%s \002%s\002 (%S: %u)."), TranslateT("Failed to connect to"), si.sNetwork.c_str(), si.sServer.c_str(), si.iPort); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, szTemp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); return false; } FindLocalIP(con); // get the local ip used for filetransfers etc if (info.m_iSSL > 0) { if (!CallService(MS_NETLIB_STARTSSL, (WPARAM)con, 0) && info.m_iSSL == 2) { Netlib_CloseHandle(con); con = NULL; m_info.Reset(); return false; } } if (Miranda_Terminated()) { Disconnect(); return false; } m_info = info; // start receiving messages from host ForkThread(&CIrcProto::ThreadProc, NULL); Sleep(100); if (info.sPassword.GetLength()) NLSend("PASS %s\r\n", info.sPassword.c_str()); NLSend(_T("NICK %s\r\n"), info.sNick.c_str()); CMString userID = GetWord(info.sUserID.c_str(), 0); TCHAR szHostName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbHostName = _countof(szHostName); GetComputerName(szHostName, &cbHostName); CMString HostName = GetWord(szHostName, 0); if (userID.IsEmpty()) userID = _T("Miranda"); if (HostName.IsEmpty()) HostName = _T("host"); NLSend(_T("USER %s %s %s :%s\r\n"), userID.c_str(), HostName.c_str(), _T("server"), info.sFullName.c_str()); return con != NULL; }
INT_PTR CIrcProto::DoEvent(int iEvent, const TCHAR* pszWindow, const TCHAR* pszNick, const TCHAR* pszText, const TCHAR* pszStatus, const TCHAR* pszUserInfo, DWORD_PTR dwItemData, bool bAddToLog, bool bIsMe, time_t timestamp) { GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; CMString sID; CMString sText = _T(""); if ( iEvent == GC_EVENT_INFORMATION && bIsMe && !bEcho ) return false; if ( pszText ) { if (iEvent != GC_EVENT_SENDMESSAGE) sText = DoColorCodes(pszText, FALSE, TRUE); else sText = pszText; } if ( pszWindow ) { if ( lstrcmpi( pszWindow, SERVERWINDOW)) sID = pszWindow + (CMString)_T(" - ") + m_info.sNetwork; else sID = pszWindow; gcd.ptszID = (TCHAR*)sID.c_str(); } else gcd.ptszID = NULL; gcd.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcd.iType = iEvent; gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gce.pDest = &gcd; gce.ptszStatus = pszStatus; gce.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR + ((bAddToLog) ? GCEF_ADDTOLOG : 0); gce.ptszNick = pszNick; gce.ptszUID = pszNick; if (iEvent == GC_EVENT_TOPIC) gce.ptszUserInfo = pszUserInfo; else gce.ptszUserInfo = m_showAddresses ? pszUserInfo : NULL; if ( !sText.IsEmpty() ) gce.ptszText = sText.c_str(); gce.dwItemData = dwItemData; if(timestamp == 1) gce.time = time(NULL); else gce.time = timestamp; gce.bIsMe = bIsMe; return CallChatEvent((WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)&gce); }
int CIrcProto::SetChannelSBText(CMString sWindow, CHANNELINFO * wi) { CMString sTemp = _T(""); if(wi->pszMode) { sTemp += _T("["); sTemp += wi->pszMode; sTemp += _T("] "); } if(wi->pszTopic) sTemp += wi->pszTopic; sTemp = DoColorCodes(sTemp.c_str(), TRUE, FALSE); return DoEvent(GC_EVENT_SETSBTEXT, sWindow.c_str(), NULL, sTemp.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0); }
void CMVariableOrConstant::Set(const CMString& str) { if (str.is_null()) type = Null; else { if (isnumber(str.c_str())) { type = Constant; u.c = _wtof(str.c_str()); } else { u.v = CMVariable::Find(str); type = (u.v==0) ? Null : Variable; } } }
INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::Scripting_InsertGuiOut(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { GCHOOK* gch = (GCHOOK*)lParam; if (m_scriptingEnabled && gch) { GCHOOK* gchook = new GCHOOK; gchook->pDest = new GCDEST; gchook->dwData = gch->dwData; gchook->pDest->iType = gch->pDest->iType; if (gch->ptszText) gchook->ptszText = _tcsdup(gch->ptszText); else gchook->ptszText = NULL; if (gch->ptszUID) gchook->ptszUID = _tcsdup(gch->ptszUID); else gchook->ptszUID = NULL; if (gch->pDest->ptszID) { CMString S = MakeWndID(gch->pDest->ptszID); gchook->pDest->ptszID = _tcsdup(S.c_str()); } else gchook->pDest->ptszID = NULL; if (gch->pDest->pszModule) gchook->pDest->pszModule = _strdup(gch->pDest->pszModule); else gchook->pDest->pszModule = NULL; mir_forkthread(GuiOutThread, gchook); return 0; } return 1; }
ImageType::ImageType(const unsigned id, const CMString& file, IStream* pStream) : ImageBase(id) { m_bmp = NULL; m_pPropertyItem = NULL; m_nCurrentFrame = 0; m_nFrameCount = 0; if (!InitGdiPlus()) return; if (pStream) m_bmp = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(pStream); else m_bmp = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(T2W_SM(file.c_str())); if (m_bmp->GetLastStatus() != Gdiplus::Ok) { delete m_bmp; m_bmp = NULL; return; } GUID pageGuid = Gdiplus::FrameDimensionTime; m_nFrameCount = m_bmp->GetFrameCount(&pageGuid); if (IsAnimated()) { int nSize = m_bmp->GetPropertyItemSize(PropertyTagFrameDelay); m_pPropertyItem = (Gdiplus::PropertyItem*) new char[nSize]; m_bmp->GetPropertyItem(PropertyTagFrameDelay, nSize, m_pPropertyItem); } }
bool CIrcProto::AddWindowItemData(CMString window, const TCHAR* pszLimit, const TCHAR* pszMode, const TCHAR* pszPassword, const TCHAR* pszTopic) { CHANNELINFO* wi = (CHANNELINFO *)DoEvent(GC_EVENT_GETITEMDATA, window.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0); if ( wi ) { if ( pszLimit ) { wi->pszLimit = ( TCHAR* )realloc( wi->pszLimit, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(pszLimit)+1)); lstrcpy( wi->pszLimit, pszLimit ); } if ( pszMode ) { wi->pszMode = ( TCHAR* )realloc( wi->pszMode, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(pszMode)+1)); lstrcpy( wi->pszMode, pszMode ); } if ( pszPassword ) { wi->pszPassword = ( TCHAR* )realloc( wi->pszPassword, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(pszPassword)+1)); lstrcpy( wi->pszPassword, pszPassword ); } if ( pszTopic ) { wi->pszTopic = ( TCHAR* )realloc( wi->pszTopic, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(pszTopic)+1)); lstrcpy( wi->pszTopic, pszTopic ); } SetChannelSBText(window, wi); return true; } return false; }
void SmileyType::CallSmileyService(MCONTACT hContact) { _TPattern *srvsplit = _TPattern::compile(_T("(.*)\\|(.*)\\|(.*)")); _TMatcher *m0 = srvsplit->createTMatcher(GetTriggerText()); m0->findFirstMatch(); CMString name = m0->getGroup(1); CMString par1 = m0->getGroup(2); CMString par2 = m0->getGroup(3); delete m0; delete srvsplit; char str[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; const char *proto = ""; if (name[0] == '/') { proto = (const char*)GetContactProto(hContact); if (proto == NULL) return; } mir_snprintf(str, "%s%s", proto, T2A_SM(name.c_str())); CallService(str, ConvertServiceParam(hContact, par1.c_str()), ConvertServiceParam(hContact, par2.c_str())); }
void CIrcProto::AddToJTemp(TCHAR op, CMString& sCommand) { CMString res; int pos = 0; for ( ;; ) { CMString tmp = sCommand.Tokenize( _T(","), pos ); if ( pos == -1 ) break; tmp = op + tmp; if ( res.IsEmpty() ) res = tmp; else res += _T(" ") + tmp; } DBVARIANT dbv; if ( !getTString( "JTemp", &dbv )) { res = CMString(dbv.ptszVal) + _T(" ") + res; DBFreeVariant( &dbv ); } setTString("JTemp", res.c_str()); }
BOOL CIrcProto::ShowMessage (const CIrcMessage* pmsg) { CMString mess = FormatOutput(pmsg); if ( !pmsg->m_bIncoming ) ReplaceString( mess, _T("%%"), _T("%")); int iTemp = StrToInt( pmsg->sCommand.c_str()); //To active window if (( iTemp > 400 || iTemp < 500 ) && pmsg->sCommand[0] == '4' //all error messages || pmsg->sCommand == _T("303") //ISON command || pmsg->sCommand == _T("INVITE") || ( (pmsg->sCommand == _T("NOTICE")) && ( (pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2) ? (_tcsstr(pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), _T("\001"))==NULL) : false)) // CTCP answers should go to m_network Log window! || pmsg->sCommand == _T("515")) //chanserv error { DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, NULL, pmsg->m_bIncoming?pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str():m_info.sNick.c_str(), mess.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, pmsg->m_bIncoming?false:true); return TRUE; } if ( m_useServer ) { DoEvent( GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) ? pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str() : m_info.sNick.c_str(), mess.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, pmsg->m_bIncoming ? false : true ); return true; } return false; }
HTREEITEM Tree_AddExtraIconGroup(intlist &group, bool selected, HTREEITEM hAfter = TVI_LAST) { intlist *ids = new intlist(); CMString desc; int img = 0; for (int i = 0; i < group.count; i++) { BaseExtraIcon *extra = registeredExtraIcons[[i] - 1]; ids->add(extra->getID()); if (img == 0 && !IsEmpty(extra->getDescIcon())) img = extra->getID(); if (i > 0) desc += _T(" / "); desc += extra->getDescription(); } TVINSERTSTRUCT tvis = { 0 }; tvis.hInsertAfter = hAfter; tvis.item.mask = TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_STATE; tvis.item.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; tvis.item.iSelectedImage = tvis.item.iImage = img; tvis.item.lParam = (LPARAM)ids; tvis.item.pszText = (TCHAR*)desc.c_str(); tvis.item.state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(selected ? 2 : 1); return m_tree.InsertItem(&tvis); }
void pathToAbsolute(const CMString& pSrc, CMString& pOut) { TCHAR szOutPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *szVarPath = Utils_ReplaceVarsT(pSrc.c_str()); if (szVarPath == (TCHAR*)CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND || szVarPath == NULL) { TCHAR szExpPath[MAX_PATH]; ExpandEnvironmentStrings(pSrc.c_str(), szExpPath, SIZEOF(szExpPath)); PathToAbsoluteT(szExpPath, szOutPath); } else { PathToAbsoluteT(szVarPath, szOutPath); mir_free(szVarPath); } pOut = szOutPath; }
INT_PTR CIrcProto::CallChatEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { GCEVENT * gce = (GCEVENT *)lParam; INT_PTR iVal = 0; // first see if the scripting module should modify or stop this event if ( m_bMbotInstalled && m_scriptingEnabled && gce && gce->time != 0 && (gce->pDest->pszID == NULL || lstrlen(gce->pDest->ptszID) != 0 && lstrcmpi(gce->pDest->ptszID , SERVERWINDOW))) { GCEVENT *gcevent= (GCEVENT*) lParam; GCEVENT *gcetemp = NULL; WPARAM wp = wParam; gcetemp = (GCEVENT *)mir_alloc(sizeof(GCEVENT)); gcetemp->pDest = (GCDEST *)mir_alloc(sizeof(GCDEST)); gcetemp->pDest->iType = gcevent->pDest->iType; gcetemp->dwFlags = gcevent->dwFlags; gcetemp->bIsMe = gcevent->bIsMe; gcetemp->cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gcetemp->dwItemData = gcevent->dwItemData; gcetemp->time = gcevent->time; gcetemp->pDest->ptszID = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->pDest->ptszID ); gcetemp->pDest->pszModule = mir_strdup( gcevent->pDest->pszModule ); gcetemp->ptszText = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->ptszText ); gcetemp->ptszUID = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->ptszUID ); gcetemp->ptszNick = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->ptszNick ); gcetemp->ptszStatus = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->ptszStatus ); gcetemp->ptszUserInfo = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->ptszUserInfo ); if ( Scripting_TriggerMSPGuiIn( &wp, gcetemp ) && gcetemp ) { //MBOT CORRECTIONS //if ( gcetemp && gcetemp->pDest && gcetemp->pDest->ptszID ) { if ( gcetemp && gcetemp->pDest && gcetemp->pDest->ptszID && !my_strstri(gcetemp->pDest->ptszID, (IsConnected()) ? m_info.sNetwork.c_str() : TranslateT("Offline")) ) { CMString sTempId = MakeWndID( gcetemp->pDest->ptszID ); mir_realloc( gcetemp->pDest->ptszID, sizeof(TCHAR)*(sTempId.GetLength() + 1)); lstrcpyn(gcetemp->pDest->ptszID, sTempId.c_str(), sTempId.GetLength()+1); } iVal = CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, wp, (LPARAM) gcetemp); } if ( gcetemp ) { mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pszNick); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pszUID); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pszStatus); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pszUserInfo); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pszText); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pDest->pszID); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pDest->pszModule); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pDest); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp); } return iVal; } return CallServiceSync( MS_GC_EVENT, wParam, ( LPARAM )gce ); }
int CMPolynomial::add_constant_or_expression(CMString& str) { int ret = -1; if (isnumber(str.c_str())) { expression.Add(Constant); expression.Add((int)constants.Count()); constants.Add(_wtof(str.c_str())); } else { expression.Add(Expression); expression.Add((int)expressions.Count()); CMPolynomial* p = new CMPolynomial(str.c_str()); expressions.Add(p); ret = p->GetErrorCode(); } return ret; }
bool GetSmileyFile(CMString& url, const CMString& packstr) { _TPattern *urlsplit = _TPattern::compile(_T(".*/(.*)")); _TMatcher *m0 = urlsplit->createTMatcher(url); m0->findFirstMatch(); CMString filename; filename.AppendFormat(_T("%s\\%s\\"), cachepath, packstr.c_str()); int pathpos = filename.GetLength(); filename += m0->getGroup(1); delete m0; delete urlsplit; bool needext = filename.Find('.') == -1; if (needext) filename += _T(".*"); _tfinddata_t c_file; INT_PTR hFile = _tfindfirst((TCHAR*)filename.c_str(), &c_file); if (hFile > -1) { _findclose(hFile); filename.Truncate(pathpos); filename +=; url = filename; return false; } if (needext) filename.Truncate(filename.GetLength() - 1); WaitForSingleObject(g_hDlMutex, 3000); dlQueue.insert(new QueueElem(url, filename, needext)); ReleaseMutex(g_hDlMutex); if (!threadRunning) { threadRunning = true; mir_forkthread(SmileyDownloadThread, NULL); } url = filename; return false; }
SmileyPackType* SmileyPackListType::GetSmileyPack(CMString& filename) { CMString modpath; pathToAbsolute(filename, modpath); for (int i = 0; i < m_SmileyPacks.getCount(); i++) { CMString modpath1; pathToAbsolute(m_SmileyPacks[i].GetFilename(), modpath1); if (mir_tstrcmpi(modpath.c_str(), modpath1.c_str()) == 0) return &m_SmileyPacks[i]; } return NULL; }
ImageType::ImageType(const unsigned id, const CMString& file, const int index, const IcoTypeEnum type) : ImageBase(id) { m_bmp = NULL; m_pPropertyItem = NULL; m_nCurrentFrame = 0; m_nFrameCount = 0; if (!InitGdiPlus()) return; switch (type) { case icoDll: { const HMODULE hModule = LoadDll(file); if (hModule != NULL) { HICON hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(hModule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(-index), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); m_bmp = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(hIcon); DestroyIcon(hIcon); } } break; case icoFile: m_bmp = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(T2W_SM(file.c_str())); break; default: HICON hIcon = NULL; ExtractIconEx(file.c_str(), index, NULL, &hIcon, 1); m_bmp = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(hIcon); DestroyIcon(hIcon); break; } if (m_bmp->GetLastStatus() != Gdiplus::Ok) { delete m_bmp; m_bmp = NULL; return; } }
INT_PTR UploadVersionInfo(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { CMString buffer; PrintVersionInfo(buffer); VerTrnsfr *trn = (VerTrnsfr*)mir_alloc(sizeof(VerTrnsfr)); trn->buf = mir_utf8encodeT(buffer.c_str()); trn->autot = lParam == 0xa1; mir_forkthread(VersionInfoUploadThread, trn); return 0; }
INT_PTR GetVersionInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int result = 1; //failure if (lParam != NULL) { CMString buffer; PrintVersionInfo(buffer, (unsigned int)wParam); char **retData = (char **)lParam; *retData = mir_utf8encodeT(buffer.c_str()); if (*retData) result = 0; //success } return result; }
IconType::IconType(const unsigned id, const CMString& file, const int index, const IcoTypeEnum type) : ImageBase(id) { m_SmileyIcon = NULL; switch (type) { case icoDll: { const HMODULE hModule = LoadDll(file); if (hModule != NULL) m_SmileyIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(hModule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(-index), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); } break; case icoFile: m_SmileyIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(NULL, file.c_str(), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE); break; default: ExtractIconEx(file.c_str(), index, NULL, &m_SmileyIcon, 1); break; } }
void UnreadThreadNotification(LPCSTR acc, LPCTSTR jid, LPCTSTR url, LPCTSTR unreadCount, const MAIL_THREAD_NOTIFICATION *mtn) { POPUPDATAT data = { 0 }; FormatPseudocontactDisplayName(&data.lptzContactName[0], jid, unreadCount); CMString tszSenders; for (int i = 0; i < SENDER_COUNT; i++) { const SENDER &p = mtn->senders[i]; if (p.addr == NULL) break; if ( tszSenders.AppendFormat(_T(" %s <%s>\n"),, p.addr); else tszSenders.AppendFormat(_T(" %s\n"), p.addr); } if (ReadCheckbox(0, IDC_ADDSNIP, (DWORD)TlsGetValue(itlsSettings))) mir_sntprintf(data.lptzText, TranslateTS(FULL_NOTIFICATION_FORMAT), mtn->subj, tszSenders.c_str(), mtn->snip); else mir_sntprintf(data.lptzText, TranslateTS(SHORT_NOTIFICATION_FORMAT), mtn->subj, tszSenders.c_str()); ShowNotification(acc, &data, jid, url, unreadCount); }
static HMODULE LoadDll(const CMString& file) { WaitForSingleObject(g_hMutexIm, 3000); if (lastdllname != file) { FreeLibrary(lastmodule); lastdllname = file; lastmodule = LoadLibraryEx(file.c_str(), NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); } laststamp = time(NULL); ReleaseMutex(g_hMutexIm); return lastmodule; }
int CMPolynomial::translate_variable_arg(const CMString& str,int& tok,CMString& s) { enum {_t=0,_s,_i,_h,_d,_w,_m,_y}; s = str; int i,len = str.length(); tok = ArrayIndex; for (i=0;i<len && str[i]<=L' ';i++); if (i==len) return XBadIndex; if (str[i] == L'_') { int toktype = -1; if (i+1 >= len) return XBadIndex; switch (str[i+1]) { case L't': case L'T': toktype = _t; break; case L's': case L'S': toktype = _s; break; case L'i': case L'I': toktype = _i; break; case L'h': case L'H': toktype = _h; break; case L'd': case L'D': toktype = _d; break; case L'w': case L'W': toktype = _w; break; case L'm': case L'M': toktype = _m; break; case L'y': case L'Y': toktype = _y; break; } if (toktype>=0) { if (i+2 >= len) return XBadIndex; if (str[i+2]<=L' ' || str[i+2]==L'+' || str[i+2]==L'-') { int j; for (j=i+2;j<len && str[j]<=L' ';j++); if (j>=len || !(str[j]==L'+' || str[j]==L'-')) return XBadIndex; if (str[j] == L'-') tok = Lag + toktype; else tok = Fwd + toktype; s = str.c_str()+(j+1); } } } return -1; }
bool CIrcProto::FreeWindowItemData(CMString window, CHANNELINFO* wis) { CHANNELINFO* wi; if ( !wis ) wi = (CHANNELINFO *)DoEvent(GC_EVENT_GETITEMDATA, window.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0); else wi = wis; if ( wi ) { delete[] wi->pszLimit; delete[]wi->pszMode; delete[]wi->pszPassword; delete[]wi->pszTopic; delete wi; return true; } return false; }
EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(HANDLE) ExtraIcon_RegisterIcolib(const char *name, const char *description, const char *descIcon, MIRANDAHOOKPARAM OnClick, LPARAM onClickParam, int _hLang) { if (IsEmpty(name) || IsEmpty(description)) return 0; ptrT tszDesc(mir_a2t(description)); TCHAR *desc = TranslateTH(_hLang, tszDesc); BaseExtraIcon *extra = GetExtraIconByName(name); if (extra != NULL) { if (extra->getType() != EXTRAICON_TYPE_ICOLIB) return 0; // Found one, now merge it if (mir_tstrcmpi(extra->getDescription(), desc)) { CMString newDesc = extra->getDescription(); newDesc += _T(" / "); newDesc += desc; extra->setDescription(newDesc.c_str()); } if (!IsEmpty(descIcon)) extra->setDescIcon(descIcon); if (OnClick != NULL) extra->setOnClick(OnClick, onClickParam); if (extra->getSlot() > 0) { if (clistRebuildAlreadyCalled) extra->rebuildIcons(); if (clistApplyAlreadyCalled) extraIconsByHandle[extra->getID() - 1]->applyIcons(); } return (HANDLE)extra->getID(); } int id = registeredExtraIcons.getCount() + 1; extra = new IcolibExtraIcon(id, name, desc, descIcon == NULL ? "" : descIcon, OnClick, onClickParam); EI_PostCreate(extra, name, _hLang); return (HANDLE)id; }