void CXTPSyntaxEditPropertiesPageColor::OnDblClickSchema() { int iIndex = m_lboxName.GetCurSel(); if (iIndex == LB_ERR) return; XTP_EDIT_SCHEMAFILEINFO* pSchemaInfo = (XTP_EDIT_SCHEMAFILEINFO*)m_lboxName.GetItemData(iIndex); if (pSchemaInfo == NULL) return; if (!FILEEXISTS_S(pSchemaInfo->csValue)) return; TCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE], szDir[_MAX_DIR], szFileName[_MAX_FNAME], szEx[_MAX_EXT]; SPLITPATH_S(pSchemaInfo->csValue, szDrive, szDir, szFileName, szEx); CString csBuffer; XTPResourceManager()->LoadString( &csBuffer, XTP_IDS_EDIT_OPENSCHEMAMSG); CString csMessage; csMessage.Format(csBuffer, szFileName, szEx); if (AfxMessageBox(csMessage, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { // close the options dialog. CPropertySheet* pWndParent = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CPropertySheet, GetParent()); if (pWndParent) pWndParent->EndDialog(IDCANCEL); // open the document. CWinApp* pWinApp = AfxGetApp(); if (pWinApp) pWinApp->OpenDocumentFile(pSchemaInfo->csValue); } }
// @pymethod |PyCPropertySheet|EndDialog|Closes the dialog, with the specified result. PyObject *ui_propsheet_end_dialog( PyObject *self, PyObject *args ) { CPropertySheet *pPS = pPS=GetPropSheet(self); if (!pPS) return NULL; int result; // @pyparm int|result||The result to be returned by DoModal. if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "i", &result)) return NULL; GUI_BGN_SAVE; pPS->EndDialog(result); GUI_END_SAVE; RETURN_NONE; }