LRESULT CEasyPage1::OnWizardNext() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class // return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext(); CPropertySheet* pSheet = (CPropertySheet*)GetParent(); ASSERT_KINDOF(CPropertySheet, pSheet); // invalid m_nBackupContent m_nBackupContent=-1; UpdateData(TRUE); if( 0 == m_nBackupContent ) { g_EasyBackupInfo.nBackupContent = m_nBackupContent; return ( pSheet->SetActivePage(pSheet->GetPage(2)) ); } else if ( (1 == m_nBackupContent) || (2 == m_nBackupContent) ) { g_EasyBackupInfo.nBackupContent = m_nBackupContent; return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext(); } else { TRACE(L"\nYou do not choose a number."); return -1; } // return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext(); }
LRESULT DrvDeletePage::OnWizardBack() { CPropertySheet* pSheet = (CPropertySheet*)GetParent(); ASSERT_KINDOF(CPropertySheet, pSheet); pSheet->SetActivePage(1); return CPropertyPage::OnWizardBack(); }
/*! * This function loads the active page using the base class persist method. * @sa CResizableState::ReadState * * @param pszName String that identifies stored settings * * @return Returns @a TRUE if successful, @a FALSE otherwise */ BOOL CResizableSheetState::LoadPage(LPCTSTR pszName) { // restore active page, zero (the first) if not found CString data, id; id = CString(pszName) + ACTIVEPAGE_ENT; if (!ReadState(id, data)) return FALSE; int page = _ttoi(data); CPropertySheet* pSheet = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CPropertySheet, GetResizableWnd()); if (pSheet != NULL) return pSheet->SetActivePage(page); return FALSE; }
BOOL ShowApplet(HWND hWnd, LONG_PTR /*lData*/, LPCTSTR pstrCommand) { BOOL bWithFingerMenu = FALSE; CString szPath; CString szProgramFilesFolder; WCHAR szInstallDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(szValue, sizeof(szValue)); if (SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, szValue, CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES, FALSE)) { szProgramFilesFolder.Format(L"%s", szValue); } if (RegistryGetString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\FingerMenu", L"InstallDir", szInstallDir, MAX_PATH) == S_OK) { szPath.Format(L"%s\\FingerMenu.exe", szInstallDir); } else { szPath = szProgramFilesFolder + L"\\FingerMenu\\FingerMenu.exe"; } CFindFile finder; if (finder.FindFile(szPath)) { bWithFingerMenu = TRUE; } dlg1.SetTitle(L"Startup"); dlg1.m_bWithFingerMenu = bWithFingerMenu; if (bWithFingerMenu) { dlg2.SetTitle(L"Menu options"); dlg3.SetTitle(L"Menu exclusions"); dlg7.SetTitle(L"Menu wnd exclusions"); } dlg5.SetTitle(L"Msgbox options"); dlg6.SetTitle(L"Msgbox exclusions"); dlg8.SetTitle(L"Msgbox wnd exclusions"); dlg4.SetTitle(L"Skins"); dlg4.m_bWithFingerMenu = bWithFingerMenu; dlgAbout.SetTitle(L"About"); // about box CString strCredits = "\n\n" "\tFingerMenu v1.12\n\n" "\tFingerMsgBox v1.01\n\n" "\rdeveloped by:\n" "Francesco Carlucci\n" "<*****@*****.**>\n" "\n\n" "\n" " showthread.php?t=459125\n"; dlgAbout.SetCredits(strCredits); CPropertySheet sheet; sheet.AddPage(dlg1); if (bWithFingerMenu) { sheet.AddPage(dlg2); sheet.AddPage(dlg3); sheet.AddPage(dlg7); } sheet.AddPage(dlg5); sheet.AddPage(dlg6); sheet.AddPage(dlg8); sheet.AddPage(dlg4); sheet.AddPage(dlgAbout); sheet.SetActivePage(_ttol(pstrCommand)); if (IDOK == sheet.DoModal(hWnd)) { ReloadConfiguration(); } return TRUE; }
/** * check dialog data. * * @param - * @return dialog data correct? * @exception - * @see - */ BOOL CPropPageTargetGeneral::CheckDialogData() { m_tResourceCombo.GetWindowText(m_strResource); // if name changed, check it if(m_bNameChanged) { // check name: it should be a valid IEC identifier HRESULT hr; enum E_IEC_IDENTIFIER_ERROR error; CComBSTR sName(m_strName); hr = m_pProjInfo->CheckIECIdentifier(sName, &error); if (hr!=S_OK) { CPropertySheet* pPropSheet = dynamic_cast<CPropertySheet*>(GetParent()); if(pPropSheet) { pPropSheet->SetActivePage(this); } // goto name edit CWnd* pTmp = GetDlgItem(IDC_PROPGEN_NAME); if(pTmp) { GotoDlgCtrl(pTmp); } if (error==IDENTIFIER_SYNTAX_ERROR) { CString errorMsg; errorMsg.FormatMessage(IDS_ERROR_IDENTIFIER_SYNTAX_ERROR, m_strName); ::AfxMessageBox(errorMsg, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } else if (error==IDENTIFIER_IS_KEYWORD) { CString errorMsg; errorMsg.FormatMessage(IDS_ERROR_IDENTIFIER_IS_KEYWORD, m_strName); ::AfxMessageBox(errorMsg, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } else if (error==IDENTIFIER_TOO_LONG) { CString errorMsg; errorMsg.FormatMessage(IDS_ERROR_IDENTIFIER_TOO_LONG, m_strName); ::AfxMessageBox(errorMsg, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } else { CString errorMsg; errorMsg.FormatMessage(IDS_ERROR_IDENTIFIER, m_strName); ::AfxMessageBox(errorMsg, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }