コード例 #1
int main( int argc, char* argv[])
	const char* pDevSerial = "BF*";

	cout << "\n ++ Start PowerDownTest sample: " << __DATE__ << "/" << __TIME__ << endl;

	if( argc > 1 )
		pDevSerial = argv[1];

	unsigned int uiDevCount = 0;
	DeviceManager DevMgr;
	if( ( uiDevCount = DevMgr.deviceCount() ) == 0 )
		cout << "*** Error: No MATRIX VISION device found! Unable to continue!" << endl;
		return 0;

	cout << "Have found " << uiDevCount << " devices on this platform!" << endl;

	for( unsigned i=0; i<uiDevCount; i++ )
		Device* pDevTmp = DevMgr.getDevice( i );
		cout << " " << i << " Serial: " << pDevTmp->serial.read() << endl;

	cout << "Initialising the device: "<< pDevSerial << ". This might take some time..." << endl;
	// create an interface to the first MATRIX VISION device with the serila number pDevSerial
	Device* pDev = DevMgr.getDeviceBySerial( pDevSerial );

	catch( ImpactAcquireException& e )
		// this e.g. might happen if the same device is already opened in another process...
		cout << "*** Error: An error occurred while opening the device(error code: " << e.getErrorCode() << ")." << endl;
		return 0;

	FunctionInterface fi( pDev );

	// only 8Bit/pixel destination image are supported by the \c writeFile() function
	ImageDestination imgDst( pDev );
	imgDst.pixelFormat.write( idpfMono8 );

	// get mvBF system settings
	SystemBlueFOX sbf( pDev );

	bool bPowerDown = false;
		cout << "Ready to snap. Press 'p'<return> to power down, 'q'<return> to quit or <return> to snap an image.." << endl;
		char ch = getchar();

		if( ch == 'p' )
		{	// for mvBlueFOX only: test power down / up
			cout << "Power off!" << endl;
			sbf.powerMode.write( dpmOff );
			bPowerDown = true;
			// read and discard the <return> 
		else if( ch == 'q' )
		{	// break out of loop to finish application
			// read and discard the <return> 
		{	// snap
			if( bPowerDown )
			{	// first we need to power up again
				CTime timer1;
				sbf.powerMode.write( dpmOn );
				bPowerDown = false;
				cout << "Power On!" << ". Power On took " << timer1.elapsed() << "s., " << endl;

			CTime timer;

			// send a request to the default request queue of the device and wait for the result.
			const int iMaxWaitTime_ms = 5000;

			// wait for results from the default capture queue
			int iRequestNr = fi.imageRequestWaitFor( iMaxWaitTime_ms );

			cout << "Request Nr.: " << iRequestNr << ". Snap took " << timer.elapsed() << "s., " << endl;
			// check if the image has been captured without any problems
			if( !fi.isRequestNrValid( iRequestNr ) )
				// this can not happen in this sample, but may happen if you wait for a request without
				// sending one to the driver before
				cout << "*** Error: No request has been sent to the driver." << endl;
				// unlock the buffer to let the driver know that you no longer need this buffer
				fi.imageRequestUnlock( iRequestNr );
				// free resources
				fi.imageRequestReset( 0, 0 );
				return 0;

			const Request* psRequest = fi.getRequest(iRequestNr);
			if( !fi.isRequestOK( psRequest ) )
				cout << "*** " << psRequest->requestResult << endl;
				// unlock the buffer to let the driver know that you no longer need this buffer
				fi.imageRequestUnlock( iRequestNr );
				// free resources
				fi.imageRequestReset( 0, 0 );
				return 0;

			// Everything went well. Save the result
			const char* pImageName = "SingCapt.pgm";
			cout << "Will save the file as:  " << pImageName << endl;
			if( writeFile( (const unsigned char*)psRequest->imageData.read(), psRequest->imageWidth.read(), psRequest->imageHeight.read(),
						psRequest->imageLinePitch.read(), psRequest->imagePixelPitch.read(), pImageName ) < 0 )
				cout << "*** Error: File: "<< pImageName << " could not be saved!!" << endl;

			// unlock the buffer to let the driver know that you no longer need this buffer
			fi.imageRequestUnlock( iRequestNr );
		} // snap

	} while( true );

	// free resources
	fi.imageRequestReset( 0, 0 );


	return 0;