コード例 #1
ファイル: CMapManager.cpp プロジェクト: EagleShen/MTA
void CMapManager::DoVehicleRespawning ( void )
    // TODO: needs speeding up (no good looping through thousands of vehicles each frame)

    CVehicleSpawnPacket VehicleSpawnPacket;
    CVehicle* pVehicle = NULL;

    // Grab the current time
    unsigned long ulTime = GetTime ();

    bool bRespawn, bExploded;
    unsigned long ulBlowTime, ulIdleTime;
    // Loop through all the vehicles
    list < CVehicle* > ::const_iterator iter = m_pVehicleManager->IterBegin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_pVehicleManager->IterEnd (); iter++ )
        pVehicle = *iter;
        bRespawn = false, bExploded = false;

        // It's been set to respawn
        if ( pVehicle->GetRespawnEnabled () )
            // Did we get deserted?
            bool bDeserted = ( !pVehicle->GetFirstOccupant () );

            // Grab when it blew and when it was last not touched
            ulBlowTime = pVehicle->GetBlowTime ();
            ulIdleTime = pVehicle->GetIdleTime ();

            // Been blown long enough?
            if ( ulBlowTime != 0 && ulTime >= ( ulBlowTime + pVehicle->GetRespawnTime () ) )
                bRespawn = true;
                bExploded = true;

            // Been deserted long enough?
            else if ( bDeserted && ulIdleTime != 0 &&
                      ulTime >= ( ulIdleTime + pVehicle->GetIdleRespawnTime () ) )
                bRespawn = true;

        // Need to respawn?
        if ( bRespawn )
            // Respawn it and add it to the packet
            pVehicle->Respawn ();
            VehicleSpawnPacket.Add ( pVehicle );

            // Call the respawn event
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            Arguments.PushBoolean ( bExploded );
            pVehicle->CallEvent ( "onVehicleRespawn", Arguments );

    // Send it
    m_pPlayerManager->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( VehicleSpawnPacket );
コード例 #2
bool CVehiclePuresyncPacket::Read ( NetBitStreamInterface& BitStream )
    // Got a player to read?
    if ( m_pSourceElement )
        CPlayer * pSourcePlayer = static_cast < CPlayer * > ( m_pSourceElement );

        // Player is in a vehicle?
        CVehicle* pVehicle = pSourcePlayer->GetOccupiedVehicle ();
        if ( pVehicle )
            // Read out the time context
            unsigned char ucTimeContext = 0;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( ucTimeContext ) )
                return false;

            // Only read this packet if it matches the current time context that
            // player is in.
            if ( !pSourcePlayer->CanUpdateSync ( ucTimeContext ) )
                return false;

            // Read out the keysync data
            CControllerState ControllerState;
            if ( !ReadFullKeysync ( ControllerState, BitStream ) )
                return false;

            // Read out its position
            SPositionSync position ( false );
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &position ) )
                return false;
            pSourcePlayer->SetPosition ( position.data.vecPosition );

            // Jax: don't allow any outdated packets through
            unsigned char ucSeat;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( ucSeat ) )
                return false;
            if ( ucSeat != pSourcePlayer->GetOccupiedVehicleSeat () )
                // Mis-matching seats can happen when we warp into a different one,
                // which will screw up the whole packet
                return false;

            // Read out the vehicle matrix only if he's the driver
            unsigned int uiSeat = pSourcePlayer->GetOccupiedVehicleSeat ();
            if ( uiSeat == 0 )
                // Read out the vehicle rotation in degrees
                SRotationDegreesSync rotation;
                if( !BitStream.Read ( &rotation ) )
                    return false;

                // Set it
                pVehicle->SetPosition ( position.data.vecPosition );
                pVehicle->SetRotationDegrees ( rotation.data.vecRotation );

                // Move speed vector
                SVelocitySync velocity;
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( &velocity ) )
                    return false;

                pVehicle->SetVelocity ( velocity.data.vecVelocity );
                pSourcePlayer->SetVelocity ( velocity.data.vecVelocity );

                // Turn speed vector
                SVelocitySync turnSpeed;
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( &turnSpeed ) )
                    return false;

                pVehicle->SetTurnSpeed ( turnSpeed.data.vecVelocity );

                // Health
                SVehicleHealthSync health;
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( &health ) )
                    return false;
                float fPreviousHealth = pVehicle->GetHealth ();                
                float fHealth = health.data.fValue;

                // Less than last time?
                if ( fHealth < fPreviousHealth )
                    // Grab the delta health
                    float fDeltaHealth = fPreviousHealth - fHealth;

					if ( fDeltaHealth > 0.0f )
						// Call the onVehicleDamage event
						CLuaArguments Arguments;
						Arguments.PushNumber ( fDeltaHealth );
						pVehicle->CallEvent ( "onVehicleDamage", Arguments );
                pVehicle->SetHealth ( fHealth );

                // Trailer chain
                CVehicle* pTowedByVehicle = pVehicle;
                CVehicle* pTrailer = NULL;
                ElementID TrailerID;
                bool bHasTrailer;
                if ( !BitStream.ReadBit ( bHasTrailer ) )
                    return false;

                while ( bHasTrailer )
                    BitStream.ReadCompressed ( TrailerID );
                    CElement* pElement = CElementIDs::GetElement ( TrailerID );
                    if ( pElement )
                        pTrailer = static_cast < CVehicle* > ( pElement );
                    // Read out the trailer position and rotation
                    SPositionSync trailerPosition ( false );
                    if ( !BitStream.Read ( &trailerPosition ) )
                        return false;

                    SRotationDegreesSync trailerRotation;
                    if ( !BitStream.Read ( &trailerRotation ) )
                        return false;

                    // If we found the trailer
                    if ( pTrailer )
                        // Set its position and rotation
                        pTrailer->SetPosition ( trailerPosition.data.vecPosition );
                        pTrailer->SetRotationDegrees ( trailerRotation.data.vecRotation );
                        // Is this a new trailer, attached?
                        CVehicle* pCurrentTrailer = pTowedByVehicle->GetTowedVehicle ();
                        if ( pCurrentTrailer != pTrailer )
                            // If theres a trailer already attached
                            if ( pCurrentTrailer )
                                pTowedByVehicle->SetTowedVehicle ( NULL );
                                pCurrentTrailer->SetTowedByVehicle ( NULL );

                                // Tell everyone to detach them
                                CVehicleTrailerPacket AttachPacket ( pTowedByVehicle, pCurrentTrailer, false );
                                g_pGame->GetPlayerManager ()->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( AttachPacket );

                                // Execute the attach trailer script function
                                CLuaArguments Arguments;
                                Arguments.PushElement ( pTowedByVehicle );
                                pCurrentTrailer->CallEvent ( "onTrailerDetach", Arguments );

                            // If something else is towing this trailer
                            CVehicle* pCurrentVehicle = pTrailer->GetTowedByVehicle ();
                            if ( pCurrentVehicle )
                                pCurrentVehicle->SetTowedVehicle ( NULL );
                                pTrailer->SetTowedByVehicle ( NULL );

                                // Tell everyone to detach them
                                CVehicleTrailerPacket AttachPacket ( pCurrentVehicle, pTrailer, false );
                                g_pGame->GetPlayerManager ()->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( AttachPacket );

                                // Execute the attach trailer script function
                                CLuaArguments Arguments;
                                Arguments.PushElement ( pCurrentVehicle );
                                pTrailer->CallEvent ( "onTrailerDetach", Arguments );

                            pTowedByVehicle->SetTowedVehicle ( pTrailer );
                            pTrailer->SetTowedByVehicle ( pTowedByVehicle );

                            // Execute the attach trailer script function
                            CLuaArguments Arguments;
                            Arguments.PushElement ( pTowedByVehicle );
                            bool bContinue = pTrailer->CallEvent ( "onTrailerAttach", Arguments );

                            // Attach or detach trailers depending on the event outcome
                            CVehicleTrailerPacket TrailerPacket ( pTowedByVehicle, pTrailer, bContinue );
                            g_pGame->GetPlayerManager ()->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( TrailerPacket );

                    pTowedByVehicle = pTrailer;

                    if ( BitStream.ReadBit ( bHasTrailer ) == false )
                        return false;

                // If there was a trailer before
                CVehicle* pCurrentTrailer = pTowedByVehicle->GetTowedVehicle ();
                if ( pCurrentTrailer )
                    pTowedByVehicle->SetTowedVehicle ( NULL );
                    pCurrentTrailer->SetTowedByVehicle ( NULL );

                    // Tell everyone else to detach them
                    CVehicleTrailerPacket AttachPacket ( pTowedByVehicle, pCurrentTrailer, false );
                    g_pGame->GetPlayerManager ()->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( AttachPacket );

                    // Execute the detach trailer script function
                    CLuaArguments Arguments;
                    Arguments.PushElement ( pTowedByVehicle );
                    pCurrentTrailer->CallEvent ( "onTrailerDetach", Arguments );                    

            // Player health
            SPlayerHealthSync health;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &health ) )
                return false;
            float fHealth = health.data.fValue;

            float fOldHealth = pSourcePlayer->GetHealth ();
			float fHealthLoss = fOldHealth - fHealth;

            // Less than last packet's frame?
            if ( fHealth < fOldHealth && fHealthLoss > 0 )
                // Call the onPlayerDamage event
                CLuaArguments Arguments;
                Arguments.PushNil ();
                Arguments.PushNumber ( false );
                Arguments.PushNumber ( false );
                Arguments.PushNumber ( fHealthLoss );
                pSourcePlayer->CallEvent ( "onPlayerDamage", Arguments );
            pSourcePlayer->SetHealth ( fHealth );

			// Armor
            SPlayerArmorSync armor;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &armor ) )
                return false;
            float fArmor = armor.data.fValue;

			float fOldArmor = pSourcePlayer->GetArmor ();
			float fArmorLoss = fOldArmor - fArmor;

			// Less than last packet's frame?
			if ( fArmor < fOldArmor && fArmorLoss > 0 )
				// Call the onPlayerDamage event
				CLuaArguments Arguments;
                Arguments.PushNil ();
                Arguments.PushNumber ( false );
                Arguments.PushNumber ( false );
				Arguments.PushNumber ( fArmorLoss );

				pSourcePlayer->CallEvent ( "onPlayerDamage", Arguments );					
            pSourcePlayer->SetArmor ( fArmor );

            // Flags
            SVehiclePuresyncFlags flags;
            if ( !BitStream.Read ( &flags ) )
                return false;

            pSourcePlayer->SetWearingGoggles ( flags.data.bIsWearingGoggles );
            pSourcePlayer->SetDoingGangDriveby ( flags.data.bIsDoingGangDriveby );            

            // Weapon sync
            if ( flags.data.bHasAWeapon )
                SWeaponSlotSync slot;
                if ( !BitStream.Read ( &slot ) )
                    return false;

                pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponSlot ( slot.data.uiSlot );

                if ( flags.data.bIsDoingGangDriveby && CWeaponNames::DoesSlotHaveAmmo ( slot.data.uiSlot ) )
                    // Read the ammo states
                    SWeaponAmmoSync ammo ( pSourcePlayer->GetWeaponType (), false, true );
                    if ( !BitStream.Read ( &ammo ) )
                        return false;
                    pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponAmmoInClip ( ammo.data.usAmmoInClip );

                    // Read aim data
                    SWeaponAimSync aim ( pSourcePlayer->GetWeaponRange (), true );
                    if ( !BitStream.Read ( &aim ) )
                        return false;
                    pSourcePlayer->SetAimDirection ( aim.data.fArm );
                    pSourcePlayer->SetSniperSourceVector ( aim.data.vecOrigin );
                    pSourcePlayer->SetTargettingVector ( aim.data.vecTarget );

                    // Read the driveby direction
                    SDrivebyDirectionSync driveby;
                    if ( !BitStream.Read ( &driveby ) )
                        return false;
                    pSourcePlayer->SetDriveByDirection ( driveby.data.ucDirection );
                pSourcePlayer->SetWeaponSlot ( 0 );

            // Vehicle specific data if he's the driver
            if ( uiSeat == 0 )
                ReadVehicleSpecific ( pVehicle, BitStream );

                // Set vehicle specific stuff if he's the driver
                pVehicle->SetSirenActive ( flags.data.bIsSirenOrAlarmActive );
                pVehicle->SetSmokeTrailEnabled ( flags.data.bIsSmokeTrailEnabled );
                pVehicle->SetLandingGearDown ( flags.data.bIsLandingGearDown );
                pVehicle->SetOnGround ( flags.data.bIsOnGround );
                pVehicle->SetInWater ( flags.data.bIsInWater );
                pVehicle->SetDerailed ( flags.data.bIsDerailed );
                pVehicle->SetHeliSearchLightVisible ( flags.data.bIsHeliSearchLightVisible );

            // Read the vehicle_look_left and vehicle_look_right control states
            // if it's an aircraft.
            if ( flags.data.bIsAircraft )
                ControllerState.LeftShoulder2 = BitStream.ReadBit () * 255;
                ControllerState.RightShoulder2 = BitStream.ReadBit () * 255;

            pSourcePlayer->GetPad ()->NewControllerState ( ControllerState );

            // Success
            return true;

    return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CMapManager.cpp プロジェクト: AdiBoy/mtasa-blue
void CMapManager::DoVehicleRespawning ( void )
    CVehicleSpawnPacket VehicleSpawnPacket;

    // Loop through all vehicles with respawn enabled
    list < CVehicle* >& respawnEnabledList = m_pVehicleManager->GetRespawnEnabledVehicles ( );

    list < CVehicle* > ::const_iterator iter = respawnEnabledList.begin ( );
    for ( ; iter != respawnEnabledList.end ( ); ++iter )
        CVehicle* pVehicle = *iter;

        // No need to respawn vehicles if they're being deleted anyway
        if ( pVehicle->IsBeingDeleted ( ) )

        // Did we get deserted?
        bool bDeserted = ( !pVehicle->GetFirstOccupant ( ) );
        bool bRespawn = false;
        bool bExploded = false;

        if ( bDeserted )
            // If moved, or idle timer not running, restart idle timer
            if ( !pVehicle->IsStationary ( ) || !pVehicle->IsIdleTimerRunning ( ) )
                pVehicle->RestartIdleTimer ( );
            // Stop idle timer if car is occupied
            pVehicle->StopIdleTimer ( );

        // Been blown long enough?
        if ( pVehicle->IsBlowTimerFinished ( ) )
            bRespawn = true;
            bExploded = true;

        // Been deserted long enough?
        else if ( bDeserted && pVehicle->IsIdleTimerFinished ( ) )
            // Check is far enough away from respawn point (Ignore first 20 units on z)
            CVector vecDif = pVehicle->GetRespawnPosition ( ) - pVehicle->GetPosition ( );
            vecDif.fZ = Max ( 0.f, fabsf ( vecDif.fZ ) - 20.f );
            if ( vecDif.LengthSquared ( ) > 2 * 2 )
                bRespawn = true;
            pVehicle->StopIdleTimer ( );

        // Need to respawn?
        if ( bRespawn )
            // Respawn it and add it to the packet
            pVehicle->Respawn ( );
            VehicleSpawnPacket.Add ( pVehicle );

            // Call the respawn event
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            Arguments.PushBoolean ( bExploded );
            pVehicle->CallEvent ( "onVehicleRespawn", Arguments );

    // Send it
    m_pPlayerManager->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( VehicleSpawnPacket );