コード例 #1
void CSDKMapOverview::DrawCamera()
	C_BasePlayer *localPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	if (!localPlayer)

	if( localPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING )
		// Instead of the programmer-art red dot, we'll draw an icon for when our camera is roaming.
		int alpha = 255;
		DrawIconSDK(m_cameraIconFree, m_cameraIconFree, localPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), m_flIconSize * 3.0f, localPlayer->EyeAngles()[YAW], alpha);
	else if( localPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE )
		if( localPlayer->GetObserverTarget() )
			// Fade it if it is on top of a player dot.  And don't rotate it.
			int alpha = 255 * 0.5f;
			DrawIconSDK(m_cameraIconFirst, m_cameraIconFirst, localPlayer->GetObserverTarget()->GetAbsOrigin(), m_flIconSize * 1.5f, GetViewAngle(), alpha);
	else if( localPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_CHASE )
		if( localPlayer->GetObserverTarget() )
			// Or Draw the third-camera a little bigger. (Needs room to be off the dot being followed)
			int alpha = 255;
			DrawIconSDK(m_cameraIconThird, m_cameraIconThird, localPlayer->GetObserverTarget()->GetAbsOrigin(), m_flIconSize * 3.0f, localPlayer->EyeAngles()[YAW], alpha);
コード例 #2
C_BasePlayer * C_GameInstructor::GetLocalPlayer()
	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	// If we're not a developer, don't do the special spectator hook ups
	if ( !developer.GetBool() )
		return pLocalPlayer;
	// If there is no local player and we're not spectating, just return that
	if ( !pLocalPlayer || pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
		return pLocalPlayer;
	// We're purely a spectator let's get lessons of the person we're spectating
	C_BasePlayer *pSpectatedPlayer = NULL;
	if ( pLocalPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE || pLocalPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_CHASE )
		pSpectatedPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget() );
	if ( m_hLastSpectatedPlayer != pSpectatedPlayer )
		// We're spectating someone new! Close all the stale lessons!
		m_bSpectatedPlayerChanged = true;
		m_hLastSpectatedPlayer = pSpectatedPlayer;
	return pSpectatedPlayer;
コード例 #3
ファイル: hud_crosshair.cpp プロジェクト: paralin/hl2sdk
// Purpose: Save CPU cycles by letting the HUD system early cull
// costly traversal.  Called per frame, return true if thinking and 
// painting need to occur.
bool CHudCrosshair::ShouldDraw( void )
	bool bNeedsDraw;

	C_BasePlayer* pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )
		return false;

	// draw a crosshair only if alive or spectating in eye
	if ( IsXbox() )
		bNeedsDraw = m_pCrosshair && 
			!engine->IsDrawingLoadingImage() &&
			!engine->IsPaused() && 
			!pPlayer->IsSuitEquipped() &&
			g_pClientMode->ShouldDrawCrosshair() &&
			!( pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN ) &&
			( pPlayer->entindex() == render->GetViewEntity() ) &&
			( pPlayer->IsAlive() ||	( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) || ( cl_observercrosshair.GetBool() && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING ) );
		bNeedsDraw = m_pCrosshair && 
			crosshair.GetInt() &&
			!engine->IsDrawingLoadingImage() &&
			!engine->IsPaused() && 
			g_pClientMode->ShouldDrawCrosshair() &&
			!( pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN ) &&
			( pPlayer->entindex() == render->GetViewEntity() ) &&
			( pPlayer->IsAlive() ||	( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) || ( cl_observercrosshair.GetBool() && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING ) );

	return ( bNeedsDraw && CHudElement::ShouldDraw() );
コード例 #4
// Purpose: Save CPU cycles by letting the HUD system early cull
// costly traversal.  Called per frame, return true if thinking and 
// painting need to occur.
bool CHudCrosshair::ShouldDraw( void )
	bool bNeedsDraw;

	if ( m_bHideCrosshair )
		return false;

	C_BasePlayer* pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )
		return false;

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon();
	if ( pWeapon && !pWeapon->ShouldDrawCrosshair() )
		return false;

#ifdef PORTAL
	C_Portal_Player *portalPlayer = ToPortalPlayer(pPlayer);
	if ( portalPlayer && portalPlayer->IsSuppressingCrosshair() )
		return false;
#endif // PORTAL

	/* disabled to avoid assuming it's an HL2 player.
	// suppress crosshair in zoom.
	if ( pPlayer->m_HL2Local.m_bZooming )
		return false;

	// draw a crosshair only if alive or spectating in eye
	if ( IsX360() )
		bNeedsDraw = m_pCrosshair && 
			!engine->IsDrawingLoadingImage() &&
			!engine->IsPaused() && 
			( !pPlayer->IsSuitEquipped() || g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() ) &&
			g_pClientMode->ShouldDrawCrosshair() &&
			!( pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN ) &&
			( pPlayer->entindex() == render->GetViewEntity() ) &&
			( pPlayer->IsAlive() ||	( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) || ( cl_observercrosshair.GetBool() && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING ) );
		bNeedsDraw = m_pCrosshair && 
			crosshair.GetInt() &&
			!engine->IsDrawingLoadingImage() &&
			!engine->IsPaused() && 
			g_pClientMode->ShouldDrawCrosshair() &&
			!( pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN ) &&
			( pPlayer->entindex() == render->GetViewEntity() ) &&
			!pPlayer->IsInVGuiInputMode() &&
			( pPlayer->IsAlive() ||	( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) || ( cl_observercrosshair.GetBool() && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING ) );

	return ( bNeedsDraw && CHudElement::ShouldDraw() );
コード例 #5
// Purpose: A basic version (doesn't taken into account the "holding after
// screenshot" bit like TF does, but is good enough for hud_freezecamhide.
static bool IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot()
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	bool bInFreezeCam = ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM );

	return ( bInFreezeCam && engine->IsTakingScreenshot() );
コード例 #6
// Purpose: Render the weapon. Draw the Viewmodel if the weapon's being carried
//			by this player, otherwise draw the worldmodel.
int C_BaseCombatWeapon::DrawModel( int flags )
	if ( !m_bReadyToDraw )
		return 0;

	if ( !IsVisible() )
		return 0;

	// check if local player chases owner of this weapon in first person
	C_BasePlayer *localplayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	if ( localplayer && localplayer->IsObserver() && GetOwner() )
		// don't draw weapon if chasing this guy as spectator
		// we don't check that in ShouldDraw() since this may change
		// without notification 
		if ( localplayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE &&
			 localplayer->GetObserverTarget() == GetOwner() ) 
			return false;

	return BaseClass::DrawModel( flags );
コード例 #7
void CSDKSpectatorGUI::Update()
	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	if( pLocalPlayer )
		m_nLastSpecMode = pLocalPlayer->GetObserverMode();
		m_nLastSpecTarget = pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget();

	m_nLastPhaseID = ClassicGameRules()->GetCurrentPhaseID ();
	if (m_nLastPhaseID == PHASE_BUILD)
		wcscpy (m_PhaseText, L"Build Phase");
	else if (m_nLastPhaseID == PHASE_COMBAT)
		wcscpy (m_PhaseText, L"Combat Phase");



	if ( pLocalPlayer )
コード例 #8
// Purpose: Save CPU cycles by letting the HUD system early cull
// costly traversal.  Called per frame, return true if thinking and 
// painting need to occur.
bool CDAHudCrosshair::ShouldDraw( void )
	// OnThink isn't called when the thing isn't visible so force it to update.

	bool bNeedsDraw;

	if ( m_bHideCrosshair )
		return false;

	C_BasePlayer* pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )
		return false;

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon();
	if ( pWeapon && !pWeapon->ShouldDrawCrosshair() )
		return false;

	ConVarRef cl_observercrosshair("cl_observercrosshair");

	// draw a crosshair only if alive or spectating in eye
	if ( IsX360() )
		bNeedsDraw = m_pCrosshair && 
			!engine->IsDrawingLoadingImage() &&
			!engine->IsPaused() && 
			( !pPlayer->IsSuitEquipped() || g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() ) &&
			g_pClientMode->ShouldDrawCrosshair() &&
			!( pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN ) &&
			( pPlayer->entindex() == render->GetViewEntity() ) &&
			( pPlayer->IsAlive() ||	( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) || ( cl_observercrosshair.GetBool() && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING ) );
		bNeedsDraw = m_pCrosshair && 
			da_crosshair.GetInt() &&
			!engine->IsDrawingLoadingImage() &&
			!engine->IsPaused() && 
			g_pClientMode->ShouldDrawCrosshair() &&
			!( pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN ) &&
			( pPlayer->entindex() == render->GetViewEntity() ) &&
			!pPlayer->IsInVGuiInputMode() &&
			( pPlayer->IsAlive() ||	( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) || ( cl_observercrosshair.GetBool() && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING ) );

	return ( bNeedsDraw && CHudElement::ShouldDraw() );
コード例 #9
ファイル: cdll_util.cpp プロジェクト: Bubbasacs/FinalProj
int GetSpectatorMode( void )
	C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	if ( player )
		return player->GetObserverMode();
		return OBS_MODE_NONE;	// game not started yet
コード例 #10
// Purpose: 
void CTFHudObjectiveStatus::Think()
	if ( !TeamplayRoundBasedRules() )


	// check for an active timer and turn the time panel on or off if we need to
	if ( m_pTimePanel )
		// Don't draw in freezecam, or when the game's not running
		C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
		bool bDisplayTimer = !( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM );
		if ( bDisplayTimer )
			// is the time panel still pointing at an active timer?
			int iCurrentTimer = m_pTimePanel->GetTimerIndex();
			CTeamRoundTimer *pTimer = dynamic_cast< CTeamRoundTimer* >( ClientEntityList().GetEnt( iCurrentTimer ) );

			if ( pTimer && !pTimer->IsDormant() && !pTimer->IsDisabled() && pTimer->ShowInHud() )
				// the current timer is fine, make sure the panel is visible
				bDisplayTimer = true;
			else if ( ObjectiveResource() )
				// check for a different timer
				int iActiveTimer = ObjectiveResource()->GetTimerToShowInHUD();

				pTimer = dynamic_cast< CTeamRoundTimer* >( ClientEntityList().GetEnt( iActiveTimer ) );
				bDisplayTimer = ( iActiveTimer != 0 && pTimer && !pTimer->IsDormant() && pTimer->ShowInHud() );

				if ( bDisplayTimer )
					m_pTimePanel->SetTimerIndex( iActiveTimer );

		if ( bDisplayTimer )
			if ( !m_pTimePanel->IsVisible() )
				m_pTimePanel->SetVisible( true );

				// If our spectator GUI is visible, invalidate its layout so that it moves the reinforcement label
				if ( g_pSpectatorGUI )
		else if ( m_pTimePanel->IsVisible() )
			m_pTimePanel->SetVisible( false );
コード例 #11
ファイル: hltvcamera.cpp プロジェクト: Au-heppa/swarm-sdk
int C_HLTVCamera::GetMode()
	if ( m_iCameraMan > 0 )
		C_BasePlayer *pCameraMan = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( m_iCameraMan );

		if ( pCameraMan )
			return pCameraMan->GetObserverMode();

	return m_nCameraMode;	
コード例 #12
void CHL2MPSpectatorGUI::Update()

	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	if( pLocalPlayer )
		m_nLastSpecMode = pLocalPlayer->GetObserverMode();
		m_nLastSpecTarget = pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget();
コード例 #13
bool IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot( void )
	// Don't draw in freezecam, or when the game's not running
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	bool bInFreezeCam = ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM );

	if ( bInFreezeCam == true && engine->IsTakingScreenshot() )
		return true;

	CTFFreezePanel *pPanel = GET_HUDELEMENT( CTFFreezePanel );
	if ( pPanel )
		if ( pPanel->IsHoldingAfterScreenShot() )
			return true;

	return false;
コード例 #14
void CSDKSpectatorGUI::Update()
	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	if( pLocalPlayer )
		m_nLastSpecMode = pLocalPlayer->GetObserverMode();
		m_nLastSpecTarget = pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget();



	if ( pLocalPlayer )

コード例 #15
// Hooks into the fast path render system
IClientModelRenderable*	C_BaseCombatWeapon::GetClientModelRenderable()
	if ( !m_bReadyToDraw )
		return 0;

	// check if local player chases owner of this weapon in first person
	C_BasePlayer *localplayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( localplayer && localplayer->IsObserver() && GetOwner() )
		// don't draw weapon if chasing this guy as spectator
		// we don't check that in ShouldDraw() since this may change
		// without notification 
		if ( localplayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE &&
			localplayer->GetObserverTarget() == GetOwner() ) 
			return NULL;

	if ( !BaseClass::GetClientModelRenderable() )
		return NULL;

	return this;
コード例 #16
ファイル: view.cpp プロジェクト: EspyEspurr/game
// Purpose: Render current view into specified rectangle
// Input  : *rect - is computed by CVideoMode_Common::GetClientViewRect()
void CViewRender::Render( vrect_t *rect )
	Assert(s_DbgSetupOrigin == m_View.origin);
	Assert(s_DbgSetupAngles == m_View.angles);

	VPROF_BUDGET( "CViewRender::Render", "CViewRender::Render" );

	vrect_t vr = *rect;

	// Stub out the material system if necessary.
	CMatStubHandler matStub;

	// Assume normal vis
	m_bForceNoVis			= false;
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

    // Set for console commands, etc.
    render->SetMainView ( m_View.origin, m_View.angles );

    for( StereoEye_t eEye = GetFirstEye(); eEye <= GetLastEye(); eEye = (StereoEye_t)(eEye+1) )
		CViewSetup &view = GetView( eEye );

		#if 0 && defined( CSTRIKE_DLL )
			const bool bPlayingBackReplay = g_pEngineClientReplay && g_pEngineClientReplay->IsPlayingReplayDemo();
			if ( pPlayer && !bPlayingBackReplay )
				C_BasePlayer *pViewTarget = pPlayer;

				if ( pPlayer->IsObserver() && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE )
					pViewTarget = dynamic_cast<C_BasePlayer*>( pPlayer->GetObserverTarget() );

				if ( pViewTarget )
					float targetFOV = (float)pViewTarget->m_iFOV;

					if ( targetFOV == 0 )
						// FOV of 0 means use the default FOV
						targetFOV = g_pGameRules->DefaultFOV();

					float deltaFOV = view.fov - m_flLastFOV;
					float FOVDirection = targetFOV - pViewTarget->m_iFOVStart;

					// Clamp FOV changes to stop FOV oscillation
					if ( ( deltaFOV < 0.0f && FOVDirection > 0.0f ) ||
						( deltaFOV > 0.0f && FOVDirection < 0.0f ) )
						view.fov = m_flLastFOV;

					// Catch case where FOV overshoots its target FOV
					if ( ( view.fov < targetFOV && FOVDirection <= 0.0f ) ||
						( view.fov > targetFOV && FOVDirection >= 0.0f ) )
						view.fov = targetFOV;

					m_flLastFOV = view.fov;

	    static ConVarRef sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov( "sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov" );
	    float aspectRatio = engine->GetScreenAspectRatio() * 0.75f;	 // / (4/3)
	    float limitedAspectRatio = aspectRatio;
	    if ( ( sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov.GetInt() > 0 && engine->IsWindowedMode() && gpGlobals->maxClients > 1 ) ||
		    sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov.GetInt() == 2 )
		    limitedAspectRatio = MIN( aspectRatio, 1.85f * 0.75f ); // cap out the FOV advantage at a 1.85:1 ratio (about the widest any legit user should be)

	    view.fov = ScaleFOVByWidthRatio( view.fov, limitedAspectRatio );
	    view.fovViewmodel = ScaleFOVByWidthRatio( view.fovViewmodel, aspectRatio );

	    // Let the client mode hook stuff.

	    g_pClientMode->AdjustEngineViewport( vr.x, vr.y, vr.width, vr.height );

	    ToolFramework_AdjustEngineViewport( vr.x, vr.y, vr.width, vr.height );

	    float flViewportScale = mat_viewportscale.GetFloat();

		view.m_nUnscaledX = vr.x;
		view.m_nUnscaledY = vr.y;
		view.m_nUnscaledWidth = vr.width;
		view.m_nUnscaledHeight = vr.height;

        switch( eEye )
#if 0
                // Good test mode for debugging viewports that are not full-size.
	            view.width			= vr.width * flViewportScale * 0.75f;
	            view.height			= vr.height * flViewportScale * 0.75f;
	            view.x				= vr.x + view.width * 0.10f;
	            view.y				= vr.y + view.height * 0.20f;
	            view.x				= vr.x * flViewportScale;
				view.y				= vr.y * flViewportScale;
				view.width			= vr.width * flViewportScale;
				view.height			= vr.height * flViewportScale;
			    float engineAspectRatio = engine->GetScreenAspectRatio();
			    view.m_flAspectRatio	= ( engineAspectRatio > 0.0f ) ? engineAspectRatio : ( (float)view.width / (float)view.height );

				g_pSourceVR->GetViewportBounds( (ISourceVirtualReality::VREye)(eEye - 1 ), &view.x, &view.y, &view.width, &view.height );
				view.m_nUnscaledWidth = view.width;
				view.m_nUnscaledHeight = view.height;
				view.m_nUnscaledX = view.x;
				view.m_nUnscaledY = view.y;

                Assert ( false );

		// if we still don't have an aspect ratio, compute it from the view size
		if( view.m_flAspectRatio <= 0.f )
		    view.m_flAspectRatio	= (float)view.width / (float)view.height;


	    if( gl_clear_randomcolor.GetBool() )
		    CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
		    pRenderContext->ClearColor3ub( rand()%256, rand()%256, rand()%256 );
		    pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, false, false );
	    else if ( gl_clear.GetBool() )
		    nClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR;
	    else if ( IsPosix() )
		    MaterialAdapterInfo_t adapterInfo;
		    materials->GetDisplayAdapterInfo( materials->GetCurrentAdapter(), adapterInfo );

		    // On Posix, on ATI, we always clear color if we're antialiasing
		    if ( adapterInfo.m_VendorID == 0x1002 )
			    if ( g_pMaterialSystem->GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard().m_nAASamples > 0 )
				    nClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR;

	    // Determine if we should draw view model ( client mode override )
	    bool drawViewModel = g_pClientMode->ShouldDrawViewModel();

	    if ( cl_leveloverview.GetFloat() > 0 )
		    nClearFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR;
		    drawViewModel = false;

	    // Apply any player specific overrides
	    if ( pPlayer )
		    // Override view model if necessary
		    if ( !pPlayer->m_Local.m_bDrawViewmodel )
			    drawViewModel = false;

	    int flags = 0;
		if( eEye == STEREO_EYE_MONO || eEye == STEREO_EYE_LEFT || ( g_ClientVirtualReality.ShouldRenderHUDInWorld() ) )
	    if ( drawViewModel )
		if( eEye == STEREO_EYE_RIGHT )
			// we should use the monitor view from the left eye for both eyes

	    RenderView( view, nClearFlags, flags );

		if ( UseVR() )
			bool bDoUndistort = ! engine->IsTakingScreenshot();

			if ( bDoUndistort )
				g_ClientVirtualReality.PostProcessFrame( eEye );

			// logic here all cloned from code in viewrender.cpp around RenderHUDQuad:

			// figure out if we really want to draw the HUD based on freeze cam
			bool bInFreezeCam = ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM );

			// draw the HUD after the view model so its "I'm closer" depth queues work right.
			if( !bInFreezeCam && g_ClientVirtualReality.ShouldRenderHUDInWorld() )
				// TODO - a bit of a shonky test - basically trying to catch the main menu, the briefing screen, the loadout screen, etc.
				bool bTranslucent = !g_pMatSystemSurface->IsCursorVisible();
				g_ClientVirtualReality.OverlayHUDQuadWithUndistort( view, bDoUndistort, g_pClientMode->ShouldBlackoutAroundHUD(), bTranslucent );

	// TODO: should these be inside or outside the stereo eye stuff?

#if !defined( _X360 )
	// Stop stubbing the material system so we can see the budget panel

	// Draw all of the UI stuff "fullscreen"
    // (this is not health, ammo, etc. Nor is it pre-game briefing interface stuff - this is the stuff that appears when you hit Esc in-game)
	// In stereo mode this is rendered inside of RenderView so it goes into the render target
	if( !g_ClientVirtualReality.ShouldRenderHUDInWorld() )
		CViewSetup view2d;
		view2d.x				= rect->x;
		view2d.y				= rect->y;
		view2d.width			= rect->width;
		view2d.height			= rect->height;

		render->Push2DView( view2d, 0, NULL, GetFrustum() );
		render->VGui_Paint( PAINT_UIPANELS | PAINT_CURSOR );
		render->PopView( GetFrustum() );

コード例 #17
void CBasePlayerAnimState::Update( float eyeYaw, float eyePitch )
	VPROF( "CBasePlayerAnimState::Update" );

	// Clear animation overlays because we're about to completely reconstruct them.

	// Some mods don't want to update the player's animation state if they're dead and ragdolled.
	if ( !ShouldUpdateAnimState() )
	CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetOuter()->GetModelPtr();
	// Store these. All the calculations are based on them.
	m_flEyeYaw = AngleNormalize( eyeYaw );
	m_flEyePitch = AngleNormalize( eyePitch );

	// Compute sequences for all the layers.
	ComputeSequences( pStudioHdr );
	// Compute all the pose params.
	ComputePoseParam_BodyPitch( pStudioHdr );	// Look up/down.
	ComputePoseParam_BodyYaw();		// Torso rotation.
	ComputePoseParam_MoveYaw( pStudioHdr );		// What direction his legs are running in.


	if ( cl_showanimstate.GetInt() == m_pOuter->entindex() )
		DebugShowAnimStateFull( 5 );
	else if ( cl_showanimstate.GetInt() == -2 )
		C_BasePlayer *targetPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

		if( targetPlayer && ( targetPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE || targetPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_CHASE ) )
			C_BaseEntity *target = targetPlayer->GetObserverTarget();

			if( target && target->IsPlayer() )
				targetPlayer = ToBasePlayer( target );

		if ( m_pOuter == targetPlayer )
			DebugShowAnimStateFull( 6 );
	if ( sv_showanimstate.GetInt() == m_pOuter->entindex() )
		DebugShowAnimState( 20 );
コード例 #18
void CHudCrosshair::GetDrawPosition ( float *pX, float *pY, bool *pbBehindCamera, QAngle angleCrosshairOffset )
	QAngle curViewAngles = CurrentViewAngles();
	Vector curViewOrigin = CurrentViewOrigin();

	int vx, vy, vw, vh;
	vgui::surface()->GetFullscreenViewport( vx, vy, vw, vh );

	float screenWidth = vw;
	float screenHeight = vh;

	float x = screenWidth / 2;
	float y = screenHeight / 2;

	bool bBehindCamera = false;

	C_BasePlayer* pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( ( pPlayer != NULL ) && ( pPlayer->GetObserverMode()==OBS_MODE_NONE ) )
		bool bUseOffset = false;
		Vector vecStart;
		Vector vecEnd;

		if ( UseVR() )
			// These are the correct values to use, but they lag the high-speed view data...
			vecStart = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition();
			Vector vecAimDirection = pPlayer->GetAutoaimVector( 1.0f );
			// ...so in some aim modes, they get zapped by something completely up-to-date.
			g_ClientVirtualReality.OverrideWeaponHudAimVectors ( &vecStart, &vecAimDirection );
			vecEnd = vecStart + vecAimDirection * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;

			bUseOffset = true;

#ifdef SIXENSE
		// TODO: actually test this Sixsense code interaction with things like HMDs & stereo.
        if ( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() && !UseVR() )
			// Never autoaim a predicted weapon (for now)
			vecStart = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition();
			Vector aimVector;
			AngleVectors( CurrentViewAngles() - g_pSixenseInput->GetViewAngleOffset(), &aimVector );
			// calculate where the bullet would go so we can draw the cross appropriately
			vecEnd = vecStart + aimVector * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;
			bUseOffset = true;

		if ( bUseOffset )
			trace_t tr;
			UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, MASK_SHOT, pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

			Vector screen;
			bBehindCamera = ScreenTransform(tr.endpos, screen) != 0;

			x = 0.5f * ( 1.0f + screen[0] ) * screenWidth + 0.5f;
			y = 0.5f * ( 1.0f - screen[1] ) * screenHeight + 0.5f;

	// MattB - angleCrosshairOffset is the autoaim angle.
	// if we're not using autoaim, just draw in the middle of the 
	// screen
	if ( angleCrosshairOffset != vec3_angle )
		QAngle angles;
		Vector forward;
		Vector point, screen;

		// this code is wrong
		angles = curViewAngles + angleCrosshairOffset;
		AngleVectors( angles, &forward );
		VectorAdd( curViewOrigin, forward, point );
		ScreenTransform( point, screen );

		x += 0.5f * screen[0] * screenWidth + 0.5f;
		y += 0.5f * screen[1] * screenHeight + 0.5f;

	*pX = x;
	*pY = y;
	*pbBehindCamera = bBehindCamera;
コード例 #19
// Rendering
int CNewParticleEffect::DrawModel( int flags )
	if ( r_DrawParticles.GetBool() == false )
		return 0;

#ifdef C17
	// City17: DX7? Don't draw.
	if (engine->GetDXSupportLevel() < 80)
		return 0;

	if ( !g_pClientMode->ShouldDrawParticles() || !ParticleMgr()->ShouldRenderParticleSystems() )
		return 0;
		return 0;
	// do distance cull check here. We do it here instead of in particles so we can easily only do
	// it for root objects, not bothering to cull children individually
	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
	Vector vecCamera;
	pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCamera );
	if ( CalcSqrDistanceToAABB( m_MinBounds, m_MaxBounds, vecCamera ) > ( m_pDef->m_flMaxDrawDistance * m_pDef->m_flMaxDrawDistance ) )
		if ( !IsRetail() && ( g_cl_particle_show_bbox || ( g_cl_particle_show_bbox_cost != 0 ) ) )
			DebugDrawBbox ( true );

		// Still need to make sure we set this or they won't follow their attachemnt points.
		m_flNextSleepTime = Max ( m_flNextSleepTime, ( g_pParticleSystemMgr->GetLastSimulationTime() + m_pDef->m_flNoDrawTimeToGoToSleep ));

		return 0;

		int viewentity = render->GetViewEntity();
		C_BaseEntity *pCameraObject = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( viewentity );
		// apply logic that lets you skip rendering a system if the camera is attached to its entity
		if ( pCameraObject &&
			 ( m_pDef->m_nSkipRenderControlPoint != -1 ) &&
			 ( m_pDef->m_nSkipRenderControlPoint <= m_nHighestCP ) )
			C_BaseEntity *pEntity = (EHANDLE)GetControlPointEntity( m_pDef->m_nSkipRenderControlPoint );
			if ( pEntity )
				// If we're in thirdperson, we still see it
				if ( !input->CAM_IsThirdPerson() )
					if ( pEntity == pCameraObject )
						return 0;
					C_BaseEntity *pRootMove = pEntity->GetRootMoveParent();
					if ( pRootMove == pCameraObject )
						return 0;

					// If we're spectating in-eyes of the camera object, we don't see it
					C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
					if ( pPlayer == pCameraObject )
						C_BaseEntity *pObTarget = pPlayer->GetObserverTarget();
						if ( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE && (pObTarget == pEntity || pRootMove == pObTarget ) )
							return 0;

		pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL );
		Render( pRenderContext, IsTwoPass(), pCameraObject );
		pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL );
		g_pParticleSystemMgr->AddToRenderCache( this );

	if ( !IsRetail() )
		CParticleMgr *pMgr = ParticleMgr();
		if ( pMgr->m_bStatsRunning )
			pMgr->StatsNewParticleEffectDrawn ( this );

		if ( g_cl_particle_show_bbox || ( g_cl_particle_show_bbox_cost != 0 ) )
			DebugDrawBbox ( false );

	return 1;
コード例 #20
void CGERadar::WorldToRadar( CGERadarContact *contact )
	// If we are out of range don't bother
	if ( !IsContactInRange( contact ) )

	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pLocalPlayer )

	Vector vContact = GetContactPosition(contact);

	float x_diff = vContact.x - pLocalPlayer->GetAbsOrigin().x;
	float y_diff = vContact.y - pLocalPlayer->GetAbsOrigin().y;

	// Supply epsilon values to avoid divide-by-zero
	if(x_diff == 0.0f )
		x_diff = 0.001f;

	if(y_diff == 0.0f )
		y_diff = 0.001f;

	float fRadarRadius = m_flRadarDiameter * 0.500f;
	float fRange = GetRadarRange();
	float fScale = fRange >= 1.000f ? fRadarRadius / fRange : 0.000f;
	float dist = min( GetContactRange( vContact ), fRange );

	float flOffset = atan(y_diff/x_diff);
	float flPlayerY;

	// If we're in first person spectate mode we should use the rotation of whoever we're spectating.
	if (pLocalPlayer->IsObserver() && pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget() && pLocalPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE)
		flPlayerY = (pLocalPlayer->GetLocalAngles().y * M_PI) * 0.0055555f;
		flPlayerY = (pLocalPlayer->LocalEyeAngles().y * M_PI) * 0.0055555f;

	// Always add because atan will return neg angle w/ neg coeff
	if ( x_diff < 0 )
		flOffset += M_PI;
		flOffset += M_TWOPI;

	flOffset = flPlayerY - flOffset;

	// Transform relative to radar source
	float xnew_diff = dist * sin(flOffset);
	float ynew_diff = -dist * cos(flOffset);

	// Scale the dot's position to match radar scale
	xnew_diff *= fScale;
	ynew_diff *= fScale;

	// Make sure we never leave our radar circle!
	contact->m_vScaledPos.x = fRadarRadius + xnew_diff + m_iSideBuff;
	contact->m_vScaledPos.y = fRadarRadius + ynew_diff + m_iSideBuff;
	contact->m_vScaledPos.z = vContact.z - pLocalPlayer->GetAbsOrigin().z;

	// Figure out our alpha modulation
	if ( !contact->m_bAlwaysVisible && dist > fRange * 0.8f )
		contact->m_flAlphaMod = RemapValClamped( dist, fRange * 0.8f, fRange, 1.0, 0 );
		contact->m_flAlphaMod = 1.0f;
コード例 #21
// Purpose: 
void CTFHudKothTimeStatus::Think( void )
	if ( !TFGameRules() )

	// check for an active timer and turn the time panel on or off if we need to
	if ( m_pBlueKothTimer && m_pRedKothTimer )
		// Don't draw in freezecam, or when the game's not running
		C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
		bool bDisplayTimers = !( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM );
		if ( bDisplayTimers )
			bool bDisplayBlueTimer = false;
			bool bDisplayRedTimer = false;
			bool bDisplayGreenTimer = false;
			bool bDisplayYellowTimer = false;

			// is the time panel still pointing at an active timer?
			CTeamRoundTimer *pTimer = dynamic_cast< CTeamRoundTimer* >( ClientEntityList().GetEnt( m_pBlueKothTimer->GetTimerIndex() ) );

			// Check for the current active timer (used for the pulsating HUD animation)
			CTFHudTimeStatus *pActiveKothTimerPanel = NULL;

			if ( !pTimer )
				pTimer = TFGameRules()->GetBlueKothRoundTimer();
				if ( pTimer && m_pBlueKothTimer->GetTimerIndex() != pTimer->index )
					m_pBlueKothTimer->SetTimerIndex( pTimer->index );

			if ( pTimer && !pTimer->IsDormant() && !pTimer->IsDisabled() )
				// the current timer is fine, make sure the panel is visible
				bDisplayBlueTimer = true;

				if ( !pTimer->IsTimerPaused() )
					pActiveKothTimerPanel = m_pBlueKothTimer;

			// And now let's check the other timer
			// is the time panel still pointing at an active timer?
			pTimer = dynamic_cast< CTeamRoundTimer* >( ClientEntityList().GetEnt( m_pRedKothTimer->GetTimerIndex() ) );

			if ( !pTimer )
				pTimer = TFGameRules()->GetRedKothRoundTimer();
				if ( pTimer && m_pRedKothTimer->GetTimerIndex() != pTimer->index )
					m_pRedKothTimer->SetTimerIndex( pTimer->index );

			if ( pTimer && !pTimer->IsDormant() && !pTimer->IsDisabled() )
				// the current timer is fine, make sure the panel is visible
				bDisplayRedTimer = true;

				if ( !pTimer->IsTimerPaused() )
					pActiveKothTimerPanel = m_pRedKothTimer;

			if ( TFGameRules()->IsFourTeamGame() )
				// Check GRN timer
				pTimer = dynamic_cast< CTeamRoundTimer* >( ClientEntityList().GetEnt( m_pGreenKothTimer->GetTimerIndex() ) );

				if ( !pTimer )
					pTimer = TFGameRules()->GetGreenKothRoundTimer();
					if ( pTimer )
						m_pGreenKothTimer->SetTimerIndex( pTimer->index );

				if ( pTimer && !pTimer->IsDormant() && !pTimer->IsDisabled() )
					// the current timer is fine, make sure the panel is visible
					bDisplayGreenTimer = true;

					if ( !pTimer->IsTimerPaused() )
						pActiveKothTimerPanel = m_pGreenKothTimer;

				// Check YLW timer
				pTimer = dynamic_cast< CTeamRoundTimer* >( ClientEntityList().GetEnt( m_pYellowKothTimer->GetTimerIndex() ) );

				if ( !pTimer )
					pTimer = TFGameRules()->GetYellowKothRoundTimer();
					if ( pTimer )
						m_pYellowKothTimer->SetTimerIndex( pTimer->index );

				if ( pTimer && !pTimer->IsDormant() && !pTimer->IsDisabled() )
					// the current timer is fine, make sure the panel is visible
					bDisplayYellowTimer = true;

					if ( !pTimer->IsTimerPaused() )
						pActiveKothTimerPanel = m_pYellowKothTimer;

			if ( !m_pBlueKothTimer->IsVisible() || !m_pRedKothTimer->IsVisible() )
				m_pBlueKothTimer->SetVisible( true ); // bDisplayBlueTimer
				m_pRedKothTimer->SetVisible( true ); // bDisplayRedTimer

				// If our spectator GUI is visible, invalidate its layout so that it moves the reinforcement label
				if ( g_pSpectatorGUI )

			if ( TFGameRules()->IsFourTeamGame() )
				if ( !m_pGreenKothTimer->IsVisible() || !m_pYellowKothTimer->IsVisible() )
					m_pGreenKothTimer->SetVisible( true ); 
					m_pYellowKothTimer->SetVisible( true );

					// If our spectator GUI is visible, invalidate its layout so that it moves the reinforcement label
					if ( g_pSpectatorGUI )
				m_pGreenKothTimer->SetVisible( false ); 
				m_pYellowKothTimer->SetVisible( false );

			// Set overtime panels active on our active panel (if needed)
			if ( m_pActiveKothTimerPanel )

			// Do NOT put a null check here, otherwise the white active timer BG will linger around after a round end
			if ( pActiveKothTimerPanel != m_pActiveKothTimerPanel )
				m_pActiveKothTimerPanel = pActiveKothTimerPanel;
			m_pBlueKothTimer->SetVisible( false );
			m_pRedKothTimer->SetVisible( false );
			m_pGreenKothTimer->SetVisible( false );
			m_pYellowKothTimer->SetVisible( false );

			m_pActiveTimerBG->SetVisible( false );