コード例 #1
// is this entire expression cacheable after this phase?
NABoolean Scan::isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa)
  if (cwa.getPhase() >= CmpMain::BIND) {
    // save scan's TableDesc

    // native hbase access is not cacheable for now.
    if ((getTableDesc()->getNATable()->isHbaseRowTable()) ||
      return FALSE;

    if (stream_) { // pub-sub streams are not cacheable
      return FALSE;
    // mpalias SELECT is not cacheable unless explicitly requested
    if (getTableDesc()->getNATable()->isAnMPTableWithAnsiName() &&
        CmpCommon::getDefault(QUERY_CACHE_MPALIAS) == DF_OFF) {
      return FALSE;
    if (CmpCommon::getDefaultLong(MVQR_REWRITE_LEVEL) >= 1 &&
        QRDescGenerator::hasRewriteEnabledMVs(getTableDesc())) {
    return RelExpr::isCacheableExpr(cwa);
  return FALSE;
コード例 #2
// is this entire expression cacheable after this phase?
NABoolean Join::isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa)
  if (cwa.getPhase() >= CmpMain::BIND) {
    // must first descend to scans to get cwa.numberOfScans_ 
    if (!RelExpr::isCacheableExpr(cwa)) {
      return FALSE;
    if (isCacheableNode(cwa.getPhase())) { 
    // if we allow joins of views to be cached, query caching cannot 
    // distinguish between (see note at bottom of cachewa.h)
    //   select avg(f.a) from v f, v s group by f.b;
    //   select avg(s.a) from v f, v s group by f.b;
    //   select avg(t.a) from v f, t   group by f.b;
    // assuming v is "create view v from select * from t". We avoid
    // false cache hits by detecting the possible occurrence of such 
    // view joins here and later using cwa.isViewJoin_ to include
    // their query texts into their cache keys.
    // A view is repsented by a renamed table with isView() returnning 
    // TRUE.

    RelExpr *c0 = child(0);
    RelExpr *c1 = child(1);
    if ((c0->getOperatorType() == REL_RENAME_TABLE &&
        ((RenameTable *)c0)->isView() == TRUE)
        (c1->getOperatorType() == REL_RENAME_TABLE &&
        ((RenameTable *)c1)->isView() == TRUE)) {
    // check its join predicate
    ItemExpr *pred = joinPredTree_ ? joinPredTree_ :
    if (pred) {
      // is join predicate cacheable?
      if (pred->hasNoLiterals(cwa)) {
        // predicate with no literals is cacheable
      else {
        if (!pred->isCacheableExpr(cwa)) {
          // a non-cacheable predicate renders Join non-cacheable.
          return FALSE;
    return TRUE; // join may be cacheable
  return FALSE;
コード例 #3
// is this entire expression cacheable after this phase?
NABoolean RelExpr::isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa)
  switch (cwa.getPhase()) {
  case CmpMain::PARSE:
  case CmpMain::BIND: {
    // does query have too many ExprNodes?
    if (cwa.inc_N_check_still_cacheable() == FALSE) {
      // yes. query with too many ExprNodes is not cacheable.
      return FALSE;
    if (isNonCacheable()) { // this node is not cacheable
      return FALSE; // so the entire expression is not cacheable
      // don't mark this node non-cacheable because this
      // RelExpr may be cacheable after the next phase.
    if (isCacheableNode(cwa.getPhase())) { 
      // must be an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT node;
      // so, mark this expression as conditionally cacheable.
    // must descend to scans to get cwa.numberOfScans_ 
    if (!cacheableKids(cwa)) {
      return FALSE;
    // this node is either cacheable or maybecacheable
    // check its selection predicate
    ItemExpr *pred = selPredTree() ? selPredTree() :
    if (pred) {
      // is selection predicate cacheable?
      if (pred->hasNoLiterals(cwa)) {
        // predicate with no literals is cacheable
      else {
        if (!pred->isCacheableExpr(cwa)) {
          // a non-cacheable selection predicate 
          // renders entire RelExpr non-cacheable.
          return FALSE;
    return TRUE; // RelExpr may be cacheable
  default: { const NABoolean notYetImplemented = FALSE; 
  return FALSE;