コード例 #1
PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> InspectorResourceAgent::resourceData(Frame* frame, const KURL& url, String* textEncodingName)
    FrameLoader* frameLoader = frame->loader();
    DocumentLoader* loader = frameLoader->documentLoader();
    if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(url, loader->url())) {
        *textEncodingName = frame->document()->inputEncoding();
        return frameLoader->documentLoader()->mainResourceData();

    CachedResource* cachedResource = InspectorResourceAgent::cachedResource(frame, url);
    if (!cachedResource)
        return 0;

    if (cachedResource->isPurgeable()) {
        // If the resource is purgeable then make it unpurgeable to get
        // get its data. This might fail, in which case we return an
        // empty String.
        // FIXME: should we do something else in the case of a purged
        // resource that informs the user why there is no data in the
        // inspector?
        if (!cachedResource->makePurgeable(false))
            return 0;

    *textEncodingName = cachedResource->encoding();
    return cachedResource->data();
コード例 #2
PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> InspectorResource::resourceData(String* textEncodingName) const
    if (m_requestURL == m_loader->requestURL()) {
        *textEncodingName = m_frame->document()->inputEncoding();
        return m_loader->mainResourceData();

    CachedResource* cachedResource = this->cachedResource();
    if (!cachedResource)
        return 0;

    if (cachedResource->isPurgeable()) {
        // If the resource is purgeable then make it unpurgeable to get
        // get its data. This might fail, in which case we return an
        // empty String.
        // FIXME: should we do something else in the case of a purged
        // resource that informs the user why there is no data in the
        // inspector?
        if (!cachedResource->makePurgeable(false))
            return 0;

    *textEncodingName = cachedResource->encoding();
    return cachedResource->data();
コード例 #3
String InspectorResource::sourceString() const
    if (!m_xmlHttpResponseText.isNull())
        return String(m_xmlHttpResponseText);

    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer;
    String textEncodingName;

    if (m_requestURL == m_loader->requestURL()) {
        buffer = m_loader->mainResourceData();
        textEncodingName = m_frame->document()->inputEncoding();
    } else {
        CachedResource* cachedResource = m_frame->document()->docLoader()->cachedResource(requestURL());
        if (!cachedResource)
            return String();

        if (cachedResource->isPurgeable()) {
            // If the resource is purgeable then make it unpurgeable to get
            // get its data. This might fail, in which case we return an
            // empty String.
            // FIXME: should we do something else in the case of a purged
            // resource that informs the user why there is no data in the
            // inspector?
            if (!cachedResource->makePurgeable(false))
                return String();

        buffer = cachedResource->data();
        textEncodingName = cachedResource->encoding();

    if (!buffer)
        return String();

    TextEncoding encoding(textEncodingName);
    if (!encoding.isValid())
        encoding = WindowsLatin1Encoding();
    return encoding.decode(buffer->data(), buffer->size());
コード例 #4
PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> InspectorPageAgent::resourceData(Frame* frame, const KURL& url, String* textEncodingName)
    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer;
    FrameLoader* frameLoader = frame->loader();
    DocumentLoader* loader = frameLoader->documentLoader();
    if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(url, loader->url())) {
        *textEncodingName = frame->document()->inputEncoding();
        buffer = frameLoader->documentLoader()->mainResourceData();
        if (buffer)
            return buffer;

    CachedResource* cachedResource = InspectorPageAgent::cachedResource(frame, url);
    if (!cachedResource)
        return 0;

    bool hasZeroSize;
    bool prepared = prepareCachedResourceBuffer(cachedResource, &hasZeroSize);
    if (!prepared)
        return 0;

    *textEncodingName = cachedResource->encoding();
    return hasZeroSize ? SharedBuffer::create() : cachedResource->data();