コード例 #1
ファイル: ResponseCollector.cpp プロジェクト: fsaks/MSCL
    bool ResponseCollector::matchExpected(DataBuffer& data)
        //make a save point so we can revert if need be
        ReadBufferSavePoint savepoint(&data);

        size_t startBytesRemaining = 0;

        //get a lock on the response mutex
        mutex_lock_guard lock(m_responseMutex);

        //need to loop over all of the bytes to check for responses
            //log the bytes remaining in the data before we attempt to match
            startBytesRemaining = data.bytesRemaining();

            //look through all the expected responses
            for(auto itr = m_expectedResponses.begin(); itr < m_expectedResponses.end(); itr++)
                //don't try to match bytes that were in the buffer before the command was sent
                if(data.readPosition() < itr->minBytePosition)

                //if we found a match
                    //match functions move the data pointer on success (even if not fully matched)
                    //need to make sure we don't roll back to our previous savepoint.

                        //unregister the response

                        return true;

                //if any match function moved the data pointer, we don't want to move it back here
                if(startBytesRemaining != data.bytesRemaining())

            //if we can move to the next byte and the byte position hasn't been moved elsewhere (internally by a match function).
            if(data.moreToRead() && startBytesRemaining == data.bytesRemaining())
                //move to the next byte and check for the response again

        return false;
コード例 #2
    bool WirelessParser::findPacketInBytes(DataBuffer& data, WirelessTypes::Frequency freq)
        //create a read save point for the DataBuffer
        ReadBufferSavePoint savePoint(&data);

        std::size_t lastReadPosition;

        //while there are enough bytes remaining to make an ASPP response packet
        while(data.bytesRemaining() > WirelessPacket::ASPP_MIN_RESPONSE_PACKET_SIZE)
            lastReadPosition = data.readPosition();

            //move to the next byte

            WirelessPacket packet;

            //if we found a packet within the bytes
            if(parseAsPacket(data, packet, freq) == parsePacketResult_completePacket)
                //commit the data that was read

                //process the packet
                processPacket(packet, lastReadPosition);
                return true;

        //we didn't find any packet in the bytes buffer
        return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: BaseStation_SetBeacon.cpp プロジェクト: estump/MSCL
	bool BaseStation_SetBeacon::Response::match(DataBuffer& data)
		const uint16 TOTAL_SUCCESS_BYTES = 2;

		//create a save point with the data
		ReadBufferSavePoint savePoint(&data);

		//if there aren't enough bytes in the buffer to match the response
		if(data.bytesRemaining() < TOTAL_SUCCESS_BYTES) 
			return false; 

		//if it doesn't match the command Id
		if(data.read_uint16() != COMMAND_ID) 
			return false; 

		//if we made it this far, we successfully matched everything

		//commit the current read position

		//set the result to success
		m_success = true;

		//we have fully matched the response
		m_fullyMatched = true;

		//notify that the response was matched

		return true;
コード例 #4
    bool InertialParser::findPacketInBytes(DataBuffer& data)
        //create a read save point for the DataBuffer
        ReadBufferSavePoint savePoint(&data);

        //while there are enough bytes remaining to make a MIP packet
        while(data.bytesRemaining() > InertialPacketInfo::MIP_MIN_PACKET_SIZE)
            //move to the next byte

            InertialPacket packet;

            //if we found a packet within the bytes
            if(parseAsPacket(data, packet) == inertialParserResult_completePacket)
                //commit the data that was read

                //process the packet
                return true;

        //we didn't find any packet in the bytes buffer
        return false;
コード例 #5
    bool ReadSingleSensor::Response::match(DataBuffer& data)
        const uint16 TOTAL_BYTES = 5;

        //if there aren't enough bytes in the buffer to match the response
        if(data.bytesRemaining() < TOTAL_BYTES)
            //not a good response
            m_success = false;
            return false;

        //create a save point with the data
        ReadBufferSavePoint savePoint(&data);
        //verify the command id
        if(data.read_uint8() != 0x03)
            //not a good response
            m_success = false;
            return false;

        uint16 sensorVal = data.read_uint16();

        ChecksumBuilder checksum;
        checksum.append_uint16(sensorVal);    //value of the requested channel

        //verify the checksum (only a checksum on the actual data value)
        if(checksum.simpleChecksum() != data.read_uint16())
            //not a good response
            m_success = false;
            return false;

        //if we made it this far, the bytes match the expected response

        m_success = true;

        m_sensorValue = sensorVal;

        //commit the current read position

        //we have fully matched the response
        m_fullyMatched = true;

        //notify that the response was matched

        return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ShortPing.cpp プロジェクト: LORD-MicroStrain/MSCL
    bool ShortPing::Response::match(DataBuffer& data)
        const uint16 TOTAL_BYTES = 1;

        //if there aren't enough bytes in the buffer to match the response
        if(data.bytesRemaining() < TOTAL_BYTES)
            //not a good response
            m_success = false;
            return false;

        //create a save point with the data
        ReadBufferSavePoint savePoint(&data);

        uint8 resultByte = data.read_uint8();

        //single byte 0x21 is a fail response
        if(resultByte == 0x21)
            //legitimate fail response
            m_success = false;
        //single byte 0x02 is a success response
        else if(resultByte == WirelessProtocol::cmdId_shortPing)
            //success response
            m_success = true;
            //non-matching response
            m_success = false;
            return false;

        //if we made it this far, the bytes match the expected response (success or fail)

        //commit the current read position

        //we have fully matched the response
        m_fullyMatched = true;

        //notify that the response was matched

        return true;
コード例 #7
    WirelessParser::ParsePacketResult WirelessParser::parseAsPacket(DataBuffer& data, WirelessPacket& packet, WirelessTypes::Frequency freq)
        std::size_t totalBytesAvailable = data.bytesRemaining();

        if(totalBytesAvailable == 0)
            //Not Enough Data to tell if valid packet
            return parsePacketResult_notEnoughData;

        //choose the correct ASPP version parser
            case WirelessPacket::ASPP_V1_START_OF_PACKET_BYTE:
                return parseAsPacket_ASPP_v1(data, packet, freq);

            case WirelessPacket::ASPP_V2_START_OF_PACKET_BYTE:
                return parseAsPacket_ASPP_v2(data, packet, freq);

                return parsePacketResult_invalidPacket;
コード例 #8
    WirelessParser::ParsePacketResult WirelessParser::parseAsPacket_ASPP_v2(DataBuffer& data, WirelessPacket& packet, WirelessTypes::Frequency freq)
        //Assume we are at the start of the packet, read the packet header
        //byte 1         - Start Of Packet
        //byte 2         - Delivery Stop Flag
        //byte 3         - App Data Type
        //byte 4 - 7     - Node Address (uint32)
        //byte 8 - 9     - Payload Length
        //byte 10 to N-4 - Payload
        //byte N-3       - Node RSSI
        //byte N-2       - Base RSSI
        //byte N-1       - Fletcher Checksum (MSB)
        //byte N         - Fletcher Checksum (LSB)

        //create a save point for the DataBuffer
        ReadBufferSavePoint savePoint(&data);

        std::size_t totalBytesAvailable = data.bytesRemaining();

        //we need at least 13 bytes for any ASPP v2 packet (if empty payload)
        if(totalBytesAvailable < 13)
            //Not Enough Data to tell if valid packet
            return parsePacketResult_notEnoughData;

        //read byte 1
        uint8 startOfPacket = data.read_uint8();                        //Start Of Packet

        //verify that the first byte is the Start Of Packet
        if(startOfPacket != WirelessPacket::ASPP_V2_START_OF_PACKET_BYTE)
            //Invalid Packet
            return parsePacketResult_invalidPacket;

        //read byte 2
        uint8 deliveryStopFlag = data.read_uint8();                     //Delivery Stop Flag

        //read byte 3
        uint8 appDataType = data.read_uint8();                          //App Data Type

        //read bytes 4 - 7 
        uint32 nodeAddress = data.read_uint32();                        //Node Address

        //read bytes 8 and 9
        uint16 payloadLength = data.read_uint16();                      //Payload Length

        //determine the full packet length 
        size_t packetLength = payloadLength + WirelessPacket::ASPP_V2_NUM_BYTES_BEFORE_PAYLOAD + WirelessPacket::ASPP_V2_NUM_BYTES_AFTER_PAYLOAD;

        //the DataBuffer must be large enough to hold the rest of the packet
        if(totalBytesAvailable < packetLength)
            //Not Enough Data to tell if valid packet
            return parsePacketResult_notEnoughData;

        //create the Bytes vector to hold the payload bytes
        Bytes payload;

        //loop through the payload
        for(uint16 payloadItr = 0; payloadItr < payloadLength; payloadItr++)
            //store the payload bytes
            payload.push_back(data.read_uint8());                        //Payload Bytes

        //read the node RSSI
        uint8 nodeRSSI = data.read_uint8();                             //Node RSSI

        //read the base station rssi
        uint8 baseRSSI = data.read_uint8();                             //Base RSSI

        //get the checksum sent in the packet
        uint16 checksum = data.read_uint16();                           //Checksum

        //build the checksum to calculate from all the bytes
        ChecksumBuilder calcChecksum;

        //verify that the returned checksum is the same as the one we calculated
        if(checksum != calcChecksum.fletcherChecksum())
            //Bad Checksum
            return parsePacketResult_badChecksum;

        DeliveryStopFlags flags = DeliveryStopFlags::fromByte(deliveryStopFlag);

        //add all the info about the packet to the WirelessPacket reference passed in
        packet.nodeRSSI(static_cast<int16>(nodeRSSI) - 205);
        packet.baseRSSI(static_cast<int16>(baseRSSI) - 205);

        //Correct the packet type if it is incorrect

        //make sure the packet is valid based on its specific type
            //not a valid packet, failed integrity check
            return parsePacketResult_invalidPacket;

        //check if the packet is a duplicate
            //even though it is a duplicate, we still have a complete packet so commit the bytes to skip over them

            //duplicate packet
            return parsePacketResult_duplicate;

        //we have a complete packet, commit the bytes that we just read (move the read pointer)

        return parsePacketResult_completePacket;
コード例 #9
    void WirelessParser::parse(DataBuffer& data, WirelessTypes::Frequency freq)
        ParsePacketResult parseResult;    //holds the result of verifying whether it was a valid ASPP packet or not

        WirelessPacket packet;

        size_t bytesRemaining;    //holds how many bytes we have remaining, helps determine if the buffer has been moved by an external function

        //make a save point so we can revert if need be
        ReadBufferSavePoint savepoint(&data);

        std::size_t lastReadPosition;

        //while there is more data to be read in the DataBuffer
            lastReadPosition = data.readPosition();

            //read the next byte (doesn't move data's read position)
            uint8 currentByte = data.peekByte();

            //skipByte is set to false when we don't want to skip to the next byte after we are done looking at the current byte
            bool moveToNextByte = true;

            //notEnoughData is true when the bytes could be a valid packet, but there isn't enough bytes to be sure
            bool notEnoughData = false;

            //if this is any ASPP Start of Packet byte
            if(currentByte == WirelessPacket::ASPP_V1_START_OF_PACKET_BYTE ||
               currentByte == WirelessPacket::ASPP_V2_START_OF_PACKET_BYTE)
                //check if the packet is a valid ASPP packet, starting at this byte
                parseResult = parseAsPacket(data, packet, freq);

                //check the result of the parseAsPacket command
                    //good packet, process it and then look for the next
                    case parsePacketResult_completePacket:
                        processPacket(packet, lastReadPosition);
                        continue;    //packet has been processed, move to the next byte after the packet

                    case parsePacketResult_duplicate:
                        continue;    //packet is a duplicate, but byte position has been moved. Move to the next byte after the packet
                    //somethings incorrect in the packet, move passed the AA and start looking for the next packet
                    case parsePacketResult_invalidPacket:
                    case parsePacketResult_badChecksum:

                    //ran out of data, return and wait for more
                    case parsePacketResult_notEnoughData:
                        moveToNextByte = false;
                        notEnoughData = true;

                        assert(false); //unhandled verifyResult,  need to add a case for it

            //data is not a packet at this point

            bytesRemaining = data.bytesRemaining();

            //check if the bytes we currently have match an expected response
            //    This isn't perfect (could possibly use part of a partial ASPP packet as a cmd response), 
            //    but unfortunately its the best we can do with single byte responses being part of our protocol
                //the bytes have already moved, don't move to the next byte in the next iteration
                moveToNextByte = false;
                //failed to match 

                //if we didn't have enough data for a full packet, and it didn't match any expected responses
                    //look for packets after the current byte.
                    //    Even though this looks like it could be the start of an ASPP packet,
                    //    if we find any full ASPP packets inside of the these bytes, we need 
                    //    to pick them up and move on.
                    if(!findPacketInBytes(data, freq))
                        //if the read position in the bytes has been moved external to this function
                        if(data.bytesRemaining() != bytesRemaining)
                            //read position has moved somewhere else, so bytes have been committed. Commit in our local savepoint as well.

                        //we didn't find a packet within this, so return from this function as we need to wait for more data

            //if we need to move to the next byte
            if (moveToNextByte)
                //if the read position in the bytes has been moved external to this function
                if(data.bytesRemaining() != bytesRemaining)
                    //read position has moved somewhere else, so bytes have been committed. Commit in our local savepoint as well.
                    //move to the next byte
コード例 #10
    InertialParseResult InertialParser::parseAsPacket(DataBuffer& data, InertialPacket& packet)
        //Assume that we are at the start of a packet
        //byte 1        - Start of Packet 1 (0x75)
        //byte 2        - Start of Packet 2 (0x65)
        //byte 3        - Descriptor Set
        //byte 4        - Payload Length
        //byte 5 to N-2 - Payload
        //byte N-1        - Checksum (MSB)
        //byte N        - Checksum (LSB)

        //create a save point for the DataBuffer
        ReadBufferSavePoint savePoint(&data);

        std::size_t totalBytesAvailable = data.bytesRemaining();

        //make sure we have enough bytes to even be a MIP packet
        if(totalBytesAvailable < InertialPacketInfo::MIP_MIN_PACKET_SIZE)
            //Not Enough Data to tell if valid packet
            return inertialParserResult_notEnoughData;

        //read the first 2 bytes
        uint16 startOfPacket = data.read_uint16();                //Start of Packet

        //verify that the Start of Packet value is correct
        if(startOfPacket != InertialPacketInfo::INERTIAL_PACKET_START_OF_PACKET)
            //Invalid Packet
            return inertialParserResult_invalidPacket;

        //read byte 3
        uint8 descriptorSet = data.read_uint8();                //Descriptor Set

        //read byte 4
        uint8 payloadLen = data.read_uint8();                    //Payload Length

        //determine the full packet length
        uint32 packetLength = payloadLen + InertialPacketInfo::MIP_NUM_BYTES_BEFORE_PAYLOAD + InertialPacketInfo::MIP_NUM_BYTES_AFTER_PAYLOAD;

        //the DataBuffer must be large enough to hold the rest of the packet
        if(totalBytesAvailable < packetLength)
            //Not Enough Data to tell if valid packet
            return inertialParserResult_notEnoughData;

        //create the Bytes vector to hold the payload bytes
        Bytes payload;

        //loop through the payload
        for(uint8 payloadItr = 0; payloadItr < payloadLen; payloadItr++)
            //store the payload bytes
            payload.push_back(data.read_uint8());                //Payload Bytes

        //get the checksum sent in the packet
        uint16 checksum = data.read_uint16();                    //Checksum

        //build the checksum to calculate from all the bytes
        ChecksumBuilder calcChecksum;

        if(checksum != calcChecksum.fletcherChecksum())
            //Bad Checksum
            return inertialParserResult_badChecksum;

        //add all the info about the packet to the InertialPacket reference passed in

        //we have a complete packet, commit the bytes that we just read (move the read pointer)

        return inertialParserResult_completePacket;