bool AP_Arming::arm_checks(ArmingMethod method) { // ensure the GPS drivers are ready on any final changes if ((checks_to_perform & ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (checks_to_perform & ARMING_CHECK_GPS_CONFIG)) { if (!AP::gps().prepare_for_arming()) { return false; } } // check system health on arm as well as prearm if ((checks_to_perform & ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (checks_to_perform & ARMING_CHECK_SYSTEM)) { if (!system_checks(true)) { return false; } } // note that this will prepare DataFlash to start logging // so should be the last check to be done before arming if ((checks_to_perform & ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (checks_to_perform & ARMING_CHECK_LOGGING)) { DataFlash_Class *df = DataFlash_Class::instance(); df->PrepForArming(); if (!df->logging_started()) { check_failed(ARMING_CHECK_LOGGING, true, "Logging not started"); return false; } } return true; }
void ReplayVehicle::setup(void) { load_parameters(); // we pass zero log structures, as we will be outputting the log // structures we need manually, to prevent FMT duplicates dataflash.Init(log_structure, 0); dataflash.StartNewLog(); ahrs.set_compass(&compass); ahrs.set_fly_forward(true); ahrs.set_wind_estimation(true); ahrs.set_correct_centrifugal(true); ahrs.set_ekf_use(true); EKF2.set_enable(true); printf("Starting disarmed\n"); hal.util->set_soft_armed(false); barometer.init(); barometer.setHIL(0); barometer.update(); compass.init(); ins.set_hil_mode(); }
/** handle all types of log download requests from the GCS */ void GCS_MAVLINK::handle_log_request_list(mavlink_message_t *msg, DataFlash_Class &dataflash) { mavlink_log_request_list_t packet; mavlink_msg_log_request_list_decode(msg, &packet); _log_listing = false; _log_sending = false; _log_num_logs = dataflash.get_num_logs(); if (_log_num_logs == 0) { _log_next_list_entry = 0; _log_last_list_entry = 0; } else { uint16_t last_log_num = dataflash.find_last_log(); _log_next_list_entry = packet.start; _log_last_list_entry = packet.end; if (_log_last_list_entry > last_log_num) { _log_last_list_entry = last_log_num; } if (_log_next_list_entry < last_log_num + 1 - _log_num_logs) { _log_next_list_entry = last_log_num + 1 - _log_num_logs; } } _log_listing = true; handle_log_send_listing(dataflash); }
/** handle all types of log download requests from the GCS */ void GCS_MAVLINK::handle_log_request_list(mavlink_message_t *msg, DataFlash_Class &dataflash) { mavlink_log_request_list_t packet; mavlink_msg_log_request_list_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system, packet.target_component)) return; _log_listing = false; _log_sending = false; _log_num_logs = dataflash.get_num_logs(); if (_log_num_logs == 0) { return; } int16_t last_log_num = dataflash.find_last_log(); _log_next_list_entry = packet.start; _log_last_list_entry = packet.end; if (_log_last_list_entry > last_log_num) { _log_last_list_entry = last_log_num; } if (_log_next_list_entry < last_log_num + 1 - _log_num_logs) { _log_next_list_entry = last_log_num + 1 - _log_num_logs; } _log_listing = true; handle_log_send_listing(dataflash); }
void AP_InertialSensor_Backend::_notify_new_gyro_raw_sample(uint8_t instance, const Vector3f &gyro, uint64_t sample_us) { float dt; if (_imu._gyro_raw_sample_rates[instance] <= 0) { return; } dt = 1.0f / _imu._gyro_raw_sample_rates[instance]; // call gyro_sample hook if any AP_Module::call_hook_gyro_sample(instance, dt, gyro); // compute delta angle Vector3f delta_angle = (gyro + _imu._last_raw_gyro[instance]) * 0.5f * dt; // compute coning correction // see page 26 of: // Tian et al (2010) Three-loop Integration of GPS and Strapdown INS with Coning and Sculling Compensation // Available: // see also examples/ Vector3f delta_coning = (_imu._delta_angle_acc[instance] + _imu._last_delta_angle[instance] * (1.0f / 6.0f)); delta_coning = delta_coning % delta_angle; delta_coning *= 0.5f; // integrate delta angle accumulator // the angles and coning corrections are accumulated separately in the // referenced paper, but in simulation little difference was found between // integrating together and integrating separately (see examples/ _imu._delta_angle_acc[instance] += delta_angle + delta_coning; _imu._delta_angle_acc_dt[instance] += dt; // save previous delta angle for coning correction _imu._last_delta_angle[instance] = delta_angle; _imu._last_raw_gyro[instance] = gyro; _imu._gyro_filtered[instance] = _imu._gyro_filter[instance].apply(gyro); if (_imu._gyro_filtered[instance].is_nan() || _imu._gyro_filtered[instance].is_inf()) { _imu._gyro_filter[instance].reset(); } _imu._new_gyro_data[instance] = true; DataFlash_Class *dataflash = get_dataflash(); if (dataflash != NULL) { uint64_t now = AP_HAL::micros64(); struct log_GYRO pkt = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT((uint8_t)(LOG_GYR1_MSG+instance)), time_us : now, sample_us : sample_us?sample_us:now, GyrX : gyro.x, GyrY : gyro.y, GyrZ : gyro.z }; dataflash->WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); }
void SoloGimbal::write_logs() { DataFlash_Class *dataflash = DataFlash_Class::instance(); if (dataflash == nullptr) { return; } uint32_t tstamp = AP_HAL::millis(); Vector3f eulerEst; Quaternion quatEst; _ekf.getQuat(quatEst); quatEst.to_euler(eulerEst.x, eulerEst.y, eulerEst.z); struct log_Gimbal1 pkt1 = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_GIMBAL1_MSG), time_ms : tstamp, delta_time : _log_dt, delta_angles_x : _log_del_ang.x, delta_angles_y : _log_del_ang.y, delta_angles_z : _log_del_ang.z, delta_velocity_x : _log_del_vel.x, delta_velocity_y : _log_del_vel.y, delta_velocity_z : _log_del_vel.z, joint_angles_x : _measurement.joint_angles.x, joint_angles_y : _measurement.joint_angles.y, joint_angles_z : _measurement.joint_angles.z }; dataflash->WriteBlock(&pkt1, sizeof(pkt1)); struct log_Gimbal2 pkt2 = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_GIMBAL2_MSG), time_ms : tstamp, est_sta : (uint8_t) _ekf.getStatus(), est_x : eulerEst.x, est_y : eulerEst.y, est_z : eulerEst.z, rate_x : _ang_vel_dem_rads.x, rate_y : _ang_vel_dem_rads.y, rate_z : _ang_vel_dem_rads.z, target_x: _att_target_euler_rad.x, target_y: _att_target_euler_rad.y, target_z: _att_target_euler_rad.z }; dataflash->WriteBlock(&pkt2, sizeof(pkt2)); _log_dt = 0;;; }
bool AP_GPS_Backend::should_df_log() const { DataFlash_Class *instance = DataFlash_Class::instance(); if (instance == nullptr) { return false; } if (gps._log_gps_bit == (uint32_t)-1) { return false; } if (!instance->should_log(gps._log_gps_bit)) { return false; } return true; }
/** trigger sending of log messages if there are some pending */ void GCS_MAVLINK::handle_log_send_listing(DataFlash_Class &dataflash) { uint16_t txspace = comm_get_txspace(chan); if (txspace < MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES+MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_ENTRY_LEN) { // no space return; } if (hal.scheduler->millis() - last_heartbeat_time > 3000) { // give a heartbeat a chance return; } uint32_t size, time_utc; if (_log_next_list_entry == 0) { size = 0; time_utc = 0; } else { dataflash.get_log_info(_log_next_list_entry, size, time_utc); } mavlink_msg_log_entry_send(chan, _log_next_list_entry, _log_num_logs, _log_last_list_entry, time_utc, size); if (_log_next_list_entry == _log_last_list_entry) { _log_listing = false; } else { _log_next_list_entry++; } }
void GCS_MAVLINK::handle_radio_status(mavlink_message_t *msg, DataFlash_Class &dataflash, bool log_radio) { mavlink_radio_t packet; mavlink_msg_radio_decode(msg, &packet); // record if the GCS has been receiving radio messages from // the aircraft if (packet.remrssi != 0) { last_radio_status_remrssi_ms = hal.scheduler->millis(); } // use the state of the transmit buffer in the radio to // control the stream rate, giving us adaptive software // flow control if (packet.txbuf < 20 && stream_slowdown < 100) { // we are very low on space - slow down a lot stream_slowdown += 3; } else if (packet.txbuf < 50 && stream_slowdown < 100) { // we are a bit low on space, slow down slightly stream_slowdown += 1; } else if (packet.txbuf > 95 && stream_slowdown > 10) { // the buffer has plenty of space, speed up a lot stream_slowdown -= 2; } else if (packet.txbuf > 90 && stream_slowdown != 0) { // the buffer has enough space, speed up a bit stream_slowdown--; } //log rssi, noise, etc if logging Performance monitoring data if (log_radio) { dataflash.Log_Write_Radio(packet); } }
/** trigger sending of log messages if there are some pending */ void GCS_MAVLINK::handle_log_send_listing(DataFlash_Class &dataflash) { if (!HAVE_PAYLOAD_SPACE(chan, LOG_ENTRY)) { // no space return; } if (AP_HAL::millis() - last_heartbeat_time > 3000) { // give a heartbeat a chance return; } uint32_t size, time_utc; if (_log_next_list_entry == 0) { size = 0; time_utc = 0; } else { dataflash.get_log_info(_log_next_list_entry, size, time_utc); } mavlink_msg_log_entry_send(chan, _log_next_list_entry, _log_num_logs, _log_last_list_entry, time_utc, size); if (_log_next_list_entry == _log_last_list_entry) { _log_listing = false; } else { _log_next_list_entry++; } }
/** handle request to erase log data */ void GCS_MAVLINK::handle_log_request_erase(mavlink_message_t *msg, DataFlash_Class &dataflash) { mavlink_log_erase_t packet; mavlink_msg_log_erase_decode(msg, &packet); dataflash.EraseAll(); }
/* report SITL state to DataFlash */ void SITL::Log_Write_SIMSTATE(DataFlash_Class &DataFlash) { double p, q, r; float yaw; // we want the gyro values to be directly comparable to the // raw_imu message, which is in body frame convert_body_frame(state.rollDeg, state.pitchDeg, state.rollRate, state.pitchRate, state.yawRate, &p, &q, &r); // convert to same conventions as DCM yaw = state.yawDeg; if (yaw > 180) { yaw -= 360; } struct log_AHRS pkt = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_SIMSTATE_MSG), time_ms : hal.scheduler->millis(), roll : (int16_t)(state.rollDeg*100), pitch : (int16_t)(state.pitchDeg*100), yaw : (uint16_t)(wrap_360_cd(yaw*100)), alt : (float)state.altitude, lat : (int32_t)(state.latitude*1.0e7), lng : (int32_t)(state.longitude*1.0e7) }; DataFlash.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); }
// log the contents of the log_tuning structure to dataflash void AP_TECS::log_data(DataFlash_Class &dataflash, uint8_t msgid) { log_tuning.head1 = HEAD_BYTE1; log_tuning.head2 = HEAD_BYTE2; log_tuning.msgid = msgid; dataflash.WriteBlock(&log_tuning, sizeof(log_tuning)); }
/** trigger sending of log data if there are some pending */ bool GCS_MAVLINK::handle_log_send_data(DataFlash_Class &dataflash) { int16_t payload_space = comm_get_txspace(chan) - MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES; if (payload_space < MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_DATA_LEN) { // no space return false; } if (hal.scheduler->millis() - last_heartbeat_time > 3000) { // give a heartbeat a chance return false; } int16_t ret = 0; uint32_t len = _log_data_remaining; uint8_t data[90]; if (len > 90) { len = 90; } ret = dataflash.get_log_data(_log_num_data, _log_data_page, _log_data_offset, len, data); if (ret < 0) { // report as EOF on error ret = 0; } if (ret < 90) { memset(&data[ret], 0, 90-ret); } mavlink_msg_log_data_send(chan, _log_num_data, _log_data_offset, ret, data); _log_data_offset += len; _log_data_remaining -= len; if (ret < 90 || _log_data_remaining == 0) { _log_sending = false; } return true; }
// read - read the voltage and current for all instances void AP_BattMonitor::read() { for (uint8_t i=0; i<_num_instances; i++) { if (drivers[i] != nullptr && _params[i].type() != AP_BattMonitor_Params::BattMonitor_TYPE_NONE) { drivers[i]->read(); drivers[i]->update_resistance_estimate(); } } DataFlash_Class *df = DataFlash_Class::instance(); if (df->should_log(_log_battery_bit)) { df->Log_Write_Current(); df->Log_Write_Power(); } check_failsafes(); }
void DataFlashTest_AllTypes::Log_Write_TypeMessages() { log_num = dataflash.find_last_log(); hal.console->printf("Using log number %u\n", log_num); struct log_TYP1 typ1 = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_TYP1_MSG), time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), a : { -32768, 32767, 1, -1, 0, 17 }, // int16[32]
void DataFlashTest_AllTypes::Log_Write_TypeMessages() { dataflash.StartNewLog(); log_num = dataflash.find_last_log(); hal.console->printf("Using log number %u\n", log_num); struct log_TYP1 typ1 = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_TYP1_MSG), time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), b : -17, // int8_t B : 42, // uint8_t h : -12372, // int16_t H : 19812, // uint16_t i : -98234729, // int32_t I : 74627293, // uint32_t f : 35.87654, // float d : 67.7393274658293, // double n : { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' }, // char[4]
void ReplayVehicle::setup(void) { dataflash.Init(log_structure, sizeof(log_structure)/sizeof(log_structure[0])); dataflash.StartNewLog(); ahrs.set_compass(&compass); ahrs.set_fly_forward(true); ahrs.set_wind_estimation(true); ahrs.set_correct_centrifugal(true); ahrs.set_ekf_use(true); printf("Starting disarmed\n"); hal.util->set_soft_armed(false); barometer.init(); barometer.setHIL(0); barometer.update(); compass.init(); ins.set_hil_mode(); }
void DataFlashTest_AllTypes::flush_dataflash(DataFlash_Class &_dataflash) { #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL || CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_LINUX _dataflash.flush(); #else // flush is not available on e.g. px4 as it would be a somewhat // dangerous operation, but if we wait long enough (at time of // writing, 2 seconds, see DataFlash_File::_io_timer) the data // will go out. hal.scheduler->delay(3000); #endif }
/** handle request for log data */ void GCS_MAVLINK::handle_log_request_data(mavlink_message_t *msg, DataFlash_Class &dataflash) { mavlink_log_request_data_t packet; mavlink_msg_log_request_data_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system, packet.target_component)) return; _log_listing = false; if (!_log_sending || _log_num_data != { _log_sending = false; uint16_t num_logs = dataflash.get_num_logs(); int16_t last_log_num = dataflash.find_last_log(); if ( > last_log_num || < last_log_num + 1 - num_logs) { return; } uint32_t time_utc, size; dataflash.get_log_info(, size, time_utc); _log_num_data =; _log_data_size = size; uint16_t end; dataflash.get_log_boundaries(, _log_data_page, end); } _log_data_offset = packet.ofs; if (_log_data_offset >= _log_data_size) { _log_data_remaining = 0; } else { _log_data_remaining = _log_data_size - _log_data_offset; } if (_log_data_remaining > packet.count) { _log_data_remaining = packet.count; } _log_sending = true; handle_log_send(dataflash); }
void OpticalFlow::Log_Write_Optflow() { DataFlash_Class *instance = DataFlash_Class::instance(); if (instance == nullptr) { return; } if (_log_bit != (uint32_t)-1 && !instance->should_log(_log_bit)) { return; } struct log_Optflow pkt = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_OPTFLOW_MSG), time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), surface_quality : _state.surface_quality, flow_x : _state.flowRate.x, flow_y : _state.flowRate.y, body_x : _state.bodyRate.x, body_y : _state.bodyRate.y }; instance->WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); }
bool AP_Arming::arm_checks(uint8_t method) { // ensure the GPS drivers are ready on any final changes if ((checks_to_perform & ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (checks_to_perform & ARMING_CHECK_GPS_CONFIG)) { if (!AP::gps().prepare_for_arming()) { return false; } } // note that this will prepare DataFlash to start logging // so should be the last check to be done before arming if ((checks_to_perform & ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (checks_to_perform & ARMING_CHECK_LOGGING)) { DataFlash_Class *df = DataFlash_Class::instance(); df->PrepForArming(); if (!df->logging_started()) { gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Arm: Logging not started"); return false; } } return true; }
bool AP_InertialSensor::BatchSampler::should_log(uint8_t _instance, IMU_SENSOR_TYPE _type) { if (_sensor_mask == 0) { return false; } if (!initialised) { return false; } if (_instance != instance) { return false; } if (_type != type) { return false; } if (data_write_offset >= _required_count) { return false; } DataFlash_Class *dataflash = DataFlash_Class::instance(); #define MASK_LOG_ANY 0xFFFF if (!dataflash->should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) { return false; } return true; }
/** handle all types of log download requests from the GCS */ void GCS_MAVLINK::handle_log_message(mavlink_message_t *msg, DataFlash_Class &dataflash) { switch (msg->msgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_REQUEST_LIST: handle_log_request_list(msg, dataflash); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_REQUEST_DATA: handle_log_request_data(msg, dataflash); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_ERASE: dataflash.EraseAll(); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_REQUEST_END: _log_sending = false; break; } }
/** trigger sending of log data if there are some pending */ bool GCS_MAVLINK::handle_log_send_data(DataFlash_Class &dataflash) { if (!HAVE_PAYLOAD_SPACE(chan, LOG_DATA)) { // no space return false; } if (AP_HAL::millis() - last_heartbeat_time > 3000) { // give a heartbeat a chance return false; } int16_t ret = 0; uint32_t len = _log_data_remaining; mavlink_log_data_t packet; if (len > 90) { len = 90; } ret = dataflash.get_log_data(_log_num_data, _log_data_page, _log_data_offset, len,; if (ret < 0) { // report as EOF on error ret = 0; } if (ret < 90) { memset(&[ret], 0, 90-ret); } packet.ofs = _log_data_offset; = _log_num_data; packet.count = ret; _mav_finalize_message_chan_send(chan, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_DATA, (const char *)&packet, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_DATA_MIN_LEN, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_DATA_LEN, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_DATA_CRC); _log_data_offset += len; _log_data_remaining -= len; if (ret < 90 || _log_data_remaining == 0) { _log_sending = false; } return true; }
/* report SITL state to DataFlash */ void SITL::Log_Write_SIMSTATE(DataFlash_Class &DataFlash) { float yaw; // convert to same conventions as DCM yaw = state.yawDeg; if (yaw > 180) { yaw -= 360; } struct log_AHRS pkt = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_SIMSTATE_MSG), time_us : hal.scheduler->micros64(), roll : (int16_t)(state.rollDeg*100), pitch : (int16_t)(state.pitchDeg*100), yaw : (uint16_t)(wrap_360_cd(yaw*100)), alt : (float)state.altitude, lat : (int32_t)(state.latitude*1.0e7), lng : (int32_t)(state.longitude*1.0e7) }; DataFlash.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); }
void AP_InertialSensor::BatchSampler::push_data_to_log() { if (!initialised) { return; } if (_sensor_mask == 0) { return; } if (data_write_offset - data_read_offset < samples_per_msg) { // insuffucient data to pack a packet return; } const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (now - last_sent_ms < push_interval_ms) { // avoid flooding DataFlash's buffer return; } DataFlash_Class *dataflash = DataFlash_Class::instance(); if (dataflash == nullptr) { // should not have been called return; } // possibly send isb header: if (!isbh_sent && data_read_offset == 0) { float sample_rate = 0; // avoid warning about uninitialised values switch(type) { case IMU_SENSOR_TYPE_GYRO: sample_rate = _imu._gyro_raw_sample_rates[instance]; break; case IMU_SENSOR_TYPE_ACCEL: sample_rate = _imu._accel_raw_sample_rates[instance]; break; } if (!dataflash->Log_Write_ISBH(isb_seqnum, type, instance, multiplier, _required_count, measurement_started_us, sample_rate)) { // buffer full? return; } isbh_sent = true; } // pack and send a data packet: if (!dataflash->Log_Write_ISBD(isb_seqnum, data_read_offset/samples_per_msg, &data_x[data_read_offset], &data_y[data_read_offset], &data_z[data_read_offset])) { // maybe later?! return; } data_read_offset += samples_per_msg; last_sent_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); if (data_read_offset >= _required_count) { // that was the last one. Clean up: data_read_offset = 0; isb_seqnum++; isbh_sent = false; // rotate to next instance: rotate_to_next_sensor(); data_write_offset = 0; // unlocks writing process } }
// Initialise the filter bool NavEKF2::InitialiseFilter(void) { if (_enable == 0) { return false; } imuSampleTime_us = AP_HAL::micros64(); // see if we will be doing logging DataFlash_Class *dataflash = DataFlash_Class::instance(); if (dataflash != nullptr) { logging.enabled = dataflash->log_replay(); } if (core == nullptr) { // don't run multiple filters for 1 IMU const AP_InertialSensor &ins = _ahrs->get_ins(); uint8_t mask = (1U<<ins.get_accel_count())-1; _imuMask.set(_imuMask.get() & mask); // count IMUs from mask num_cores = 0; for (uint8_t i=0; i<7; i++) { if (_imuMask & (1U<<i)) { num_cores++; } } if (hal.util->available_memory() < sizeof(NavEKF2_core)*num_cores + 4096) { GCS_MAVLINK::send_statustext_all(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "NavEKF2: not enough memory"); _enable.set(0); return false; } core = new NavEKF2_core[num_cores]; if (core == nullptr) { _enable.set(0); GCS_MAVLINK::send_statustext_all(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "NavEKF2: allocation failed"); return false; } // set the IMU index for the cores num_cores = 0; for (uint8_t i=0; i<7; i++) { if (_imuMask & (1U<<i)) { if(!core[num_cores].setup_core(this, i, num_cores)) { return false; } num_cores++; } } // Set the primary initially to be the lowest index primary = 0; } // initialse the cores. We return success only if all cores // initialise successfully bool ret = true; for (uint8_t i=0; i<num_cores; i++) { ret &= core[i].InitialiseFilterBootstrap(); } check_log_write(); return ret; }