//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Draw the legend using immediate mode OpenGL //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OverlayColorLegend::renderLegendImmediateMode(OpenGLContext* oglContext, OverlayColorLegendLayoutInfo* layout) { #ifdef CVF_OPENGL_ES CVF_UNUSED(layout); CVF_FAIL_MSG("Not supported on OpenGL ES"); #else CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT(layout); CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT(layout->size.x() > 0); CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT(layout->size.y() > 0); Depth depth(false); depth.applyOpenGL(oglContext); Lighting_FF lighting(false); lighting.applyOpenGL(oglContext); // All vertices. Initialized here to set Z to zero once and for all. static float vertexArray[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, }; // Per vector convenience pointers float* v0 = &vertexArray[0]; float* v1 = &vertexArray[3]; float* v2 = &vertexArray[6]; float* v3 = &vertexArray[9]; float* v4 = &vertexArray[12]; // Constant coordinates v0[0] = v3[0] = layout->x0; v1[0] = v4[0] = layout->x1; // Render color bar as one colored quad per pixel int legendHeightPixelCount = static_cast<int>(layout->tickPixelPos->get(m_tickValues.size() - 1) - layout->tickPixelPos->get(0) + 0.01); if (m_scalarMapper.notNull()) { int iPx; for (iPx = 0; iPx < legendHeightPixelCount; iPx++) { const Color3ub& clr = m_scalarMapper->mapToColor(m_scalarMapper->domainValue((iPx+0.5)/legendHeightPixelCount)); float y0 = static_cast<float>(layout->legendRect.min().y() + iPx); float y1 = static_cast<float>(layout->legendRect.min().y() + iPx + 1); // Dynamic coordinates for rectangle v0[1] = v1[1] = y0; v3[1] = v4[1] = y1; // Draw filled rectangle elements glColor3ubv(clr.ptr()); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glVertex3fv(v0); glVertex3fv(v1); glVertex3fv(v4); glVertex3fv(v3); glEnd(); } } // Render frame // Dynamic coordinates for tickmarks-lines bool isRenderingFrame = true; if (isRenderingFrame) { v0[0] = v2[0] = layout->legendRect.min().x()-0.5f; v1[0] = v3[0] = layout->legendRect.max().x()-0.5f; v0[1] = v1[1] = layout->legendRect.min().y()-0.5f; v2[1] = v3[1] = layout->legendRect.max().y()-0.5f; glColor3fv(m_color.ptr()); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3fv(v0); glVertex3fv(v1); glVertex3fv(v1); glVertex3fv(v3); glVertex3fv(v3); glVertex3fv(v2); glVertex3fv(v2); glVertex3fv(v0); glEnd(); } // Render tickmarks bool isRenderingTicks = true; if (isRenderingTicks) { // Constant coordinates v0[0] = layout->x0; v1[0] = layout->x1 - 0.5f*(layout->tickX - layout->x1) - 0.5f; v2[0] = layout->x1; v3[0] = layout->tickX - 0.5f*(layout->tickX - layout->x1) - 0.5f; v4[0] = layout->tickX; size_t ic; for (ic = 0; ic < m_tickValues.size(); ic++) { float y0 = static_cast<float>(layout->legendRect.min().y() + layout->tickPixelPos->get(ic) - 0.5f); // Dynamic coordinates for tickmarks-lines v0[1] = v1[1] = v2[1] = v3[1] = v4[1] = y0; glColor3fv(m_color.ptr()); glBegin(GL_LINES); if ( m_visibleTickLabels[ic]) { glVertex3fv(v0); glVertex3fv(v4); } else { glVertex3fv(v2); glVertex3fv(v3); } glEnd(); } } // Reset render states Lighting_FF resetLighting; resetLighting.applyOpenGL(oglContext); Depth resetDepth; resetDepth.applyOpenGL(oglContext); CVF_CHECK_OGL(oglContext); #endif // CVF_OPENGL_ES }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Draw the legend using shader programs //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OverlayColorLegend::renderLegend(OpenGLContext* oglContext, OverlayColorLegendLayoutInfo* layout, const MatrixState& matrixState) { CVF_CALLSITE_OPENGL(oglContext); CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT(layout); CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT(layout->size.x() > 0); CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT(layout->size.y() > 0); Depth depth(false); depth.applyOpenGL(oglContext); // All vertices. Initialized here to set Z to zero once and for all. static float vertexArray[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Per vector convenience pointers float* v0 = &vertexArray[0]; float* v1 = &vertexArray[3]; float* v2 = &vertexArray[6]; float* v3 = &vertexArray[9]; float* v4 = &vertexArray[12]; // Constant coordinates v0[0] = v3[0] = layout->x0; v1[0] = v4[0] = layout->x1; // Connects static const ushort trianglesConnects[] = { 0, 1, 4, 0, 4, 3 }; ref<ShaderProgram> shaderProgram = oglContext->resourceManager()->getLinkedUnlitColorShaderProgram(oglContext); CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT(shaderProgram.notNull()); if (shaderProgram->useProgram(oglContext)) { shaderProgram->clearUniformApplyTracking(); shaderProgram->applyFixedUniforms(oglContext, matrixState); } glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glEnableVertexAttribArray(ShaderProgram::VERTEX); glVertexAttribPointer(ShaderProgram::VERTEX, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, vertexArray); // Render color bar as one colored quad per pixel int legendHeightPixelCount = static_cast<int>(layout->tickPixelPos->get(m_tickValues.size()-1) - layout->tickPixelPos->get(0) + 0.01); if (m_scalarMapper.notNull()) { int iPx; for (iPx = 0; iPx < legendHeightPixelCount; iPx++) { const Color3ub& clr = m_scalarMapper->mapToColor(m_scalarMapper->domainValue((iPx+0.5)/legendHeightPixelCount)); float y0 = static_cast<float>(layout->legendRect.min().y() + iPx); float y1 = static_cast<float>(layout->legendRect.min().y() + iPx + 1); // Dynamic coordinates for rectangle v0[1] = v1[1] = y0; v3[1] = v4[1] = y1; // Draw filled rectangle elements { UniformFloat uniformColor("u_color", Color4f(Color3f(clr))); shaderProgram->applyUniform(oglContext, uniformColor); #ifdef CVF_OPENGL_ES glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, trianglesConnects); #else glDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 4, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, trianglesConnects); #endif } } } // Render frame // Dynamic coordinates for tickmarks-lines bool isRenderingFrame = true; if (isRenderingFrame) { v0[0] = v2[0] = layout->legendRect.min().x()-0.5f; v1[0] = v3[0] = layout->legendRect.max().x()-0.5f; v0[1] = v1[1] = layout->legendRect.min().y()-0.5f; v2[1] = v3[1] = layout->legendRect.max().y()-0.5f; static const ushort frameConnects[] = { 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 0}; UniformFloat uniformColor("u_color", Color4f(m_color)); shaderProgram->applyUniform(oglContext, uniformColor); #ifdef CVF_OPENGL_ES glDrawElements(GL_LINES, 8, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, frameConnects); #else glDrawRangeElements(GL_LINES, 0, 3, 8, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, frameConnects); #endif } // Render tickmarks bool isRenderingTicks = true; if (isRenderingTicks) { // Constant coordinates v0[0] = layout->x0; v1[0] = layout->x1 - 0.5f*(layout->tickX - layout->x1) - 0.5f; v2[0] = layout->x1; v3[0] = layout->tickX - 0.5f*(layout->tickX - layout->x1) - 0.5f; v4[0] = layout->tickX; static const ushort tickLinesWithLabel[] = { 0, 4 }; static const ushort tickLinesWoLabel[] = { 2, 3 }; size_t ic; for (ic = 0; ic < m_tickValues.size(); ic++) { float y0 = static_cast<float>(layout->legendRect.min().y() + layout->tickPixelPos->get(ic) - 0.5f); // Dynamic coordinates for tickmarks-lines v0[1] = v1[1] = v2[1] = v3[1] = v4[1] = y0; UniformFloat uniformColor("u_color", Color4f(m_color)); shaderProgram->applyUniform(oglContext, uniformColor); const ushort * linesConnects; if ( m_visibleTickLabels[ic]) { linesConnects = tickLinesWithLabel; } else { linesConnects = tickLinesWoLabel; } #ifdef CVF_OPENGL_ES glDrawElements(GL_LINES, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, linesConnects); #else glDrawRangeElements(GL_LINES, 0, 4, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, linesConnects); #endif } } glDisableVertexAttribArray(ShaderProgram::VERTEX); CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT(shaderProgram.notNull()); shaderProgram->useNoProgram(oglContext); // Reset render states Depth resetDepth; resetDepth.applyOpenGL(oglContext); CVF_CHECK_OGL(oglContext); }