コード例 #1
ファイル: InsetMathFrac.cpp プロジェクト: bsjung/Lyx
void InsetMathBinom::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
	Dimension const dim = dimension(*pi.base.bv);
	Dimension const & dim0 = cell(0).dimension(*pi.base.bv);
	Dimension const & dim1 = cell(1).dimension(*pi.base.bv);
	// define the binom brackets
	docstring const bra = kind_ == BRACE ? from_ascii("{") :
		kind_ == BRACK ? from_ascii("[") : from_ascii("(");
	docstring const ket = kind_ == BRACE ? from_ascii("}") :
		kind_ == BRACK ? from_ascii("]") : from_ascii(")");

	int m = x + dim.width() / 2;
	// FIXME: for an unknown reason the cells must be drawn directly
	// after the StyleChanger and cannot be drawn after the if case
	if (kind_ == DBINOM) {
		StyleChanger dummy(pi.base, LM_ST_DISPLAY);
		cell(0).draw(pi, m - dim0.wid / 2, y - dim0.des - 3 - 5);
		cell(1).draw(pi, m - dim1.wid / 2, y + dim1.asc + 3 - 5);
	} else if (kind_ == TBINOM) {
		StyleChanger dummy(pi.base, LM_ST_SCRIPT);
		cell(0).draw(pi, m - dim0.wid / 2, y - dim0.des - 3 - 5);
		cell(1).draw(pi, m - dim1.wid / 2, y + dim1.asc + 3 - 5);
	} else {
		FracChanger dummy2(pi.base);
		cell(0).draw(pi, m - dim0.wid / 2, y - dim0.des - 3 - 5);
		cell(1).draw(pi, m - dim1.wid / 2, y + dim1.asc + 3 - 5);
	// draw the brackets and the marker
	mathed_draw_deco(pi, x, y - dim.ascent(), dw(dim.height()),
		dim.height(), bra);
	mathed_draw_deco(pi, x + dim.width() - dw(dim.height()),
		y - dim.ascent(), dw(dim.height()), dim.height(), ket);
	drawMarkers2(pi, x, y);
コード例 #2
ファイル: GuiCompleter.cpp プロジェクト: bsjung/Lyx
void GuiCompleter::asyncUpdatePopup()
	Cursor cur = gui_->bufferView().cursor();
	if (!cur.inset().completionSupported(cur)
		  || !cur.bv().paragraphVisible(cur)) {
		popupVisible_ = false;

	// get dimensions of completion prefix
	Dimension dim;
	int x;
	int y;
	cur.inset().completionPosAndDim(cur, x, y, dim);
	// and calculate the rect of the popup
	QRect rect;
	if (popup()->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft)
		rect = QRect(x + dim.width() - 200, y - dim.ascent() - 3, 200, dim.height() + 6);
		rect = QRect(x, y - dim.ascent() - 3, 200, dim.height() + 6);
	// Resize the columns in the popup.
	// This should really be in the constructor. But somehow the treeview
	// has a bad memory about it and we have to tell him again and again.
	QTreeView * listView = static_cast<QTreeView *>(popup());
	listView->header()->setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Stretch);
	listView->header()->setResizeMode(1, QHeaderView::Fixed);
	listView->header()->resizeSection(1, 22);
	// show/update popup
コード例 #3
void MathMacro::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
	// set edit mode for which we will have calculated metrics. But only
	editing_[mi.base.bv] = editMode(mi.base.bv);

	// calculate new metrics according to display mode
	if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_INIT || displayMode_ == DISPLAY_INTERACTIVE_INIT) {
		mathed_string_dim(mi.base.font, from_ascii("\\") + name(), dim);
	} else if (displayMode_ == DISPLAY_UNFOLDED) {
		cell(0).metrics(mi, dim);
		Dimension bsdim;
		mathed_string_dim(mi.base.font, from_ascii("\\"), bsdim);
		dim.wid += bsdim.width() + 1;
		dim.asc = max(bsdim.ascent(), dim.ascent());
		dim.des = max(bsdim.descent(), dim.descent());
	} else if (lyxrc.macro_edit_style == LyXRC::MACRO_EDIT_LIST 
		   && editing_[mi.base.bv]) {
		// Macro will be edited in a old-style list mode here:

		LASSERT(macro_ != 0, /**/);
		Dimension fontDim;
		FontInfo labelFont = sane_font;
		math_font_max_dim(labelFont, fontDim.asc, fontDim.des);
		// get dimension of components of list view
		Dimension nameDim;
		nameDim.wid = mathed_string_width(mi.base.font, from_ascii("Macro \\") + name() + ": ");
		nameDim.asc = fontDim.asc;
		nameDim.des = fontDim.des;

		Dimension argDim;
		argDim.wid = mathed_string_width(labelFont, from_ascii("#9: "));
		argDim.asc = fontDim.asc;
		argDim.des = fontDim.des;
		Dimension defDim;
		definition_.metrics(mi, defDim);
		// add them up
		dim.wid = nameDim.wid + defDim.wid;
		dim.asc = max(nameDim.asc, defDim.asc);
		dim.des = max(nameDim.des, defDim.des);
		for (idx_type i = 0; i < nargs(); ++i) {
			Dimension cdim;
			cell(i).metrics(mi, cdim);
			dim.des += max(argDim.height(), cdim.height()) + 1;
			dim.wid = max(dim.wid, argDim.wid + cdim.wid);
		// make space for box and markers, 2 pixels
		dim.asc += 1;
		dim.des += 1;
		dim.wid += 2;
	} else {
コード例 #4
ファイル: InsetMathCases.cpp プロジェクト: apex-hughin/LyX
void InsetMathCases::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
	Dimension const dim = dimension(*pi.base.bv);
	mathed_draw_deco(pi, x + 1, y - dim.ascent(), 6, dim.height(), from_ascii("{"));
	InsetMathGrid::drawWithMargin(pi, x, y, 8, 0);
	setPosCache(pi, x, y);
コード例 #5
ファイル: InsetMathAMSArray.cpp プロジェクト: cburschka/lyx
void InsetMathAMSArray::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
	Changer dummy2 = pi.base.changeEnsureMath();
	Dimension const dim = dimension(*pi.base.bv);
	int const yy = y - dim.ascent();
	// Drawing the deco after changeStyle does not work
	mathed_draw_deco(pi, x + 1, yy, 5, dim.height(), from_ascii(name_left()));
	mathed_draw_deco(pi, x + dim.width() - 8, yy, 5, dim.height(), from_ascii(name_right()));
	Changer dummy = pi.base.changeArray();
	InsetMathGrid::draw(pi, x, y);
コード例 #6
ファイル: InsetMathBig.cpp プロジェクト: apex-hughin/LyX
void InsetMathBig::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
	Dimension const dim = dimension(*pi.base.bv);
	// mathed_draw_deco does not use the leading backslash, so remove it
	// (but don't use ltrim if this is the backslash delimiter).
	// Replace \| by \Vert (equivalent in LaTeX), since mathed_draw_deco
	// would treat it as |.
	docstring const delim = (delim_ == "\\|") ?  from_ascii("Vert") :
		(delim_ == "\\\\") ? from_ascii("\\") : support::ltrim(delim_, "\\");
	mathed_draw_deco(pi, x + 1, y - dim.ascent(), 4, dim.height(),
	setPosCache(pi, x, y);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Inset.cpp プロジェクト: bsjung/Lyx
void Inset::drawMarkers2(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
	ColorCode pen_color = mouseHovered(pi.base.bv) || editing(pi.base.bv)?
		Color_mathframe : Color_mathcorners;

	drawMarkers(pi, x, y);
	Dimension const dim = dimension(*pi.base.bv);
	int const t = x + dim.width() - 1;
	int const a = y - dim.ascent();
	pi.pain.line(x, a + 3, x, a, pen_color);
	pi.pain.line(t, a + 3, t, a, pen_color);
	pi.pain.line(x, a, x + 3, a, pen_color);
	pi.pain.line(t - 3, a, t, a, pen_color);
	setPosCache(pi, x, y);
コード例 #8
void InsetMathSqrt::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
	cell(0).draw(pi, x + 10, y);
	Dimension const dim = dimension(*pi.base.bv);
	int const a = dim.ascent();
	int const d = dim.descent();
	int xp[3];
	int yp[3];
	pi.pain.line(x + dim.width(), y - a + 1,
		x + 8, y - a + 1, pi.base.font.color());
	xp[0] = x + 8;            yp[0] = y - a + 1;
	xp[1] = x + 5;            yp[1] = y + d - 1;
	xp[2] = x;                yp[2] = y + (d - a)/2;
	pi.pain.lines(xp, yp, 3, pi.base.font.color());
	drawMarkers(pi, x, y);