コード例 #1
ファイル: rampTest.cpp プロジェクト: rsnemmen/Chombo
makeLayout(DisjointBoxLayout& a_dbl,
           const Box& a_domain)
    ParmParse pp;
    int eekflag= 0;
    int ipieces;
    ipieces = Max(ipieces, 1);
    int maxsize;
    Vector<Box> vbox(1, a_domain);
    domainSplit(a_domain, vbox,  maxsize);
    if (eekflag != 0)
        pout() << "problem in domainsplit" << endl;
        return eekflag;
    Vector<int>  procAssign;
    eekflag = LoadBalance(procAssign,vbox);
    if (eekflag != 0)
        pout() << "problem in loadbalance" << endl;
        return eekflag;
    a_dbl.define(vbox, procAssign);
    return eekflag;
コード例 #2
ファイル: aggpwlfpTest.cpp プロジェクト: rsnemmen/Chombo
makeLayout(DisjointBoxLayout& a_dbl,
           const Box& a_domainFine)
  //set up mesh refine object
  ParmParse pp;
  int eekflag= 0;
  int maxsize;
  int bufferSize = 1;
  int blockFactor = 2;
  Real fillrat = 0.75;
  Box domainCoar = coarsen(a_domainFine, 2);
  Vector<int> refRat(2,2);
  BRMeshRefine meshRefObj(domainCoar, refRat, fillrat,
                          blockFactor, bufferSize, maxsize);

  Vector<Vector<Box> > oldMeshes(2);
  oldMeshes[0] = Vector<Box>(1,   domainCoar);
  oldMeshes[1] = Vector<Box>(1, a_domainFine);

  //set up coarse tags
  int nc = domainCoar.size(0);
  int nmi = nc/2;//16
  int nqu = nc/4;//8
  int ntf = (nc*3)/4;  //24
  int nte = (nc*3)/8; //12
  int nfe = (nc*5)/8; //20
#if (CH_SPACEDIM ==2)
  Box boxf1(IntVect(0, nqu), IntVect(nmi-1,ntf-1));
  Box boxf2(IntVect(nmi,nte), IntVect(ntf-1,nfe-1));
  Box boxf3(IntVect(nqu,0  ), IntVect(nfe-1,nqu-1));
  Box boxf4(IntVect(nfe,nqu), IntVect(nc -1,nte-1));
  Box boxf1(IntVect(0, nqu,nqu), IntVect(nmi-1,ntf-1,ntf-1));
  Box boxf2(IntVect(nmi,nte,nte), IntVect(ntf-1,nfe-1,nfe-1));
  Box boxf3(IntVect(nqu,0,0  ), IntVect(nfe-1,nqu-1,nqu-1));
  Box boxf4(IntVect(nfe,nqu,nqu), IntVect(nc -1,nte-1,nte-1));
  IntVectSet tags;
  tags |= boxf1;
  tags |= boxf2;
  tags |= boxf3;
  tags |= boxf4;

  int baseLevel = 0;
  int topLevel = 0;
  Vector<Vector<Box> > newMeshes;
  meshRefObj.regrid(newMeshes, tags, baseLevel,
                    topLevel, oldMeshes);

  const Vector<Box>& vbox = newMeshes[1];
  Vector<int>  procAssign;
  eekflag = LoadBalance(procAssign,vbox);
  if (eekflag != 0) return eekflag;
  a_dbl.define(vbox, procAssign);
  return eekflag;
コード例 #3
ファイル: pwlinterpTest.cpp プロジェクト: rsnemmen/Chombo
makeLayoutPart(DisjointBoxLayout& a_dbl,
               const Box& a_domainCoarsest)
  //  Vector<int> vecRefRat(2, 2);
  ParmParse pp;
  int eekflag= 0;
  int blockFactor, bufferSize, maxSize;
  Real fillRat;
  pp.get("block_factor", blockFactor);
  pp.get("buffer_size", bufferSize);
  pp.get("maxboxsize", maxSize);
  pp.get("fill_ratio", fillRat);
  int nlevels =  2;
  Vector<int> vecRefRat(nlevels);
  pp.getarr("ref_ratio", vecRefRat,0,nlevels);
  BRMeshRefine mesher(a_domainCoarsest, vecRefRat,
                      fillRat, blockFactor, bufferSize, maxSize);

  int topLevel  =  0;
  int baseLevel =  0;
  //tags at base level
  IntVectSet tags;
  eekflag = makeTags(tags, a_domainCoarsest);
  if (eekflag < 0) return eekflag;

  Vector<Vector<Box> > oldMeshes(nlevels);
  oldMeshes[0] = Vector<Box>(1, a_domainCoarsest);
  Box finerDomain = a_domainCoarsest;
  for (int ilev = 1; ilev < nlevels; ilev++)
      oldMeshes[ilev] = Vector<Box>(1, finerDomain);
  Vector<Vector<Box> > newMeshes;
  mesher.regrid(newMeshes, tags, baseLevel, topLevel, oldMeshes);

  Vector<int> procAssign;
  eekflag = LoadBalance(procAssign, newMeshes[1]);
  if (eekflag != 0) return eekflag;
  a_dbl.define(newMeshes[1], procAssign);
  int iverbose;
  pp.get("verbose", iverbose);
  if (iverbose == 1)
      pout() << "the grids coarser domain= " << a_domainCoarsest
             << " = " << a_dbl << endl;

  return eekflag;
コード例 #4
ファイル: halfQuadTest.cpp プロジェクト: rsnemmen/Chombo
makeLayout(DisjointBoxLayout& a_dbl,
           const Box& a_domainFine)
  //set up mesh refine object
  ParmParse pp;
  int eekflag= 0;
  int maxsize;
  int bufferSize = 2;
  int blockFactor = 8;
  Real fillrat = 0.7;
  Box domainCoar = coarsen(a_domainFine, 2);
  Vector<int> refRat(2,2);
  BRMeshRefine meshRefObj(domainCoar, refRat, fillrat,
                          blockFactor, bufferSize, maxsize);

  Vector<Vector<Box> > oldMeshes(2);
  oldMeshes[0] = Vector<Box>(1,   domainCoar);
  oldMeshes[1] = Vector<Box>(1, a_domainFine);

  //set up coarse tags
  int nc = domainCoar.size(0);
  Box halfBox = domainCoar;
  halfBox.growHi(0, -nc/2);
  IntVectSet tags(halfBox);

  int baseLevel = 0;
  int topLevel = 0;
  Vector<Vector<Box> > newMeshes;
  meshRefObj.regrid(newMeshes, tags, baseLevel,
                    topLevel, oldMeshes);

  const Vector<Box>& vbox = newMeshes[1];
  Vector<int>  procAssign;
  eekflag = LoadBalance(procAssign,vbox);
  if (eekflag != 0) return eekflag;
  a_dbl.define(vbox, procAssign);
  return eekflag;
コード例 #5
ファイル: testPeriodic.cpp プロジェクト: rsnemmen/Chombo
main(int argc ,char *argv[] )
#ifdef CH_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  int status = 0;
  // Make this test pass automatically if DIM > 3, to avoid FAIL message.
  if (SpaceDim <= 3)
    parseTestOptions(argc, argv);

    // establish periodic domain -- first multiply periodic in all directions
    int baseDomainSize = 8;
    int numGhost = 2;
    IntVect ghostVect(numGhost*IntVect::Unit);

    Box baseDomBox(IntVect::Zero, (baseDomainSize-1)*IntVect::Unit);
    ProblemDomain baseDomain(baseDomBox);

    // set periodic in all directions
    for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++)
      baseDomain.setPeriodic(dir, true);

      // QuadCFInterp test
      int nRef = 2;
      ProblemDomain fineDomain(baseDomain);

      const Box domainBox = baseDomain.domainBox();
      Vector<Box> crseBoxes(1, domainBox);
      Vector<int> crseProcAssign(1,0);
      DisjointBoxLayout crseGrids(crseBoxes, crseProcAssign, baseDomain);

      // note the lack of ghost cells on the base level
      LevelData<FArrayBox> crseData(crseGrids, 1, IntVect::Zero);

      Real dxCrse = 1.0/(baseDomainSize);
      Real dxFine = dxCrse/nRef;
      initData(crseData, dxCrse);

#if (CH_SPACEDIM == 1)
      Vector<Box> fineBoxes(2);
      Vector<int> fineProcAssign(2);

      fineBoxes[0] = Box(IntVect::Zero, 5*IntVect::Unit);
      fineBoxes[1] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(6,10,10,6,10,0)), IntVect(D_DECL6(11,15,15,11,15,15)));
      // try multiple boxes for fine level
      Vector<Box> fineBoxes(4);
      Vector<int> fineProcAssign(4);

      fineBoxes[0] = Box(IntVect::Zero, 9*IntVect::Unit);
      fineBoxes[1] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(6,10,10,6,10,0)), IntVect(D_DECL6(11,15,15,11,15,15)));
      // this box should fail the disjointness test
      //fineBoxes[1] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL(7,10,10)), 17*IntVect::Unit);
      fineBoxes[2] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(12,2,0,12,2,0)), IntVect(D_DECL6(15,7,7,15,7,7)));
      fineBoxes[3] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(12,12,0,12,12,0)), 15*IntVect::Unit);

      int loadbalancestatus = LoadBalance(fineProcAssign, fineBoxes);
      CH_assert (loadbalancestatus == 0);

      DisjointBoxLayout fineGrids;
      fineGrids.define(fineBoxes, fineProcAssign, fineDomain);
      LevelData<FArrayBox> fineData(fineGrids, 1, ghostVect);

      // set these to a bogus value to start with
      DataIterator fineDit = fineData.dataIterator();
      for (fineDit.begin(); fineDit.ok(); ++fineDit)

      FineInterp interpolator(fineGrids, 1, nRef, fineDomain);

      // turn on fine-data averaging even though it's unnecessary
      // since this is a test (so we'd like to know if it's broken)
      bool averageFineData = true;
      interpolator.interpToFine(fineData, crseData, averageFineData);

      // now fill in ghost cells
      QuadCFInterp filler(fineGrids, &crseGrids, dxFine, nRef, 1,

      filler.coarseFineInterp(fineData, crseData);

      // fineInterp near boundary test
      int numLev = 3;
      Vector<int> nRefVect(numLev);
      nRefVect[0] = 4;
      nRefVect[1] = 2;
      nRefVect[2] = -1;
      Vector<Real> dxVect(numLev);
      Vector<ProblemDomain> levelDomains(numLev);
      levelDomains[0] = Box(IntVect::Zero, 15*IntVect::Unit);
      dxVect[0] = 1.0/(levelDomains[0].domainBox().size(0));
      for (int lev=1; lev<numLev; lev++)
          levelDomains[lev] = levelDomains[lev-1];
          dxVect[lev] = dxVect[lev-1]/nRefVect[lev-1];

      Vector<DisjointBoxLayout> levelGrids(numLev);
      Vector<LevelData<FArrayBox>* > levelData(numLev, NULL);

      const Box domainBox = levelDomains[0].domainBox();
      Vector<Box> crseBoxes(1, domainBox);
      Vector<int> crseProcAssign(1,0);
      DisjointBoxLayout level0Grids(crseBoxes, crseProcAssign,
      levelGrids[0] = level0Grids;

      // note the lack of ghost cells on the base level
      levelData[0] = new LevelData<FArrayBox>(level0Grids,
                                              1, IntVect::Zero);

      initData(*levelData[0], dxVect[0]);

      Vector<Box> level1Boxes(1, levelDomains[1].domainBox());
      int loadbalancestatus = LoadBalance(crseProcAssign, level1Boxes);
      CH_assert (loadbalancestatus == 0);

      IntVect newGhostVect(4*IntVect::Unit);
      DisjointBoxLayout fineGrids;
      fineGrids.define(level1Boxes, crseProcAssign, levelDomains[1]);
      levelGrids[1] = fineGrids;
      levelData[1] = new LevelData<FArrayBox>(fineGrids, 1,

      Vector<Box> level2Boxes(1);
      //level2Boxes[0] = Box(20*IntVect::Unit, 119*IntVect::Unit);
      level2Boxes[0] = Box(100*IntVect::Unit, 127*IntVect::Unit);
      DisjointBoxLayout finestGrids(level2Boxes, crseProcAssign,
      levelGrids[2] = finestGrids;
      levelData[2] = new LevelData<FArrayBox>(finestGrids, 1,

      for (int lev=1; lev<numLev; lev++)
          LevelData<FArrayBox>& fineData = *levelData[lev];
          LevelData<FArrayBox>& crseData = *levelData[lev-1];

          // set these to a bogus value to start with
          DataIterator fineDit = fineData.dataIterator();
          for (fineDit.begin(); fineDit.ok(); ++fineDit)

          FineInterp interpolator(levelGrids[lev], 1, nRefVect[lev-1],

          // turn on fine-data averaging even though it's unnecessary
          // since this is a test (so we'd like to know if it's broken)
          bool averageFineData = true;
          interpolator.interpToFine(fineData, crseData, averageFineData);

          pout() << "grids at level = " << lev << endl;
          pout() << "grids at level = " << lev-1 << endl;

          // now fill in ghost cells
          QuadCFInterp filler(levelGrids[lev], &levelGrids[lev-1],
                              nRefVect[lev-1], 1,

          filler.coarseFineInterp(fineData, crseData);

#ifdef CH_USE_HDF5
      // dump data
      if (writePlots)
          string fname = "interp.hdf5";
          Vector<string> varNames(1,"phi");
          Real dt = 0.0;
          Real time= 0.0;
          WriteAMRHierarchyHDF5(fname, levelGrids,
                                levelData, varNames,
                                dxVect[0], dt, time,
                                nRefVect, numLev);

      // clean up memory
      for (int lev=0; lev<levelData.size(); lev++)
          if (levelData[lev] != NULL)
              delete levelData[lev];
              levelData[lev] = NULL;

    // now test partially periodic case (also coarsen back to original domain
    // no such thing as "partially periodic" for 1D; for 1D, test moving
    // fine-grid boxes from low-end of domain to high-end of domain


      // try similar tests to the previous case
      int nRef = 2;
      ProblemDomain fineDomain(baseDomain);

      const Box domainBox = baseDomain.domainBox();
      Vector<Box> crseBoxes(1, domainBox);
      Vector<int> crseProcAssign(1,0);
      DisjointBoxLayout crseGrids(crseBoxes, crseProcAssign, baseDomain);

      // note the lack of ghost cells on the base level
      LevelData<FArrayBox> crseData(crseGrids, 1, IntVect::Zero);

      Real dxCrse = 1.0/(baseDomainSize);
      Real dxFine = dxCrse/nRef;
      initData(crseData, dxCrse);

#if (CH_SPACEDIM == 1)
      Vector<Box> fineBoxes(2);
      Vector<int> fineProcAssign(2);

      fineBoxes[0] = Box(12*IntVect::Unit, 15*IntVect::Unit);
      fineBoxes[1] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(6,10,10,6,10,10)), IntVect(D_DECL6(11,15,15,11,15,15)));
      // try multiple boxes for fine level
      // note grids are different in this case to allow for all periodic checking
      Vector<Box> fineBoxes(3);
      Vector<int> fineProcAssign(3);

      fineBoxes[0] = Box(IntVect::Zero, 9*IntVect::Unit);
      fineBoxes[1] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(6,10,10,6,10,10)), IntVect(D_DECL6(11,15,15,11,15,15)));
      // this box should fail the disjointness test
      //fineBoxes[1] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL(7,10,10)), 17*IntVect::Unit);
      fineBoxes[2] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(12,2,0,12,2,0)), IntVect(D_DECL6(15,7,7,15,7,7)));
      //fineBoxes[3] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL(12,12,0)), 15*IntVect::Unit);

      int loadbalancestatus = LoadBalance(fineProcAssign, fineBoxes);
      CH_assert (loadbalancestatus == 0);

      DisjointBoxLayout fineGrids;
      fineGrids.define(fineBoxes, fineProcAssign, fineDomain);
      LevelData<FArrayBox> fineData(fineGrids, 1, ghostVect);

      // set these to a bogus value to start with
      DataIterator fineDit = fineData.dataIterator();
      for (fineDit.begin(); fineDit.ok(); ++fineDit)

      FineInterp interpolator(fineGrids, 1, nRef, fineDomain);

      // turn on fine-data averaging even though it's unnecessary
      // since this is a test (so we'd like to know if it's broken)
      bool averageFineData = true;
      interpolator.interpToFine(fineData, crseData, averageFineData);

      // now fill in first layer of ghost cells
      QuadCFInterp filler(fineGrids, &crseGrids, dxFine, nRef, 1,

      filler.coarseFineInterp(fineData, crseData);

      // now fill in remaining ghost cell with extrapolation
      Interval extrapInterval(1,1);
      ExtrapFillPatch extrapFiller(fineGrids, fineDomain,

      for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++)



  } // if (SpaceDim <= 3)
  pout() << indent << pgmname << ": "
         << ( (status == 0) ? "passed all tests" : "failed at least one test,")
         << endl;

#ifdef CH_MPI
  return status ;
コード例 #6
ファイル: fluxRegTest.cpp プロジェクト: rsnemmen/Chombo
makeLayouts(DisjointBoxLayout& a_dblCoar,
            DisjointBoxLayout& a_dblFine,
            const Box& a_domainCoar,
            const Box& a_domainFine)
  //set up mesh refine object
  int eekflag= 0;
  Vector<Box> vboxCoar;
  Vector<Box> vboxFine;
#if 1
  ParmParse pp;
  int maxsize;
  int bufferSize = 1;
  int blockFactor = 2;
  Real fillrat = 0.75;
  Vector<int> refRat(2,2);
  BRMeshRefine meshRefObj(a_domainCoar, refRat, fillrat,
                          blockFactor, bufferSize, maxsize);

  Vector<Vector<Box> > oldMeshes(2);
  oldMeshes[0] = Vector<Box>(1, a_domainCoar);
  oldMeshes[1] = Vector<Box>(1, a_domainFine);

  //set up coarse tags
  int nc = a_domainCoar.size(0);
  int nmi = nc/2;//16
  int nqu = nc/4;//8
  int ntf = (nc*3)/4;  //24
  int nte = (nc*3)/8; //12
  int nfe = (nc*5)/8; //20
#if (CH_SPACEDIM ==2)
  Box boxf1(IntVect(0, nqu), IntVect(nmi-1,ntf-1));
  Box boxf2(IntVect(nmi,nte), IntVect(ntf-1,nfe-1));
  Box boxf3(IntVect(nqu,0  ), IntVect(nfe-1,nqu-1));
  Box boxf4(IntVect(nfe,nqu), IntVect(nc -1,nte-1));
  //  Box boxf5(IntVect(nqu,nqu), IntVect(ntf-1,ntf-1));
  Box boxf1(IntVect(0, nqu,nqu), IntVect(nmi-1,ntf-1,ntf-1));
  Box boxf2(IntVect(nmi,nte,nte), IntVect(ntf-1,nfe-1,nfe-1));
  Box boxf3(IntVect(nqu,0,0  ), IntVect(nfe-1,nqu-1,nqu-1));
  Box boxf4(IntVect(nfe,nqu,nqu), IntVect(nc -1,nte-1,nte-1));
  //  Box boxf5(IntVect(nqu,nqu), IntVect(ntf-1,ntf-1))
  IntVectSet tags;
  tags |= boxf1;
  tags |= boxf2;
  tags |= boxf3;
  tags |= boxf4;

  //  tags |= boxf5;
  int baseLevel = 0;
  int topLevel = 0;
  Vector<Vector<Box> > newMeshes;
  meshRefObj.regrid(newMeshes, tags, baseLevel,
                    topLevel, oldMeshes);

  vboxCoar = newMeshes[0];
  vboxFine = newMeshes[1];
  vboxCoar = Vector<Box>(1, a_domainCoar);
  Box shrunkFine = a_domainFine;
  int nc = Max(a_domainCoar.size(0)/4, 2);
  vboxFine = Vector<Box>(1, shrunkFine);

  Vector<int>  procAssignFine, procAssignCoar;
  eekflag = LoadBalance(procAssignFine,vboxFine);
  if (eekflag != 0) return eekflag;
  eekflag = LoadBalance(procAssignCoar,vboxCoar);
  if (eekflag != 0) return eekflag;

  a_dblFine.define(vboxFine, procAssignFine);
  a_dblCoar.define(vboxCoar, procAssignCoar);
  return eekflag;
コード例 #7
ファイル: EBAMRTestCommon.cpp プロジェクト: dtgraves/EBAMRCNS
makeHalfLayouts(DisjointBoxLayout& a_gridsFine,
                EBISLayout&        a_ebislFine,
                DisjointBoxLayout& a_gridsCoar,
                EBISLayout&        a_ebislCoar,
                const Box& a_domainFine,
                const Box& a_domainCoar,
                int a_refrat,
                int a_halfDir
  //set up mesh refine object
  ParmParse pp;
  int eekflag= 0;
  int maxsize;
  int bufferSize = 2;
  int blockFactor = 8;
  Real fillrat = 0.7;

  Vector<int> refRat(2,2);
  BRMeshRefine meshRefObj(a_domainCoar, refRat, fillrat,
                          blockFactor, bufferSize, maxsize);

  Vector<Vector<Box> > oldMeshes(2);
  oldMeshes[0] = Vector<Box>(1, a_domainCoar);
  oldMeshes[1] = Vector<Box>(1, a_domainFine);

  //set up coarse tags
  int nc = a_domainCoar.size(a_halfDir);
  Box halfBox = a_domainCoar;
  halfBox.growHi(a_halfDir, -nc/2);
  IntVectSet tags(halfBox);

  int baseLevel = 0;
  int topLevel = 0;
  Vector<Vector<Box> > newMeshes;
  meshRefObj.regrid(newMeshes, tags, baseLevel,
                    topLevel, oldMeshes);

  const Vector<Box>& vboxFine = newMeshes[1];
  Vector<int>  procAssign;
  eekflag = LoadBalance(procAssign,vboxFine);
  if (eekflag != 0) return eekflag;
  a_gridsFine.define(vboxFine, procAssign);

  //make the coarse grids completely cover the domain
  Vector<Box> vboxCoar;
  domainSplit(a_domainCoar, vboxCoar,  maxsize);
  eekflag = LoadBalance(procAssign,vboxCoar);
  a_gridsCoar.define(vboxCoar, procAssign);

  ///create ebislayout
  int nghost = 4;
  eekflag = makeEBISL(a_ebislFine, a_gridsFine, a_domainFine, nghost);
  if (eekflag != 0) return eekflag;
  eekflag = makeEBISL(a_ebislCoar, a_gridsCoar, a_domainCoar, nghost);
  if (eekflag != 0) return eekflag;
  return eekflag;