int main(int narg, char *arg[]) { using std::cout; #ifdef EPETRA_MPI // Initialize MPI MPI_Init(&narg,&arg); Epetra_MpiComm comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #else Epetra_SerialComm comm; #endif int me = comm.MyPID(); int np = comm.NumProc(); ITYPE nGlobalRows = 10; if (narg > 1) nGlobalRows = (ITYPE) atol(arg[1]); bool verbose = (nGlobalRows < 20); // Linear map similar to Trilinos default, // but want to allow adding OFFSET_EPETRA64 to the indices. int nMyRows = (int) (nGlobalRows / np + (nGlobalRows % np > me)); ITYPE myFirstRow = (ITYPE)(me * (nGlobalRows / np) + MIN(nGlobalRows%np, me)); ITYPE *myGlobalRows = new ITYPE[nMyRows]; for (int i = 0; i < nMyRows; i++) myGlobalRows[i] = (ITYPE)i + myFirstRow + OFFSET_EPETRA64; Epetra_Map *rowMap = new Epetra_Map(-1, nMyRows, &myGlobalRows[0], 0, comm); if (verbose) rowMap->Print(std::cout); // Create an integer vector nnzPerRow that is used to build the Epetra Matrix. // nnzPerRow[i] is the number of entries for the ith local equation std::vector<int> nnzPerRow(nMyRows+1, 0); // Also create lists of the nonzeros to be assigned to processors. // To save programming time and complexity, these vectors are allocated // bigger than they may actually be needed. std::vector<ITYPE> iv(3*nMyRows+1); std::vector<ITYPE> jv(3*nMyRows+1); std::vector<double> vv(3*nMyRows+1); // Generate the nonzeros for the Laplacian matrix. ITYPE nMyNonzeros = 0; for (ITYPE i = 0, myrowcnt = 0; i < nGlobalRows; i++) { if (rowMap->MyGID(i+OFFSET_EPETRA64)) { // This processor owns this row; add nonzeros. if (i > 0) { iv[nMyNonzeros] = i + OFFSET_EPETRA64; jv[nMyNonzeros] = i-1 + OFFSET_EPETRA64; vv[nMyNonzeros] = -1; if (verbose) std::cout << "(" << iv[nMyNonzeros] << "," << jv[nMyNonzeros] << ")=" << vv[nMyNonzeros] << " on processor " << me << " in " << myrowcnt << std::endl; nMyNonzeros++; nnzPerRow[myrowcnt]++; } iv[nMyNonzeros] = i + OFFSET_EPETRA64; jv[nMyNonzeros] = i + OFFSET_EPETRA64; vv[nMyNonzeros] = ((i == 0 || i == nGlobalRows-1) ? 1. : 2.); if (verbose) std::cout << "(" << iv[nMyNonzeros] << "," << jv[nMyNonzeros] << ")=" << vv[nMyNonzeros] << " on processor " << me << " in " << myrowcnt << std::endl; nMyNonzeros++; nnzPerRow[myrowcnt]++; if (i < nGlobalRows - 1) { iv[nMyNonzeros] = i + OFFSET_EPETRA64; jv[nMyNonzeros] = i+1 + OFFSET_EPETRA64; vv[nMyNonzeros] = -1; if (verbose) std::cout << "(" << iv[nMyNonzeros] << "," << jv[nMyNonzeros] << ")=" << vv[nMyNonzeros] << " on processor " << me << " in " << myrowcnt << std::endl; nMyNonzeros++; nnzPerRow[myrowcnt]++; } myrowcnt++; } } // Create an Epetra_Matrix Epetra_CrsMatrix *A = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *rowMap, &nnzPerRow[0], false); // Insert the nonzeros. int info; ITYPE sum = 0; for (int i=0; i < nMyRows; i++) { if (nnzPerRow[i]) { if (verbose) { std::cout << "InsertGlobalValus row " << iv[sum] << " count " << nnzPerRow[i] << " cols " << jv[sum] << " " << jv[sum+1] << " "; if (nnzPerRow[i] == 3) std::cout << jv[sum+2]; std::cout << std::endl; } info = A->InsertGlobalValues(iv[sum],nnzPerRow[i],&vv[sum],&jv[sum]); assert(info==0); sum += nnzPerRow[i]; } } // Finish up info = A->FillComplete(); assert(info==0); if (verbose) A->Print(std::cout); // Sanity test: Product of matrix and vector of ones should have norm == 0 // and max/min/mean values of 0 Epetra_Vector sanity(A->RangeMap()); Epetra_Vector sanityres(A->DomainMap()); sanity.PutScalar(1.); A->Multiply(false, sanity, sanityres); double jjone, jjtwo, jjmax; sanityres.Norm1(&jjone); sanityres.Norm2(&jjtwo); sanityres.NormInf(&jjmax); if (me == 0) std::cout << "SanityTest norms 1/2/inf: " << jjone << " " << jjtwo << " " << jjmax << std::endl; bool test_failed = (jjone != 0) || (jjtwo != 0) || (jjmax != 0); sanityres.MinValue(&jjone); sanityres.MeanValue(&jjtwo); sanityres.MaxValue(&jjmax); if (me == 0) std::cout << "SanityTest values min/max/avg: " << jjone << " " << jjmax << " " << jjtwo << std::endl; test_failed = test_failed || (jjone != 0) || (jjtwo != 0) || (jjmax != 0); if (me == 0) { if(test_failed) std::cout << "Bug_5794_IndexBase_LL tests FAILED" << std::endl; } delete A; delete rowMap; delete [] myGlobalRows; FINALIZE; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { using Teuchos::ArrayRCP; using Teuchos::ArrayView; using Teuchos::Comm; using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor; using Teuchos::FancyOStream; using Teuchos::getFancyOStream; using Teuchos::OSTab; using Teuchos::ptr; using Teuchos::RCP; using Teuchos::rcp; using Teuchos::rcpFromRef; using std::cout; using std::endl; bool success = true; // May be changed by tests Teuchos::oblackholestream blackHole; //Teuchos::GlobalMPISession (&argc, &argv, &blackHole); MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); // // Construct communicators, and verify that we are on 4 processors. // // Construct a Teuchos Comm object. RCP<const Comm<int> > teuchosComm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm(); const int numProcs = teuchosComm->getSize(); const int pid = teuchosComm->getRank(); RCP<FancyOStream> pOut = getFancyOStream (rcpFromRef ((pid == 0) ? std::cout : blackHole)); FancyOStream& out = *pOut; // Verify that we are on four processors (which manifests the bug). if (teuchosComm->getSize() != 4) { out << "This test must be run on four processors. Exiting ..." << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // We also need an Epetra Comm, so that we can compare Tpetra and // Epetra results. Epetra_MpiComm epetraComm (MPI_COMM_WORLD); // // Default values of command-line options. // bool verbose = false; bool printEpetra = false; bool printTpetra = false; CommandLineProcessor cmdp (false,true); // // Set command-line options. // cmdp.setOption ("verbose", "quiet", &verbose, "Print verbose output."); // Epetra and Tpetra output will ask the Maps and Import objects to // print themselves in distributed, maximally verbose fashion. It's // best to turn on either Epetra or Tpetra, but not both. Then you // can compare their output side by side. cmdp.setOption ("printEpetra", "dontPrintEpetra", &printEpetra, "Print Epetra output (in verbose mode only)."); cmdp.setOption ("printTpetra", "dontPrintTpetra", &printTpetra, "Print Tpetra output (in verbose mode only)."); // Parse command-line options. if (cmdp.parse (argc,argv) != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL) { out << "End Result: TEST FAILED" << endl; MPI_Finalize (); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (verbose) { out << "Running test on " << numProcs << " process" << (numProcs != 1 ? "es" : "") << "." << endl; } // The maps for this problem are derived from a 3D structured mesh. // In this example, the dimensions are 4x4x2 and there are 2 // processors assigned to the first dimension and 2 processors // assigned to the second dimension, with no parallel decomposition // along the third dimension. The "owned" arrays represent the // one-to-one map, with each array representing a 2x2x2 slice. If // DIMENSIONS == 2, then only the first 4 values will be used, // representing a 2x2(x1) slice. int owned0[8] = { 0, 1, 4, 5,16,17,20,21}; int owned1[8] = { 2, 3, 6, 7,18,19,22,23}; int owned2[8] = { 8, 9,12,13,24,25,28,29}; int owned3[8] = {10,11,14,15,26,27,30,31}; // The "overlap" arrays represent the map with communication // elements, with each array representing a 3x3x2 slice. If // DIMENSIONS == 2, then only the first 9 values will be used, // representing a 3x3(x1) slice. int overlap0[18] = {0,1,2,4, 5, 6, 8, 9,10,16,17,18,20,21,22,24,25,26}; int overlap1[18] = {1,2,3,5, 6, 7, 9,10,11,17,18,19,21,22,23,25,26,27}; int overlap2[18] = {4,5,6,8, 9,10,12,13,14,20,21,22,24,25,26,28,29,30}; int overlap3[18] = {5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,15,21,22,23,25,26,27,29,30,31}; // Construct the owned and overlap maps for both Epetra and Tpetra. int* owned; int* overlap; if (pid == 0) { owned = owned0; overlap = overlap0; } else if (pid == 1) { owned = owned1; overlap = overlap1; } else if (pid == 2) { owned = owned2; overlap = overlap2; } else { owned = owned3; overlap = overlap3; } #if DIMENSIONS == 2 int ownedSize = 4; int overlapSize = 9; #elif DIMENSIONS == 3 int ownedSize = 8; int overlapSize = 18; #endif // Create the two Epetra Maps. Source for the Import is the owned // map; target for the Import is the overlap map. Epetra_Map epetraOwnedMap ( -1, ownedSize, owned, 0, epetraComm); Epetra_Map epetraOverlapMap (-1, overlapSize, overlap, 0, epetraComm); if (verbose && printEpetra) { // Have the Epetra_Map objects describe themselves. // // Epetra_BlockMap::Print() takes an std::ostream&, and expects // all MPI processes to be able to write to it. (The method // handles its own synchronization.) out << "Epetra owned map:" << endl; epetraOwnedMap.Print (std::cout); out << "Epetra overlap map:" << endl; epetraOverlapMap.Print (std::cout); } // Create the two Tpetra Maps. The "invalid" global element count // input tells Tpetra::Map to compute the global number of elements // itself. const int invalid = Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<int>::invalid(); RCP<Tpetra::Map<int> > tpetraOwnedMap = rcp (new Tpetra::Map<int> (invalid, ArrayView<int> (owned, ownedSize), 0, teuchosComm)); tpetraOwnedMap->setObjectLabel ("Owned Map"); RCP<Tpetra::Map<int> > tpetraOverlapMap = rcp (new Tpetra::Map<int> (invalid, ArrayView<int> (overlap, overlapSize), 0, teuchosComm)); tpetraOverlapMap->setObjectLabel ("Overlap Map"); // In verbose mode, have the Tpetra::Map objects describe themselves. if (verbose && printTpetra) { Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verb = Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME; // Tpetra::Map::describe() takes a FancyOStream, but expects all // MPI processes to be able to write to it. (The method handles // its own synchronization.) RCP<FancyOStream> globalOut = getFancyOStream (rcpFromRef (std::cout)); out << "Tpetra owned map:" << endl; { OSTab tab (globalOut); tpetraOwnedMap->describe (*globalOut, verb); } out << "Tpetra overlap map:" << endl; { OSTab tab (globalOut); tpetraOverlapMap->describe (*globalOut, verb); } } // Use the owned and overlap maps to construct an importer for both // Epetra and Tpetra. Epetra_Import epetraImporter (epetraOverlapMap, epetraOwnedMap ); Tpetra::Import<int> tpetraImporter (tpetraOwnedMap , tpetraOverlapMap); // In verbose mode, have the Epetra_Import object describe itself. if (verbose && printEpetra) { out << "Epetra importer:" << endl; // The importer's Print() method takes an std::ostream& and plans // to write to it on all MPI processes (handling synchronization // itself). epetraImporter.Print (std::cout); out << endl; } // In verbose mode, have the Tpetra::Import object describe itself. if (verbose && printTpetra) { out << "Tpetra importer:" << endl; // The importer doesn't implement Teuchos::Describable. It wants // std::cout and plans to write to it on all MPI processes (with // its own synchronization). tpetraImporter.print (std::cout); out << endl; } // Construct owned and overlap vectors for both Epetra and Tpetra. Epetra_Vector epetraOwnedVector (epetraOwnedMap ); Epetra_Vector epetraOverlapVector (epetraOverlapMap); Tpetra::Vector<double,int> tpetraOwnedVector (tpetraOwnedMap ); Tpetra::Vector<double,int> tpetraOverlapVector (tpetraOverlapMap); // The test is as follows: initialize the owned and overlap vectors // with global IDs in the owned regions. Initialize the overlap // vectors to equal -1 in the overlap regions. Then perform a // communication from the owned vectors to the overlap vectors. The // resulting overlap vectors should have global IDs everywhere and // all of the -1 values should be overwritten. // Initialize. We cannot assign directly to the Tpetra Vectors; // instead, we extract nonconst views and assign to those. The // results aren't guaranteed to be committed to the vector unless // the views are released (by assigning Teuchos::null to them). epetraOverlapVector.PutScalar(-1); tpetraOverlapVector.putScalar(-1); ArrayRCP<double> tpetraOwnedArray = tpetraOwnedVector.getDataNonConst(0); ArrayRCP<double> tpetraOverlapArray = tpetraOverlapVector.getDataNonConst(0); for (int owned_lid = 0; owned_lid < tpetraOwnedMap->getNodeElementList().size(); ++owned_lid) { int gid = tpetraOwnedMap->getGlobalElement(owned_lid); int overlap_lid = tpetraOverlapMap->getLocalElement(gid); epetraOwnedVector[owned_lid] = gid; epetraOverlapVector[overlap_lid] = gid; tpetraOwnedArray[owned_lid] = gid; tpetraOverlapArray[overlap_lid] = gid; } // Make sure that the changes to the Tpetra Vector were committed, // by releasing the nonconst views. tpetraOwnedArray = Teuchos::null; tpetraOverlapArray = Teuchos::null; // Test the Epetra and Tpetra Import. if (verbose) { out << "Testing Import from owned Map to overlap Map:" << endl << endl; } epetraOverlapVector.Import( epetraOwnedVector, epetraImporter, Insert); tpetraOverlapVector.doImport(tpetraOwnedVector, tpetraImporter, Tpetra::INSERT); // Check the Import results. success = countFailures (teuchosComm, epetraOwnedMap, epetraOwnedVector, epetraOverlapMap, epetraOverlapVector, tpetraOwnedMap, tpetraOwnedVector, tpetraOverlapMap, tpetraOverlapVector, verbose); const bool testOtherDirections = false; if (testOtherDirections) { // // Reinitialize the Tpetra vectors and test whether Export works. // tpetraOverlapVector.putScalar(-1); tpetraOwnedArray = tpetraOwnedVector.getDataNonConst(0); tpetraOverlapArray = tpetraOverlapVector.getDataNonConst(0); for (int owned_lid = 0; owned_lid < tpetraOwnedMap->getNodeElementList().size(); ++owned_lid) { int gid = tpetraOwnedMap->getGlobalElement(owned_lid); int overlap_lid = tpetraOverlapMap->getLocalElement(gid); tpetraOwnedArray[owned_lid] = gid; tpetraOverlapArray[overlap_lid] = gid; } // Make sure that the changes to the Tpetra Vector were committed, // by releasing the nonconst views. tpetraOwnedArray = Teuchos::null; tpetraOverlapArray = Teuchos::null; // Make a Tpetra Export object, and test the export. Tpetra::Export<int> tpetraExporter1 (tpetraOwnedMap, tpetraOverlapMap); if (verbose) { out << "Testing Export from owned Map to overlap Map:" << endl << endl; } tpetraOverlapVector.doExport (tpetraOwnedVector, tpetraExporter1, Tpetra::INSERT); // Check the Export results. success = countFailures (teuchosComm, epetraOwnedMap, epetraOwnedVector, epetraOverlapMap, epetraOverlapVector, tpetraOwnedMap, tpetraOwnedVector, tpetraOverlapMap, tpetraOverlapVector, verbose); // // Reinitialize the Tpetra vectors and see what Import in the // other direction does. // tpetraOverlapVector.putScalar(-1); tpetraOwnedArray = tpetraOwnedVector.getDataNonConst(0); tpetraOverlapArray = tpetraOverlapVector.getDataNonConst(0); for (int owned_lid = 0; owned_lid < tpetraOwnedMap->getNodeElementList().size(); ++owned_lid) { int gid = tpetraOwnedMap->getGlobalElement(owned_lid); int overlap_lid = tpetraOverlapMap->getLocalElement(gid); tpetraOwnedArray[owned_lid] = gid; tpetraOverlapArray[overlap_lid] = gid; } // Make sure that the changes to the Tpetra Vector were committed, // by releasing the nonconst views. tpetraOwnedArray = Teuchos::null; tpetraOverlapArray = Teuchos::null; if (verbose) { out << "Testing Import from overlap Map to owned Map:" << endl << endl; } Tpetra::Import<int> tpetraImporter2 (tpetraOverlapMap, tpetraOwnedMap); tpetraOwnedVector.doImport (tpetraOverlapVector, tpetraImporter2, Tpetra::INSERT); // Check the Import results. success = countFailures (teuchosComm, epetraOwnedMap, epetraOwnedVector, epetraOverlapMap, epetraOverlapVector, tpetraOwnedMap, tpetraOwnedVector, tpetraOverlapMap, tpetraOverlapVector, verbose); } // if testOtherDirections out << "End Result: TEST " << (success ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") << endl; MPI_Finalize (); return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }