コード例 #1
Epetra_CrsMatrix *
NOX::Epetra::DebugTools::compute_matrix_using_operator( const Epetra_Operator * op)

  const Epetra_Map & rowMap  =     op->OperatorDomainMap();
  Epetra_CrsMatrix * p_mat   = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, rowMap, 0);
  Epetra_Vector *    tempVec = new Epetra_Vector(rowMap);
  Epetra_Vector *    tempRes = new Epetra_Vector(rowMap);

  // Show progress on what could be a long operation
  if( 0 == op->Comm().MyPID() )
    std::cout << "****************  CREATING MATRIX FROM OPERATOR ************************ "
          << std::endl;
    std::cout << NOX::Utils::fill(72) << std::endl;
  int totalPerturbations = tempVec->GlobalLength();
  int outFreq = totalPerturbations / 71;
  if( 1 > outFreq )
    outFreq = 1;

  for( int col = 0; col < tempVec->GlobalLength(); ++col )
    if( rowMap.MyGID(col) )
      (*tempVec)[col] = 1.0;

    op->Apply(*tempVec, *tempRes);

    // Fill in only the nonzero entries from the apply
    for( int row = 0; row < p_mat->NumMyRows(); ++row)
      if( fabs( (*tempRes)[row] ) > 1.e-12 )
    int ierr = p_mat->InsertGlobalValues( rowMap.GID(row), 1, &(*tempRes)[row], &col );
    if( ierr < 0 )
          std::string msg = //"ERROR (" + ierr + ") : "
           "NOX::Epetra::DebugTools::compute_matrix_using_operator crsMatrix.ExtractGlobalRowView(...) failed for row : ";// + row;
          throw msg;
    if( (0 == op->Comm().MyPID()) && (0 == (col % outFreq)) )
      std::cout << "-" << std::flush;
  if( 0 == op->Comm().MyPID() )
    std::cout << "*" << std::endl;


  delete tempRes;
  delete tempVec;

  return p_mat;
コード例 #2
 |  restrict from this to next coarser level (public)         m.gee 3/06|
Epetra_Vector* NLNML::NLNML_CoarseLevelNoxInterface::restrict_to_next_coarser_level(
                                                  Epetra_Vector* thisvec,
                                                  int current, int next)
  Epetra_Vector* xfineP = 0;
  if (current==0)
    xfineP = new Epetra_Vector((*P_)[1]->RowMap(),false);
    if (thisvec->MyLength() != xfineP->MyLength() || thisvec->GlobalLength() != xfineP->GlobalLength())
      cout << "**ERR**: NLNML::NLNML_CoarseLevelNoxInterface::restrict_to_next_coarser_level:\n"
           << "**ERR**: mismatch in dimension of thisvec and xfineP\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
    const int mylength = thisvec->MyLength();
    for (int i=0; i<mylength; i++)
      (*xfineP)[i] = (*thisvec)[i];
    xfineP = thisvec;
  Epetra_Vector* cvec = new Epetra_Vector((*P_)[next]->OperatorDomainMap(),false);
  if (current==0) delete xfineP;
  return cvec;
コード例 #3
computeMaxValue(const Epetra_Vector& x, double& global_max, int& global_index)
  double my_max = -Epetra_MaxDouble;
  int my_index = -1, index;
  // Loop over nodes to find max value for equation eq
  int num_my_nodes = x.MyLength() / neq;
  for (int node=0; node<num_my_nodes; node++) {
    if (interleavedOrdering)  index = node*neq+eq;
    else                      index = node + eq*num_my_nodes;
    if (x[index] > my_max) {
      my_max = x[index];
      my_index = index;

  // Get max value across all proc's
  x.Comm().MaxAll(&my_max, &global_max, 1);

  // Compute min of all global indices equal to max value
  if (my_max == global_max)
    my_index = x.Map().GID(my_index);
    my_index = x.GlobalLength();
  x.Comm().MinAll(&my_index, &global_index, 1);
コード例 #4
 |  prolongate from this level to fine (public)               m.gee 3/06|
Epetra_Vector* NLNML::NLNML_CoarseLevelNoxInterface::prolong_this_to_fine(
                                                const Epetra_Vector& xcoarse)
  if (!Level())
    return new Epetra_Vector(xcoarse);
    Epetra_Vector* cvec = const_cast<Epetra_Vector*>(&xcoarse);
    for (int i=Level(); i>0; i--)
       // allocate a vector matching level i-1
       Epetra_Vector* fvec = wvec_[i-1].get();
       // multiply
       cvec = fvec;
    // Note that the GIDs in cvec do NOT match those of the fineinterface as
    // they match the P_[1]->RangeMap.
    // The LIDs match, so we have to copy cvec to xfine_fineinterface
    // using LIDs
    Epetra_Vector* xfine_fineinterface = new Epetra_Vector(fineinterface_->getGraph()->RowMap(),false);
    if (cvec->MyLength() != xfine_fineinterface->MyLength() ||
        cvec->GlobalLength() != xfine_fineinterface->GlobalLength())
        cout << "**ERR**: NLNML::NLNML_CoarseLevelNoxInterface::prolong_this_to_fine:\n"
             << "**ERR**: mismatch in dimension of cvec and xfine_fineinterface\n"
             << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
    const int mylength = cvec->MyLength();
    for (int i=0; i<mylength; i++)
       (*xfine_fineinterface)[i] = (*cvec)[i];
    return xfine_fineinterface;
コード例 #5
evaluateGradient(const double current_time,
		 const Epetra_Vector* xdot,
		 const Epetra_Vector& x,
		 const Teuchos::Array<ParamVec>& p,
		 ParamVec* deriv_p,
		 Epetra_Vector* g,
		 Epetra_MultiVector* dg_dx,
		 Epetra_MultiVector* dg_dxdot,
		 Epetra_MultiVector* dg_dp)

  // Evaluate response g
  if (g != NULL)

  // Evaluate dg/dx
  if (dg_dx != NULL)
    dg_dx->PutScalar(1.0 / x.GlobalLength());

  // Evaluate dg/dxdot
  if (dg_dxdot != NULL)

  // Evaluate dg/dp
  if (dg_dp != NULL)
コード例 #6
evaluateTangent(const double alpha, 
		const double beta,
		const double current_time,
		bool sum_derivs,
		const Epetra_Vector* xdot,
		const Epetra_Vector& x,
		const Teuchos::Array<ParamVec>& p,
		ParamVec* deriv_p,
		const Epetra_MultiVector* Vxdot,
		const Epetra_MultiVector* Vx,
		const Epetra_MultiVector* Vp,
		Epetra_Vector* g,
		Epetra_MultiVector* gx,
		Epetra_MultiVector* gp)
  // Evaluate response g
  if (g != NULL)

  // Evaluate tangent of g = dg/dx*Vx + dg/dxdot*Vxdot + dg/dp*Vp
  // If Vx == NULL, Vx is the identity
  if (gx != NULL) {
    if (Vx != NULL)
      for (int j=0; j<Vx->NumVectors(); j++)
  if (gp != NULL)
コード例 #7
int Epetra_PETScAIJMatrix::RightScale(const Epetra_Vector& X) {
// This function scales the jth row of A by x[j].
  double *xptr;
  Vec petscX;
# ifdef HAVE_MPI
  int ierr=VecCreateMPIWithArray(Comm_->Comm(),X.MyLength(),X.GlobalLength(),xptr,&petscX); CHKERRQ(ierr);
# else //FIXME  untested
  int ierr=VecCreateSeqWithArray(Comm_->Comm(),X.MyLength(),X.GlobalLength(),xptr,&petscX); CHKERRQ(ierr);
# endif

  MatDiagonalScale(Amat_, PETSC_NULL, petscX);

  ierr=VecDestroy(petscX); CHKERRQ(ierr);
} //RightScale()
コード例 #8
 |  prolongate from next coarser level to this level (public) m.gee 3/06|
Epetra_Vector* NLNML::NLNML_CoarseLevelNoxInterface::prolong_to_this_level(
                                                  Epetra_Vector* coarsevec,
                                                  int current, int next)
  Epetra_Vector* fvec = new Epetra_Vector((*P_)[next]->OperatorRangeMap(),false);
  if (current==0)
    Epetra_Vector* fine = new Epetra_Vector(fineinterface_->getMap(),false);
    if (fvec->MyLength() != fine->MyLength() || fvec->GlobalLength() != fine->GlobalLength())
      cout << "**ERR**: NLNML::NLNML_CoarseLevelNoxInterface::prolong_to_this_level:\n"
           << "**ERR**: mismatch in dimension of fvec and fine\n"
           << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
    const int mylength = fvec->MyLength();
    for (int i=0; i<mylength; ++i)
      (*fine)[i] = (*fvec)[i];
    delete fvec;
    return fine;
    return fvec;
コード例 #9
ファイル: ex16.cpp プロジェクト: 10341074/pacs
bool Vector2MATLAB( const Epetra_Vector & v,
		    const Epetra_Map & Map)
  int MyPID = Map.Comm().MyPID(); 
  int NumProc = Map.Comm().NumProc();
  int MyLength = v.MyLength();
  int GlobalLength = v.GlobalLength();
  // print out on cout if no filename is provided

  // write on file the dimension of the matrix

  if( MyPID == 0 ) cout << "v = zeros(" << GlobalLength << ")\n";

  // get update list
  int * MyGlobalElements = Map.MyGlobalElements( );
  int Row;

  for( int Proc=0 ; Proc<NumProc ; ++Proc ) {

    if( MyPID == Proc ) {

      cout << "% On proc " << Proc << ": ";
      cout << MyLength << " rows of ";
      cout << GlobalLength << " elements\n";

      for( Row=0 ; Row<MyLength ; ++Row ) {
	cout << "b(" << MyGlobalElements[Row]
	     << ") = " << v[Row] << ";\n";
      if( MyPID == NumProc-1  ) {
	cout << "% End of vector\n";

  return true;

} /* Vector2MATLAB */
コード例 #10
 |  restrict from fine to this level (public)                 m.gee 3/06|
Epetra_Vector*  NLNML::NLNML_CoarseLevelNoxInterface::restrict_fine_to_this(
                                                 const Epetra_Vector& xfine)
  if (!Level())
    Epetra_Vector* xcoarse = new Epetra_Vector(xfine);
    return xcoarse;
    // Note that the GIDs in xfine match those of the fineinterface and
    // might be different from those in P_[1]->OperatorRangeMap().
    // The LIDs and the map match, so we have to copy xfine to xfineP
    // using LIDs
    Epetra_Vector* xfineP = wvec_[0].get(); // RangeMap of P_[1]
    if (xfine.MyLength() != xfineP->MyLength() || xfine.GlobalLength() != xfineP->GlobalLength())
        cout << "**ERR**: NLNML::NLNML_CoarseLevelNoxInterface::restrict_fine_to_this:\n"
             << "**ERR**: mismatch in dimension of xfine and xfineP\n"
             << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
    const int mylength = xfine.MyLength();
    for (int i=0; i<mylength; i++)
      (*xfineP)[i] = xfine[i];

    // loop from the finest level to this level and
    // apply series of restrictions (that is transposed prolongations)
    Epetra_Vector* fvec = xfineP;
    for (int i=0; i<Level()-1; i++)
      Epetra_Vector* cvec = wvec_[i+1].get();
      fvec = cvec;
    Epetra_Vector* out = new Epetra_Vector((*P_)[Level()]->OperatorDomainMap(),false);
    return out;