コード例 #1
NABoolean AppliedStatMan::insertCachePredStatEntry(
			    const CANodeIdSet & jbbcNodeSet,
			    const EstLogPropSharedPtr& estLogProp)
  CANodeIdSet * tableSet = new (STMTHEAP) CANodeIdSet (jbbcNodeSet);
// FIXME!!! Must properly create cacheASM_
  CANodeIdSet * result = cacheASM_->
			insert(tableSet, estLogProp.get());

  if (result == NULL)
    return FALSE;  // insert failed.
    return TRUE; // insert successful
} // AppliedStatMan::insertCachePredStatEntry
コード例 #2
COMPARE_RESULT EstLogProp::compareEstLogProp (const EstLogPropSharedPtr &other) const
  if (this == other.get())
    return SAME;

  // First thing that we may want to compare is the CANodeSets of the EstLogProp
  // if these are NOT NULL

  // This would work if Query Analizer created nodeSet_ for this and other
  if ((nodeSet_ != NULL) && (other->nodeSet_ != NULL))
    if ((*nodeSet_) == (*(other->nodeSet_)))
      return SAME;
      return INCOMPATIBLE;

  // This is the old logic after removing heuristic returning SAME for close 
  // EstLogProp like resultCardinality_/other->resultCardinality in [0.8,1.2]
  // That heuristics was incompatible with Cascades assumption that in the case
  // when pruning is on we cannot have 2 different context for optimization 
  // if their comparison returns SAME.
  if ( resultCardinality_ == other->resultCardinality_  AND
       ( // Check for the case where we have two "empty" input logical properties.
         ( columnStats_.entries() == 0 AND other->columnStats_.entries() == 0) 
         ( columnStats_       == other->columnStats_ AND
	   unresolvedPreds_   == other->unresolvedPreds_ AND
	   inputForSemiTSJ_   == other->inputForSemiTSJ_ )
    return SAME;
