コード例 #1
bool FDesktopPlatformBase::EnumerateProjectsKnownByEngine(const FString &Identifier, bool bIncludeNativeProjects, TArray<FString> &OutProjectFileNames)
	// Get the engine root directory
	FString RootDir;
	if (!GetEngineRootDirFromIdentifier(Identifier, RootDir))
		return false;

	FString GameAgnosticConfigDir = GetEngineSavedConfigDirectory(Identifier);

	if (GameAgnosticConfigDir.Len() == 0)
		return false;

	// Find all the created project directories. Start with the default project creation path.
	TArray<FString> SearchDirectories;

	// Load the config file
	FConfigFile GameAgnosticConfig;
	FConfigCacheIni::LoadExternalIniFile(GameAgnosticConfig, TEXT("EditorSettings"), NULL, *GameAgnosticConfigDir, false);

	// Find the editor game-agnostic settings
	FConfigSection* Section = GameAgnosticConfig.Find(TEXT("/Script/UnrealEd.EditorSettings"));

	if (Section == NULL)
		FConfigCacheIni::LoadExternalIniFile(GameAgnosticConfig, TEXT("EditorGameAgnostic"), NULL, *GameAgnosticConfigDir, false);
		Section = GameAgnosticConfig.Find(TEXT("/Script/UnrealEd.EditorGameAgnosticSettings"));

	if(Section != NULL)
		// Add in every path that the user has ever created a project file. This is to catch new projects showing up in the user's project folders
		TArray<FString> AdditionalDirectories;
		Section->MultiFind(TEXT("CreatedProjectPaths"), AdditionalDirectories);
		for(int Idx = 0; Idx < AdditionalDirectories.Num(); Idx++)

		// Also add in all the recently opened projects
		TArray<FString> RecentlyOpenedFiles;
		Section->MultiFind(TEXT("RecentlyOpenedProjectFiles"), RecentlyOpenedFiles);
		for(int Idx = 0; Idx < RecentlyOpenedFiles.Num(); Idx++)

	// Find all the other projects that are in the search directories
	for(int Idx = 0; Idx < SearchDirectories.Num(); Idx++)
		TArray<FString> ProjectFolders;
		IFileManager::Get().FindFiles(ProjectFolders, *(SearchDirectories[Idx] / TEXT("*")), false, true);

		for(int32 FolderIdx = 0; FolderIdx < ProjectFolders.Num(); FolderIdx++)
			TArray<FString> ProjectFiles;
			IFileManager::Get().FindFiles(ProjectFiles, *(SearchDirectories[Idx] / ProjectFolders[FolderIdx] / TEXT("*.uproject")), true, false);

			for(int32 FileIdx = 0; FileIdx < ProjectFiles.Num(); FileIdx++)
				OutProjectFileNames.AddUnique(SearchDirectories[Idx] / ProjectFolders[FolderIdx] / ProjectFiles[FileIdx]);

	// Find all the native projects, and either add or remove them from the list depending on whether we want native projects
	const FUProjectDictionary &Dictionary = GetCachedProjectDictionary(RootDir);
		TArray<FString> NativeProjectPaths = Dictionary.GetProjectPaths();
		for(int Idx = 0; Idx < NativeProjectPaths.Num(); Idx++)
		TArray<FString> NativeProjectPaths = Dictionary.GetProjectPaths();
		for(int Idx = 0; Idx < NativeProjectPaths.Num(); Idx++)

	return true;
コード例 #2
void USpeedTreeImportData::LoadOptions()
	int32 PortFlags = 0;

	for (UProperty* Property = GetClass()->PropertyLink; Property; Property = Property->PropertyLinkNext)
		if (!Property->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Config))
		FString Section = TEXT("SpeedTree_Import_UI_Option_") + GetClass()->GetName();
		FString Key = Property->GetName();

		const bool bIsPropertyInherited = Property->GetOwnerClass() != GetClass();
		UObject* SuperClassDefaultObject = GetClass()->GetSuperClass()->GetDefaultObject();

		const FString& PropFileName = GEditorPerProjectIni;

		UArrayProperty* Array = dynamic_cast<UArrayProperty*>(Property);
		if (Array)
			FConfigSection* Sec = GConfig->GetSectionPrivate(*Section, 0, 1, *GEditorPerProjectIni);
			if (Sec != nullptr)
				TArray<FConfigValue> List;
				const FName KeyName(*Key, FNAME_Find);
				Sec->MultiFind(KeyName, List);

				FScriptArrayHelper_InContainer ArrayHelper(Array, this);
				// Only override default properties if there is something to override them with.
				if (List.Num() > 0)
					for (int32 i = List.Num() - 1, c = 0; i >= 0; i--, c++)
						Array->Inner->ImportText(*List[i].GetValue(), ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(c), PortFlags, this);
					int32 Index = 0;
					const FConfigValue* ElementValue = nullptr;
						// Add array index number to end of key
						FString IndexedKey = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s[%i]"), *Key, Index);

						// Try to find value of key
						const FName IndexedName(*IndexedKey, FNAME_Find);
						if (IndexedName == NAME_None)
						ElementValue = Sec->Find(IndexedName);

						// If found, import the element
						if (ElementValue != nullptr)
							// expand the array if necessary so that Index is a valid element
							Array->Inner->ImportText(*ElementValue->GetValue(), ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(Index), PortFlags, this);

					} while (ElementValue || Index < ArrayHelper.Num());
			for (int32 i = 0; i < Property->ArrayDim; i++)
				if (Property->ArrayDim != 1)
					Key = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s[%i]"), *Property->GetName(), i);

				FString Value;
				bool bFoundValue = GConfig->GetString(*Section, *Key, Value, *GEditorPerProjectIni);

				if (bFoundValue)
					if (Property->ImportText(*Value, Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(this, i), PortFlags, this) == NULL)
						// this should be an error as the properties from the .ini / .int file are not correctly being read in and probably are affecting things in subtle ways
						UE_LOG(LogSpeedTreeImportData, Error, TEXT("SpeedTree Options LoadOptions (%s): failed for %s in: %s"), *GetPathName(), *Property->GetName(), *Value);