コード例 #1
ファイル: tutorial.cpp プロジェクト: CodeShark/libsnark
void HashDifficultyEnforcer_Gadget::generateConstraints() {
    // enforce that both representations are equal
    // add constraints asserting that the first 'difficultyBits' bits of 'hashValue' equal 0. Note
    // endianness, unpacked()[0] is LSB and unpacked()[63] is MSB
    for (size_t i = 0; i < difficultyBits_; ++i) {
        addUnaryConstraint(hashValue_.unpacked()[63 - i], GADGETLIB2_FMT("hashValue[%u] == 0", 63 - i));
コード例 #2
ファイル: tutorial.cpp プロジェクト: CodeShark/libsnark
void NAND_Gadget::generateConstraints() {
    // we will invoke the AND gate constraint generator
    // and add our out negation constraint in order to make this a NAND gate
    addRank1Constraint(1, 1 - andResult_, output_, "1 * (1 - andResult) = output");
    // Another way to write the same constraint is:
    // addUnaryConstraint(1 - andResult_ - output_, "1 - andResult == output");
    // At first look, it would seem that this is enough. However, the AND_Gadget expects all of its
    // inputs to be boolean, a dishonest prover could put non-boolean inputs, so we must check this
    // here. Notice 'FlagVariable' means a variable which we intend to hold only '0' or '1', but
    // this is just a convention (it is a typedef for Variable) and we must enforce it.
    // Look into the internals of the R1P implementation of AND_Gadget and see that
    // {2, 1, 0} as inputs with {1} as output would satisfy all constraints, even though this is
    // clearly not our intent!
    for (const auto& input : inputs_) {
        enforceBooleanity(input); // This adds a constraint of the form: input * (1 - input) == 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: tutorial.cpp プロジェクト: CodeShark/libsnark
// And now for a test which will exemplify the usage:
TEST(Examples, NAND_Gadget) {
    // initialize the field
    // create a protoboard for a system of rank 1 constraints over a prime field.
    ProtoboardPtr pb = Protoboard::create(R1P);
    // create 5 variables inputs[0]...iputs[4]. The string "inputs" is used for debug messages
    FlagVariableArray inputs(5, "inputs");
    FlagVariable output("output");
    GadgetPtr nandGadget = NAND_Gadget::create(pb, inputs, output);
    // now we can generate a constraint system (or circuit)
    // if we try to evaluate the circuit now, an exception will be thrown, because we will
    // be attempting to evaluate unasigned variables.
    // so lets assign the input variables for NAND and try again after creating the witness
    for (const auto& input : inputs) {
        pb->val(input) = 1;
    EXPECT_TRUE(pb->val(output) == 0);
    // now lets try to ruin something and see what happens
    pb->val(inputs[2]) = 0;
    // now let try to cheat. If we hadn't enforced booleanity, this would have worked!
    pb->val(inputs[1]) = 2;
    // now lets reset inputs[1] to a valid value
    pb->val(inputs[1]) = 1;
    // before, we set both the inputs and the output. Notice the output is still set to '0'
    EXPECT_TRUE(pb->val(output) == 0);
    // Now we will let the gadget compute the result using generateWitness() and see what happens
    EXPECT_TRUE(pb->val(output) == 1);