コード例 #1
ファイル: Algorithms.cpp プロジェクト: thradams/tklgen
MMap MakeLLTables(Grammar& g)
    const GrammarSymbol* pMain =  g.FindSymbol(L"Main");

    if (pMain == nullptr)
        throw std::exception("Main syntax must be defined!");

    if (g.GetStartSymbol() == nullptr)
        throw std::exception("Main syntax must be defined! (start)");

    const FirstSets first = BuildFirstSets3(g);
    const FollowSets follow = BuildFolowSets3(g, first);
    PrintFirst(std::wcout, first);
    std::wcout << std::endl;
    PrintFollow(std::wcout, follow);
    MMap M = BuildMTable(first, follow, g);
    std::wcout << L"M table" << std::endl;
    Print(std::wcout, M, g);
    return M;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Algorithms.cpp プロジェクト: thradams/tklgen
//controi todos os follow(A) da gramatica g
FollowSets BuildFolowSets3(Grammar& g,  const FirstSets& first)
    FollowSets follow;
    //Follow(start-symbol):= {$};
    follow.AddToSet(g.GetStartSymbol(), g.endmarker());

    //for all nonterminals A != start-symbol do Follow(A):={};
    for (int i = 0 ; i < g.GetNumOfGrammarSymbols(); i++)
        const GrammarSymbol* pgs = g.GetSymbol(i);

        if (!pgs->IsTerminal() && pgs != g.GetStartSymbol())

    bool changed = true;

    while (changed)
        changed = false;

        // Para cada producao A -> X1...Xn
        for (int k = 0 ; k < g.GetNumOfProductions(); k++)
            const Production& A = g.GetProduction(k);
            Print(std::wcout, A);
            std::wcout << std::endl;

            for (int i = 0 ; i < A.GetNumOfRightSymbols(); i++)
                //If there is a production A -> alfa B beta , then everything in FIRST(beta) except epsilon
                //is in FOLLOW(B).
                const GrammarSymbol* Xi = A.GetRightSymbol(i);

                //Para cada nao terminal Xi da producao
                if (!Xi->IsTerminal())
                    //add First(Xi+1..Xn) - {epsilon} to Follow(Xi)
                    std::set<const GrammarSymbol*> firstXi1_Xn;
                    bool epsilon_is_in_firstXi1_Xn = false;

                    //se Xi não é o ultimo
                    if (i < (A.GetNumOfRightSymbols() - 1))
                        firstXi1_Xn = GetFirstSet(first, g, A, i + 1);

                        for (auto it = firstXi1_Xn.begin(); it != firstXi1_Xn.end(); ++it)
                            if (*it != g.epsilon())
                                if (follow.AddToSet(Xi, *it))
                                    changed = true;
                                epsilon_is_in_firstXi1_Xn = true;

                    // If there is a production A -> alfaB, or a production A -> alfa B beta , where
                    // FIRST(beta) contains epsilon, then everything in FOLLOW (A) is in FOLLOW (B) .
                    if (i == (A.GetNumOfRightSymbols() - 1) ||
                        //add Follow(A) to Follow(Xi)
                        auto FollowA = follow.Get(A.GetLeftSymbol());

                        for (auto it = FollowA.begin(); it != FollowA.end(); ++it)
                            if (follow.AddToSet(Xi, *it))
                                changed = true;
                }//para este Xi
            } //para cada Xi
        } //para cada producao
    } //enquando mudar...

    return follow;