コード例 #1
ファイル: GraphEditor.cpp プロジェクト: m0x72/pothos
void GraphEditor::handleBlockXcrement(const int adj)
    if (not this->isVisible()) return;
    auto draw = this->getCurrentGraphDraw();
    GraphObjectList changedObjects;
    for (auto obj : draw->getObjectsSelected(GRAPH_BLOCK))
        auto block = dynamic_cast<GraphBlock *>(obj);
        assert(block != nullptr);
        for (const auto &propKey : block->getProperties())
            auto paramDesc = block->getParamDesc(propKey);
            if (paramDesc->has("widgetType") and paramDesc->getValue<std::string>("widgetType") == "SpinBox")
                const auto newValue = block->getPropertyValue(propKey).toInt() + adj;
                block->setPropertyValue(propKey, QString("%1").arg(newValue));

    if (changedObjects.empty()) return;
    const auto desc = (changedObjects.size() == 1)? changedObjects.front()->getId() : tr("selected");
    if (adj > 0) handleStateChange(GraphState("list-add", tr("Increment %1").arg(desc)));
    if (adj < 0) handleStateChange(GraphState("list-remove", tr("Decrement %1").arg(desc)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: GraphEditor.cpp プロジェクト: m0x72/pothos
 * paste only one object type so handlePaste can control the order of creation
static GraphObjectList handlePasteType(GraphDraw *draw, const Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr &graphObjects, const std::string &type)
    GraphObjectList newObjects;
    for (size_t objIndex = 0; objIndex < graphObjects->size(); objIndex++)
        const auto jGraphObj = graphObjects->getObject(objIndex);
        const auto what = jGraphObj->getValue<std::string>("what");
        GraphObject *obj = nullptr;
        if (what != type) continue;
        if (what == "Block") obj = new GraphBlock(draw);
        if (what == "Breaker") obj = new GraphBreaker(draw);
        if (what == "Connection") obj = new GraphConnection(draw);
        if (what == "Widget") obj = new GraphWidget(draw);
        if (obj == nullptr) continue;
        try {obj->deserialize(jGraphObj);}
        catch (const Pothos::NotFoundException &)
            delete obj;
    return newObjects;
コード例 #3
GraphObjectList GraphDraw::getObjectsSelected(const int selectionFlags)
    GraphObjectList objectsSelected;
    for (auto obj : this->getGraphObjects(selectionFlags))
        if (obj->isSelected()) objectsSelected.push_back(obj);
    return objectsSelected;
コード例 #4
GraphObjectList GraphDraw::getObjectsAtPos(const QPoint &pos)
    GraphObjectList graphObjs;
    const auto objs = this->items(pos);
    for (auto obj : objs)
        auto graphObj = dynamic_cast<GraphObject *>(obj);
        if (graphObj != nullptr) graphObjs.push_back(graphObj);
    return graphObjs;
コード例 #5
ファイル: GraphEditor.cpp プロジェクト: m0x72/pothos
GraphObjectList GraphEditor::getGraphObjects(const int selectionFlags) const
    GraphObjectList all;
    for (int i = 0; i < this->count(); i++)
        for (auto obj : this->getGraphDraw(i)->getGraphObjects(selectionFlags))
    return all;
コード例 #6
GraphObjectList GraphDraw::getGraphObjects(const int selectionFlags)
    GraphObjectList l;
    for (auto child : this->items())
        auto o = dynamic_cast<GraphObject *>(child);
        if (o == nullptr) continue;
        if (((selectionFlags & GRAPH_BLOCK) != 0) and (qobject_cast<GraphBlock *>(o) != nullptr)) l.push_back(o);
        if (((selectionFlags & GRAPH_BREAKER) != 0) and (qobject_cast<GraphBreaker *>(o) != nullptr)) l.push_back(o);
        if (((selectionFlags & GRAPH_CONNECTION) != 0) and (qobject_cast<GraphConnection *>(o) != nullptr)) l.push_back(o);
        if (((selectionFlags & GRAPH_WIDGET) != 0) and (qobject_cast<GraphWidget *>(o) != nullptr)) l.push_back(o);
    return l;