コード例 #1
ファイル: ResourceCache.cpp プロジェクト: acremean/urho3d
void ResourceCache::ReleasePackageResources(PackageFile* package, bool force)
    HashSet<ShortStringHash> affectedGroups;
    const HashMap<String, PackageEntry>& entries = package->GetEntries();
    for (HashMap<String, PackageEntry>::ConstIterator i = entries.Begin(); i != entries.End(); ++i)
        StringHash nameHash(i->first_);
        // We do not know the actual resource type, so search all type containers
        for (HashMap<ShortStringHash, ResourceGroup>::Iterator j = resourceGroups_.Begin();
            j != resourceGroups_.End(); ++j)
            HashMap<StringHash, SharedPtr<Resource> >::Iterator k = j->second_.resources_.Find(nameHash);
            if (k != j->second_.resources_.End())
                // If other references exist, do not release, unless forced
                if (k->second_.Refs() == 1 || force)
    for (HashSet<ShortStringHash>::Iterator i = affectedGroups.Begin(); i != affectedGroups.End(); ++i)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Main.cpp プロジェクト: yukai2014/program
void Test(vector<T> &items, HashSet<T> &set)
	int count = 0;
	for (T& x :items)
//	cout<<count<<endl;
//	cout<<set.GetLoadFactor()<<endl;
//	set.ForEach([](const T& t){cout<<t<<"-";});
//	cout << "count is :" << count << endl;

	cout << "Number of items: " << set.Size() << endl;
	cout << "Number of buckets: " << set.NumBuckets() << endl;
	cout << "Actual load factor: " << set.GetLoad() << endl;
	cout << "Max number of items in a bucket: " << set.MaxBucketSize() << endl;
	cout << "Percent of empty buckets: " << set.PercentEmptyBuckets() << endl;

//	set.DisplayItems();
//	set.Remove("Mike");
//	cout<<"remove one:------------"<<endl;
//	set.DisplayItems();
//	cout<<"max is:"<<set.MaxBucketSize()<<endl;
//	cout<<"clear:-----------------"<<endl;
//	set.Clear();
//	cout<<set.IsEmpty()<<endl;
//	set.DisplayItems();
//	set.DisplayBucket();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Animatable.cpp プロジェクト: dreamsxin/Urho3D
void Animatable::SetAnimationEnabled(bool enable)
    if (objectAnimation_)
        // In object animation there may be targets in hierarchy. Set same enable/disable state in all
        HashSet<Animatable*> targets;
        const HashMap<String, SharedPtr<ValueAnimationInfo> >& infos = objectAnimation_->GetAttributeAnimationInfos();
        for (HashMap<String, SharedPtr<ValueAnimationInfo> >::ConstIterator i = infos.Begin(); i != infos.End(); ++i)
            String outName;
            Animatable* target = FindAttributeAnimationTarget(i->first_, outName);
            if (target && target != this)

        for (HashSet<Animatable*>::Iterator i = targets.Begin(); i != targets.End(); ++i)
            (*i)->animationEnabled_ = enable;

    animationEnabled_ = enable;
コード例 #4
void Object::SendEvent(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
    if (!Thread::IsMainThread())
        LOGERROR("Sending events is only supported from the main thread");
    // Make a weak pointer to self to check for destruction during event handling
    WeakPtr<Object> self(this);
    Context* context = context_;
    HashSet<Object*> processed;
    // Check first the specific event receivers
    const HashSet<Object*>* group = context->GetEventReceivers(this, eventType);
    if (group)
        for (HashSet<Object*>::ConstIterator i = group->Begin(); i != group->End();)
            HashSet<Object*>::ConstIterator current = i++;
            Object* receiver = *current;
            Object* next = 0;
            if (i != group->End())
                next = *i;
            unsigned oldSize = group->Size();
            receiver->OnEvent(this, eventType, eventData);
            // If self has been destroyed as a result of event handling, exit
            if (self.Expired())
            // If group has changed size during iteration (removed/added subscribers) try to recover
            /// \todo This is not entirely foolproof, as a subscriber could have been added to make up for the removed one
            if (group->Size() != oldSize)
                i = group->Find(next);
    // Then the non-specific receivers
    group = context->GetEventReceivers(eventType);
    if (group)
        if (processed.Empty())
            for (HashSet<Object*>::ConstIterator i = group->Begin(); i != group->End();)
                HashSet<Object*>::ConstIterator current = i++;
                Object* receiver = *current;
                Object* next = 0;
                if (i != group->End())
                    next = *i;
                unsigned oldSize = group->Size();
                receiver->OnEvent(this, eventType, eventData);
                if (self.Expired())
                if (group->Size() != oldSize)
                    i = group->Find(next);
            // If there were specific receivers, check that the event is not sent doubly to them
            for (HashSet<Object*>::ConstIterator i = group->Begin(); i != group->End();)
                HashSet<Object*>::ConstIterator current = i++;
                Object* receiver = *current;
                Object* next = 0;
                if (i != group->End())
                    next = *i;
                if (!processed.Contains(receiver))
                    unsigned oldSize = group->Size();
                    receiver->OnEvent(this, eventType, eventData);
                    if (self.Expired())
                    if (group->Size() != oldSize)
                        i = group->Find(next);
コード例 #5
void LoadMesh(const String& inputFileName, bool generateTangents, bool splitSubMeshes, bool exportMorphs)
    File meshFileSource(context_);
    if (!meshFile_->Load(meshFileSource))
        ErrorExit("Could not load input file " + inputFileName);

    XMLElement root = meshFile_->GetRoot("mesh");
    XMLElement subMeshes = root.GetChild("submeshes");
    XMLElement skeletonLink = root.GetChild("skeletonlink");
    if (root.IsNull())
        ErrorExit("Could not load input file " + inputFileName);

    String skeletonName = skeletonLink.GetAttribute("name");
    if (!skeletonName.Empty())
        LoadSkeleton(GetPath(inputFileName) + GetFileName(skeletonName) + ".skeleton.xml");

    // Check whether there's benefit of avoiding 32bit indices by splitting each submesh into own buffer
    XMLElement subMesh = subMeshes.GetChild("submesh");
    unsigned totalVertices = 0;
    unsigned maxSubMeshVertices = 0;
    while (subMesh)
        XMLElement geometry = subMesh.GetChild("geometry");
        if (geometry)
            unsigned vertices = geometry.GetInt("vertexcount");
            totalVertices += vertices;
            if (maxSubMeshVertices < vertices)
                maxSubMeshVertices = vertices;

        subMesh = subMesh.GetNext("submesh");

    XMLElement sharedGeometry = root.GetChild("sharedgeometry");
    if (sharedGeometry)
        unsigned vertices = sharedGeometry.GetInt("vertexcount");
        totalVertices += vertices;
        if (maxSubMeshVertices < vertices)
            maxSubMeshVertices = vertices;

    if (!sharedGeometry && (splitSubMeshes || (totalVertices > 65535 && maxSubMeshVertices <= 65535)))
        useOneBuffer_ = false;

    subMesh = subMeshes.GetChild("submesh");
    unsigned indexStart = 0;
    unsigned vertexStart = 0;
    unsigned subMeshIndex = 0;

    PODVector<unsigned> vertexStarts;

    while (subMesh)
        XMLElement geometry = subMesh.GetChild("geometry");
        XMLElement faces = subMesh.GetChild("faces");

        // If no submesh vertexbuffer, process the shared geometry, but do it only once
        unsigned vertices = 0;
        if (!geometry)
            vertexStart = 0;
            if (!subMeshIndex)
                geometry = root.GetChild("sharedgeometry");

        if (geometry)
            vertices = geometry.GetInt("vertexcount");

        ModelSubGeometryLodLevel subGeometryLodLevel;
        ModelVertexBuffer* vBuf;
        ModelIndexBuffer* iBuf;

        if (useOneBuffer_)
            vBuf = &vertexBuffers_[0];
            if (vertices)
                vBuf->vertices_.Resize(vertexStart + vertices);
            iBuf = &indexBuffers_[0];

            subGeometryLodLevel.vertexBuffer_ = 0;
            subGeometryLodLevel.indexBuffer_ = 0;
            vertexStart = 0;
            indexStart = 0;

            vBuf = &vertexBuffers_[subMeshIndex];
            iBuf = &indexBuffers_[subMeshIndex];

            subGeometryLodLevel.vertexBuffer_ = subMeshIndex;
            subGeometryLodLevel.indexBuffer_ = subMeshIndex;

        // Store the start vertex for later use
        vertexStarts[subMeshIndex] = vertexStart;

        // Ogre may have multiple buffers in one submesh. These will be merged into one
        XMLElement bufferDef;
        if (geometry)
            bufferDef = geometry.GetChild("vertexbuffer");

        while (bufferDef)
            if (bufferDef.HasAttribute("positions"))
                vBuf->elementMask_ |= MASK_POSITION;
            if (bufferDef.HasAttribute("normals"))
                vBuf->elementMask_ |= MASK_NORMAL;
            if (bufferDef.HasAttribute("texture_coords"))
                vBuf->elementMask_ |= MASK_TEXCOORD1;
                if (bufferDef.GetInt("texture_coords") > 1)
                    vBuf->elementMask_ |= MASK_TEXCOORD2;

            unsigned vertexNum = vertexStart;
            if (vertices)
                XMLElement vertex = bufferDef.GetChild("vertex");
                while (vertex)
                    XMLElement position = vertex.GetChild("position");
                    if (position)
                        // Convert from right- to left-handed
                        float x = position.GetFloat("x");
                        float y = position.GetFloat("y");
                        float z = position.GetFloat("z");
                        Vector3 vec(x, y, -z);

                        vBuf->vertices_[vertexNum].position_ = vec;
                    XMLElement normal = vertex.GetChild("normal");
                    if (normal)
                        // Convert from right- to left-handed
                        float x = normal.GetFloat("x");
                        float y = normal.GetFloat("y");
                        float z = normal.GetFloat("z");
                        Vector3 vec(x, y, -z);

                        vBuf->vertices_[vertexNum].normal_ = vec;
                    XMLElement uv = vertex.GetChild("texcoord");
                    if (uv)
                        float x = uv.GetFloat("u");
                        float y = uv.GetFloat("v");
                        Vector2 vec(x, y);

                        vBuf->vertices_[vertexNum].texCoord1_ = vec;

                        if (vBuf->elementMask_ & MASK_TEXCOORD2)
                            uv = uv.GetNext("texcoord");
                            if (uv)
                                float x = uv.GetFloat("u");
                                float y = uv.GetFloat("v");
                                Vector2 vec(x, y);

                                vBuf->vertices_[vertexNum].texCoord2_ = vec;

                    vertex = vertex.GetNext("vertex");

            bufferDef = bufferDef.GetNext("vertexbuffer");

        unsigned triangles = faces.GetInt("count");
        unsigned indices = triangles * 3;

        XMLElement triangle = faces.GetChild("face");
        while (triangle)
            unsigned v1 = triangle.GetInt("v1");
            unsigned v2 = triangle.GetInt("v2");
            unsigned v3 = triangle.GetInt("v3");
            iBuf->indices_.Push(v3 + vertexStart);
            iBuf->indices_.Push(v2 + vertexStart);
            iBuf->indices_.Push(v1 + vertexStart);
            triangle = triangle.GetNext("face");

        subGeometryLodLevel.indexStart_ = indexStart;
        subGeometryLodLevel.indexCount_ = indices;
        if (vertexStart + vertices > 65535)
            iBuf->indexSize_ = sizeof(unsigned);

        XMLElement boneAssignments = subMesh.GetChild("boneassignments");
        if (bones_.Size())
            if (boneAssignments)
                XMLElement boneAssignment = boneAssignments.GetChild("vertexboneassignment");
                while (boneAssignment)
                    unsigned vertex = boneAssignment.GetInt("vertexindex") + vertexStart;
                    unsigned bone = boneAssignment.GetInt("boneindex");
                    float weight = boneAssignment.GetFloat("weight");

                    BoneWeightAssignment assign;
                    assign.boneIndex_ = bone;
                    assign.weight_ = weight;
                    // Source data might have 0 weights. Disregard these
                    if (assign.weight_ > 0.0f)

                        // Require skinning weight to be sufficiently large before vertex contributes to bone hitbox
                        if (assign.weight_ > 0.33f)
                            // Check distance of vertex from bone to get bone max. radius information
                            Vector3 bonePos = bones_[bone].derivedPosition_;
                            Vector3 vertexPos = vBuf->vertices_[vertex].position_;
                            float distance = (bonePos - vertexPos).Length();
                            if (distance > bones_[bone].radius_)
                                bones_[bone].collisionMask_ |= 1;
                                bones_[bone].radius_ = distance;
                            // Build the hitbox for the bone
                            bones_[bone].boundingBox_.Merge(bones_[bone].inverseWorldTransform_ * (vertexPos));
                            bones_[bone].collisionMask_ |= 2;
                    boneAssignment = boneAssignment.GetNext("vertexboneassignment");

            if ((subGeometryLodLevel.boneWeights_.Size()) && bones_.Size())
                vBuf->elementMask_ |= MASK_BLENDWEIGHTS | MASK_BLENDINDICES;
                bool sorted = false;

                // If amount of bones is larger than supported by HW skinning, must remap per submesh
                if (bones_.Size() > maxBones_)
                    HashMap<unsigned, unsigned> usedBoneMap;
                    unsigned remapIndex = 0;
                    for (HashMap<unsigned, PODVector<BoneWeightAssignment> >::Iterator i =
                                subGeometryLodLevel.boneWeights_.Begin(); i != subGeometryLodLevel.boneWeights_.End(); ++i)
                        // Sort the bone assigns by weight
                        Sort(i->second_.Begin(), i->second_.End(), CompareWeights);

                        // Use only the first 4 weights
                        for (unsigned j = 0; j < i->second_.Size() && j < 4; ++j)
                            unsigned originalIndex = i->second_[j].boneIndex_;
                            if (!usedBoneMap.Contains(originalIndex))
                                usedBoneMap[originalIndex] = remapIndex;
                            i->second_[j].boneIndex_ = usedBoneMap[originalIndex];

                    // If still too many bones in one subgeometry, error
                    if (usedBoneMap.Size() > maxBones_)
                        ErrorExit("Too many bones (limit " + String(maxBones_) + ") in submesh " + String(subMeshIndex + 1));

                    // Write mapping of vertex buffer bone indices to original bone indices
                    for (HashMap<unsigned, unsigned>::Iterator j = usedBoneMap.Begin(); j != usedBoneMap.End(); ++j)
                        subGeometryLodLevel.boneMapping_[j->second_] = j->first_;

                    sorted = true;

                for (HashMap<unsigned, PODVector<BoneWeightAssignment> >::Iterator i = subGeometryLodLevel.boneWeights_.Begin();
                        i != subGeometryLodLevel.boneWeights_.End(); ++i)
                    // Sort the bone assigns by weight, if not sorted yet in bone remapping pass
                    if (!sorted)
                        Sort(i->second_.Begin(), i->second_.End(), CompareWeights);

                    float totalWeight = 0.0f;
                    float normalizationFactor = 0.0f;

                    // Calculate normalization factor in case there are more than 4 blend weights, or they do not add up to 1
                    for (unsigned j = 0; j < i->second_.Size() && j < 4; ++j)
                        totalWeight += i->second_[j].weight_;
                    if (totalWeight > 0.0f)
                        normalizationFactor = 1.0f / totalWeight;

                    for (unsigned j = 0; j < i->second_.Size() && j < 4; ++j)
                        vBuf->vertices_[i->first_].blendIndices_[j] = i->second_[j].boneIndex_;
                        vBuf->vertices_[i->first_].blendWeights_[j] = i->second_[j].weight_ * normalizationFactor;

                    // If there are less than 4 blend weights, fill rest with zero
                    for (unsigned j = i->second_.Size(); j < 4; ++j)
                        vBuf->vertices_[i->first_].blendIndices_[j] = 0;
                        vBuf->vertices_[i->first_].blendWeights_[j] = 0.0f;

                    vBuf->vertices_[i->first_].hasBlendWeights_ = true;
        else if (boneAssignments)
            PrintLine("No skeleton loaded, skipping skinning information");

        // Calculate center for the subgeometry
        Vector3 center = Vector3::ZERO;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < iBuf->indices_.Size(); i += 3)
            center += vBuf->vertices_[iBuf->indices_[i]].position_;
            center += vBuf->vertices_[iBuf->indices_[i + 1]].position_;
            center += vBuf->vertices_[iBuf->indices_[i + 2]].position_;
        if (iBuf->indices_.Size())
            center /= (float)iBuf->indices_.Size();

        indexStart += indices;
        vertexStart += vertices;

        OptimizeIndices(&subGeometryLodLevel, vBuf, iBuf);

        PrintLine("Processed submesh " + String(subMeshIndex + 1) + ": " + String(vertices) + " vertices " +
                  String(triangles) + " triangles");
        Vector<ModelSubGeometryLodLevel> thisSubGeometry;

        subMesh = subMesh.GetNext("submesh");

    // Process LOD levels, if any
    XMLElement lods = root.GetChild("levelofdetail");
    if (lods)
            // For now, support only generated LODs, where the vertices are the same
            XMLElement lod = lods.GetChild("lodgenerated");
            while (lod)
                float distance = M_EPSILON;
                if (lod.HasAttribute("fromdepthsquared"))
                    distance = sqrtf(lod.GetFloat("fromdepthsquared"));
                if (lod.HasAttribute("value"))
                    distance = lod.GetFloat("value");
                XMLElement lodSubMesh = lod.GetChild("lodfacelist");
                while (lodSubMesh)
                    unsigned subMeshIndex = lodSubMesh.GetInt("submeshindex");
                    unsigned triangles = lodSubMesh.GetInt("numfaces");

                    ModelSubGeometryLodLevel newLodLevel;
                    ModelSubGeometryLodLevel& originalLodLevel = subGeometries_[subMeshIndex][0];

                    // Copy all initial values
                    newLodLevel = originalLodLevel;

                    ModelVertexBuffer* vBuf;
                    ModelIndexBuffer* iBuf;

                    if (useOneBuffer_)
                        vBuf = &vertexBuffers_[0];
                        iBuf = &indexBuffers_[0];
                        vBuf = &vertexBuffers_[subMeshIndex];
                        iBuf = &indexBuffers_[subMeshIndex];

                    unsigned indexStart = iBuf->indices_.Size();
                    unsigned indexCount = triangles * 3;
                    unsigned vertexStart = vertexStarts[subMeshIndex];

                    newLodLevel.distance_ = distance;
                    newLodLevel.indexStart_ = indexStart;
                    newLodLevel.indexCount_ = indexCount;

                    // Append indices to the original index buffer
                    XMLElement triangle = lodSubMesh.GetChild("face");
                    while (triangle)
                        unsigned v1 = triangle.GetInt("v1");
                        unsigned v2 = triangle.GetInt("v2");
                        unsigned v3 = triangle.GetInt("v3");
                        iBuf->indices_.Push(v3 + vertexStart);
                        iBuf->indices_.Push(v2 + vertexStart);
                        iBuf->indices_.Push(v1 + vertexStart);
                        triangle = triangle.GetNext("face");

                    OptimizeIndices(&newLodLevel, vBuf, iBuf);

                    PrintLine("Processed LOD level for submesh " + String(subMeshIndex + 1) + ": distance " + String(distance));

                    lodSubMesh = lodSubMesh.GetNext("lodfacelist");
                lod = lod.GetNext("lodgenerated");
        catch (...) {}

    // Process poses/morphs
    // First find out all pose definitions
    if (exportMorphs)
            Vector<XMLElement> poses;
            XMLElement posesRoot = root.GetChild("poses");
            if (posesRoot)
                XMLElement pose = posesRoot.GetChild("pose");
                while (pose)
                    pose = pose.GetNext("pose");

            // Then process animations using the poses
            XMLElement animsRoot = root.GetChild("animations");
            if (animsRoot)
                XMLElement anim = animsRoot.GetChild("animation");
                while (anim)
                    String name = anim.GetAttribute("name");
                    float length = anim.GetFloat("length");
                    HashSet<unsigned> usedPoses;
                    XMLElement tracks = anim.GetChild("tracks");
                    if (tracks)
                        XMLElement track = tracks.GetChild("track");
                        while (track)
                            XMLElement keyframes = track.GetChild("keyframes");
                            if (keyframes)
                                XMLElement keyframe = keyframes.GetChild("keyframe");
                                while (keyframe)
                                    float time = keyframe.GetFloat("time");
                                    XMLElement poseref = keyframe.GetChild("poseref");
                                    // Get only the end pose
                                    if (poseref && time == length)

                                    keyframe = keyframe.GetNext("keyframe");
                            track = track.GetNext("track");

                    if (usedPoses.Size())
                        ModelMorph newMorph;
                        newMorph.name_ = name;

                        if (useOneBuffer_)

                        unsigned bufIndex = 0;

                        for (HashSet<unsigned>::Iterator i = usedPoses.Begin(); i != usedPoses.End(); ++i)
                            XMLElement pose = poses[*i];
                            unsigned targetSubMesh = pose.GetInt("index");
                            XMLElement poseOffset = pose.GetChild("poseoffset");

                            if (useOneBuffer_)
                                newMorph.buffers_[bufIndex].vertexBuffer_ = 0;
                                newMorph.buffers_[bufIndex].vertexBuffer_ = targetSubMesh;

                            newMorph.buffers_[bufIndex].elementMask_ = MASK_POSITION;

                            ModelVertexBuffer* vBuf = &vertexBuffers_[newMorph.buffers_[bufIndex].vertexBuffer_];

                            while (poseOffset)
                                // Convert from right- to left-handed
                                unsigned vertexIndex = poseOffset.GetInt("index") + vertexStarts[targetSubMesh];
                                float x = poseOffset.GetFloat("x");
                                float y = poseOffset.GetFloat("y");
                                float z = poseOffset.GetFloat("z");
                                Vector3 vec(x, y, -z);

                                if (vBuf->morphCount_ == 0)
                                    vBuf->morphStart_ = vertexIndex;
                                    vBuf->morphCount_ = 1;
                                    unsigned first = vBuf->morphStart_;
                                    unsigned last = first + vBuf->morphCount_ - 1;
                                    if (vertexIndex < first)
                                        first = vertexIndex;
                                    if (vertexIndex > last)
                                        last = vertexIndex;
                                    vBuf->morphStart_ = first;
                                    vBuf->morphCount_ = last - first + 1;

                                ModelVertex newVertex;
                                newVertex.position_ = vec;
                                newMorph.buffers_[bufIndex].vertices_.Push(MakePair(vertexIndex, newVertex));
                                poseOffset = poseOffset.GetNext("poseoffset");

                            if (!useOneBuffer_)
                        PrintLine("Processed morph " + name + " with " + String(usedPoses.Size()) + " sub-poses");

                    anim = anim.GetNext("animation");
        catch (...) {}

    // Check any of the buffers for vertices with missing blend weight assignments
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < vertexBuffers_.Size(); ++i)
        if (vertexBuffers_[i].elementMask_ & MASK_BLENDWEIGHTS)
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < vertexBuffers_[i].vertices_.Size(); ++j)
                if (!vertexBuffers_[i].vertices_[j].hasBlendWeights_)
                    ErrorExit("Found a vertex with missing skinning information");

    // Tangent generation
    if (generateTangents)
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < subGeometries_.Size(); ++i)
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < subGeometries_[i].Size(); ++j)
                ModelVertexBuffer& vBuf = vertexBuffers_[subGeometries_[i][j].vertexBuffer_];
                ModelIndexBuffer& iBuf = indexBuffers_[subGeometries_[i][j].indexBuffer_];
                unsigned indexStart = subGeometries_[i][j].indexStart_;
                unsigned indexCount = subGeometries_[i][j].indexCount_;

                // If already has tangents, do not regenerate
                if (vBuf.elementMask_ & MASK_TANGENT || vBuf.vertices_.Empty() || iBuf.indices_.Empty())

                vBuf.elementMask_ |= MASK_TANGENT;

                if ((vBuf.elementMask_ & (MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL | MASK_TEXCOORD1)) != (MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL |
                    ErrorExit("To generate tangents, positions normals and texcoords are required");

                GenerateTangents(&vBuf.vertices_[0], sizeof(ModelVertex), &iBuf.indices_[0], sizeof(unsigned), indexStart,
                                 indexCount, offsetof(ModelVertex, normal_), offsetof(ModelVertex, texCoord1_), offsetof(ModelVertex,

                PrintLine("Generated tangents");
コード例 #6
ファイル: Main.cpp プロジェクト: valera-rozuvan/turso3d
int main()
    #ifdef _MSC_VER
    printf("Size of String: %d\n", sizeof(String));
    printf("Size of Vector: %d\n", sizeof(Vector<int>));
    printf("Size of List: %d\n", sizeof(List<int>));
    printf("Size of HashMap: %d\n", sizeof(HashMap<int, int>));
    printf("Size of RefCounted: %d\n", sizeof(RefCounted));

        printf("\nTesting AutoPtr assignment\n");
        AutoPtr<Test> ptr1(new Test);
        AutoPtr<Test> ptr2;
        ptr2 = ptr1;

        printf("\nTesting AutoPtr copy construction\n");
        AutoPtr<Test> ptr1(new Test);
        AutoPtr<Test> ptr2(ptr1);

        printf("\nTesting AutoPtr detaching\n");
        AutoPtr<Test> ptr1(new Test);
        // We would now have a memory leak if we don't manually delete the object
        Test* object = ptr1.Detach();
        delete object;

        printf("\nTesting AutoPtr inside a vector\n");
        Vector<AutoPtr<Test> > vec;
        printf("Filling vector\n");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            vec.Push(new Test());
        printf("Clearing vector\n");
        printf("\nTesting SharedPtr\n");
        SharedPtr<TestRefCounted> ptr1(new TestRefCounted);
        SharedPtr<TestRefCounted> ptr2(ptr1);
        printf("Number of refs: %d\n", ptr1.Refs());
        printf("\nTesting WeakPtr\n");
        TestRefCounted* object = new TestRefCounted;
        WeakPtr<TestRefCounted> ptr1(object);
        WeakPtr<TestRefCounted> ptr2(ptr1);
        printf("Number of weak refs: %d expired: %d\n", ptr1.WeakRefs(), ptr1.IsExpired());
        delete object;
        printf("Number of weak refs: %d expired: %d\n", ptr1.WeakRefs(), ptr1.IsExpired());
        printf("\nTesting Vector\n");
        HiresTimer t;
        Vector<int> vec;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; ++i)
        int sum = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for (auto it = vec.Begin(); it != vec.End(); ++it)
            sum += *it;
        int usec = (int)t.ElapsedUSec();
        printf("Size: %d capacity: %d\n", vec.Size(), vec.Capacity());
        printf("Counted vector items %d, sum: %d\n", count, sum);
        printf("Processing took %d usec\n", usec);

        printf("\nTesting List\n");
        HiresTimer t;
        List<int> list;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; ++i)
        int sum = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for (auto it = list.Begin(); it != list.End(); ++it)
            sum += *it;
        int usec = (int)t.ElapsedUSec();
        printf("Size: %d\n", list.Size());
        printf("Counted list items %d, sum: %d\n", count, sum);
        printf("Processing took %d usec\n", usec);

        printf("\nTesting List insertion\n");
        List<int> list2;
        List<int> list3;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        list2.Insert(list2.End(), list3);
        for (auto it = list2.Begin(); it != list2.End(); ++it)
            printf("%d ", *it);
        printf("\nTesting String\n");
        HiresTimer t;
        String test;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS/4; ++i)
            test += "Test";
        String test2;
        test2.AppendWithFormat("Size: %d capacity: %d\n", test.Length(), test.Capacity());
        test2 = test2.ToUpper();
        test2.Replace("SIZE:", "LENGTH:");
        int usec = (int)t.ElapsedUSec();
        printf("Processing took %d usec\n", usec);
        printf("\nTesting HashSet\n");
        HiresTimer t;
        size_t found = 0;
        unsigned sum = 0;
        HashSet<int> testHashSet;
        found = 0;
        sum = 0;
        printf("Insert, search and iteration, %d keys\n", NUM_ITEMS);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; ++i)
            int number = (rand() & 32767);
        for (int i = 0; i < 32768; ++i)
            if (testHashSet.Find(i) != testHashSet.End())
        for (auto it = testHashSet.Begin(); it != testHashSet.End(); ++it)
            sum += *it;
        int usec = (int)t.ElapsedUSec();
        printf("Set size and sum: %d %d\n", testHashSet.Size(), sum);
        printf("Processing took %d usec\n", usec);

        printf("\nTesting HashMap\n");
        HashMap<int, int> testHashMap;

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            testHashMap.Insert(MakePair(i, rand() & 32767));

        printf("Keys: ");
        Vector<int> keys = testHashMap.Keys();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.Size(); ++i)
            printf("%d ", keys[i]);
        printf("Values: ");
        Vector<int> values = testHashMap.Values();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < values.Size(); ++i)
            printf("%d ", values[i]);

    return 0;
コード例 #7
void NavigationMesh::CollectGeometries(Vector<NavigationGeometryInfo>& geometryList, Node* node, HashSet<Node*>& processedNodes,
    bool recursive)
    // Make sure nodes are not included twice
    if (processedNodes.Contains(node))
    // Exclude obstacles and crowd agents from consideration
    if (node->HasComponent<Obstacle>() || node->HasComponent<CrowdAgent>())

    Matrix3x4 inverse = node_->GetWorldTransform().Inverse();

    // Prefer compatible physics collision shapes (triangle mesh, convex hull, box) if found.
    // Then fallback to visible geometry
    PODVector<CollisionShape*> collisionShapes;
    bool collisionShapeFound = false;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < collisionShapes.Size(); ++i)
        CollisionShape* shape = collisionShapes[i];
        if (!shape->IsEnabledEffective())

        ShapeType type = shape->GetShapeType();
        if ((type == SHAPE_BOX || type == SHAPE_TRIANGLEMESH || type == SHAPE_CONVEXHULL) && shape->GetCollisionShape())
            Matrix3x4 shapeTransform(shape->GetPosition(), shape->GetRotation(), shape->GetSize());

            NavigationGeometryInfo info;
            info.component_ = shape;
            info.transform_ = inverse * node->GetWorldTransform() * shapeTransform;
            info.boundingBox_ = shape->GetWorldBoundingBox().Transformed(inverse);

            collisionShapeFound = true;
    if (!collisionShapeFound)
        PODVector<Drawable*> drawables;

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < drawables.Size(); ++i)
            /// \todo Evaluate whether should handle other types. Now StaticModel & TerrainPatch are supported, others skipped
            Drawable* drawable = drawables[i];
            if (!drawable->IsEnabledEffective())

            NavigationGeometryInfo info;

            if (drawable->GetType() == StaticModel::GetTypeStatic())
                info.lodLevel_ = static_cast<StaticModel*>(drawable)->GetOcclusionLodLevel();
            else if (drawable->GetType() == TerrainPatch::GetTypeStatic())
                info.lodLevel_ = 0;

            info.component_ = drawable;
            info.transform_ = inverse * node->GetWorldTransform();
            info.boundingBox_ = drawable->GetWorldBoundingBox().Transformed(inverse);


    if (recursive)
        const Vector<SharedPtr<Node> >& children = node->GetChildren();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < children.Size(); ++i)
            CollectGeometries(geometryList, children[i], processedNodes, recursive);
コード例 #8
void AnimationController::SetNetAnimationsAttr(const PODVector<unsigned char>& value)
    MemoryBuffer buf(value);

    AnimatedModel* model = GetComponent<AnimatedModel>();

    // Check which animations we need to remove
    HashSet<StringHash> processedAnimations;

    unsigned numAnimations = buf.ReadVLE();
    while (numAnimations--)
        String animName = buf.ReadString();
        StringHash animHash(animName);

        // Check if the animation state exists. If not, add new
        AnimationState* state = GetAnimationState(animHash);
        if (!state)
            Animation* newAnimation = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->GetResource<Animation>(animName);
            state = AddAnimationState(newAnimation);
            if (!state)
                LOGERROR("Animation update applying aborted due to unknown animation");
        // Check if the internal control structure exists. If not, add new
        unsigned index;
        for (index = 0; index < animations_.Size(); ++index)
            if (animations_[index].hash_ == animHash)
        if (index == animations_.Size())
            AnimationControl newControl;
            newControl.name_ = animName;
            newControl.hash_ = animHash;

        unsigned char ctrl = buf.ReadUByte();
        state->SetLooped((ctrl & CTRL_LOOPED) != 0);
        animations_[index].speed_ = (float)buf.ReadShort() / 2048.0f; // 11 bits of decimal precision, max. 16x playback speed
        animations_[index].targetWeight_ = (float)buf.ReadUByte() / 255.0f; // 8 bits of decimal precision
        animations_[index].fadeTime_ = (float)buf.ReadUByte() / 64.0f; // 6 bits of decimal precision, max. 4 seconds fade
        if (ctrl & CTRL_STARTBONE)
            StringHash boneHash = buf.ReadStringHash();
            if (model)
        if (ctrl & CTRL_AUTOFADE)
            animations_[index].autoFadeTime_ = (float)buf.ReadUByte() / 64.0f; // 6 bits of decimal precision, max. 4 seconds fade
            animations_[index].autoFadeTime_ = 0.0f;
        animations_[index].removeOnCompletion_ = (ctrl & CTRL_REMOVEONCOMPLETION) != 0;
        if (ctrl & CTRL_SETTIME)
            unsigned char setTimeRev = buf.ReadUByte();
            unsigned short setTime = buf.ReadUShort();
            // Apply set time command only if revision differs
            if (setTimeRev != animations_[index].setTimeRev_)
                state->SetTime(((float)setTime / 65535.0f) * state->GetLength());
                animations_[index].setTimeRev_ = setTimeRev;
        if (ctrl & CTRL_SETWEIGHT)
            unsigned char setWeightRev = buf.ReadUByte();
            unsigned char setWeight = buf.ReadUByte();
            // Apply set weight command only if revision differs
            if (setWeightRev != animations_[index].setWeightRev_)
                state->SetWeight((float)setWeight / 255.0f);
                animations_[index].setWeightRev_ = setWeightRev;

    // Set any extra animations to fade out
    for (Vector<AnimationControl>::Iterator i = animations_.Begin(); i != animations_.End(); ++i)
        if (!processedAnimations.Contains(i->hash_))
            i->targetWeight_ = 0.0f;
            i->fadeTime_ = EXTRA_ANIM_FADEOUT_TIME;
コード例 #9
ファイル: SceneResolver.cpp プロジェクト: ClockTeam/Clockwork
void SceneResolver::Resolve()
    // Nodes do not have component or node ID attributes, so only have to go through components
    HashSet<StringHash> noIDAttributes;
    for (HashMap<unsigned, WeakPtr<Component> >::ConstIterator i = components_.Begin(); i != components_.End(); ++i)
        Component* component = i->second_;
        if (!component || noIDAttributes.Contains(component->GetType()))

        bool hasIDAttributes = false;
        const Vector<AttributeInfo>* attributes = component->GetAttributes();
        if (!attributes)

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributes->Size(); ++j)
            const AttributeInfo& info = attributes->At(j);
            if (info.mode_ & AM_NODEID)
                hasIDAttributes = true;
                unsigned oldNodeID = component->GetAttribute(j).GetUInt();

                if (oldNodeID)
                    HashMap<unsigned, WeakPtr<Node> >::ConstIterator k = nodes_.Find(oldNodeID);

                    if (k != nodes_.End() && k->second_)
                        unsigned newNodeID = k->second_->GetID();
                        component->SetAttribute(j, Variant(newNodeID));
                        URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Could not resolve node ID " + String(oldNodeID));
            else if (info.mode_ & AM_COMPONENTID)
                hasIDAttributes = true;
                unsigned oldComponentID = component->GetAttribute(j).GetUInt();

                if (oldComponentID)
                    HashMap<unsigned, WeakPtr<Component> >::ConstIterator k = components_.Find(oldComponentID);

                    if (k != components_.End() && k->second_)
                        unsigned newComponentID = k->second_->GetID();
                        component->SetAttribute(j, Variant(newComponentID));
                        URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Could not resolve component ID " + String(oldComponentID));
            else if (info.mode_ & AM_NODEIDVECTOR)
                hasIDAttributes = true;
                const VariantVector& oldNodeIDs = component->GetAttribute(j).GetVariantVector();

                if (oldNodeIDs.Size())
                    // The first index stores the number of IDs redundantly. This is for editing
                    unsigned numIDs = oldNodeIDs[0].GetUInt();
                    VariantVector newIDs;

                    for (unsigned k = 1; k < oldNodeIDs.Size(); ++k)
                        unsigned oldNodeID = oldNodeIDs[k].GetUInt();
                        HashMap<unsigned, WeakPtr<Node> >::ConstIterator l = nodes_.Find(oldNodeID);

                        if (l != nodes_.End() && l->second_)
                            // If node was not found, retain number of elements, just store ID 0
                            URHO3D_LOGWARNING("Could not resolve node ID " + String(oldNodeID));

                    component->SetAttribute(j, newIDs);

        // If component type had no ID attributes, cache this fact for optimization
        if (!hasIDAttributes)

    // Attributes have been resolved, so no need to remember the nodes after this