コード例 #1
ファイル: FileUtils.cpp プロジェクト: XilongPei/Elastos5
ECode FileUtils::ChecksumCrc32(
    /* [in] */ IFile* file,
    /* [out] */ Int64* summer)
    *summer = 0;

    AutoPtr<ArrayOf<Byte> > buf;
    Int32 length;

    AutoPtr<ICRC32> checkSummer;

    AutoPtr<IFileInputStream> input;
    CFileInputStream::New(file, (IFileInputStream**)&input);

    IInputStream* is;
    AutoPtr<ICheckedInputStream> cis;
    ECode ec = CCheckedInputStream::New(
        IChecksum::Probe(checkSummer), (ICheckedInputStream**)&cis);
    FAIL_GOTO(ec, _EXIT_);

    is = IInputStream::Probe(cis);
    buf = ArrayOf<Byte>::Alloc(128);

    while(is->Read(buf, &length), length >= 0) {
        // Just read for checksum to get calculated.


    if (cis != NULL) {

    return ec;
コード例 #2
ファイル: FileUtils.cpp プロジェクト: XilongPei/Elastos5
ECode FileUtils::ReadTextFile(
    /* [in] */ IFile* file,
    /* [in] */ Int32 max,
    /* [in] */ const String& ellipsis,
    /* [out] */ String* result)
    *result = String("");

    AutoPtr<IInputStream> input;
    AutoPtr<IBufferedInputStream> bis;
    Int64 size;
    Int32 length;
    AutoPtr<ArrayOf<Byte> > data, last, tmp;
    Boolean rolled = FALSE;
    AutoPtr<IByteArrayOutputStream> contents;
    IInputStream* is;
    IOutputStream* os;

    ECode ec = CFileInputStream::New(file, (IInputStream**)&input);
    FAIL_GOTO(ec, _EXIT_);

    // wrapping a BufferedInputStream around it because when reading /proc with unbuffered
    // input stream, bytes read not equal to buffer size is not necessarily the correct
    // indication for EOF; but it is true for BufferedInputStream due to its implementation.
    ec = CBufferedInputStream::New(input, (IBufferedInputStream**)&bis);
    FAIL_GOTO(ec, _EXIT_);

    is = IInputStream::Probe(bis);
    if (max > 0 || (size > 0 && max == 0)) {  // "head" mode: read the first N bytes
        if (size > 0 && (max == 0 || size < max)) max = (Int32) size;
        data = ArrayOf<Byte>::Alloc(max + 1);
        is->Read(data, &length);
        if (length <= 0) {
            *result = String("");
        else if (length <= max) {
            *result = String((const char *)(data->GetPayload()), length);
        else if (ellipsis.IsNull()) {
            *result = String((const char *)(data->GetPayload()), max);
        else {
            *result = String((const char *)(data->GetPayload()), max);
            *result += ellipsis;
    else if (max < 0) {  // "tail" mode: keep the last N
        do {
            if (last != NULL) rolled = true;
            tmp = last; last = data; data = tmp;
            if (data == NULL) data = ArrayOf<Byte>::Alloc(-max);
            is->Read(data, &length);
        } while (length == data->GetLength());

        if (last == NULL && length <= 0) {
            *result = String("");
            goto _EXIT_;
        if (last == NULL) {
            *result = String((const char *)(data->GetPayload()), length);
            goto _EXIT_;

        if (length > 0) {
            rolled = true;
            last->Copy(length, last, 0, last->GetLength() - length);
            last->Copy(last->GetLength() - length, data, 0, length);
//            System.arraycopy(last, length, last, 0, last.length - length);
//            System.arraycopy(data, 0, last, last.length - len, length);

        if (ellipsis == NULL || !rolled) {
            *result = String((const char *)(last->GetPayload()), last->GetLength());
        else {
            *result =  ellipsis;
            *result += String((const char *)(last->GetPayload()), last->GetLength());
    else {  // "cat" mode: size unknown, read it all in streaming fashion
        os = IOutputStream::Probe(contents);
        data = ArrayOf<Byte>::Alloc(1024);
        do {
            is->Read(data, &length);
            if (length > 0) os->Write(data, 0, length);
        } while (length == data->GetLength());


    if (bis) ICloseable::Probe(bis)->Close();
    if (input) ICloseable::Probe(input)->Close();

    return ec;