コード例 #1
bool LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::operator==( const LeveyJenningsGridAttributes& r ) const
    return  isGridVisible( Expected ) == r.isGridVisible( Expected ) &&
            isGridVisible( Calculated ) == r.isGridVisible( Calculated ) &&
            gridPen( Expected ) == r.gridPen( Expected ) &&
            gridPen( Calculated ) == r.gridPen( Calculated );
コード例 #2
void LeveyJenningsGrid::drawGrid( PaintContext* context )
    LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane* plane = dynamic_cast<LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane*>(context->coordinatePlane());
    // This plane is used for tranlating the coordinates - not for the data boundaries
    PainterSaver p( context->painter() );
    plane = dynamic_cast< LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane* >( plane->sharedAxisMasterPlane( context->painter() ) );

    Q_ASSERT_X ( plane, "LeveyJenningsGrid::drawGrid",
                 "Bad function call: PaintContext::coodinatePlane() NOT a Levey Jennings plane." );

    LeveyJenningsDiagram* diag = dynamic_cast<LeveyJenningsDiagram*>( plane->diagram() );

    if( diag == 0 )
    const LeveyJenningsGridAttributes gridAttrs( plane->gridAttributes() );

    // important: Need to update the calculated mData,
    //            before we may use it!
    updateData( context->coordinatePlane() );

    // test for programming errors: critical
    Q_ASSERT_X ( mData.count() == 2, "CartesianGrid::drawGrid",
                 "Error: updateData did not return exactly two dimensions." );

    // test for invalid boundaries: non-critical
    if( !isBoundariesValid( mData ) ) return;
    //qDebug() << "B";

    DataDimension dimX = mData.first();
    // this happens if there's only one data point
    if( dimX.start == 0.0 && dimX.end == 0.0 )
        dimX.end += plane->geometry().width();

    // first we draw the expected lines
    // draw the "mean" line
    const float meanValue = diag->expectedMeanValue();
    const float standardDeviation = diag->expectedStandardDeviation();

    // then the calculated ones
    const float calcMeanValue = diag->calculatedMeanValue();
    const float calcStandardDeviation = diag->calculatedStandardDeviation();

    // draw the normal range
    QPointF topLeft = plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue - 2 * standardDeviation ) );
    QPointF bottomRight = plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end, meanValue + 2 * standardDeviation ) );
    context->painter()->fillRect( QRectF( topLeft, QSizeF( bottomRight.x() - topLeft.x(), bottomRight.y() - topLeft.y() ) ),
                                  gridAttrs.rangeBrush( LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::NormalRange ) ); 

    // draw the critical range
    topLeft = plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue + 2 * standardDeviation ) );
    bottomRight = plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end, meanValue + 3 * standardDeviation ) );
    context->painter()->fillRect( QRectF( topLeft, QSizeF( bottomRight.x() - topLeft.x(), bottomRight.y() - topLeft.y() ) ),
                                  gridAttrs.rangeBrush( LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::CriticalRange ) );

    topLeft = plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue - 2 * standardDeviation ) );
    bottomRight = plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end, meanValue - 3 * standardDeviation ) );
    context->painter()->fillRect( QRectF( topLeft, QSizeF( bottomRight.x() - topLeft.x(), bottomRight.y() - topLeft.y() ) ),
                                  gridAttrs.rangeBrush( LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::CriticalRange ) );

    // draw the "out of range" range
    topLeft = plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue + 3 * standardDeviation ) );
    bottomRight = plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end, meanValue + 4 * standardDeviation ) );
    context->painter()->fillRect( QRectF( topLeft, QSizeF( bottomRight.x() - topLeft.x(), bottomRight.y() - topLeft.y() ) ),
                                  gridAttrs.rangeBrush( LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::OutOfRange ) );

    topLeft = plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue - 3 * standardDeviation ) );
    bottomRight = plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end, meanValue - 4 * standardDeviation ) );
    context->painter()->fillRect( QRectF( topLeft, QSizeF( bottomRight.x() - topLeft.x(), bottomRight.y() - topLeft.y() ) ),
                                  gridAttrs.rangeBrush( LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::OutOfRange ) );

    // the "expected" grid
    if( gridAttrs.isGridVisible( LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::Expected ) )
        context->painter()->setPen( gridAttrs.gridPen( LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::Expected ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   meanValue ) ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue + 2 * standardDeviation ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   meanValue + 2 * standardDeviation ) ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue + 3 * standardDeviation ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   meanValue + 3 * standardDeviation ) ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue + 4 * standardDeviation ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   meanValue + 4 * standardDeviation ) ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue - 2 * standardDeviation ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   meanValue - 2 * standardDeviation ) ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue - 3 * standardDeviation ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   meanValue - 3 * standardDeviation ) ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, meanValue - 4 * standardDeviation ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   meanValue - 4 * standardDeviation ) ) );
    // the "calculated" grid
    if( gridAttrs.isGridVisible( LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::Calculated ) )
        context->painter()->setPen( gridAttrs.gridPen( LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::Calculated ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, calcMeanValue ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   calcMeanValue ) ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, calcMeanValue + 2 * calcStandardDeviation ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   calcMeanValue + 2 * calcStandardDeviation ) ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, calcMeanValue + 3 * calcStandardDeviation ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   calcMeanValue + 3 * calcStandardDeviation ) ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, calcMeanValue - 2 * calcStandardDeviation ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   calcMeanValue - 2 * calcStandardDeviation ) ) );
        context->painter()->drawLine( plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.start, calcMeanValue - 3 * calcStandardDeviation ) ), 
                                      plane->translate( QPointF( dimX.end,   calcMeanValue - 3 * calcStandardDeviation ) ) );