NARoutine::NARoutine(const QualifiedName &name, const TrafDesc *routine_desc, BindWA *bindWA, Int32 &errorOccurred, NAMemory *heap) : name_ (name, heap) , hashKey_ (name, heap) , language_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->language) , UDRType_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->UDRType) , sqlAccess_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->sqlAccess) , transactionAttributes_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->transactionAttributes) , maxResults_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->maxResults) , stateAreaSize_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->stateAreaSize) , externalFile_ ("", heap) , externalPath_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->libraryFileName, heap) , externalName_ ("", heap) , librarySqlName_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->librarySqlName, COM_UNKNOWN_NAME, FALSE, heap) //TODO , signature_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->signature, heap) , paramStyle_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->paramStyle) , paramStyleVersion_ (COM_ROUTINE_PARAM_STYLE_VERSION_1) , isDeterministic_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->isDeterministic) , isCallOnNull_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->isCallOnNull ) , isIsolate_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->isIsolate) , externalSecurity_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->externalSecurity) , isExtraCall_ (FALSE) //TODO , hasOutParams_ (FALSE) , redefTime_ (0) //TODO , lastUsedTime_ (0) , routineSecKeySet_ (heap) , passThruDataNumEntries_ (0) , passThruData_ (NULL) , passThruDataSize_ (0) , udfFanOut_ (1) // TODO , uecValues_ (heap,0) , isUniversal_ (0) // TODO , actionPosition_ (0) // TODO , executionMode_ (COM_ROUTINE_SAFE_EXECUTION) , objectUID_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->objectUID) , dllName_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->libraryFileName, heap) , dllEntryPoint_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->externalName, heap) , sasFormatWidth_ ("", heap) //TODO , systemName_ ("", heap) // TODO , dataSource_ ("", heap) // TODO , fileSuffix_ ("", heap) // TODO , schemaVersionOfRoutine_ ((COM_VERSION)0) // TODO , objectOwner_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->owner) , schemaOwner_ (routine_desc->routineDesc()->schemaOwner) , privInfo_ (NULL) , heap_(heap) { char parallelism[5]; CmGetComRoutineParallelismAsLit(routine_desc->routineDesc()->parallelism, parallelism); comRoutineParallelism_ = ((char *)parallelism); if (paramStyle_ == COM_STYLE_JAVA_CALL) { NAString extName(routine_desc->routineDesc()->externalName); size_t pos=extName.last('.'); externalName_ = extName(pos+1, (extName.length()-pos-1)); // method_name externalFile_ = extName.remove (pos); // package_name.class_name } else { externalName_ = routine_desc->routineDesc()->externalName; if (language_ == COM_LANGUAGE_C || language_ == COM_LANGUAGE_CPP) { // Split the fully-qualified DLL name into a directory name and // simple file name ComUInt32 len = dllName_.length(); if (len > 0) { size_t lastSlash = dllName_.last('/'); if (lastSlash == NA_NPOS) { // No slash was found externalPath_ = "."; externalFile_ = dllName_; } else { // A slash was found. EXTERNAL PATH is everything before the // slash. EXTERNAL FILE is everything after. externalPath_ = dllName_; externalPath_.remove(lastSlash, len - lastSlash); externalFile_ = dllName_; externalFile_.remove(0, lastSlash + 1); } } } // if (len > 0) } ComSInt32 colCount = routine_desc->routineDesc()->paramsCount; NAColumn *newCol = NULL; NAType *newColType = NULL; extRoutineName_ = new (heap) ExtendedQualName( name_, heap ); extActionName_ = new (heap) NAString(heap); intActionName_ = new (heap) ComObjectName(heap); params_ = new (heap) NAColumnArray(heap); inParams_ = new (heap) NAColumnArray(heap); outParams_ = new (heap) NAColumnArray(heap); // to compute java signature ComFSDataType *paramType = new STMTHEAP ComFSDataType[colCount]; ComUInt32 *subType = new STMTHEAP ComUInt32 [colCount]; ComColumnDirection *direction = new STMTHEAP ComColumnDirection[colCount] ; // // Construct the CostVectors // CQDs are checked at Bind time. Int32 initCpuCost = -1; Int32 initIOCost = -1; Int32 initMsgCost = -1; CostScalar initialCpuCost( initCpuCost); CostScalar initialIOCost( initIOCost); CostScalar initialMsgCost( initMsgCost); initialRowCost_.setCPUTime( initCpuCost < 0 ? csMinusOne : initialCpuCost); initialRowCost_.setIOTime( initIOCost < 0 ? csMinusOne : initialIOCost); initialRowCost_.setMSGTime( initMsgCost < 0 ? csMinusOne : initialMsgCost); Int32 normCpuCost = -1; Int32 normIOCost = -1; Int32 normMsgCost = -1; CostScalar normalCpuCost( normCpuCost); CostScalar normalIOCost( normIOCost); CostScalar normalMsgCost( normMsgCost); normalRowCost_.setCPUTime( normCpuCost < 0 ? csMinusOne : normalCpuCost); normalRowCost_.setIOTime( normIOCost < 0 ? csMinusOne : normalIOCost); normalRowCost_.setMSGTime( normMsgCost < 0 ? csMinusOne : normalMsgCost); TrafDesc *params_desc_list = routine_desc->routineDesc()->params; TrafColumnsDesc *param_desc; int i = 0; while (params_desc_list) { param_desc = params_desc_list->columnsDesc(); // Create the new NAType. if (NAColumn::createNAType(param_desc->columnsDesc(), (const NATable *)NULL, newColType, heap_)) { errorOccurred = TRUE; return; } if (param_desc->colname && strncmp(param_desc->colname, "#:", 2) == 0) { memset(param_desc->colname, 0, 2); } ComParamDirection colDirection = param_desc->paramDirection(); // Create the new NAColumn and insert it into the NAColumnArray newCol = new (heap) NAColumn( (const char *)UDRCopyString (param_desc->colname, heap) , param_desc->colnumber , newColType , heap , NULL // NATable * , USER_COLUMN , COM_NO_DEFAULT , NULL // default value , UDRCopyString("", heap) // TODO:heading can it have some value , param_desc->isUpshifted() , FALSE // addedColumn , (ComColumnDirection) colDirection , param_desc->isOptional() , (char *) COM_NORMAL_PARAM_TYPE_LIT ); // We have to check for INOUT in both the // if's below if ( COM_OUTPUT_PARAM == colDirection || COM_INOUT_PARAM == colDirection ) { hasOutParams_ = TRUE; outParams_->insert (newCol); params_->insert (newCol ); } if ( COM_INPUT_PARAM == colDirection || COM_INOUT_PARAM == colDirection ) { inParams_->insert (newCol); if ( COM_INOUT_PARAM != colDirection ) { params_->insert (newCol ); } // if not INOUT } // if IN or INOUT // Gather the param attributes for LM from the paramDefArray previously // populated and from the routineparamList generated from paramDefArray. paramType[i] = (ComFSDataType)newColType->getFSDatatype(); subType[i] = 0; // default // Set subType for special cases detected by LM switch ( paramType[i] ) { case COM_SIGNED_BIN16_FSDT : case COM_SIGNED_BIN32_FSDT : case COM_SIGNED_BIN64_FSDT : case COM_UNSIGNED_BIN16_FSDT : case COM_UNSIGNED_BIN32_FSDT : case COM_UNSIGNED_BPINT_FSDT : { subType[i] = newColType->getPrecision(); break; } case COM_DATETIME_FSDT : { switch ( ((DatetimeType *)newColType)->getSubtype() ) { case DatetimeType::SUBTYPE_SQLDate : subType[i] = 1; break; case DatetimeType::SUBTYPE_SQLTime : subType[i] = 2; break; case DatetimeType::SUBTYPE_SQLTimestamp : subType[i] = 3; break; } } } // end switch paramType[i] direction[i] = (ComColumnDirection) colDirection; params_desc_list = params_desc_list->next; i++; } // for passThruDataNumEntries_ = 0; passThruData_ = NULL; passThruDataSize_ = NULL; #define MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH 8193 if ((language_ == COM_LANGUAGE_JAVA)&&(signature_.length() < 2)) { // Allocate buffer for generated signature char sigBuf[MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH]; sigBuf[0] = '\0'; // If the syntax specified a signature, pass that to LanguageManager. char* optionalSig = NULL; ComBoolean isJavaMain = ((str_cmp_ne(, "main") == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE); LmResult createSigResult; LmJavaSignature *lmSignature = new (STMTHEAP) LmJavaSignature(NULL, STMTHEAP); createSigResult = lmSignature->createSig(paramType, subType, direction, colCount, COM_UNKNOWN_FSDT, 0, maxResults_, optionalSig, isJavaMain, sigBuf, MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH, CmpCommon::diags()); NADELETE(lmSignature, LmJavaSignature, STMTHEAP); // Lm returned error. Lm fills diags area if (createSigResult != LM_ERR) signature_ = sigBuf; } getPrivileges(routine_desc->routineDesc()->priv_desc); heapSize_ = (heap ? heap->getTotalSize() : 0); }
void CmpSeabaseDDL::createSeabaseRoutine( StmtDDLCreateRoutine * createRoutineNode, NAString &currCatName, NAString &currSchName) { Lng32 retcode = 0; ComObjectName routineName(createRoutineNode->getRoutineName()); ComAnsiNamePart currCatAnsiName(currCatName); ComAnsiNamePart currSchAnsiName(currSchName); routineName.applyDefaults(currCatAnsiName, currSchAnsiName); const NAString catalogNamePart = routineName.getCatalogNamePartAsAnsiString(); const NAString schemaNamePart = routineName.getSchemaNamePartAsAnsiString(TRUE); const NAString objectNamePart = routineName.getObjectNamePartAsAnsiString(TRUE); const NAString extRoutineName = routineName.getExternalName(TRUE); ComRoutineType rType = createRoutineNode->getRoutineType(); ComRoutineLanguage language = createRoutineNode->getLanguageType(); ComRoutineParamStyle ddlStyle = createRoutineNode->getParamStyle(); ComRoutineParamStyle style = ddlStyle; NABoolean isJava = (language == COM_LANGUAGE_JAVA); // Check to see if user has the authority to create the routine ExeCliInterface cliInterface(STMTHEAP, NULL, NULL, CmpCommon::context()->sqlSession()->getParentQid()); Int32 objectOwnerID = SUPER_USER; Int32 schemaOwnerID = SUPER_USER; ComSchemaClass schemaClass; retcode = verifyDDLCreateOperationAuthorized(&cliInterface, SQLOperation::CREATE_ROUTINE, catalogNamePart, schemaNamePart, schemaClass, objectOwnerID, schemaOwnerID); if (retcode != 0) { handleDDLCreateAuthorizationError(retcode,catalogNamePart,schemaNamePart); return; } ExpHbaseInterface * ehi = NULL; ehi = allocEHI(); if (ehi == NULL) { processReturn(); return; } retcode = existsInSeabaseMDTable(&cliInterface, catalogNamePart, schemaNamePart, objectNamePart, COM_USER_DEFINED_ROUTINE_OBJECT, TRUE, FALSE); if (retcode < 0) { deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } if (retcode == 1) // already exists { *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-1390) << DgString0(extRoutineName); deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } ComObjectName libName(createRoutineNode-> getLibraryName().getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString()); libName.applyDefaults(currCatAnsiName, currSchAnsiName); NAString libCatNamePart = libName.getCatalogNamePartAsAnsiString(); NAString libSchNamePart = libName.getSchemaNamePartAsAnsiString(TRUE); NAString libObjNamePart = libName.getObjectNamePartAsAnsiString(TRUE); const NAString extLibraryName = libName.getExternalName(TRUE); char externalPath[512] ; Lng32 cliRC = 0; // this call needs to change Int64 libUID = getObjectUID(&cliInterface, libCatNamePart, libSchNamePart, libObjNamePart, COM_LIBRARY_OBJECT_LIT); if (libUID < 0) { processReturn(); return; } if (libUID == 0) // does not exist { *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-1361) << DgString0(extLibraryName); deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } // read the library path name from the LIBRARIES metadata table char * buf = new(STMTHEAP) char[200]; str_sprintf(buf, "select library_filename from %s.\"%s\".%s" " where library_uid = %Ld for read uncommitted access", getSystemCatalog(), SEABASE_MD_SCHEMA, SEABASE_LIBRARIES, libUID); cliRC = cliInterface.fetchRowsPrologue(buf, TRUE/*no exec*/); if (cliRC < 0) { cliInterface.retrieveSQLDiagnostics(CmpCommon::diags()); deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } cliRC = cliInterface.clearExecFetchClose(NULL, 0); if (cliRC < 0) { cliInterface.retrieveSQLDiagnostics(CmpCommon::diags()); deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } if (cliRC == 100) // did not find the row { *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-1231) << DgString0(extRoutineName); deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } char * ptr = NULL; Lng32 len = 0; cliInterface.getPtrAndLen(1, ptr, len); str_cpy_all(externalPath, ptr, len); externalPath[len] = '\0'; // determine language and parameter styles based on the library // type, unless already specified if (!createRoutineNode->isLanguageTypeSpecified()) { NAString extPath(externalPath); size_t lastDot = extPath.last('.'); NAString libSuffix; if (lastDot != NA_NPOS) libSuffix = extPath(lastDot,extPath.length()-lastDot); libSuffix.toUpper(); if (libSuffix == ".JAR") { isJava = TRUE; language = COM_LANGUAGE_JAVA; } else if (libSuffix == ".SO" || libSuffix == ".DLL") { // a known C/C++ library, set // language and parameter style below } else { // language not specified and library name // is inconclusive, issue an error *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode( -3284 ) << DgString0( externalPath ); processReturn(); } } // set parameter style and also language, if not already // specified, based on routine type and type of library if (isJava) { // library is a jar file if (rType == COM_PROCEDURE_TYPE) // Java stored procedures use the older Java style style = COM_STYLE_JAVA_CALL; else // Java UDFs use the newer Java object style style = COM_STYLE_JAVA_OBJ; } else { // assume the library is a DLL with C or C++ code if (rType == COM_TABLE_UDF_TYPE && (language == COM_LANGUAGE_CPP || !createRoutineNode->isLanguageTypeSpecified())) { // Table UDFs (TMUDFs) default to the C++ interface language = COM_LANGUAGE_CPP; style = COM_STYLE_CPP_OBJ; } else if (rType == COM_SCALAR_UDF_TYPE && (language == COM_LANGUAGE_C || !createRoutineNode->isLanguageTypeSpecified())) { // scalar UDFs default to C and SQL parameter style language = COM_LANGUAGE_C; style = COM_STYLE_SQL; } else { // some invalid combination of routine type, language and // library type *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-3286); processReturn(); return; } } // C/C++ DLL if (createRoutineNode->isParamStyleSpecified() && ddlStyle != style) { // An unsupported PARAMETER STYLE was specified *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-3280); processReturn(); return; } NAString externalName; if (language == COM_LANGUAGE_JAVA && style == COM_STYLE_JAVA_CALL) { // the external name is a Java method signature externalName = createRoutineNode->getJavaClassName(); externalName += "." ; externalName += createRoutineNode->getJavaMethodName(); } else // the external name is a C/C++ entry point or a // Java class name externalName = createRoutineNode->getExternalName(); // Verify that current user has authority to create the routine // User must be DB__ROOT or have privileges if (isAuthorizationEnabled() && !ComUser::isRootUserID()) { // For now, go get privileges directly. If we ever cache routines, then // make sure privileges are stored in the cache. NAString privMgrMDLoc; CONCAT_CATSCH(privMgrMDLoc, getSystemCatalog(), SEABASE_PRIVMGR_SCHEMA); PrivMgrCommands privInterface(, CmpCommon::diags()); PrivMgrUserPrivs privs; PrivStatus retcode = privInterface.getPrivileges(libUID, COM_LIBRARY_OBJECT, ComUser::getCurrentUser(), privs); if (retcode != STATUS_GOOD) { if (CmpCommon::diags()->getNumber(DgSqlCode::ERROR_) == 0) SEABASEDDL_INTERNAL_ERROR("checking routine privilege"); processReturn(); return; } // Requester must have USAGE privilege on the library NABoolean hasPriv = TRUE; if ( !privs.hasUsagePriv() ) { *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode( -4481 ) << DgString0( "USAGE" ) << DgString1(; processReturn(); return; } } ElemDDLParamDefArray &routineParamArray = createRoutineNode->getParamArray(); Lng32 numParams = routineParamArray.entries(); if ((createRoutineNode->getRoutineType() == COM_SCALAR_UDF_TYPE) && (numParams > 32)) { *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode( -1550 ) << DgString0( extRoutineName ) << DgInt0( numParams ); deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } #define MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH 8193 // Allocate buffer for generated signature char sigBuf[MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH]; sigBuf[0] = '\0'; if (style == COM_STYLE_JAVA_CALL) { // validate routine for Java call based on signature Lng32 numJavaParam = 0; ComFSDataType *paramType = new ComFSDataType[numParams]; ComUInt32 *subType = new ComUInt32 [numParams]; ComColumnDirection *direction = new ComColumnDirection[numParams]; NAType *genericType; // Gather the param attributes for LM from the paramDefArray previously // populated and from the routineparamList generated from paramDefArray. for (CollIndex i = 0; (Int32)i < numParams; i++) { paramType[i] = (ComFSDataType)routineParamArray[i]->getParamDataType()->getFSDatatype(); subType[i] = 0; // default // Set subType for special cases detected by LM switch ( paramType[i] ) { case COM_SIGNED_BIN16_FSDT : case COM_SIGNED_BIN32_FSDT : case COM_SIGNED_BIN64_FSDT : case COM_UNSIGNED_BIN16_FSDT : case COM_UNSIGNED_BIN32_FSDT : case COM_UNSIGNED_BPINT_FSDT : { genericType = routineParamArray[i]->getParamDataType() ; if (genericType->getTypeName() == LiteralNumeric) subType[i] = genericType->getPrecision(); else subType[i] = 0 ; break; } case COM_DATETIME_FSDT : { genericType = routineParamArray[i]->getParamDataType() ; DatetimeType & datetimeType = (DatetimeType &) *genericType; if (datetimeType.getSimpleTypeName() EQU "DATE") subType[i] = 1 ; else if (datetimeType.getSimpleTypeName() EQU "TIME") subType[i] = 2; else if (datetimeType.getSimpleTypeName() EQU "TIMESTAMP") subType[i] = 3; } } // end switch paramType[i] direction[i] = (ComColumnDirection) routineParamArray[i]->getParamDirection(); } // If the syntax specified a signature, pass that to LanguageManager. NAString specifiedSig( createRoutineNode->getJavaSignature() ); char* optionalSig; if ( specifiedSig.length() == 0 ) optionalSig = NULL; else optionalSig = (char *); ComBoolean isJavaMain = ((str_cmp_ne(createRoutineNode->getJavaMethodName(), "main") == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE); LmResult createSigResult; LmJavaSignature *lmSignature = new (STMTHEAP) LmJavaSignature(NULL, STMTHEAP); createSigResult = lmSignature->createSig(paramType, subType, direction, numParams, COM_UNKNOWN_FSDT, 0, createRoutineNode->getMaxResults(), optionalSig, isJavaMain, sigBuf, MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH, CmpCommon::diags()); NADELETE(lmSignature, LmJavaSignature, STMTHEAP); delete [] paramType; delete [] subType; delete [] direction; // Lm returned error. Lm fills diags area, so no need to worry about diags. if (createSigResult == LM_ERR) { *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-1231) << DgString0(extRoutineName); deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } numJavaParam = (isJavaMain ? 1 : numParams); if (validateRoutine(&cliInterface, createRoutineNode->getJavaClassName(), createRoutineNode->getJavaMethodName(), externalPath, sigBuf, numJavaParam, createRoutineNode->getMaxResults(), optionalSig)) { *CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-1231) << DgString0(extRoutineName); deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } } else if (style == COM_STYLE_JAVA_OBJ || style == COM_STYLE_CPP_OBJ) { // validate existence of the C++ or Java class in the library Int32 routineHandle = NullCliRoutineHandle; NAString externalPrefix(externalPath); NAString externalNameForValidation(externalName); NAString containerName; if (language == COM_LANGUAGE_C || language == COM_LANGUAGE_CPP) { // separate the actual DLL name from the prefix char separator = '/'; size_t separatorPos = externalPrefix.last(separator); if (separatorPos != NA_NPOS) { containerName = externalPrefix(separatorPos+1, externalPrefix.length()-separatorPos-1); externalPrefix.remove(separatorPos, externalPrefix.length()-separatorPos); } else { // assume the entire string is a local name containerName = externalPrefix; externalPrefix = "."; } } else { // For Java, the way the language manager works is that the // external path is the fully qualified name of the jar and // the container is the class name (external name). We load // the container (the class) by searching in the path (the // jar). The external name is the method name, which in this // case is the constructor of the class, <init>. // leave externalPrevix unchanged, fully qualified jar file containerName = externalName; externalNameForValidation = "<init>"; } // use a CLI call to validate that the library contains the routine if (cliInterface.getRoutine( NULL, // No InvocationInfo specified in this step 0, NULL, 0, (Int32) language, (Int32) style,,,,, &routineHandle, CmpCommon::diags()) != LME_ROUTINE_VALIDATED) { if (routineHandle != NullCliRoutineHandle) cliInterface.putRoutine(routineHandle, CmpCommon::diags()); CMPASSERT(CmpCommon::diags()->mainSQLCODE() < 0); processReturn(); return; } cliInterface.putRoutine(routineHandle, CmpCommon::diags()); } ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo * colInfoArray = (ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo*) new(STMTHEAP) ComTdbVirtTableColumnInfo[numParams]; if (buildColInfoArray(&routineParamArray, colInfoArray)) { processReturn(); return; } ComTdbVirtTableTableInfo * tableInfo = new(STMTHEAP) ComTdbVirtTableTableInfo[1]; tableInfo->tableName = NULL, tableInfo->createTime = 0; tableInfo->redefTime = 0; tableInfo->objUID = 0; tableInfo->objOwnerID = objectOwnerID; tableInfo->schemaOwnerID = schemaOwnerID; tableInfo->isAudited = 1; tableInfo->validDef = 1; tableInfo->hbaseCreateOptions = NULL; tableInfo->numSaltPartns = 0; tableInfo->rowFormat = COM_UNKNOWN_FORMAT_TYPE; tableInfo->objectFlags = 0; Int64 objUID = -1; if (updateSeabaseMDTable(&cliInterface, catalogNamePart, schemaNamePart, objectNamePart, COM_USER_DEFINED_ROUTINE_OBJECT, "N", tableInfo, numParams, colInfoArray, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, objUID)) { deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } if (objUID == -1) { deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } NAString udrType; getRoutineTypeLit(createRoutineNode->getRoutineType(), udrType); NAString languageType; getLanguageTypeLit(language, languageType); NAString sqlAccess; getSqlAccessLit(createRoutineNode->getSqlAccess(), sqlAccess); NAString paramStyle; getParamStyleLit(style, paramStyle); NAString transactionAttributes; getTransAttributesLit(createRoutineNode->getTransactionAttributes(), transactionAttributes); NAString parallelism; getParallelismLit(createRoutineNode->getParallelism(), parallelism); NAString externalSecurity; getExternalSecurityLit(createRoutineNode->getExternalSecurity(), externalSecurity); NAString executionMode; getExecutionModeLit(createRoutineNode->getExecutionMode(), executionMode); char * query = new(STMTHEAP) char[2000+MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH]; str_sprintf(query, "insert into %s.\"%s\".%s values (%Ld, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %Ld, '%s' )", getSystemCatalog(), SEABASE_MD_SCHEMA, SEABASE_ROUTINES, objUID,,, createRoutineNode->isDeterministic() ? "Y" : "N" ,, createRoutineNode->isCallOnNull() ? "Y" : "N" , createRoutineNode->isIsolate() ? "Y" : "N" ,,, createRoutineNode->getMaxResults(), createRoutineNode->getStateAreaSize(),,, createRoutineNode->getUserVersion().data(),,, libUID, sigBuf); cliRC = cliInterface.executeImmediate(query); NADELETEBASIC(query, STMTHEAP); if (cliRC < 0) { cliInterface.retrieveSQLDiagnostics(CmpCommon::diags()); processReturn(); return; } char * query1 = new(STMTHEAP) char[1000]; str_sprintf(query1, "insert into %s.\"%s\".%s values (%Ld, %Ld)", getSystemCatalog(), SEABASE_MD_SCHEMA, SEABASE_LIBRARIES_USAGE, libUID, objUID); cliRC = cliInterface.executeImmediate(query1); NADELETEBASIC(query1, STMTHEAP); if (cliRC < 0) { cliInterface.retrieveSQLDiagnostics(CmpCommon::diags()); processReturn(); return; } // hope to remove this call soon by setting the valid flag to Y sooner if (updateObjectValidDef(&cliInterface, catalogNamePart, schemaNamePart, objectNamePart, COM_USER_DEFINED_ROUTINE_OBJECT_LIT, "Y")) { deallocEHI(ehi); processReturn(); return; } processReturn(); return; }