コード例 #1
ファイル: movie.cpp プロジェクト: gitter-badger/desmume
void FCEUI_MakeBackupMovie(bool dispMessage)
	//This function generates backup movie files
	string currentFn;					//Current movie fillename
	string backupFn;					//Target backup filename
	string tempFn;						//temp used in back filename creation
	stringstream stream;
	int x;								//Temp variable for string manip
	bool exist = false;					//Used to test if filename exists
	bool overflow = false;				//Used for special situation when backup numbering exceeds limit

	currentFn = curMovieFilename;		//Get current moviefilename
	backupFn = curMovieFilename;		//Make backup filename the same as current moviefilename
	x = backupFn.find_last_of(".");		 //Find file extension
	backupFn = backupFn.substr(0,x);	//Remove extension
	tempFn = backupFn;					//Store the filename at this point
	for (unsigned int backNum=0;backNum<999;backNum++) //999 = arbituary limit to backup files
		stream.str("");					 //Clear stream
		if (backNum > 99)
			stream << "-" << backNum;	 //assign backNum to stream
		 else if (backNum <= 99 && backNum >= 10)
			stream << "-0" << backNum;      //Make it 010, etc if two digits
			stream << "-00" << backNum;	 //Make it 001, etc if single digit
		backupFn.append(stream.str());	 //add number to bak filename
		backupFn.append(".bak");		 //add extension

		exist = CheckFileExists(backupFn.c_str());	//Check if file exists
		if (!exist) 
			break;						//Yeah yeah, I should use a do loop or something
			backupFn = tempFn;			//Before we loop again, reset the filename
			if (backNum == 999)			//If 999 exists, we have overflowed, let's handle that
				backupFn.append("-001.bak"); //We are going to simply overwrite 001.bak
				overflow = true;		//Flag that we have exceeded limit
				break;					//Just in case

	MovieData md = currMovieData;								//Get current movie data
	EMUFILE* outf = new EMUFILE_FILE(backupFn.c_str(),"wb"); //FCEUD_UTF8_fstream(backupFn, "wb");	//open/create file
	md.dump(outf,false);										//dump movie data
	delete outf;												//clean up, delete file object
	//TODO, decide if fstream successfully opened the file and print error message if it doesn't

	if (dispMessage)	//If we should inform the user 
//		if (overflow)
//			FCEUI_DispMessage("Backup overflow, overwriting %s",backupFn.c_str()); //Inform user of overflow
//		else
//			FCEUI_DispMessage("%s created",backupFn.c_str()); //Inform user of backup filename
コード例 #2
void FCEUI_CreateMovieFile(std::string fn)
	MovieData md = currMovieData;							//Get current movie data
	EMUFILE* outf = FCEUD_UTF8_fstream(fn, "wb");		//open/create file
	md.dump(outf,false);									//dump movie data
	delete outf;											//clean up, delete file object
コード例 #3
int FCEUMOV_WriteState(EMUFILE* os)
	//we are supposed to dump the movie data into the savestate
	if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED)
		return currMovieData.dump(os, true);
	else return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: movie.cpp プロジェクト: snowasnow/DeSmuME
static int FCEUMOV_WriteState(std::ostream* os)
	//we are supposed to dump the movie data into the savestate
	if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY)
		return currMovieData.dump(os, true);
	else return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: movie.cpp プロジェクト: snowasnow/DeSmuME
//begin recording a new movie
//TODO - BUG - the record-from-another-savestate doesnt work.
static void FCEUI_SaveMovie(const char *fname, std::wstring author)
	//	return;




	currFrameCounter = 0;

	currMovieData = MovieData();

	if(author != L"") currMovieData.comments.push_back(L"author " + author);
	//currMovieData.romChecksum = GameInfo->MD5;
	//currMovieData.romFilename = FileBase;

	//todo ?
	//	MovieData::dumpSavestateTo(&currMovieData.savestate,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);

	//we are going to go ahead and dump the header. from now on we will only be appending frames
	currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false);

	movie_readonly = false;
	currRerecordCount = 0;
	//FCEU_DispMessage("Movie recording started.");
コード例 #6
ファイル: movie.cpp プロジェクト: CaoCaoBeard/pcejin
void mov_savestate(std::ostream *os)//std::ostream* os
	if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY)
		currMovieData.dump(os, true);
コード例 #7
ファイル: movie.cpp プロジェクト: gitter-badger/desmume
void mov_savestate(EMUFILE* fp)
	//we are supposed to dump the movie data into the savestate
	//if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY)
	//	return currMovieData.dump(os, true);
	//else return 0;
	if(movieMode != MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE)
		currMovieData.dump(fp, true);
コード例 #8
ファイル: movie.cpp プロジェクト: CaoCaoBeard/pcejin
//begin recording a new movie
//TODO - BUG - the record-from-another-savestate doesnt work.
 void SaveMovie(const char *fname, std::string author, int controllers)



	currFrameCounter = 0;

	currMovieData = MovieData();
//	currMovieData.guid.newGuid();

	if(author != "") currMovieData.comments.push_back("author " + author);
	//currMovieData.romChecksum = GameInfo->MD5;
//	currMovieData.romFilename = cdip->gamename;//GetRomName();
//	extern bool _HACK_DONT_STOPMOVIE;
	pcejin.lagFrameCounter = 0;
	pcejin.isLagFrame = false;
	currMovieData.ports = controllers;

	//todo ?
	//	MovieData::dumpSavestateTo(&currMovieData.savestate,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);

	//we are going to go ahead and dump the header. from now on we will only be appending frames
	currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false);

	movie_readonly = false;
	currRerecordCount = 0;

	DisplayMessage("Movie recording started.");
コード例 #9
//begin recording a new movie
//TODO - BUG - the record-from-another-savestate doesnt work.
void FCEUI_SaveMovie(const char *fname, EMOVIE_FLAG flags, std::wstring author)




	currFrameCounter = 0;
	if(author != "") currMovieData.comments.push_back("author " + author);
	if(author != L"") currMovieData.comments.push_back(L"author " + author);

		movieFromPoweron = true;
		movieFromPoweron = false;


	//we are going to go ahead and dump the header. from now on we will only be appending frames
	currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false);

	movie_readonly = false;

	FCEU_DispMessage("Movie recording started.",0);
コード例 #10
ファイル: movie.cpp プロジェクト: gitter-badger/desmume
bool mov_loadstate(EMUFILE* fp, int size)
	load_successful = false;

	u32 cookie;
	if(read32le(&cookie,fp) != 1) return false;
	if(cookie == kNOMO)
		if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY)
		return true;
	else if(cookie != kMOVI)
		return false;

	size -= 4;

	if (!movie_readonly && autoMovieBackup && freshMovie) //If auto-backup is on, movie has not been altered this session and the movie is in read+write mode
		FCEUI_MakeBackupMovie(false);	//Backup the movie before the contents get altered, but do not display messages						  

	//a little rule: cant load states in read+write mode with a movie from an archive.
	//so we are going to switch it to readonly mode in that case
//	if(!movie_readonly 
//		//*&& FCEU_isFileInArchive(curMovieFilename)*/
//		) {
//		FCEU_PrintError("Cannot loadstate in Read+Write with movie from archive. Movie is now Read-Only.");
//		movie_readonly = true;
//	}

	MovieData tempMovieData = MovieData();
	//int curr = fp->ftell();
	if(!LoadFM2(tempMovieData, fp, size, false)) {
	//	is->seekg((uint32)curr+size);
	/*	extern bool FCEU_state_loading_old_format;
		if(FCEU_state_loading_old_format) {
			if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD) {
				FCEU_PrintError("You have tried to use an old savestate while playing a movie. This is unsupported (since the old savestate has old-format movie data in it which can't be converted on the fly)");
		return false;

	//complex TAS logic for loadstate
	//fully conforms to the savestate logic documented in the Laws of TAS
	Playback or Recording + Read-only

    * Check that GUID of movie and savestate-movie must match or else error
          o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie. This is a GUID mismatch error. Give user a choice to load it anyway.
                + failstate: if use declines, loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted if user has backup savstates enabled else stop movie
    * Check that movie and savestate-movie are in same timeline. If not then this is a wrong timeline error.
          o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie
                + failstate: loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted if user has backup savestates enabled else stop movie
    * Check that savestate-movie is not greater than movie. If not then this is a future event error and is not allowed in read-only
          o on error: message informing that the savestate is from a frame after the last frame of the movie
                + failstate - loadstate attempt cancelled, movie can resume if user has backup savesattes enabled, else stop movie
    * Check that savestate framcount <= savestate movie length. If not this is a post-movie savestate
          o on post-movie: See post-movie event section. 
    * All error checks have passed, state will be loaded
    * Movie contained in the savestate will be discarded
    * Movie is now in Playback mode 

	Playback, Recording + Read+write

    * Check that GUID of movie and savestate-movie must match or else error
          o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie. This is a GUID mismatch error. Give user a choice to load it anyway.
                + failstate: if use declines, loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted (stop movie if resume fails)canceled, movie can resume if backup savestates enabled else stopmovie
    * Check that savestate framcount <= savestate movie length. If not this is a post-movie savestate
          o on post-movie: See post-movie event section. 
    * savestate passed all error checks and will now be loaded in its entirety and replace movie (note: there will be no truncation yet)
    * current framecount will be set to savestate framecount
    * on the next frame of input, movie will be truncated to framecount
          o (note: savestate-movie can be a future event of the movie timeline, or a completely new timeline and it is still allowed) 
    * Rerecord count of movie will be incremented
    * Movie is now in record mode 

	Post-movie savestate event

    * Whan a savestate is loaded and is determined that the savestate-movie length is less than the savestate framecount then it is a post-movie savestate. These occur when a savestate was made during Movie Finished mode. 
	* If read+write, the entire savestate movie will be loaded and replace current movie.
    * If read-only, the savestate movie will be discarded
    * Mode will be switched to Move Finished
    * Savestate will be loaded
    * Current framecount changes to savestate framecount
    * User will have control of input as if Movie inactive mode 

	if(movieMode != MOVIEMODE_INACTIVE)
		//handle moviefile mismatch
		if(tempMovieData.guid != currMovieData.guid)
			//mbg 8/18/08 - this code  can be used to turn the error message into an OK/CANCEL
			#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(WXPORT)
				std::string msg = "There is a mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: " + currMovieData.guid.toString() + "\nsavestate: " + tempMovieData.guid.toString() + "\n\nThis means that you have loaded a savestate belonging to a different movie than the one you are playing now.\n\nContinue loading this savestate anyway?";
				int result = MessageBox(MainWindow->getHWnd(),msg.c_str(),"Error loading savestate",MB_OKCANCEL);
				if(result == IDCANCEL)
					return false;
				FCEU_PrintError("Mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: %s\nsavestate: %s\n",currMovieData.guid.toString().c_str(),tempMovieData.guid.toString().c_str());
				return false;


			currMovieData = tempMovieData;
			currMovieData.rerecordCount = currRerecordCount;

		if(currFrameCounter > (int)currMovieData.records.size())
			// if the frame counter is longer than our current movie,
			// switch to "finished" mode.
			// this is a mode that behaves like "inactive"
			// except it permits switching to play/record by loading an earlier savestate.
			// (and we continue to store the finished movie in savestates made while finished)
			osd->setLineColor(255,0,0); // let's make the text red too to hopefully catch the user's attention a bit.

			//FCEU_PrintError("Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the movie (%d). This is not permitted.", currFrameCounter, currMovieData.records.size()-1);
			//return false;
		else if(movie_readonly)
			//this code would reload the movie from disk. allegedly it is helpful to hexers, but
			//it is way too slow with dsm format. so it is only here as a reminder, and in case someone
			//wants to play with it
			//	fstream fs (curMovieFilename);
			//	if(!LoadFM2(tempMovieData, &fs, INT_MAX, false))
			//	{
			//		FCEU_PrintError("Failed to reload DSM after loading savestate");
			//	}
			//	fs.close();
			//	currMovieData = tempMovieData;

			movieMode = MOVIEMODE_PLAY;
		//	#ifdef _S9XLUA_H
		//	if(!FCEU_LuaRerecordCountSkip())
		//	#endif
			currMovieData.rerecordCount = currRerecordCount;

			   osd->setLineColor(255, 0, 0);
			   osd->addLine("Can't save movie file!");

			//printf("DUMPING MOVIE: %d FRAMES\n",currMovieData.records.size());
			currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false);
			movieMode = MOVIEMODE_RECORD;
	load_successful = true;
	freshMovie = false;

	return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: movie.cpp プロジェクト: gitter-badger/desmume
//begin recording a new movie
//TODO - BUG - the record-from-another-savestate doesnt work.
void FCEUI_SaveMovie(const char *fname, std::wstring author, int flag, std::string sramfname, const DateTime &rtcstart)
	//	return;




	currFrameCounter = 0;

	currMovieData = MovieData();

	if(author != L"") currMovieData.comments.push_back(L"author " + author);
	currMovieData.romChecksum = gameInfo.crc;
	currMovieData.romSerial = gameInfo.ROMserial;
	currMovieData.romFilename = path.GetRomName();
	currMovieData.rtcStart = rtcstart;

	// reset firmware (some games can write to it)
	if (CommonSettings.UseExtFirmware == false)


	//todo ?
	//	MovieData::dumpSavestateTo(&currMovieData.savestate,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);

	if(flag == 1)
		EMUFILE::readAllBytes(&currMovieData.sram, sramfname);

	//we are going to go ahead and dump the header. from now on we will only be appending frames
	currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false);


	movie_readonly = false;
	currRerecordCount = 0;

	if(currMovieData.sram.size() != 0)
		bool success = MovieData::loadSramFrom(&currMovieData.sram);
		if(!success) return;

	driver->USR_InfoMessage("Movie recording started.");
コード例 #12
bool FCEUMOV_ReadState(EMUFILE* is, uint32 size)
	load_successful = false;

	if (!movie_readonly)
		if (currMovieData.loadFrameCount >= 0)
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(DINGUX)
			int result = MessageBox(hAppWnd, "This movie is a TAS Editor project file.\nIt can be modified in TAS Editor only.\n\nOpen it in TAS Editor now?", "Movie Replay", MB_YESNO);
			if (result == IDYES)
				mustEngageTaseditor = true;
			FCEUI_printf("This movie is a TAS Editor project file! It can be modified in TAS Editor only.\nMovie is now Read-Only.\n");
			movie_readonly = true;
		if (FCEU_isFileInArchive(curMovieFilename))
			//a little rule: cant load states in read+write mode with a movie from an archive.
			//so we are going to switch it to readonly mode in that case
			FCEU_PrintError("Cannot loadstate in Read+Write with movie from archive. Movie is now Read-Only.");
			movie_readonly = true;

	MovieData tempMovieData = MovieData();
	std::ios::pos_type curr = is->ftell();
	if(!LoadFM2(tempMovieData, is, size, false)) {
		extern bool FCEU_state_loading_old_format;
		if(FCEU_state_loading_old_format) {
			if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED) {
				//FCEUI_StopMovie();  //No reason to stop the movie, nothing destructive has happened yet.
				FCEU_PrintError("You have tried to use an old savestate while playing a movie. This is unsupported (since the old savestate has old-format movie data in it which can't be converted on the fly)");
		return false;

	//complex TAS logic for loadstate
	//fully conforms to the savestate logic documented in the Laws of TAS

	Playback or Recording + Read-only

    * Check that GUID of movie and savestate-movie must match or else error
          o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie. This is a GUID mismatch error. Give user a choice to load it anyway.
                + failstate: if use declines, loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted if user has backup savstates enabled else stop movie
    * Check that movie and savestate-movie are in same timeline. If not then this is a wrong timeline error.
          o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie
                + failstate: loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted if user has backup savestates enabled else stop movie
    * Check that savestate-movie is not greater than movie. If it's greater then this is a future event error and is not allowed in read-only
          o on error: message informing that the savestate is from a frame after the last frame of the movie
                + failstate - loadstate attempt cancelled, movie can resume if user has backup savesattes enabled, else stop movie
    * Check that savestate framcount <= savestate movie length. If not this is a post-movie savestate and is not allowed in read-only
          o on error: message informing that the savestate is from a frame after the last frame of the savestated movie
                + failstate - loadstate attempt cancelled, movie can resume if user has backup savesattes enabled, else stop movie
    * All error checks have passed, state will be loaded
    * Movie contained in the savestate will be discarded
    * Movie is now in Playback mode

	Playback, Recording + Read+write

    * Check that GUID of movie and savestate-movie must match or else error
          o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie. This is a GUID mismatch error. Give user a choice to load it anyway.
                + failstate: if use declines, loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted (stop movie if resume fails)canceled, movie can resume if backup savestates enabled else stopmovie
    * Check that savestate framcount <= savestate movie length. If not this is a post-movie savestate
          o on post-movie: See post-movie event section.
    * savestate passed all error checks and will now be loaded in its entirety and replace movie (note: there will be no truncation yet)
    * current framecount will be set to savestate framecount
    * on the next frame of input, movie will be truncated to framecount
          o (note: savestate-movie can be a future event of the movie timeline, or a completely new timeline and it is still allowed)
    * Rerecord count of movie will be incremented
    * Movie is now in record mode

	Post-movie savestate event

    * Whan a savestate is loaded and is determined that the savestate-movie length is less than the savestate framecount then it is a post-movie savestate. These occur when a savestate was made during Movie Finished mode.
	* If read+write, the entire savestate movie will be loaded and replace current movie.
    * If read-only, the savestate movie will be discarded
    * Mode will be switched to Move Finished
    * Savestate will be loaded
    * Current framecount changes to savestate framecount
    * User will have control of input as if Movie inactive mode

	if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED)
		//handle moviefile mismatch
		if(tempMovieData.guid != currMovieData.guid)
			//mbg 8/18/08 - this code  can be used to turn the error message into an OK/CANCEL
			#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(DINGUX)
				std::string msg = "There is a mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: " + currMovieData.guid.toString() + "\nsavestate: " + tempMovieData.guid.toString() + "\n\nThis means that you have loaded a savestate belonging to a different movie than the one you are playing now.\n\nContinue loading this savestate anyway?";
				extern HWND pwindow;
				int result = MessageBox(pwindow,msg.c_str(),"Error loading savestate",MB_OKCANCEL);
				if(result == IDCANCEL)
					if (!backupSavestates) //If backups are disabled we can just resume normally since we can't restore so stop movie and inform user
						FCEU_PrintError("Unable to restore backup, movie playback stopped.");

					return false;
				if (!backupSavestates) //If backups are disabled we can just resume normally since we can't restore so stop movie and inform user
					FCEU_PrintError("Mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: %s\nsavestate: %s\nUnable to restore backup, movie playback stopped.\n",currMovieData.guid.toString().c_str(),tempMovieData.guid.toString().c_str());
				FCEU_PrintError("Mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: %s\nsavestate: %s\n",currMovieData.guid.toString().c_str(),tempMovieData.guid.toString().c_str());

				return false;


		if (movie_readonly)
			// currFrameCounter at this point represents the savestate framecount
			int frame_of_mismatch = CheckTimelines(tempMovieData, currMovieData);
			if (frame_of_mismatch >= 0)
				// Wrong timeline, do apprioriate logic here
				if (!backupSavestates)	//If backups are disabled we can just resume normally since we can't restore so stop movie and inform user
					FCEU_PrintError("Error: Savestate not in the same timeline as movie!\nFrame %d branches from current timeline\nUnable to restore backup, movie playback stopped.", frame_of_mismatch);
				} else
					FCEU_PrintError("Error: Savestate not in the same timeline as movie!\nFrame %d branches from current timeline", frame_of_mismatch);
				return false;
			} else if (movieMode == MOVIEMODE_FINISHED
				&& currFrameCounter > (int)currMovieData.records.size()
				&& currMovieData.records.size() == tempMovieData.records.size())
				// special case (in MOVIEMODE_FINISHED mode)
				// allow loading post-movie savestates that were made after finishing current movie

			} else if (currFrameCounter > (int)currMovieData.records.size())
				// this is future event state, don't allow it
				//TODO: turn frame counter to red to get attention
				if (!backupSavestates)	//If backups are disabled we can just resume normally since we can't restore so stop movie and inform user
					FCEU_PrintError("Error: Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the movie (%d). This is not permitted.\nUnable to restore backup, movie playback stopped.", currFrameCounter, currMovieData.records.size()-1);
				} else
					FCEU_PrintError("Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the movie (%d). This is not permitted.", currFrameCounter, currMovieData.records.size()-1);
				return false;
			} else if (currFrameCounter > (int)tempMovieData.records.size())
				// this is post-movie savestate, don't allow it
				//TODO: turn frame counter to red to get attention
				if (!backupSavestates)	//If backups are disabled we can just resume normally since we can't restore so stop movie and inform user
					FCEU_PrintError("Error: Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the savestated movie (%d). This is not permitted.\nUnable to restore backup, movie playback stopped.", currFrameCounter, tempMovieData.records.size()-1);
				} else
					FCEU_PrintError("Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the savestated movie (%d). This is not permitted.", currFrameCounter, tempMovieData.records.size()-1);
				return false;
			} else
				// Finally, this is a savestate file for this movie
				movieMode = MOVIEMODE_PLAY;
		} else
			//Read+Write mode
			if (currFrameCounter > (int)tempMovieData.records.size())
				//This is a post movie savestate, handle it differently
				//Replace movie contents but then switch to movie finished mode
				currMovieData = tempMovieData;
				currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false/*currMovieData.binaryFlag*/);
			} else
				//truncate before we copy, just to save some time, unless the user selects a full copy option
				if (!fullSaveStateLoads)
					//we can only assume this here since we have checked that the frame counter is not greater than the movie data
				currMovieData = tempMovieData;
				currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false/*currMovieData.binaryFlag*/);
				movieMode = MOVIEMODE_RECORD;


	load_successful = true;

	return true;
コード例 #13
ファイル: movie.cpp プロジェクト: CaoCaoBeard/pcejin
bool mov_loadstate(std::istream* is, int size)//std::istream* is
	load_successful = false;

	int cookie;
	if(read32lemov(&cookie,is) != 1) return false;
	if(cookie == kNOMO)
		return true;
	else if(cookie != kMOVI)
		return false;

	size -= 4;

	if (!movie_readonly && autoMovieBackup && freshMovie) //If auto-backup is on, movie has not been altered this session and the movie is in read+write mode
		MakeBackupMovie(false);	//Backup the movie before the contents get altered, but do not display messages						  

	MovieData tempMovieData = MovieData();
	std::ios::pos_type curr = is->tellg();
	if(!LoadMC2(tempMovieData, is, size, false)) 		
		return false;

	//complex TAS logic for loadstate
	//fully conforms to the savestate logic documented in the Laws of TAS
	Playback or Recording + Read-only

    * Check that GUID of movie and savestate-movie must match or else error
          o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie. This is a GUID mismatch error. Give user a choice to load it anyway.
                + failstate: if use declines, loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted if user has backup savstates enabled else stop movie
    * Check that movie and savestate-movie are in same timeline. If not then this is a wrong timeline error.
          o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie
                + failstate: loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted if user has backup savestates enabled else stop movie
    * Check that savestate-movie is not greater than movie. If not then this is a future event error and is not allowed in read-only
          o on error: message informing that the savestate is from a frame after the last frame of the movie
                + failstate - loadstate attempt cancelled, movie can resume if user has backup savesattes enabled, else stop movie
    * Check that savestate framcount <= savestate movie length. If not this is a post-movie savestate
          o on post-movie: See post-movie event section. 
    * All error checks have passed, state will be loaded
    * Movie contained in the savestate will be discarded
    * Movie is now in Playback mode 

	Playback, Recording + Read+write

    * Check that GUID of movie and savestate-movie must match or else error
          o on error: a message informing that the savestate doesn't belong to this movie. This is a GUID mismatch error. Give user a choice to load it anyway.
                + failstate: if use declines, loadstate attempt canceled, movie can resume as if not attempted (stop movie if resume fails)canceled, movie can resume if backup savestates enabled else stopmovie
    * Check that savestate framcount <= savestate movie length. If not this is a post-movie savestate
          o on post-movie: See post-movie event section. 
    * savestate passed all error checks and will now be loaded in its entirety and replace movie (note: there will be no truncation yet)
    * current framecount will be set to savestate framecount
    * on the next frame of input, movie will be truncated to framecount
          o (note: savestate-movie can be a future event of the movie timeline, or a completely new timeline and it is still allowed) 
    * Rerecord count of movie will be incremented
    * Movie is now in record mode 

	Post-movie savestate event

    * Whan a savestate is loaded and is determined that the savestate-movie length is less than the savestate framecount then it is a post-movie savestate. These occur when a savestate was made during Movie Finished mode. 
	* If read+write, the entire savestate movie will be loaded and replace current movie.
    * If read-only, the savestate movie will be discarded
    * Mode will be switched to Move Finished
    * Savestate will be loaded
    * Current framecount changes to savestate framecount
    * User will have control of input as if Movie inactive mode 

	if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD)
		//handle moviefile mismatch
/*		if(tempMovieData.guid != currMovieData.guid)
			//mbg 8/18/08 - this code  can be used to turn the error message into an OK/CANCEL
			#ifdef WIN32
				//std::string msg = "There is a mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: " + currMovieData.guid.toString() + "\nsavestate: " + tempMovieData.guid.toString() + "\n\nThis means that you have loaded a savestate belonging to a different movie than the one you are playing now.\n\nContinue loading this savestate anyway?";
				//extern HWND pwindow;
				//int result = MessageBox(pwindow,msg.c_str(),"Error loading savestate",MB_OKCANCEL);
				//if(result == IDCANCEL)
				//	return false;
				DisplayMessage("Mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: %s\nsavestate: %s\n",currMovieData.guid.toString().c_str(),tempMovieData.guid.toString().c_str());
				return false;


			//this code would reload the movie from disk. allegedly it is helpful to hexers, but
			//it is way too slow with dsm format. so it is only here as a reminder, and in case someone
			//wants to play with it
			//	fstream fs (curMovieFilename);
			//	if(!LoadMC2(tempMovieData, &fs, INT_MAX, false))
			//	{
			//		MDFN_PrintError("Failed to reload DSM after loading savestate");
			//	}
			//	fs.close();
			//	currMovieData = tempMovieData;

			//if the frame counter is longer than our current movie, then error
			if(currFrameCounter > (int)currMovieData.records.size())
				MDFN_PrintError("Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the movie (%d). This is not permitted.", currFrameCounter, currMovieData.records.size()-1);
				return false;

			movieMode = MOVIEMODE_PLAY;
			//truncate before we copy, just to save some time
			currMovieData = tempMovieData;

			currMovieData.rerecordCount = currRerecordCount;

			currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false);
			movieMode = MOVIEMODE_RECORD;
	load_successful = true;
	freshMovie = false;

	//// Maximus: Show the last input combination entered from the
	//// movie within the state
	//if(current!=0) // <- mz: only if playing or recording a movie
	//	memcpy(&cur_input_display, joop, 4);

	return true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: sdl.cpp プロジェクト: RenaKunisaki/fceux
 * The main loop for the SDL.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // this is a hackish check for the --help arguemnts
  // these are normally processed by the config parser, but SDL_Init
  // must be run before the config parser: so if even SDL_Init fails,
  // these six lines will still print the help output
	if(argc > 1)
		if(!strcmp(argv[1], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[1],"-h"))
			return 0;

	int error, frameskip;

	FCEUD_Message("Starting " FCEU_NAME_AND_VERSION "...\n");

#ifdef WIN32
	/* Taken from win32 sdl_main.c */

	/* SDL_INIT_VIDEO Needed for (joystick config) event processing? */
		printf("Could not initialize SDL: %s.\n", SDL_GetError());

#ifdef OPENGL

	// Initialize the configuration system
	g_config = InitConfig();
	if(!g_config) {
		return -1;

	// initialize the infrastructure
	error = FCEUI_Initialize();
	if(error != 1) {
		return -1;
	// check for --help or -h and display usage; also check for --nogui
	for(int i=0; i<argc;i++)
		if(strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0)
			return 0;
#ifdef _GTK
		else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--nogui") == 0)
			noGui = 1;
			argv[i] = "";
	int romIndex = g_config->parse(argc, argv);

	// This is here so that a default fceux.cfg will be created on first
	// run, even without a valid ROM to play.
	// Unless, of course, there's actually --no-config given
	// mbg 8/23/2008 - this is also here so that the inputcfg routines can have 
    // a chance to dump the new inputcfg to the fceux.cfg  in case you didnt 
    // specify a rom  filename
	g_config->getOption("SDL.NoConfig", &noconfig);
	if (!noconfig)
	std::string s;

	g_config->getOption("SDL.InputCfg", &s);
	if(s.size() != 0)
	// set the FAMICOM PAD 2 Mic thing 
	int t;
	g_config->getOption("SDL.Input.FamicomPad2.EnableMic", &t);
			replaceP2StartWithMicrophone = t;

    // update the input devices

	// check for a .fcm file to convert to .fm2
	g_config->getOption ("SDL.FCMConvert", &s);
	g_config->setOption ("SDL.FCMConvert", "");
	if (!s.empty())
		int okcount = 0;
		std::string infname = s.c_str();
		// produce output filename
		std::string outname;
		size_t dot = infname.find_last_of (".");
		if (dot == std::string::npos)
			outname = infname + ".fm2";
			outname = infname.substr(0,dot) + ".fm2";
		MovieData md;
		EFCM_CONVERTRESULT result = convert_fcm (md, infname);

        // *outf = new EMUFILE;
		EMUFILE_FILE* outf = FCEUD_UTF8_fstream (outname, "wb");
		md.dump (outf,false);
		delete outf;
		FCEUD_Message ("Your file has been converted to FM2.\n");
	else {
		FCEUD_Message ("Something went wrong while converting your file...\n");
	  return 0;

	// If x/y res set to 0, store current display res in SDL.LastX/YRes
	int yres, xres;
	g_config->getOption("SDL.XResolution", &xres);
	g_config->getOption("SDL.YResolution", &yres);
	// TODO _ SDL 2.0
	const SDL_VideoInfo* vid_info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
	if(xres == 0) 
        if(vid_info != NULL)
			g_config->setOption("SDL.LastXRes", vid_info->current_w);
			g_config->setOption("SDL.LastXRes", 512);
		g_config->setOption("SDL.LastXRes", xres);
    if(yres == 0)
        if(vid_info != NULL)
			g_config->setOption("SDL.LastYRes", vid_info->current_h);
			g_config->setOption("SDL.LastYRes", 448);
		g_config->setOption("SDL.LastYRes", yres);
	int autoResume;
	g_config->getOption("SDL.AutoResume", &autoResume);
		AutoResumePlay = true;
		AutoResumePlay = false;
	// check to see if recording HUD to AVI is enabled
	int rh;
	g_config->getOption("SDL.RecordHUD", &rh);
	if( rh == 0)

	// check to see if movie messages are disabled
	int mm;
	g_config->getOption("SDL.MovieMsg", &mm);
	if( mm == 0)
	// check for a .fm2 file to rip the subtitles
	g_config->getOption("SDL.RipSubs", &s);
	g_config->setOption("SDL.RipSubs", "");
	if (!s.empty())
		MovieData md;
		std::string infname;
		infname = s.c_str();
		FCEUFILE *fp = FCEU_fopen(s.c_str(), 0, "rb", 0);
		// load the movie and and subtitles
		extern bool LoadFM2(MovieData&, EMUFILE*, int, bool);
		LoadFM2(md, fp->stream, INT_MAX, false);
		LoadSubtitles(md); // fill subtitleFrames and subtitleMessages
		delete fp;
		// produce .srt file's name and open it for writing
		std::string outname;
		size_t dot = infname.find_last_of (".");
		if (dot == std::string::npos)
			outname = infname + ".srt";
			outname = infname.substr(0,dot) + ".srt";
		FILE *srtfile;
		srtfile = fopen(outname.c_str(), "w");
		if (srtfile != NULL)
			extern std::vector<int> subtitleFrames;
			extern std::vector<std::string> subtitleMessages;
			float fps = (md.palFlag == 0 ? 60.0988 : 50.0069); // NTSC vs PAL
			float subduration = 3; // seconds for the subtitles to be displayed
			for (int i = 0; i < subtitleFrames.size(); i++)
				fprintf(srtfile, "%i\n", i+1); // starts with 1, not 0
				double seconds, ms, endseconds, endms;
				seconds = subtitleFrames[i]/fps;
				if (i+1 < subtitleFrames.size()) // there's another subtitle coming after this one
					if (subtitleFrames[i+1]-subtitleFrames[i] < subduration*fps) // avoid two subtitles at the same time
						endseconds = (subtitleFrames[i+1]-1)/fps; // frame x: subtitle1; frame x+1 subtitle2
					} else {
						endseconds = seconds+subduration;
				} else {
					endseconds = seconds+subduration;
				ms = modf(seconds, &seconds);
				endms = modf(endseconds, &endseconds);
				// this is just beyond ugly, don't show it to your kids
				"%02.0f:%02d:%02d,%03d --> %02.0f:%02d:%02d,%03d\n", // hh:mm:ss,ms --> hh:mm:ss,ms
				floor(seconds/3600),	(int)floor(seconds/60   ) % 60, (int)floor(seconds)	% 60, (int)(ms*1000),
				floor(endseconds/3600), (int)floor(endseconds/60) % 60, (int)floor(endseconds) % 60, (int)(endms*1000));
				fprintf(srtfile, "%s\n\n", subtitleMessages[i].c_str()); // new line for every subtitle
		printf("%d subtitles have been ripped.\n", (int)subtitleFrames.size());
		} else {
		FCEUD_Message("Couldn't create output srt file...\n");
		return 0;

	// if we're not compiling w/ the gui, exit if a rom isn't specified
#ifndef _GTK
	if(romIndex <= 0) {
		FCEUD_Message("\nError parsing command line arguments\n");
		return -1;

	// update the emu core

	#ifdef CREATE_AVI
	g_config->getOption("SDL.VideoLog", &s);
	g_config->setOption("SDL.VideoLog", "");
		LoggingEnabled = 1;
		g_config->getOption("SDL.MuteCapture", &mutecapture);
	} else {
		mutecapture = 0;

		int id;
		g_config->getOption("SDL.InputDisplay", &id);
		extern int input_display;
		input_display = id;
		// not exactly an id as an true/false switch; still better than creating another int for that
		g_config->getOption("SDL.SubtitleDisplay", &id); 
		extern int movieSubtitles;
		movieSubtitles = id;
	// load the hotkeys from the config life

#ifdef _GTK
	if(noGui == 0)
		gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
		InitGTKSubsystem(argc, argv);

  if(romIndex >= 0)
		// load the specified game
		error = LoadGame(argv[romIndex]);
		if(error != 1) {
			return -1;
		g_config->setOption("SDL.LastOpenFile", argv[romIndex]);

	// movie playback
	g_config->getOption("SDL.Movie", &s);
	g_config->setOption("SDL.Movie", "");
	if (s != "")
		if(s.find(".fm2") != std::string::npos || s.find(".fm3") != std::string::npos)
			static int pauseframe;
			g_config->getOption("SDL.PauseFrame", &pauseframe);
			g_config->setOption("SDL.PauseFrame", 0);
			FCEUI_printf("Playing back movie located at %s\n", s.c_str());
			FCEUI_LoadMovie(s.c_str(), false, pauseframe ? pauseframe : false);
		  FCEUI_printf("Sorry, I don't know how to play back %s\n", s.c_str());
    int periodic_saves;
    int save_state;
    g_config->getOption("SDL.PeriodicSaves", &periodic_saves);
    g_config->getOption("SDL.AutoSaveState", &save_state);
    if(periodic_saves && save_state < 10 && save_state >= 0){
        FCEUI_SelectState(save_state, 0);
    } else {
        periodic_saves = 0;
#ifdef _S9XLUA_H
	// load lua script if option passed
	g_config->getOption("SDL.LuaScript", &s);
	g_config->setOption("SDL.LuaScript", "");
	if (s != "")
		int id;
		g_config->getOption("SDL.NewPPU", &id);
		if (id)
			newppu = 1;

	g_config->getOption("SDL.Frameskip", &frameskip);
	// loop playing the game
#ifdef _GTK
	if(noGui == 0)
				DoFun(frameskip, periodic_saves);
			DoFun(frameskip, periodic_saves);
		DoFun(frameskip, periodic_saves);

	// exit the infrastructure
	return 0;
コード例 #15
ファイル: movie.cpp プロジェクト: snowasnow/DeSmuME
static bool FCEUMOV_ReadState(std::istream* is, uint32 size)
	load_successful = false;

	//a little rule: cant load states in read+write mode with a movie from an archive.
	//so we are going to switch it to readonly mode in that case
		//*&& FCEU_isFileInArchive(curMovieFilename)*/
		) {
		FCEU_PrintError("Cannot loadstate in Read+Write with movie from archive. Movie is now Read-Only.");
		movie_readonly = true;

	MovieData tempMovieData = MovieData();
	std::ios::pos_type curr = is->tellg();
	if(!LoadFM2(tempMovieData, is, size, false)) {
		extern bool FCEU_state_loading_old_format;
		if(FCEU_state_loading_old_format) {
			if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD) {
				FCEU_PrintError("You have tried to use an old savestate while playing a movie. This is unsupported (since the old savestate has old-format movie data in it which can't be converted on the fly)");
		return false;

	//complex TAS logic for when a savestate is loaded:
	//if we are playing or recording and toggled read-only:
	//  then, the movie we are playing must match the guid of the one stored in the savestate or else error.
	//  the savestate is assumed to be in the same timeline as the current movie.
	//  if the current movie is not long enough to get to the savestate's frame#, then it is an error. 
	//  the movie contained in the savestate will be discarded.
	//  the emulator will be put into play mode.
	//if we are playing or recording and toggled read+write
	//  then, the movie we are playing must match the guid of the one stored in the savestate or else error.
	//  the movie contained in the savestate will be loaded into memory
	//  the frames in the movie after the savestate frame will be discarded
	//  the in-memory movie will have its rerecord count incremented
	//  the in-memory movie will be dumped to disk as fcm.
	//  the emulator will be put into record mode.
	//if we are doing neither:
	//  then, we must discard this movie and just load the savestate

	if(movieMode == MOVIEMODE_PLAY || movieMode == MOVIEMODE_RECORD)
		//handle moviefile mismatch
		if(tempMovieData.guid != currMovieData.guid)
			//mbg 8/18/08 - this code  can be used to turn the error message into an OK/CANCEL
			#ifdef WIN32
				//std::string msg = "There is a mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: " + currMovieData.guid.toString() + "\nsavestate: " + tempMovieData.guid.toString() + "\n\nThis means that you have loaded a savestate belonging to a different movie than the one you are playing now.\n\nContinue loading this savestate anyway?";
				//extern HWND pwindow;
				//int result = MessageBox(pwindow,msg.c_str(),"Error loading savestate",MB_OKCANCEL);
				//if(result == IDCANCEL)
				//	return false;
				FCEU_PrintError("Mismatch between savestate's movie and current movie.\ncurrent: %s\nsavestate: %s\n",currMovieData.guid.toString().c_str(),tempMovieData.guid.toString().c_str());
				return false;


			//if the frame counter is longer than our current movie, then error
			if(currFrameCounter > (int)currMovieData.records.size())
				FCEU_PrintError("Savestate is from a frame (%d) after the final frame in the movie (%d). This is not permitted.", currFrameCounter, currMovieData.records.size()-1);
				return false;
			movieMode = MOVIEMODE_PLAY;
			//truncate before we copy, just to save some time
			currMovieData = tempMovieData;
			#ifdef _S9XLUA_H
			currMovieData.rerecordCount = currRerecordCount;

			currMovieData.dump(osRecordingMovie, false);
			movieMode = MOVIEMODE_RECORD;
	load_successful = true;

	//// Maximus: Show the last input combination entered from the
	//// movie within the state
	//if(current!=0) // <- mz: only if playing or recording a movie
	//	memcpy(&cur_input_display, joop, 4);

	return true;