コード例 #1
NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Connectors() {
    if (OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("visum.no-connectors")) {
        // do nothing, if connectors shall not be imported
    // get the source district
    std::string bez = NBHelpers::normalIDRepresentation(myLineParser.get("BezNr"));
    // get the destination node
    NBNode* dest = getNamedNode("KnotNr");
    if (dest == 0) {
    // get the weight of the connection
    SUMOReal proz = getWeightedFloat("Proz");
    if (proz > 0) {
        proz /= 100.;
    } else {
        proz = 1;
    // get the duration to wait (unused)
//     SUMOReal retard = -1;
//     if (myLineParser.know("t0-IV")) {
//         retard = getNamedFloat("t0-IV", -1);
//     }
    // get the type;
    //  use a standard type with a large speed when a type is not given
    std::string type = myLineParser.know("Typ")
                       ? NBHelpers::normalIDRepresentation(myLineParser.get("Typ"))
                       : "";
    // add the connectors as an edge
    std::string id = bez + "-" + dest->getID();
    // get the information whether this is a sink or a source
    std::string dir = myLineParser.get("Richtung");
    if (dir.length() == 0) {
        dir = "QZ";
    // build the source when needed
    if (dir.find('Q') != std::string::npos) {
        const EdgeVector& edges = dest->getOutgoingEdges();
        bool hasContinuation = false;
        for (EdgeVector::const_iterator i = edges.begin(); i != edges.end(); ++i) {
            if (!(*i)->isMacroscopicConnector()) {
                hasContinuation = true;
        if (!hasContinuation) {
            // obviously, there is no continuation on the net
            WRITE_WARNING("Incoming connector '" + id + "' will not be build - would be not connected to network.");
        } else {
            NBNode* src = buildDistrictNode(bez, dest, true);
            if (src == 0) {
                WRITE_ERROR("The district '" + bez + "' could not be built.");
            NBEdge* edge = new NBEdge(id, src, dest, "VisumConnector",
                                      -1, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET,
                                      "", LANESPREAD_RIGHT);
            if (!myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().insert(edge)) {
                WRITE_ERROR("A duplicate edge id occured (ID='" + id + "').");
            edge = myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().retrieve(id);
            if (edge != 0) {
                myNetBuilder.getDistrictCont().addSource(bez, edge, proz);
    // build the sink when needed
    if (dir.find('Z') != std::string::npos) {
        const EdgeVector& edges = dest->getIncomingEdges();
        bool hasPredeccessor = false;
        for (EdgeVector::const_iterator i = edges.begin(); i != edges.end(); ++i) {
            if (!(*i)->isMacroscopicConnector()) {
                hasPredeccessor = true;
        if (!hasPredeccessor) {
            // obviously, the network is not connected to this node
            WRITE_WARNING("Outgoing connector '" + id + "' will not be build - would be not connected to network.");
        } else {
            NBNode* src = buildDistrictNode(bez, dest, false);
            if (src == 0) {
                WRITE_ERROR("The district '" + bez + "' could not be built.");
            id = "-" + id;
            NBEdge* edge = new NBEdge(id, dest, src, "VisumConnector",
                                      -1, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET,
                                      "", LANESPREAD_RIGHT);
            if (!myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().insert(edge)) {
                WRITE_ERROR("A duplicate edge id occured (ID='" + id + "').");
            edge = myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().retrieve(id);
            if (edge != 0) {
                myNetBuilder.getDistrictCont().addSink(bez, edge, proz);